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Dearest father, {Se i S'n fine and 4 hope. e___fine too 4 have been atdays |e — gor to teff yo that 4 would [ike to _| _ Complete my Studies in the Untteol _ States. re - FP ew. thet you wold not __ atlow e me to Study abwaol fev reasons _yelateo a to ott high Sense of pretectin me | frm dangers of Stuoling _ abroad. 9 really | as appreciate ye fellings toward me 2) _paisenaf Safety, but 4 alse woul mipes ae Grate sul if atl ane me. the chance te dle liver my ylewontnt. | All Esti altiig eho. laa _ an eh & er Space fr Unis a “te be mire te and meee fet me close eS them. By hes, sl || would! _alevelop my Social on and __|| : be an effective member fre the. peed tommuh? i. Jo, in my point. of view), || as 4 can say that studing aoen “beeen = 3 develop my social Skjiis whch eee _ te Be an. eect mrembeY te _Cupyess | S Social neeols oo —— Baas “bt is he local co _ that needs __to own it: one theiy Success whith —ufill enable deliver the __ OE 4 Gain eee Seca — me as, 7 | Education is ares i improving | | the Lives others |. and 5 oY “reaving our community and i = ce world better than you. , found ro i a a —-Mavien bright: Edelman a This. point would bring mutual fntevests fy me and fer __Pakisten whith means 4 ee) 4 ean Love my ery to _achfeve Re) ekistan vision of paso) { aa Last bat the _pettonaf _ dlevelopment _ how-to ano feaI how to mana. Bee eter tn me own sige. || “Edueation is not just_about __ | le a to School and ting 2 ae aa a degre. H's about (ou? kmeoledge __ and Absorbing the ttuth about lige oe. Lugs with my || = own family made me a alenenolent petien | where al] my needs are veal: for me. upon request. Living abroad woudl foe. ce me to foam hw “prepare all my meals | 2 Lanolry and other personal and peel Reel to dutvive. AS, —_— | “Education is not the i Lye preparation wht foo a Ss or education ~is lige stselg? | \ i - John _Dewe jl academic Chance sent ic pPiactices to muy tow os. besides deve loptn oy my Ueiscret Sul, | Please Convey my warm |e a Yegaras to all at home. _| = Pi 4 “am looting forward to heaving e : ‘Yem Soon. | é f om Youy loving daughter, | Ro Shahla

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