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This part of the research talks about the findings and interpretations of

the researchers on the study. This is where the answers of the respondents

would be given a meaning and would be proven by theories or studies related

to the respondents answer.

Instances that manifest generation gap between parents and children

a. Difficulties from their inexperienced things

Not all children tend to understand their parents for every situation. Like

what Child Respondent 2 had stated, “There will always be some instances and

conversation that you cannot comprehend your parents.” Sometimes, parent’s

decisions were influenced by someone who are in charge of their children's

welfare and education like teachers and elders. That’s why children tend to

misunderstand their parents. They do not know the reasons behind the

decisions made by their parents despite of the truth and circumstance being

considered upon making those decisions. This involves a movement from

parents being passive recipients of decisions being made about their child by

those outside of the family (e.g., teachers, service providers) to being

empowered entities voicing their concerns, making decisions, and being

involved at all levels of their child’s education. (Connor & Cavendish, 2018;

Valle, 2018; Turnbull et al., 2015)

b. Understanding Difficulties

Children’s are always children’s, who always expect to receive love from

their parents. Despite hoe independent the children’s are, they always seek

attention. As for the Parent Respondent 3 mentioned on his/her statement

that, “being a mother, I always disagree in some of his decisions regarding his

education.” Children’s tend to get annoyed when they are being opposed by

their parents. They always wanted to gain their parents trust and approval for

everything they do. Especially when it comes to their studies. They believe that

parents will help them grow and develop, but how could they possibly achieve

such goal if their parents won’t support and guide them. Rather, young

children rely on parents and other primary caregivers, inside and outside the

home, to act on their behalf to protect their safety and healthy development. At

the most basic level, children must receive the care, as reflected in a number of

emotional and physiological protections, necessary to meet normative

standards for growth and physical development, such as guidelines for healthy

weight and receipt of recommended vaccinations (Institute of Medicine and

National Research Council, 2015).

c. Parents and children don’t have the same interest that much, but

remain closely connected

The first situation that manifests generation gap is that Parents and

children don’t have the same interest that much, but remain closely connected.

Interest is one of the reasons why there is a gap between both sides, but
sometimes this doesn’t affect their relationship as a family as it described by

the experience of Child Respondent 1, she said that “in terms of our interest it

doesn’t really affect our relationship that much, because we don’t have same

interest that much, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t spend time together

always. And for me that is alright, we also do stuff like cleaning the house.” The

gap between the age of the parent and child differ their interests, since as

generation changes the mind and interest of people also change. Meaning there

are times that the parent can’t cope up to the interest of their child and as well

as child to their parents, because they grew by different generations with

different situations, they don’t have the same experiences leading them to have

a different mindsets and interest, but there are still things that keep them close

ad intact, so some families can keep their relationship strong.

The finding within this situation corroborates with the theory about

intergenerational relationship in family by (Merz, Schuengel, & Schulze, 2009;

Polenick, DePasquale, Eggebeen, Zarit, & Fingerman, 2016). According to this

theory, Children and parents tend to remain closely connected to each other

across the life course, and it is well-established that the quality of

intergenerational relationships is central to the well-being of both generations.

This observed that even if parents and child do not have that much in common

they still remain close because they provide care for each other at different

points of life, and as long as they are good well- being people in different

generations will understand one another and will remain at peace.

d. Good parenting and False parenting style

The second factors of having a generation gap are the Good parenting

and False parenting style. Different parenting styles may affect the attitude of

the child as well as the relationship of the parent to child in positive and in a

negative way depending on the parenting style. As Child Respondent 2

described how their parents addressed them at home, said that “my parents

would always find a way for us to understand them. In a way that it's child

friendly and they set examples for us to have a deeper grasp of it. My parents

are practical I'd say. If they felt like saying the whole truth event if it's gonna

sound weird, they will not hesitate to teach those things. I feel grateful for that, i

mean, not all parents in the world are like them. Many parents when they still

have little kids like 10 or 11, they enclose them in an idea that they're still a

baby or that their mind and comprehension is fragile. Which i think should not

be. As early as like 13, parents should open their minds of what this world is

composed of. So they won't be culture shocked or be ignorant about stuff.” It is

interpreted that if a parent knows how to handle its child in a good manner it

will lessen the gap between parents and children, since the child will be

disciplined and will learn how to understand things and situation from its

surroundings. They will be open to each other and will know how to solve

problems properly even if they are not at the same age. Having a good

parenting style will also make the family’s relationship stronger.

According to the theory of (Diana Baumrind from her research in 1960s)

about the Authoritative Parenting Style, according to her Authoritative

parenting style is high on responsiveness and demandingness, while low on

psychological control. Parents who practice this style are very warm when their

child approaches. They treat their children with respect when children ask

questions and when they talk together. They are able to read children's signals

well, both non-verbal and verbal. They also are accepting of individual

differences in children, such as their particular interests or their temperament,

which is how a child approaches and interacts with the world. Authoritative

parents encourage and support their children to show autonomy or

independence in how they think and act. However, they have fair and clear

expectations and limits about how children should behave and they base these

on the level of their child's maturity. They believe in the child taking

responsibility for managing their thoughts and behaviors, but they guide and

teach their children how to do so by using reasoning and consequence-based

discipline, rather than punishment. They are willing to still nurture and forgive

when children do make mistakes, or engage in disappointing behavior. This

makes for close, healthy relationships.

Parents must not abuse or blame their child when they were acting weird

because of its age, they must also understand that children have weaknesses

and have different levels of maturity. They should be more forgiving if the child

didn’t reach their expectations. They must support their child in what they do
and correct them if their child do wrong because this will help their children

develop themselves.

It also corroborates with another theory of Parenting Style: the

Infantilization, according to (Hockey & James, 1993; Whitbourne et al., 1995;

Wood & Ryan, 1991). Infantilization is a behavioral pattern in which a person

of authority (social workers, medical personnel, etc.) interacts with, responds

to, or treats an elderly person as if he or she were a child. Salari (2005)

contends that the practice of infantilizing elders is a form of elder mistreatment

because of the negative effects. (Coupland, Coupland, Giles, & Henwood, 1988).

This theory interpret that if a parent treat its child as a kid there is a possibility

that its child will gather a long time to be mature, and there are more negative

effects that may happen. It wouldn’t help to stop Generation gap since the child

will be dependent to its parent, and would not understand some of the reality.

e. Children adapt things to the new environment

The environment can influence the behavior of a child leading them to

have knowledge and learn new things that may help them understand their

gap to their parent. As it described by Child Respondent 3, “It's good because

they can adapt to the new environment where technology gives convenience to

have a better quality of life.” It is interpreted that if a child adapt things to the

environment he/she will be more open to the reality, and may understand

thing better. According to Piaget (n.d), adaptation was one of the important

processes guiding cognitive development. Adaptation is a term referring to the

ability to adjust to new information and experiences. Learning is essentially

adapting to our constantly changing environment. Through adaptation, we are

able to adopt new behaviors that allow us to cope with change.

f. Parent’s struggles and lessons in assessing their children in

different situations.

Since generation gap affects the relationship of the parent to its child,

there are lots of struggles and as well as lessons that parent got in assessing

their children. As examples given by Parent Respondents 1, 2, and 3; According

to Parent Respondent 1 “These experiences will give a big effect to every

members characteristic and behavioral relationship to the family. Even it gives a

positive and negative effect, I am managing it through being open minded and

understanding every situation.” According to Parent Respondent 2, “It gives a

big impact of gracing the meal because I couldn’t avoid to get mad and scold

them. So just to avoid long discussion I’ll just let them to cook what they prefer

for their meal.” And according to Parent Respondent 3, “I do tell them how I

perceived their attitude; but being a mother I see to it that they understand what

I am trying to point out. I try to explain in a simple and nice manner.”

