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Rocks and Minerals

ESCI-2111 Earth Science


• Rocks are mostly made up of minerals that are

combined in various ways. Earth is made up mostly of
different types of rocks.
Igneous Rocks

• Made from the cooling of lava and magma.

• Igneous rocks that are formed from the cooling of lava
outside the volcano is called extrusive or volcanic
igneous rock,
• While rocks that are formed from the cooling of magma
inside the volcano is called intrusive or plutonic igneous
Sedimentary Rocks

• Are made from the accumulation, compaction, and

cementation of sediments which are formed from
weathering and erosion of rocks.
• Sedimentary rocks may contain fossil as the manner of
its formation allows the preservation of the remains of
animals and plants.
Metamorphic rocks

• Are those that have been transformed by pressure and

heat but that have not actually melted.
• They contain many minerals in the mica family and
high-pressure types such as garnet.

• Naturally occurring -this means that it is not man-made

• Inorganic -this means that is does not come from an organism
• Solid -at standard temperature and pressure, the substance
must be in solid phase
• Definite chemical composition -all occurrences of that mineral
have a chemical composition that varies within a specific limited
• Ordered internal structure -that is when studied the internal
structure, it must follow a certain order.
How are Minerals Formed?
Mineral Commodities in Industry

• Crushed stones
• Clays
• Gypsum
• Phosphate Rock
• Potash
• Lime
• Salt

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