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Liaquat 1

Shahla liaquat
January 1, 2022

Role Of Chemistry In Environmental Protection

Throughout history, importance and significance of chemistry has been recognized by mankind
.chemistry has many roles’ in environmental protection some of them given below.

1. Hard water

Hard water is that which does not produce lather with soap.

Types of water hardness:

1. Temporary hardness is because of the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.

2. Permanent hardness is because of presence of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium.

Removal of temporary hardness can be done by boiling and by Clark’s Method.

In Clark’s method temporary hardness is removing by the addition of slaked lime.

Removal of permanent hardness

Permanent hardness can only be removed by using chemicals .Calcium(Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+)
are removed as insoluble salt’s by adding washing soda or sodium zeolite.

2. Chemistry of swimming pool cleanliness

Swimming pool are cleaned by chlorination process .It is the addition of chlorine solution in swimming
pools .Chlorine kills bacteria and other microorganisms .Cl2 itself does not kill rather it
dissociate in water to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hydrochloric acid .HOCl further
ionizes to produce hypocrite and proton .Both the products kill bacteria and microorganisms.

3. Converter Co to Co2

Co is an air pollutant .It is a health hazard being highly poisonous gas .Being colorless and odorless its
presence can’t be noticed easily and readily .When inhaled it binds with the haemoglobin
most strongly than that of oxygen .Thus hindering the supply of oxygen in body.

Exposure to higher concentration of Co causes headache and fatigue .if inhaled for a longer time it
result’s in breathing difficulties and ultimately death .

So that converters should be used in automobile exhaust so that convert CO to CO2 and oxide’s of

nitrogen NOx to N2 before it enters in air .

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