According to the theory of (Drummond 1993) if we choose to see only

those aspects of learning of which we approve, we will lose the opportunity to

see more of the picture, to learn more about learning — there is always more to

learn and more to see. By being attentive and open to actually seeing what

children know and can do we can learn from them. We may make clearer
connections between theory and practice; we may observe things that we need

to think about and reflect upon in order to understand exactly what was

happening; we may see things that confound our expectations about individual

children and/or expected developmental progress and stages. This theory

manifest that there are lot of struggles of parents in assessing their children

because of generation gap, but those situations have also lessons that may give

for a parent to handle better their child, and may get more ideas on how to

solve problem of their family.

How generation gap affect the relationship between parents and

their child/children

The researchers found additional information on how generation gap

affects the relationship between parents and their child/children.

a. Lack of communication

Communication problems are typical these days, and a lot of families are

experiencing them. In some cases, generation gap has affected the parent-child

relationship; lacking of communication in particular. As Child Participant 3

stated that “We have different perspectives in life and behavior patterns that

sometimes set us apart.” This implies that by having different perceptions and

behavior patterns which has caused by the generation gap has led into lack of

communication between parents and their child. Possessing different ideas that
doesn't meet and fulfil with each other has made them have a hard time

expressing opinions and be open with each other. They know that there will be

a misunderstanding and disagreement, that being the case they are afraid of

communicating with each other and chose not to speak up. Lack of

communication can be one of the most frustrating problems in a familial

relationship. This finding of the study links with the study of Amey (2017). She

have mentioned that the absence of correspondence or problems in

communications can happen when any individual from a family is engrossed

with different variables, for instance, having different status in life or any other

interest. This individual does not make the other relatives feel essential. Thus,

this causes an inability to speak with the individual who is distracted. Now,

relatives may start to feel that their sentiments won’t be approved, as they are

clearly not essential to the next individual. Frequently, the misconception is

also one of the main drivers of poor correspondence. Some other reasons that

are behind communication problems may include not spending time with each

other or not hanging out with family. On the aforementioned evidences, this

indicates that having difference in ages, beliefs, and perceptions specifically on

how they live and the like, may cause different communication problems

among the family and this results to the struggles in opening up some issues

and opinions. Parents need to take the time to interact with their children and

the other way around.

b. Healthy parent-child relationship

Moreover, generation gap can also be advantageous when handled in an

understanding and approachable manner. To the degree that parents can

bridge the generational difference by showing an interest in the new

generations, in that case this can reduce the gap's potentially estranging

influence. As Parent Participant 1 mentioned that, “by adopting and embracing

changes would help in maintaining our parent-child relationship.” This suggests

that being aware of the generational differences and understanding that people

live differently should be a standard, thus embracing the fact that

modernization and innovation transpires. Having a great connection would

result to a healthy parent-child relationship. Wherein there's no competition

although it makes the parent and child to be each other's life coach. What

parents have experienced can be a lesson, so as their child’s experiences.

Learning to understand and embrace modernity with each other despite the

gap is one of the biggest gain of having generational differences. This can be

proven by Pickhardt (2018), Parent, Adolescent, and Managing the Generation

Gap, mentioned that the best way to minimize the potentially estranging effects

of the generation gap is for parents to treat their adolescent as a guide who can

help them understand a time of growing up that can be quite culturally

different from their own youth. When rearing adolescents, parental interest and

willingness to listen count for a lot. By knowing and being aware of the

differences it makes parents and child understand that there are changes and

adjustments that should be made. In addition, it can help parents and

teenagers stay close when they share companionship doing what they still
enjoy in common whether participating in some traditional interests that still

hold, eating out together, helping each other, going to movies, or just joking

around about what both find funny. Giving each other's time to share their

emotions and needs can help bridge the gap. When parents and children take

the time to communicate with one another regularly and act out of the mutual

love they have for one another, most problems will become temporary obstacles

rather than major obstructions in the relationship. This presupposes that by

understanding and embracing the generational differences, it would make

parents and children to be aware of the adjustments and explorations to make

and it builds possibilities to have a healthy parent-child relationship.

c. Parental preferences in the choice of career

Making a right career choice involves a lot of thinking as you have to

analyse various majors and right colleges. Today, most of the students are

forced to opt for a career according to the choice of their parents. Some parents

choose career for their children because they wanted only the best for their

children. They want the child to be able to go to a good college and get a good

job. As Child Participant 3 stated that, “When they want me take medical

course”, this can affect the child’s ambition or future. Some children don’t want

their career to be chosen by their parents, thus, they want to pursue their own

dream in life. According to Allen (n.d), if children choose a career according to

the wishes of their parents, they will have a boring academic life as they would

face a lack of interest. College life is the best phase of a student’s life. To enjoy
this phase and make it more interesting, a child should choose his/her career

path. Moreover, the child can face pressure. If you follow a career path chosen

by your parents and which is not of your interest, you will have to meet a lot of

challenges and pressure. To avoid such situations, choose a career which

interests you the most. It is always better that parents and children should

decide together on the career they would pursue. Also, it is the right of every

child to choose their career and their right to live their dreams.

d. Acceptance and Understanding

Understanding and accepting each other’s point of view and values will

allow each generation to increase their appreciation to one another. Today,

there are still children and parents that don’t understand their differentiations

which causes the generational gap. Instead of thinking in a positive way, they

make it harder for them. As Child Participant 2 stated, “it helps us all to mature

and learn… It was annoying back then, these little and shallow arguments we

used to have, but now I just find them funny.” The respondent applied the

acceptance and understanding to the issue of generation gap, that’s why the

gap between his/her parent has been bridged. According to Venter (2016), The

understanding of what motivates millennials will enable employers, co-works,

and supervisors to understand the generation gap. This understanding will

provide them with the tools and knowledge required to create an inclusive work

environment. Creating this inclusive environment will cause a more productive

work environment. Additionally this understanding will also allow increased

personal relationships with millennials. Which was interpreted by Brock

(2018), this understanding will also break the communication barrier between

parent and child (including adult children). By understanding one another,

parents and children, will learn how the other communicates and what they

value. This understanding will allow both sides to build a more harmonious

relationship. Additionally both parties would understand the motivational

drivers and personality differences between one another. Armed with this

information the cohesiveness of the family unit can be strengthened.

How parents and their children overcome the generation gap

a. Experiences and learning applied in our daily lives though it leads to


One of the ways on how parents and children overcome generation gap is

by applying the experiences and learnings in our daily lives. As Child

Participant 2 stated, “generation gaps first of all sets a line between elderly

people and youngsters, as a line of respect and recognition. My grandmother

used to say elderly matters just like history does. They are the experienced ones

so we need to respect that as well”. Each generation faces different historical

events, culture, economic challenges and exposure, which shape their

perception and mind set. Therefore when two different generations interact

there is bound to be arguments and difference of opinion termed as generation

gap. Thus whenever there is a contrast in the exposure and experiences of

generations more so in the 21st century where because of the technological

revolution the younger generation is exposed to a globalized world they are

prone to challenging their own traditional lifestyle, culture, value systems etc.

which is not appreciated by the older generation further aggravating the

conflict within generations. Further these conflicts are the consequence of

urbanization, industrialization and family mobility which is more prevalent in

the current century (Mehta, 2016). But being old does not mean being always

right. Every culture, beliefs and teachings they have experienced have been

rooted in their lives. Difference of lifestyle and beliefs can lead to conflicts.

