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I believe that power is all you need to survive this society. Might control everything, and without
strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself. The meaning of power is the one
which you believe in the most and you must not stop improving to achieve it yourself.
2. The areas that you choose will be the focus of your manifesto
a. How you’ll spend your time
Do anything you want unless you have responsibilities for that day and so prioritize them and go
b. How you’ll spend your money
Always think about what you spend especially if the thing you’re buying isn’t a necessity. So
don’t buy it unless you need it.
c. Dealing with failures and mistakes
Analyze your mistakes and find the possible scenarios if I did that specific action and what would
the results be so I can use it in the future and be prepared for a similar scene.
d. How you’ll treat your body
Living a healthy lifestyle is a sign of respect for your body. If your body fails, you can’t achieve
e. Daily interaction with others
Always treat them as equals. Show some respect and kindness to them.

3. In addition, you can also create a manifesto by asking yourself questions such as:
a. How do I choose to define myself?
I am what I am. Listening to others can’t define me.
b. What am I willing to die for?
I am willing to die for the people that I love and respect.
c. How do I want to live my life?
I just want to live a simple and carefree life. I just want to be laidback and have little problems in
d. What words do I want to live my life by?
“Be strong, Become motivated, Find power” If I happen to find myself in despair and loneliness.
e. What are my strongest beliefs?
I believe living for myself, lessens the setbacks in life. You must solve all you problems on your
own and become too reliant on others.

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