Accounts: Username: MTCL Username: Swinst Username: Su Password: MTCL Password: Softinst Password: Letacla

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Administration Software Installation Root

username: mtcl username: swinst username: su

password: mtcl password: SoftInst password: letacla

Password Changing of OXE:

1. From MGR tool, enter root account (user: su; password: letacla)

2. Enter command “passwd (space) account name”

Start and Stop the System (Telephone)

Starting the System enables the PBX to start its entire configuration. Stopping the
System is usually done before removing/loading/restoring database

To Stop the System, go to the Software Installation Account, choose the “Easy
Menu (1)”.

By entering the Easy Menu (1), read all the choices and look for the “Stop the
telephone” which is at “7”. By entering your choice, the system will ask for your
confirmation to stop the telephone. Choose “y” or simply enter as default answer is
yes. The system will reboot after your confirmation, you’ll lose your connection to
the PBX.

After reboot the next step, is to check the status of the PBX if the system is off or
the system has stopped. To check the status, use the command “role”.

Below is what will you see after using the command “role”:
REMAGEN -7 (The System is off or system has stopped)

REMAGEN -110 and -112 (The System is booting up)

UNDEFINED (The System is on standby mode)

MAIN (The System is now UP and running)


Go to the Software Installation Account, choose the “Expert Menu (2)”.

From Expert Menu, choose “Database tools (7)”

From Database tools, choose “Create an empty database (2)”. By pressing

your choice, it will ask your confirmation to create a new database. Choose “y” or
simply enter as default answer is yes. *NOTE: You’ll need to stop the telephone, it
will now allow you to proceed until stopping the telephone is done.

After removing the old database, it will require you to enter the country, just enter
After entering the country, it will ask if you want to create entire database, enter

Then it will show the licenses of your PBX, enter “0 (zero)”

It will be the end of configuration of the new database and after the creation, reboot
the system.

NOTE! After the reboot, you’ll need to Start the Telephone for the system will be
UP/running and you can start on configuring the PBX.


To Start the Telephone, go to the Software Installation Account, choose the

“Easy Menu (1)”.

By entering the Easy Menu (1), read all the choices and look for the “Start the
telephone” which is at “8”. By entering your choice, the system will ask for your
confirmation to stop the telephone. Choose “y” or simply enter as default answer is
yes. The system will reboot after your confirmation, you’ll lose your connection to
the PBX.

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