Generation gap can be advantageous in a way that our past experiences were

used in our learning and it is applied in our daily lives. However, it is

disadvantageous in a way that it leads to different kinds of problems. Truly,

parents have a lot of experiences rooted in their lives rather than the children

though they must not stick to it. Parents and children must create new things

that make them recognizable for the upcoming generation. Generation gap has

disadvantages that may lead to conflicts and other kinds of problems. However,

it is advantageous in a way that parents and children used past experiences in

their learning and also they apply it in their everyday lives that help them to

grow and become a better individual.

b. Behaviors in dealing with generation gap

One of the ways on how parents and children overcome generation gap is

by accepting and adapting changes. As Parent Participant 1 stated, “To be

adaptive is a good way in managing these gaps. Adapting and accepting

changes while putting it in a good way”. The generation gap is the difference of

outlook, opinions, beliefs, skills, attitudes, and behaviors among the older

generations and the younger generations. In short, the generation gap is the

age gap between each generation. While the generation gap has been prevalent

throughout all periods of history, it has only grown more prevalent in recent

years. Open communication between the different generations is essential to

bridge this gap. This helps each generation to recognize the strengths and

skills of another and creates more cohesiveness. As technology advances,

generations growing up with the advances embrace them whilst other

generations who did not grow up with them often struggle to adapt (Guest

Contributor, 2018). It is indeed that parents and children must accept changes

in a good and positive way in order to avoid some problems that may affect

every individual’s characteristics and attitude.

c. Condition in every differences between elders and young ones

One of the ways on how parents and children overcome generation gap is

through understanding ones differences. As Parent Participant 2 stated, “I feel

a bit dismayed and disappointed. The more you complicate things the more your

child will react differently”. Family dynamics and compositions have changed

dramatically over the past 50 years. Gone are the days of traditional American
family values and the home structure where mom stayed home and dad

worked. Today, the institution (or lack thereof) of marriage has resulted in

family compositions ranging from traditional two-parent homes to children

being raised by grandparents and variations in between. Differences and

disconnect between generations, or the generation gap, can result in a variety

of issues, such as miscommunication and family strife. Respect for one’s elder

family members has undergone a transformation in the last 50 years. Younger

parents, particularly those in their early 20’s, have a tendency to treat children

with more equality than the Baby Boomer or Traditionalist generation. Today’s

grandparents grew up with a mentality that children should be seen and not

heard. They want children to demonstrate respect for elders and individuals in

general, and many are appalled by today’s children’s behavior. In earlier

generations, as a child, you respected your parent’s discipline (usually

physical), and you did what you were told, when you were told to do it. Your

children today might be treated as equals within your family, although you

provide limits and structure. Family meetings are more common today, as you

come together to solve problems and avert family crises. Younger family

members are able to voice an opinion, which can be bothersome to the older

generation. Grandparents may still hold on to the belief you should simply

follow the instructions given and not question why or how. Familial conflicts

can arise when a younger family member challenges an elder’s opinion or

directive (Blessing, 2006). Therefore, parents and children must understand

ones differences in order to solved issues brought by generation gap. And also
parents and children should see generation gap as a great tool for the

development of each individual.

d. Close Interactions

Close interactions is one of the ideas on bridging the generation gap

especially between parent and a child. As stated by Child Participant 1, “I think

I can bridge the gap with my parents, of course by trying to open up my feelings

and my thoughts to them and also to bond, and of course learn to love the things

that my parents loves”. In this statement from the researcher’s respondent,

know to bridge their gap with their parents by just opening up themselves and

learning the things that their parent loves, which they talk about their self and

letting their feelings out, in order for them to be understood. Same as to bond

with their parents it leads them to have more interactions. These ideas help

them to know each other more and see their differences. A parent and a child

must be close together and comfortable to each other considering that it will be

easy for them to resolve their gap.

According to Pickhardt (2018), it can help parents and teenagers stay

close when they share companionship doing what they still enjoy in common.

In able to stay them close, both parent and children must do interactions like

helping each other, going out together, eating together, bonding together and

more. With these ideas will help to reduce their generation gap and it can also

help to build their relationship stronger. Close interactions is not only for

bridging the gap it can also build relationships that would make them stay
together. These have proven why close interaction is one of the ideas to bridge

the gap.

e. Understanding

Understanding is one of the factors and major that help to reduce the

gap of the parent and a child. Making a person understand the situation, point,

and the things they want to be understood. As Child Participant 3 mentioned,

“I reach out to them whenever they had said or think something wrong about the

different generations”. It clarifies in the statement that enables to be

understood they reach out to their parents and try to explain harder for them

to understand. In order to avoid something hurtful, disappointing, or offending

words from them. Another study from Pickhardt (2018), he mentioned, for

adults, no authority is sacrificed by listening. Instead, valuable understanding

can be gained when parents treat the adolescent not as stubborn opponents to

defeat, but as a valued informant who can help them know their teenager and

her or his world more fully. Sometimes giving a hearing and fully listening is

enough to ease parental concerns, and sometimes being given a hearing is

enough for the adolescent to honor the parents' wishes. Understanding must

parent and a child both have, without it they will not be able to know their

problems and this may lead them to conflict and arguments. They should let

each other talk and the other one must listen to figure it out there problems on

their gap and they will enable to find solution for it.

f. Communication
The first way to solve Generation gap between parent and children is

always having a communication, which you have to talk to each other and

understand both sides. As Parent Participant 3 said, “Constant communication

to your children is the best way to bridge the gap between parent and children.

Let them open up to you regarding everyday problems they encountered”. From

the statement, in order to solve their problems they encounter every day, they

let their children to have communication with them. To make them understand

their point of view and know their differences as a child and as a parent. To

avoid misunderstanding and cause conflicts. This may help to lessen their

problems in their gap.

According to Mishael (2019), The very first step is to become your child’s

best friend by creating an atmosphere, where you and your child are open to

communication. This is so important because, when we communicate with

your children and let them feel we are there to listen to them, we understand

things from their perspective and somehow we will be able to explain to them

what we mean. It has a clear explanation why communication is really needed.

Through communication, both parent and the child will understand their

different perspectives and they will even explain more of their selves.

Communication has a big impact to a person that is why communication is

considered one of the ways on solving the generation gap. In this way,

Communication will help their relationship in order to stay connected and will

not drive them apart.

g. Emotional Support

The second way to solve the generation gap between parent and children

is having emotional support. It is about giving love, care, support, acceptance

and etc. Parent Participant 1 stated that, “As a parent I can bridge the gap by

embracing, accepting, and supporting what is in today’s generation.” This proves

that these ideas of emotional support will help them to bridge their generation

gap. Making them feel loved and cared is one of the best ways to support a

child and accepting is the first step to take to support them. Showing affection

toward each other is a kind of support that a person may want to feel. Just like

the relationship of parent and a child, showing affection would make them

more comfortable. It is easy for them now to figure it out there problems and

they enable to solve it and fill their gap.



This chapter presents the summary of findings and conclusions of the

study. To make the discoveries of this research meaningful, a list of

recommendations is provided

This study employed the Qualitative-Phenomenological Design to answer

the research question. It conducted several electronic-personal interviews with

the research respondents. The interview transcript then was subjected to

thematic analysis so codes may be analysed, discussed, and interpreted

intelligently. As result, this study found out the following:

1. Parents and children must learn to adapt and accept changes in a good

way. Problems can evolve but parents and children should cope with

these problems. Generation gap brought some arguments between

parents and children but with understanding and compromising these

arguments will be solved. Generation gap have disadvantages that may

lead to conflicts and other kinds of problems. However, it is

advantageous in a way that parents and children used past experiences

in their learning and also they apply it in their everyday lives that help

them to grow and become a better individual.

2. The researchers found out that there are some things that the parent

and children's relationship are on the edge due to some issues or

problems mentioned on this research. These issues are lacking of

communication, lack of affection and misunderstandings. In order to fill

the gaps that sets them apart, the parents are adapting the changes,

supporting and understanding their children. And for as long as their

children will obey, be good and responsible as a child. This will help

them have a peaceful yet loving parent-child relationship.

