Problem Representation Revised

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Respected Sir,

Subject: Requisition to facilitate stalled research activities in Rayalaseema University

We indeed regard it as our proud privilege to be pursuing our doctoral studies from an
esteemed University such as The Rayalaseema University, a state University of AP. More
so, because our beloved University has a noble mission statement that says; The Highest
Standards of Academic Excellence and Human Values. So thoughtfully compassionate,
indeed! We earnestly believe that a mission statement is not merely a marketing tagline,
meant only to be flaunted on the website but a gospel to be followed in letter and spirit. We
sincerely hope that the powers that be in the University also share our sentiments with
regard to the same. We are rather constrained to say that, the treatment being meted out to
the research scholars by the University in the last couple of years, quite apparently, does not
gel well with its noble aspirations. However, as eternal optimists, we continue to appeal,
plead and beg before every authority, albeit with much severe pain and intensity. Hope, the
practitioners of the highest standards of human values in the University will respond
positively to our heart wrenching woes, at least now.

Strange as it may seem, but we, the undersigned, unfortunate research scholars of
Rayalaseema University, have been in pursuit of our elusive PhD degrees for over a decade
now. Perhaps this is a classic illustration for the truth being stranger than fiction. However,
despite being pushed to the brink of frustration, we are still looking at you as our savior in
this gloomy hour. In this context, pinning all our hopes on your compassionate consideration,
we are hereby making an earnest attempt to humbly present our case before your good
office. Here is a brief account of our tedious journey since 2009-10 to the present day.

Having registered for PhD in the year 2009-10, we completed the course work and
successfully cleared the Pre-PhD examination in October-2010. Later the research studies
of the University were not functional till the academic year 2015-16 due to some technical
glitches. A committee was appointed to look into the matter in detail for finding a suitable
resolution of the problem.

Fortunately for us, the University and the committee could resolve the issue by finding some
alternate solutions. After getting the necessary clearances from the competent authorities,
the University managed to find some ratification system to resume the research
programmes. A seminar was conducted in lieu of the admission test which had not been
conducted at the time of admissions. The University then arranged for a seminar for the
research scholars to present their research topics before a panel of learned experts. On
successful completion of the process, the university instructed us to pay the outstanding fees
for the academic years 2010-11, 2015-16 and 2016-17 and regarded the years 2011-12,
2012-13 and 2013-14 as academic holidays.

Upon payment of all the aforesaid fees, the academic activities of our research programmes
resumed, During the academic years 2017-18, 2018-19, we complied with all the
requirements laid down by the University as per UGC guidelines and successfully cleared
DCM-1 and DCM-2 and published two or more research articles in renowned international
journals as well. Further to that, as per the University rules, we also paid the fees pertaining
to the academic years 2017-18, 2018-19 and all other applicable fees like evaluation and
adjudication fees for the viva voce. Subsequently, in strict adherence to the stipulated rules
and regulations, we submitted our research thesis to the University after compliance with the
prescribed plagiarism check.

The Research scholars of our University are presently stranded at various stages of the
research process. While many luckier ones got their degrees awarded just before the
breakout of pandemic, most of us got struck despite following exactly the same processes
and procedures. Even after completion of 2-3 years since the submission of our research
theses, the University has not scheduled viva voce for most of us till date, nor are there any
guidelines updated for DCM meetings in the website either. While most other Universities
conducted online viva voce and awarded degrees despite the prevailing pandemic, all the
research activities at Rayalaseema University has apparently come to a standstill since
February 2020. Despite our best efforts we are at a loss to find out the reasons for the same.
We are in fact clueless about the very reason for which we are being punished. The Eerie
silence of the University with regard to the inexplicable and inordinate delay in conducting
the viva voce and stalling the research process is causing irretrievable loss to all of us on
multiple counts. Here is an illustrative list of our obvious plight.

1. Most of us are already in our late forties and early fifties and have already put in
decades of service in the teaching field.
2. With the new UGC rules, we desperately need our PhD degrees to be eligible to work
as assistant professors.
3. The unnecessary and inordinate delay is also costing us dearly in terms of our
increments and promotions.
4. The losses incurred in this regard will have the effect of cascading loss that can
never be indemnified.
5. We have invested our precious time, blood and sweat for these degrees which have
not fructified despite our best efforts.
6. As victims of bureaucratic delay we are undergoing untold anxiety and depression for
no fault of us.
7. The official website of the university which is a single source of one way information
for scholars has been defunct since 2018, at least, as far as research studies are
concerned .
8. In the last couple of years, numerous representations of our grievances, made by
individual scholars as well as groups have fallen on the deaf ears of administrative
staff of the department of research studies, Rayalseema university, Registrar,
Research director and the Vice Chancellor.
9. In addition, in the year gone by, representations regarding the plight of research
scholars of Rayalaseema University, have also been made to higher authorities in
the state of Andhra Pradesh like to The honorable CM of Andhra Pradesh, Honorable
Education Minister , The Higher education secretary, The MLA of Kurnool,MLC of
Guntur, MLC of Nellore , eminent professors like Professor Hemachandra Reddy, Dr.
Sudheer Prem Kumar, Shri Satish Chandra, Dr Sudheer Prem the past year
10. Grievance has been raised on Spandana Portal (twice), RTI has been filed, Press
meet has been conducted @ Anantpur regarding the matter in question .
The following are just a few references of various representations made so far .

● Repeated representations have been submitted to V.C and Research Director by

individuals and groups on multiple occasions

● -Representation submitted to Sajjala Rama krishna Reddy,Advisor to Govt.of A.P

and C.M

● -Representation submitted to Prof.Hemachandra Reddy,Chairman,A.P Council for

Higher Education

As stated earlier, we are very hopeful that you will kindly take a considerate view of the
whole matter and do the needful to expedite the process. Sir, we profusely plead before you
to kindly ensure that we get our degrees at the earliest and oblige. We shall be eternally
grateful to you for your kind gesture in this regard. We once again earnestly appeal to you to
kindly use your good office to finally put an end to this seemingly endless saga of our
suffering and misery. However despite all our earnest efforts our grievances have not been
redressed and the research activities of the University has been in a standstill for over two
years now.

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely

The aggrieved research scholars of Rayalaseema University.

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