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4 effective ways to increase your productivity

What is meant by productivity

Productivity means becomes able to do a lot of things in a small number of time in a most creative way .

Focus on 1 thing at a time

If we focus on one thing at a time then we give our best and 100%.In that work .So our Chance’s to
become successful increases without any barrier .our mind work best on only one thing ,object and
purpose at a time .so instead of doing a lot of thing’s and become failure its most Suitable and easy to
work on one thing .

Find new skills

You’re be a true and passionate productivity personality .if you add all new ,old and else and ever skills
in your work that must need your field .

For example : if you run a small business then you must add new business development skills and meet
successful people’s and pick up their idea’s and thoughts and implement all of these new things in your
work .on the other hand you must visit failure people’s of that field .Listen them carefully they would tell
you about their failurness experience .So you must avoid all those thing’s that are mentioned by failure
people’s .

Use modern and Advanced technology

The era in which we lives is the era of modern science .Now our world become a global village
.Technologies increases day by day .So you must use modern and useful technology in your work .for
example instead of getting feedback on papers about your product .you must add such type of
technology so customers add valuable feedback at the time of its first use .

Read book’s and be positive

One and famous way to increase creativity and productivity is through Reading book’s .To increase your
productivity you must comes out from your comfort zone .Do your best all the time’s and be positive .

I hope all of the above mentioned four ways increase your productivity .

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