3. Parents and children must limit their expectations and meet with a

mutual understanding. This is to make sure that parent and children

will consider and understand each other in order to come up with a

better result and fill up the missing link with in their generation gaps.


With the careful and comprehensive scrutiny of the gathered data, the

researchers were able to generate the following conclusions:

1. The researcher concludes that both Parent and Children must have

willingness to cooperate and understanding by accepting each other’s


2. The researcher concludes that parents and children must limit the

expectations so that less pressure and overwhelming to meet a mutual

understanding in order to fill up the missing link within the generation


3. The researcher concludes that parents and children must limit

expectations and meet a mutual understanding in order to fill up the

missing link within the generation gaps.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are drawn:

1. To the Future Researchers, this study is open and will be beneficial to

the future researchers who wanted to gain more information and conduct

further studies about Generation Gap between Parents and their

child/children. This may serve as their guide in understanding more

research similar with this.

2. To the Teachers, they must also teach some lessons that will make

students understand the reality inside the Generation gap for the

students will know how to assess themselves and their emotions when

this situation happen at their home/family.

3. To the Parents, they must understand more their children’s attitude and,

style knowing that they were on the growing stage. They must give advice

properly and set good examples to their children, rather than scolding,

punishing, and pushing them to the things that they don’t want.

4. To the Child/Children, they should be open to their parents, so that their

parents will know the things that needed to be fix and the advices that

needed to tell. They must also listen to their parents advices and

understand that parents have different parenting style.

5. To both Parents and Child/Children, they must be open to the changes

that may happen and have communication always to solve problems

easily, and to lessen the gap to make their relationship stronger.

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Carl E. P. (2018). Parent, Adolescent, and Managing the Generation Gap.

Retrieved from: Psychology Today:



Mishael (2019). How to bridge Generation Gap as Parent. Retrieved from:


Appendix A

Research Interview Guide

(For the Child)


1. How old is your parent?

2. What are your experiences where you feel that you don’t understand

your parent due to your age gap? How did you feel about it?

3. How do these experiences influence the relationship among members of

your family? How do you react about it?


1. Will you describe your relationship with your parents? How would you

describe the generation gap between you as a child and your parents?

2. What are the problems encountered that affects your relationship with

your parents?

3. Can you describe how generation gap influence the relationship among

members of your family? How do you react about it?


1. How do you characterize your feelings as regards to these generation gap

experiences? How do you feel towards generation gap?

2. As a child, how can you bridge the gap? What are these coping

3. Based on your experiences, which among these coping mechanisms

worked or didn’t work? Why do you say so?

(For the Parent)


1. How many children do you have? How old is/are your child/children?

2. What are your experiences where you feel that you don’t understand

your child/children due to your age gap? How did you feel about it?

3. How do these experiences influence the relationship among members of

your family? How do you react about it?


1. Will you describe your relationship with your child/children? How would

you describe the generation gap between you as a parent and your


2. What are the problems encountered that affects your relationship with

your child/children?

3. Can you describe how generation gap influence the relationship among

members of your family? How do you react about it?


1. How do you characterize your feelings as regards to these generation gap

experiences? How do you feel towards generation gap?

2. As a parent, how can you bridge the gap? What are these coping

3. Based on your experiences, which among these coping mechanisms

worked or didn’t work? Why do you say so?

Appendix B

Letter to the Respondent


Research Investigators: Aje Mae Osoteo, Reech Franz Niro, Arianne Orpilla,
Jack Angel Lorenzana, Mary Jane Diaz, and Sophia Alleyn Ganaden
Research Participants name:

Good day!
We are the students of Saint Louis College and are currently conducting
a research as a requirement for our subject Practical Research 1. In this
regard, we may request your voluntary participation.

The interview will take approximately 10-20 minutes. We don’t anticipate

that there are any risks associated with your participation, but you have the
right to stop the interview or withdraw from the research at any time.

This consent form is necessary for us to ensure that you understand the
purpose of your involvement and that you agree to the conditions of your
participation. Would you therefore read the accompanying information sheet
and then sign this form to certify that you approve the following:

• The interview will be recorded and a transcript will be produced

• you will be sent the transcript and given the opportunity to correct any
factual errors
• The transcript of the interview will be analyzed by researchers as research
• access to the interview transcript will be limited to the researchers and
academic colleagues with whom he might collaborate as part of the research
• any summary interview content, or direct quotations from the interview,
that are made available through academic publication or other academic
outlets will be anonymized so that you cannot be identified, and care will be
taken to ensure that other information in the interview that could identify
yourself is not revealed
• The actual recording will be kept confidential.
All or part of the content of your interview may be used;  In academic papers,
policy papers or news articles  On our website and in other media that we
may produce such as spoken presentations  On other feedback events  In
an archive of the project as noted above
By signing this form, I agree that;

1. I am voluntarily taking part in this project. I understand that I don’t have to

take part, and I can stop the interview at any time;

2. The transcribed interview or extracts from it may be used as described

above; 3. I have read the Information sheet;

4. I don’t expect to receive any benefit or payment for my participation;

5. I can request a copy of the transcript of my interview and may make edits I
feel necessary to ensure the effectiveness of any agreement made about

6. I have been able to ask any questions I might have, and I understand that I
am free to contact the researcher with any questions I may have in the future.
Appendix C

Research Coded Interview Transcript


SOP 1: What are the instances that manifest generation gap between
parents and children?
Question 1: How old is your parent?
Participant 1: My mother is already 53 years old, she was born on
1965. Oh, I think she is already 55 years old, I’m not
sure. My father already died.
Participant 2: My mother is 46 years old and my father is 52 years old.
Participant 3: My mother is 52 years old and my father is 49 years old.
Created Parents from Generation X or Gen X.
Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is
currently between 41-56 years old (Kasasa, 2021).
Question 2: What are your experiences where you feel that you don’t
understand your parent due to your age gap? How did you feel about it?
Participant 1: Sometimes there are times that I want to watch teenage
dramas, but my mom always wants too much
something about plants, about cooking, and there are
times that she believed in superstitious beliefs.
Sometimes I felt that it’s funny. I laughed about it, but
sometimes I also believe on what she’s doing or saying,
sometimes she gets mad at me when I sweep the floor at
night or cut my nails at night.
Participant 2: There will always be some instances and conversations
that you cannot comprehend your parents, because you
are not that old and mature enough yet. When I was
younger than today, these moments happens a lot.
Words, logic and sentences with double meanings,
which i have no idea about. It made me look stupid
among the adults in the room and so clueless.
Nonetheless I still respect that despite of not
understanding. After all as Olaf said, "I will have the
answers when I'm older."
Participant 3: When it comes to technology nowadays. I felt that they
can't cope up to the modern world and technology but
they are teachable and willing to learn.
Created 1. Behavior and beliefs in the power of superstition
An advantageous correlation changed into observed
among athletic identification, superstitious feeling, wide
variety of rituals, and dedication to stated ritual. It has
to be referred to that athletes reporting excessive in
athletic identification additionally mentioned feeling
appreciably extra anxiety previous to a match.
Psychological anxiety and unsure conditions are extra
capability factors for persevered superstition use
(Brevers et al., 2011).
2&3. Difficulties of the participant from their
inexperienced things
Supportive relationships with adults who act as a buffer
towards any terrible results of instability, kids discover
ways to deal with adversity, adapt to their
surroundings, and adjust their emotions (National
Scientific Council at the Developing Child). Buffered
stress, however, that escalates to intense degrees may
be unfavorable to kid’s intellectual fitness and cognitive
functioning (Evans, Brooks-Gunn, and Klebanov 2011;
Shonkoff and Garner 2011).
Question 3: How do these experiences influence the relationship among
members of your family? How do you react about it?
Participant 1: In terms of watching, in terms of our interest it doesn’t
really affect our relationship that much, because we
don’t have same interest that much, but that doesn’t
mean that we don’t spend time together always. And for
me that is alright, we also do stuff like cleaning the
Participant 2: For me it does not impact us as a whole that much.
Besides, my parents would always find a way for us to
understand them. In a way that it's child friendly and
they set examples for us to have a deeper grasp of it. My
parents are practical I'd say. If they felt like saying the
whole truth event if it's gonna sound weird, they will not
hesitate to teach those things. I feel grateful for that, i
mean, not all parents in the world are like them. Many
parents when they still have little kids like 10 or 11,
they enclose them in an idea that they're still a baby or
that their mind and comprehension is fragile. Which i
think should not be. As early as like 13, parents should
open their minds of what this world is composed of. So
they won't be culture shocked or be ignorant about
Participant 3: It's good because they can adapt to the new
environment where technology gives convenience to
have a better quality of life.

