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Subject-Information Technology
Mock Test-2
Max Marks-40
Time-1 hour 30 minutes

1. Attempt all questions:
2. All questions carry equal marks:
Q1. ICT stands for _______________
a. Information and Communication Technology c. Information and Common Technology
b. Information and Communication Terminology d. Information to Communication Technology
Q2. A computer is a _____________ machine
a. mechanical c.electronic
b. electrical d.None of the above
Q3. Physical part of computer is called ___________
a. Hardware c. Shareware
b. Software d. None of the above
Q4. Which of the following is not computer hardware?
a. RAM c. MS Paint
b.Keyboard d.Monitor
Q5 ______ act as an interface between the user and the computer.
a. Operating System c.Impress
b. Ms Excel d.Digital Documentation
Q6.Software that starts working as soon as we switch on a computer is
a. RAM c. Operating System
b. ROM d.None of the above
Q7. Which of the following is an output device?
a. Monitor c. Printer
b. Speaker d. All of the above
Q8. BIOS stands for
a. Basic Input/Output System c. Basic Input and Output Systematic
b. Base Input/Output System d. None of the above
Q9. Identify the input device
a. Printer c. Mouse
d. Monitor d. Speaker
Q10. A __________ is a device used to type text, numbers and commands into the computer.
a. Mouse c.Joystick
b. Keyboard d.None of the above
Q11. DELETE key is used to remove typed text on the _______ side of the cursor.
a. left c.both of the above
b. right d. None of the above
Q12. Backspace key is used to remove typed text on the _____ side of the cursor.
a. left c. Both of the above
b. right d. None of the above
Q13. _____________ key opens the start menu.
a. Arrow c. Windows
b. Ctrl d. None of the above
Q14. A _____________ is a device that you can use to move, select and open items on your
computer screen.
a. Mouse c. Scanner
b. Joystick d. None of the above
Q15. The file name and file name extension are separated by a _______
a. period c. semi colon
b. comma d. None of the above
Q16. Sneha created a file in Notepad and saved the file by name “hello” so the complete name of file
will be _____________
a. hello.doc c. hello.txt
b. hello.docx d. hello.jpg
Q17. The extension of image file is _____________
a. .xls c..doc
b. .jpg d. .docx
Q18. Which of the following is a text editor?
a. MS Excel c. Notepad
b. MS Paint d. All of the above
Q19. Regular maintenance of the system includes
a. installing updates of the software c. taking backups of important files and documents
b. check the security of the system d. All of the above
Q20.DOS stands for ______________
a. Disk Operating System c. Disk Open System
b. Dot Operating System d. Disk Operating Secure
Q21. Small pictures on the desktop are called _______
a. Desktop c. Icons
b. Symbols d. Pictures
Q22. Picture used for the desktop background is called __________
a. Wallpaper c. Wall image
b. Background image d. Desktop image
Q23. Start button is present on _________ side of the Taskbar.
a. right c. top
b. left d. bottom
Q24. Bar present at the bottom of the desktop is called ____________
a. Status bar c.Taskbar
b. Scroll bar d.None of the above
Q25. Deleted files and folders are stored in _______________
a. Recycle bin c. Control Panel
b. My Computer d.None of the above
Q26.__________is a container in which you store files.
A)App B)file
C)folder D)path

Q27.The internal stress caused by ........

A) pent-up worries B)laziness
C) survival stress D)experiences

Q28. ......... is not a symptom of stress?

A) Increased sweating B)Cold hands or feet
C) Dry mouth D)None of these
Q29. What is 'M' in the 'SMART' goal setting method
A) Must B) Meaning
C) Measurable D) None of these
Q30. What is 'S' in the 'SMART' method of goal setting?
A) Smart B) Special
C) Speed D) Specific
Q31. Physical exercise is used as a stress management technique because
A) It improves blood circulation B) improves self-image
C) make us feel better D) All of the above

Q32. Stress management prevents ___ ______

A) psychological disorders B) behavioral problems
C) both of the above D) none of the aboveTechnological problem with used for communication is a ________barrier.
A)Internal B)External
C)Cultural D)Linguistic

Q34.You need to apply for leave at work? Which method of communication will you use?
A) E-Mail B) Poster
C) Newsletter D) Blog

Q35.Rakesh is playing with football – Identify the verb

A) Rakesh B) Football
C) Playing D) none of the above
Q36.Which of the following is an example of oral communication?
A)Newspapers B) Letters
C) Phone call D) E-Mail
Q37.What are the types of words we should use for verbal communication?
A) Acronyms B) Simple
C) Technical D) Jargons

Q38.Exercise helps in …………..

A)Building Immunity B)Both a and b
C)Proper functioning of organ system D)None of these
Q39.The checklist comprising of various elements of communication skills is called…..
A)7E’s of communication B)5E’s of communication
C)7 C’s of communication D)5C’s of communication
Q40.Meditation brings a sense of …………..
A)Self awareness B)Depression
C)Anxiety D)Stress

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