Created 1. Parents and children don’t have the same interest

Themes: that much, but remain closely connected.
Children and parents tend to remain closely connected
to each other across the life course, and it is well-
established that the quality of intergenerational
relationships is central to the well-being of both
generations (Merz, Schuengel, & Schulze,
2009; Polenick, DePasquale, Eggebeen, Zarit, &
Fingerman, 2016).
2.a. Good parenting style
Authoritative parenting style is high on responsiveness
and demandingness, while low on psychological control.
Parents who practice this style are very warm when
their child approaches. They treat their children with
respect when children ask questions and when they talk
together. They are able to read children's signals well,
both non-verbal and verbal. They also are accepting of
individual differences in children, such as their
particular interests or their temperament, which is how
a child approaches and interacts with the world.
Authoritative parents encourage and support their
children to show autonomy or independence in how
they think and act. However, they have fair and clear
expectations and limits about how children should
behave and they base these on the level of their child's
maturity. They believe in the child taking responsibility
for managing their thoughts and behaviors, but they
guide and teach their children how to do so by using
reasoning and consequence-based discipline, rather
than punishment. They are willing to still nurture and
forgive when children do make mistakes, or engage in
disappointing behavior. This makes for close, healthy
relationships. (Diana Baumrind is credited with the
work of establishing parenting styles from her research
in the 1960s.)
2.b. False parenting style: Infantilization
Infantilization is a behavioral pattern in which a person
of authority (social workers, medical personnel, etc.)
interacts with, responds to, or treats an elderly person
as if he or she were a child. (Hockey & James, 1993;
Whitbourne et al., 1995; Wood & Ryan, 1991). Salari
(2005) contends that the practice of infantilizing elders
is a form of elder mistreatment because of the negative
effects. The majority of elders believe they are
infantilized not because of their individual conditions
but because of age stereotypes about their mental and
physical capabilities (Coupland, Coupland, Giles, &
Henwood, 1988).
3. Children adapt things to the new environment.
Adaptation was one of the important processes guiding
cognitive development. Adaptation is a term referring to
the ability to adjust to new information and experiences.
Learning is essentially adapting to our constantly
changing environment. Through adaptation, we are able
to adopt new behaviors that allow us to cope with
change (Piaget,n.d).

SOP 2: How does the generation gap affect the relationship between
parents and their child/children?
Question 1: Will you describe your relationship with your parents? How
would you describe the generation gap between you as a child and your
Participant 1: My relationship with my mom. I and my mom are like
sisters, but I think that there is still this gap. Yes, I can
open up with her about my problems, with my simple
daily problems, but when it comes on my love life or my
friends sometimes I don’t open up with her. I just open
up the small things like my weight.
Participant 2: They're amazing in a lot of ways. The gap is rarely an
issue. Though the gap being approximately 30-38 years,
it doesn't lessen the fun or the bond or the family
atmosphere. My parents have always been supporting,
sometimes pressuring. As we get older, the love grows
and so is maturity. I can never deny that they have
attitudes that i dislike, and most of them were never
erased out of their system. But what I can do? They're
my parents, the smile, attitude, and everything that
makes them, them. My mother is a very social animal
and she is a complete opposite of my father. Mother can
keep up with the trend, so is my father. Let's conclude
that they are adaptive, in a way not too trendy but at
least they have knowledge about the new generation,
despite being raised in an old and conservative era.
Participant 3: I bond with them and talk to them quite often. We have
different perspectives in life and behavior patterns that
sometimes set us apart.
Created 1&3. Lack of communication between parents and
Themes: child.
Patricia Luciana Runcan et al. (2012) explained that
there is a tendency of postmodern people towards
communicating superficially on appearance, on the
surface, but this is very dangerous.Communication is
most likely to be less encountered. People talk about the
importance of the way in which the communication
process within the family, but we cannot help but ask
regarding what is required for communication between
parents and children. Communication is a requirement
of social relationships and it helps strengthens the
quality of the relationship. The communication between
parents and children is not necessarily difficult but
requires certain skills, availability, and time. They also
added that, relations between parents and children
represent some significant communication interactions.
The communication between the parent and the child
involves more than just a simple expression. Through it
the parent seeks to be intelligible to child, both in terms
of the specific content of communication and in terms of
its general content.
2. The generational gap is rarely an issue in the
family atmosphere.
Austin (2019) states that there’s a lot of talk about
generation gaps and the differences between
generations. There are also problems that each gap
creates. Some of that may be true, but it is also true
that much of it is over-generalized hyperbole. People are
trying to make a profit by solving a perceived problem
that doesn’t really exist. Either way, we should pay
attention to the strengths of each generation, instead of
focusing on flaws, is an important ingredient to long-
term success. Some would have us focus on those flaws,
but we should be wary of their motivations - usually
those who focus on fear benefit from gained power and
money somehow. Sowing seeds of division and fear is
easy, and always a tool used by forces bent on their own
gain. We should push back on those forces and see the
good in each generation. This explains that the gap is
rarely an issue from the family atmosphere.
Question 2: What are the problems encountered that affects your
relationship with your parents?
Participant 1: Just like what I’ve said earlier when I have problems I
don’t really open up to my mom about it, so I think that
widens the gap between us, and also when it comes to
food. When we cook, sometimes we argue about it,
because I want something that is more salty but mom
doesn’t want it because she thinks about her health.
And that annoys me sometimes. Also when it comes to
my clothes or restaurants, her taste is different than
Participant 2: Most of the time we argue about the pettiest thing. First
one is the music. As children we literally grew with
country music by our side. My father is very into Alan
Jackson, Collin Raye, and Air Supply. So whenever my
siblings and I hear any melody of them, the lyrics
automatically comes out of our mouth and it was cool.
Now in the new technology era where different
computers and instruments are invented to create beats
and rhythms not just guitars and piano, my taste in
music evolved into something new. I still do like them,
but there are songs that i love but they don't. Every
time one plays a song that doesn't sound good to my
parents' ears, they would go like, "Anya ngay dayta?
San pay maaw-awatan." Or that they would imitate the
singer's singing style which is a bummer. Next would be
the trends and their blending in this new kind of world.
Since everything's made easier and more convenient,
there will be always be time where they insist the
traditional style. I know every one of us experience this
and you know what i feel. The fact that they are so
persistent just added the difficulty of teaching them.
Although we'll end up using my way, I'd still hear
murmurs of them complaining. The worst is when your
modern suggestion messed up, they would generalize
that everything is like that. And the next thing you
know, they are telling their wholes story of childhood
where everything's better and blablabla.
Participant 3: When they want me to take a medical course.
Created 1. Absence of proper communication
The problem is not that we didn’t communicate. The
problem usually lies in that the person or persons
receiving the message did not understand the message
because it was not in the form that they consume
information (Murray, 2017).
2. Individual likes and dislikes
Be aware of your child's likes and dislikes, and
acknowledge those preferences to make your child feel
loved and connected. With your guidance your child will
learn to express preferences in an appropriate and kind
manner. Strengthen your relationship with your child
by being aware of those likes and dislikes (Schmidt,
3. Parental preferences in the choice of career
Parents choose their child’s career, they will be more
supportive of their child’s future. Many parents who
have failed their past career goals set them on their
children, and seem to relive their aspirations in their
child. The parent then does as much as they can to
make sure that their child lives the life they wish they
could live by overspending on opportunities to ensure
success with that career (Salisbury, 2019).
Question 3: Can you describe how generation gap influence the
relationship among members of your family? How do you react about it?
Participant 1: I think it’s normal for us that that there is a gap
between our parents and the children, because it’s
something that gives a borderline so that we can follow
our parents, because sometimes if we are so close to
them we tend to take advantage of it. Like if they got
mad at us, we just don’t mind, it makes us bad
Participant 2: As i stated on the previous question, it barely becomes a
problem among us. There might be a lot of face-palm
moments, but hey it helps us all to mature and learn.
God gave me this family, no matter how old they get, or
early they die, remains the fact that they're my family. It
was annoying back then, these little and shallow
arguments we used to have, but now I just find them
funny. Being serious though is a different issue, I know
when to treat it as a funny or something that should be
taken seriously.
Participant 3: It’s good because you can differentiate the generation
ago versus today. It has also bad consequences because
they tend to look down on our generation today.
However, I explain to them and make them aware of the
gap that we have.
Created Acceptance and Understanding
The understanding of what motivates millennials will
enable employers, co-works, and supervisors to
understand the generation gap. This understanding will
provide them with the tools and knowledge required to
create an inclusive work environment. Creating this
inclusive environment will cause a more productive
work environment. Additionally this understanding will
also allow increased personal relationships with
millennials (Venter, 2016). This understanding will also
break the communication barrier between parent and
child (including adult children). By understanding one
another, parents and children, will learn how the other
communicates and what they value. This understanding
will allow both sides to build a more harmonious
relationship. Additionally both parties would
understand the motivational drivers and personality
differences between one another. Armed with this
information the cohesiveness of the family unit can be
strengthened (Brock, 2018).

SOP 3: How do parents and their children overcome these generation

Question 1: How do you characterize your feelings as regards to these
generation gap experiences? How do you feel towards generation gap?
Participant 1: I think that having generation gap with parents is
somehow good because as we think that they are older
than us we show respect towards them, but I think that
somehow it is not good because sometimes if we try to
open up things that does not much our decisions or our
perspective in life, and if we try to argue about things
they tend to think that we are being disrespectful so
they just ignore our feelings, our thoughts and we don’t
compromise or we don’t meet. If we argue something
with the elders, we are always branded as Disrespectful.
Participant 2: When talking about tradition and manners, generation
gaps first of all sets a line between elderly people and
those youngsters, as a line of respect and recognition.
My grandmother used to say that elderly matters, just
like history does. Those who were born in the past
generations who are still existing can guide us to what
the next generation should do, avoid, enrich and
preserve. That's why we should value the old people, not
abandon treat them like weaklings. They are the
experienced ones, so we need to respect that as well.
Although we should be aware when to respect them and
we should not. Being old doesn't mean being always
right anyways. I feel like every culture, beliefs and
teachings they have experienced and have been rooted
in their lives, is what makes them distinct from the new
generation. Same goes with the people of new
generation, we should do or create something, amazing
and unique things that would make us be recognized,
and be remembered by the next generation ahead.
Participant 3: For me, it sets us to become distant to each other
because of the difference of lifestyle and beliefs that
even leads to conflicts. Generation gap can be
advantageous in a way that we use past experiences in
learning and apply in our daily lives. Regardless, it has
also disadvantages that leads to different kinds of
problems like relationships and mental health
Created 1. Behaviors developed by having gap between elders
Themes: and young ones.
Generation gap is a difference in values and attitudes
between one generation and another, especially between
young people and their parents. These differences stem
from older and younger people not understanding each
other because of their differences in experiences,
opinions, habits, and behavior (Mendez, 2008).
2&3. Experiences and learnings that are applied in
our daily lives though it leads to conflict.
Each generation faces different historical events,
culture, economic challenges and exposure, which
shape their perception and mind set. Therefore when
two different generations interact there is bound to be
arguments and difference of opinion termed as
generation gap. Thus whenever there is a contrast in
the exposure and experiences of generations more so in
the 21st century where because of the technological
revolution the younger generation is exposed to a
globalized world they are prone to challenging their own
traditional lifestyle, culture, value systems, etc; which is
not appreciated by the older generation further
aggravating the conflict within generations. Further
these conflicts are the consequence of urbanization,
industrialization and family mobility which is more
prevalent in the current century (Mehta, 2016).
Question 2: As a child, how can you bridge the gap? What are these
coping mechanisms?
Participant 1: I think I can bridge the gap with my parents, of course
by trying to open up my feeling and my thoughts to
them. And also to bond, and of course learn to love the
things that my parents loves. I will try to do stops that
she loved like planting, and cooking.
Participant 2: Kindness is very significant in lessening the bad effects
of having a huge gap between family members or
anyone. When we are kind, we choose to be calm in any
tense situations. Just know when to be kind and when
your kindness is being abused. Again, not because
someone is older than you doesn't always equate to
her/ him right or intelligent. Always choose to be kind
and understanding. In case that the problems spike,
learn to compromise. An issue will never be solved with
your pride heightening. A young one needs to respect,
and an elder one needs to care to the young ones.
Lastly, there's this language called love. It crosses
through any language, race, sexuality or even age.
Through love, people would have a thousand reasons to
be kind, understanding and compromising. This will
then cause them to bridge that so-called "gap". I think.
Participant 3: I can bridge the gap by telling them and making them
aware of what we have in our generation and relate
myself to my parents and ask them things that would
help me understand there point. I reach out to them
whenever they had said or think something wrong about
the different generations. I talk to them and bond with
them to build a stronger relationship with them.
Created Ideas on how to bridge the Generation gap
Carl Pickhardt (2018) addresses that parents can bridge
the generation difference by showing an interest, this
means is having a close interactions of both parent and
their child. Close interactions just like giving a hearing
and fully listening is enough to bridge the generation
gap. This ideas help to reduce the gaps of their
relationship. This theory is related to the theme for the
reason that Pickhardt’s ideas to bridge the generation
gap is also connected to the theme. Especially the close
interactions, Pickhardt has also the same idea to bridge
the generation gap.
Question 3: Based on your experiences, which among these coping
mechanisms worked or didn’t work? Why do you say so?
Participant 1: I think the coping mechanism that worked are when we
bond, because when we bond it gives us quality time,
and when we bond we also learn from each other, and I
learn to love the things that she loved. I think that the
coping mechanism that don’t work sometimes is when I
open up to her, because she tries to ignore what I’m
trying to say or what I want to explain, because she
thinks that I don’t have experience yet, that my
perspective in life does not count, because sometimes
we don’t have the same mind set, so she disregards and
ignore what I am trying to tell.
Participant 2: For me it can depend on the situation. There things that
needs more than just kindness right? For example, one
needs to be hard on someone to learn his/her lessons.
But there were times when kindness is just the answer.
As i told you it can depends. Understanding and love
would be the most working ones. They both possess the
thing that causes someone to lower their pride and chill.
The bottom line would always be up to us. We should be
willing to fix these issues, otherwise the ways I've stated
would be totally useless.
Participant 3: Sometimes making them aware of what generation gap
is and things that we have in our generation they aren't
taking it seriously and invalidate these ideas. It doesn't
help because when they insist that they are the ones
that are always right because of the experiences that
they had.
Created 1 & 3. Different outcomes of coping mechanism
The perception of children that their parents support
them is associated with an increase of their self-esteem,
social integration, perception and control and
effectiveness of coping strategies, and how they help to
understand the behaviors and attitudes of parents, and
how they relate with the development and well-being of
children (Domenech, Donovick & Crowley, 2009;
Sandler, Wolchick, MacKinnon, Ayers & Roosa, 1997)
2. Peace and Order
Peacemaking in the family is found in the pursuit of
reconciliation: someone has to take the initiative to
swallow injured pride and seek out the other for a
healing conversation. Empathic listening helps us to
bracket our own concerns temporarily, long enough to
understand the other person’s point of view and
legitimate needs. In this way, we can express love
through action, even when it is difficult to feel loving or
affectionate toward other family members (Lee, n.d).
SOP 1: What are the instances that manifest generation gap between
parents and children?
Question 1: How many children do you have? How old is/are your
Participant 1: I have 2 children (6y/o and 6 months old)
Participant 2: I have 3 children. They are 17, 15 & 7 years of age.
Participant 3: I have 2 children (17y/o and 20y/o)
Created 1. Children from Generation Alpha or Gen Alpha
Generation Alpha are generation from 2010 to 2025
(Mccrindle, n.d).
2 & 3. Children from Generation Z or Gen Z
Generation Z or Gen Z are generation from 1995 to
2009 (Mccrindle, n.d).
Question 2: What are your experiences where you feel that you don’t
understand your child/children due to your age gap? How did you feel
about it?
Participant 1: For my first born child, it is normal to have
misunderstanding and disagreement on some situations
like using of gadgets, play time and studies. It is not
pleasant but explaining to her in a simple and good way
may help my child to learn and understand.
Participant 2: As to the food we are going to eat during meal time. I
feel disgusted in cases that they don’t like to eat and
they’re going to cook another menu for themselves.
Participant 3: My 1st born child is always independent in nature, but
being a mother I always disagree in some of his decision
regarding his education, He wants to work while
studying but in my opinion it will only hinder his
studies. My 2nd child is Quiet and cool tempered but
there are times that i don't like the way he attack his
studies when confronted about it he just stay in his
Created 1 & 2. Condition of every contradict
Stronger proof of the position of understanding of
toddler improvement in assisting parenting outcomes.
Randomized managed trial interventions have observed
that dad and mom of younger kids confirmed will
increase in understanding approximately little ones
improvement and practices relating to early adolescence
care and feeding (Alkon et al., 2014; Yousafzai et al.,
3. Understanding difficulties
The studies drew on Social Practice Theory, the usage of
thoughts from Shove et al. (2012) and Hui et al. (2017)
to assist make a feel of the practices and structures
encountered with inside the different ‘strands’ included
with the aid of using the project. Together with wider
thoughts approximately strength and interconnections
among practices, this manner of questioning proved
very beneficial to assist to examine how precise
practices have been running with the intention to the
usage of that data to don’t forget what wishes to be
Question 3: How do these experiences influence the relationship among
members of your family? How do you react about it?
Participant 1: These experiences will give a big effect to every
member’s characteristic and behavioral relationship to
the family. Even it gives a positive and negative effect, I
am managing it through being open minded and
understanding every situation.
Participant 2: It gives a big impact of gracing the meal because I
couldn’t avoid to get mad and scold them. So just to
avoid long discussion I’ll just let them to cook what they
prefer for their meal.
Participant 3: I do tell them how I perceived their attitude; but being a
mother i see to it that they understand what I am trying
to point out. I try to explain in a simple and nice
Created Parent’s struggles and lessons in assessing their
Themes: children in different situations.
Drummond (1993) articulates this well: if we choose to
see only those aspects of learning of which we approve,
we will lose the opportunity to see more of the picture,
to learn more about learning ... there is always more to
learn and more to see. By being attentive and open to
actually seeing what children know and can do we can
learn from them. We may make clearer connections
between theory and practice; we may observe things
that we need to think about and reflect upon in order to
understand exactly what was happening; we may see
things that confound our expectations about individual
children and/or expected developmental progress and

SOP 2: How does the generation gap affect the relationship between
parents and their child/children?
Question 1: Will you describe your relationship with your
child/children? How would you describe the generation gap between you
as a parent and your child/children?
Participant 1: As a parent, compared from my social status before in
today’s generation it really has a big difference. But by
adopting and embracing changes would help in
maintaining our parent-child relationship. Being a
supportive parent while my child is growing.
Participant 2: I can say that most of the time our relationship is good
enough. I do consider about their preferences in life
regarding the present generation. There’s a bit gap but I
need to go on the flow. Children now a days keep
themselves busy on the mobile games.
Participant 3: For me generation gap is not really a problem in
parenting, as long as you know how to respond to your
children needs they will understand that what you are
doing is for their own good.

Created A healthy parent-child relationship is a must,

Themes: despite the generational gap.
Pickhardt (2018) explained that by showing an interest
in the new, this can reduce the generational gap's
potentially estranging influence. He believe that the best
way to minimize the potentially estranging effects of the
generation gap is for parents to treat their adolescent as
a guide who can help them understand a time of
growing up that can be quite culturally different from
their own youth. When rearing adolescents, parental
interest and willingness to listen count for a lot, while
those parents who are more fully informed are often less
fearful than parents who forbid discussion of what they
don’t understand. In addition, it can help parents and
teenagers stay close when they share companionship
doing what they still enjoy in common—whether
participating in some traditional interests that still hold,
eating out together, helping each other, going to movies,
or just joking around about what both find funny. This
can help to build a good environment and can reduce
the influence of having the gap in the family.
Question 2: What are the problems encountered that affects your
relationship with your child/children?
Participant 1: I think the problems that affected our relationship are
misunderstandings and disagreements on what she
sees and what she knows about these things on her
present generation.
Participant 2: When they keep themselves busy on their mobile
phones rather that to their studies.
Participant 3: Every child has its own problem to face during growing
up years but as a parent you must be very supportive in
every step of the way for your child to feel love and
wanting from you.
Created 1. Lack of commonality because of disagreements
Encourage them to express how the experience of the
conflict felt to them. Allow them to express the full
range of feelings and even do it strongly as long as it is
done respectfully and does not create an unsafe
situation. Do not judge or counter their expression. Do
not defend yourself (Azhar, 2018).
2. Parental concerns
Parents are concerned with the impact of technology on
their kids’ social and emotional development, parents
worry about health and academic effects (Salazar and
Moran, 2019).
3. (Invalid Answer)
Question 3: Can you describe how generation gap influence the
relationship among members of your family? How do you react about it?
Participant 1: Having a generation gap affects every family members
characteristic and behavior to social and family member
relationship. And through understanding and giving
support to each other would give a positive result in the
family’s relationship.
Participant 2: Generation gap influences the relationship of our family
in a way that lesser time to exchange experiences within
the day because they prefer to spend most of their time
in mobile phone. Well, I have no choice but to give them
direction and rules like prioritizing their studies.
Participant 3: Actually generation gap as they call it is a misnomer. It
is how us parents cultivate our children minds on how
we see things and explain to them.
Created Generation Gap affects family member’s
Themes: characteristics and behavior.
Generation gap can be a frustrating lack of
communication between young and old or a useful
stretch of time that separates cultures within a society,
allowing them to develop their own character (Word
maven Williams Safire).
Parents give rules and directions to their children.
It’s easier to avoid power struggles and get compliance
from your child if you give her directions in a clear,
direct, and specific fashion, using as few words as
possible, and give her a reasonable amount of time to
comply. By contrast, you may encourage power
struggles with your child if your commands are vague,
overly wordy, and include multiple instructions for the
desired behavior (Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004).

SOP 3: How do parents and their children overcome these generation

Question 1: How do you characterize your feelings as regards to these
generation gap experiences? How do you feel towards generation gap?
Participant 1: To be adoptive is a good way on managing these gaps.
Adopting and accepting changes while putting it in a
good way. Through experiences these gaps gave a
positive and negative impact to every individuals
characteristics and attitude.
Participant 2: I do characterize my feelings as regards to these
generation gap experiences as to the difference of our
preferences (likes and dislikes). I feel a bit dismayed and

Participant 3: It is how you settle the underlying issues your child is

facing. The more you complicate things the more your
child will react differently when he does not understand
what you are trying to explain.

Created 1. Behavior in dealing with generation gap.

According to (Guest Contributor, 2018), the generation
gap is the difference of outlook, opinions, beliefs, skills,
attitudes, and behaviors among the older generations
and the younger generations. In short, the generation
gap is the age gap between each generation. While the
generation gap has been prevalent throughout all
periods of history, it has only grown more prevalent in
recent years. Open communication between the
different generations is essential to bridge this gap. This
helps each generation to recognize the strengths and
skills of another and creates more cohesiveness. As
technology advances, generations growing up with the
advances embrace them whilst other generations who
did not grow up with them often struggle to adapt.
2 & 3. Condition in every differences between elders
and young ones.
Family dynamics and compositions have changed
dramatically over the past 50 years. Gone are the days
of traditional American family values and the home
structure where mom stayed home and dad worked.
Today, the institution (or lack thereof) of marriage has
resulted in family compositions ranging from traditional
two-parent homes to children being raised by
grandparents and variations in between. Differences
and disconnect between generations, or the generation
gap, can result in a variety of issues, such as
miscommunication and family strife. Respect for one's
elder family members has undergone a transformation
in the last 50 years. Younger parents, particularly those
in their early 20's, have a tendency to treat children
with more equality than the Baby Boomer or
Traditionalist generation. Today's grandparents grew up
with a mentality that children should be seen and not
heard. They want children to demonstrate respect for
elders and individuals in general, and many are
appalled by today's children's behavior. In earlier
generations, as a child, you respected your parent's
discipline (usually physical), and you did what you were
told, when you were told to do it. Your children today
might be treated as equals within your family, although
you provide limits and structure. Family meetings are
more common today, as you come together to solve
problems and avert family crises. Younger family
members are able to voice an opinion, which can be
bothersome to the older generation. Grandparents may
still hold on to the belief you should simply follow the
instructions given and not question why or how.
Familial conflicts can arise when a younger family
member challenges an elder's opinion or directive
(Blessing, 2006).
Question 2: As a parent, how can you bridge the gap? What are these
coping mechanisms?
Participant 1: As a parent I can bridge the gap by embracing,
accepting and supporting what is in today’s generation.
To be open minded and learning to adopt these
generation gaps for my own benefit and for my child’s
Participant 2: I play a vital role in handling my kids and because I
want them to become a good contributor in our society
someday. To cope with these issues with them, I see to
it that they still know how to listen to advices, follow
rules and be disciplined at all times.
Participant 3: Constant communication to your children is the best
way to bridge the gap between parent and children. Let
them open up to you regarding everyday problems they
Created Ways to solve Generation Gap
Mahender Rawat (2017) stated that a mutual
understanding and compromise might be the way to
help solve this matter. He addresses that if both parent
and their child step forward and have emotional
support, like embracing each other’s company, this
cause to have mutual understanding. He stated also
that mutual understanding will help to maintain the
parent and child’s relationship. This theory related to
the theme for the reason that it has the same ways to
solve generation gap. Emotional support, discipline
strategies, and mutual understading is also the same
ways as Rawat (2017) to solve generation gap.
Question 3: Based on your experiences, which among these coping
mechanisms worked or didn’t work? Why do you say so?
Participant 1: I can tell that these coping mechanism works well
because I can see changes to my child and to myself.
Using these coping mechanisms would help a parent-
child relationship in a better ways.
Participant 2: All those coping mechanisms stated above are being
followed because I do consider their choices so long that
it will not lead them into a bad situation and above all,
what I am thanking on them is that they always give
value to their studies. So, I am still lucky for having
them for they make us proud all the time.
Participant 3: Constant communication/reminder for they know that
you are serious in what you are preaching to them.
Created Positive outcomes of coping mechanisms
Coping with a major change, stressor or crisis can be
taxing for adults; for many kids, such things can be
overwhelming. Because children don’t have the coping
skills that the typical adult has taken a lifetime to
develop, helping kids develop coping skills for dealing
with crises and major stressors is a vital responsibility
that can benefit children and the adults who love them
(Scott, 2020)

Lingsat, San Fernando City, La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09271523832

Email add:


Birthday: March 9, 2004

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Lingsat Elementary School

Junior High School: Saint Louis College, La Union
Senior High School: Saint Louis College, La Union


2016 – With Honors

2017 – With Honors

2018 – With Honors

2019 – With Honors


Lingsat, San Fernando City, La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09391042803

Email add:


Birthday: June 12, 2003

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Lingsat Elementary School

Junior High School: Saint Louis College, La Union
Senior High School: Saint Louis College, La Union



Nalvo Sur, Luna, La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09516669076

Email add:


Birthday: October 06, 2003

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: San Nicolas Academy

Secondary: Pila Elementary School
Junior High School: Santa Catalina Academy
Senior High School: Saint Louis College


2016 – Valedictorian

2017-2020 – With Honors



CP/Tel.Number: 09307818017

Email add:


Birthday: January 15, 2004

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: F
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: San Simon Integrated School

Junior High School: San Simon Integrated School
Senior High School: Saint Louis College


S.Y. 2010-2015 (With Honors)

S.Y. 2015-2016 (Valedictorian)

S.Y. 2016-2020 (With Honors)

2019 (Outstanding commitment V. Pres of the SSG)

2019 (Youth SB Member)

2020 (Leadership Award)


Ili Norte, San Juan La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09167902866

Email add:


Birthday: October 3, 2004

Age: 16 y/o
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Protestant


Primary: San Juan Central Elementary School

Junior High School: Saint Louis College
Senior High School: Saint Louis College


2016 – Salutatorian

2017 – With Honors

2018 – With Honors


Poblacion, San Gabriel La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 0977-422-2827

Email add:


Birthday: March 13, 2004

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Lutheran


San Gabriel Central School
Holy Angels Montessori and Learning Center
Saint Anthony Montessori Educational Network Inc.
Junior High School: Saint Louis College
Senior High School: Saint Louis College



Carcarabasa, San Gabriel La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09275146866

Email add:


Birthday: May 3, 2004

Age: 17 y/o
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: San Gabriel Central School

Junior High School: St. Gabriel the Archangel High School Incorporated
Senior High School: Saint Louis College


2017- With Honors

2019- With Honors


Masupe, Balaoan La Union

CP/Tel.Number: 09613316806

Email add:


Birthday: January 12, 2004

Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: San Nicolas Academy, Balaoan La Union

Junior High School: San Nicolas Academy, Balaoan La Union
Senior High School: Saint Saint Louis College Senior High School Department
City of San Fernando, La Union


SY 2016-2017 - With Honors

SY 2017-2018 - With Honors

SY 2018-2019 - With High Honors

SY 2019-2020 - With High Honors

Criterion Score/4

Presentation of findings: 3/4

Quality of corroborations: 3/4

Quality of recommendations to the 2/4

conclusion of the study and completion

of the parts.

Date of submission: 4/4

TOTAL: 13/16

+1 extra early

Congratualtions! Kindly again edit the corrections, make sure that you properly cite all
your sources and that the corroborations are all related to your interpretation.
Moreover, your findings should answer directly your sop, your conclusion should also
be based from your findings

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