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Theory of crime Advocator/s Concept/s

- Individuals were thought to be possessed by good or
Demonological Theory ____________ evil spirits, which caused good or evil.

- Children and lunatics cannot calculate pain and

Neo-Classical Theory ____________ pleasure, therefore, must be exempted from criminal
- Utilitarian Hedonism which explains that a person
Classical Theory Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy always acts in such a way as to seek pleasure and
Bentham avoid pain. (Bentham)
- Men are rational being who has the freewill to
choose between good or evil. (Beccaria)
Biological Trait Theory Certain biological and mental traits present at birth
make people more prone to crime.
Critical Theory - Crime is a product of the imbalance in the society.
Raffaele Garofalo, Enrico - Criminals are like sick people who requires
Positivists Theory Ferri and Cesare Lombroso rehabilitation rather than the imposition of punishment.

Anomie Theory Emile Durkheim - Crime is an important ingredient to all healthy


Psychoanalytical Theory Sigmund Freud Crime is a symbolic expression of one’s inner tension
which a person but fails to control.
Crime is a product of childhood experiences and

Psychodynamic theory - explains personality in terms of conscious and

unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and
- commonly hold that childhood experiences shape
Somatotyping Theory William Sheldon - Heredity is the primary determinant of one’s
behavior and
- body physique is a reliable indicator of one’s
Differential Edwin Sutherland - Criminal behavior is learned through social
Association Theory interaction in the process of communication.

Strain Theory Robert King Merton - It maintains that the failure of a man to achieve a
higher status of life caused them to commit crimes in
order for that status or goal to be attained.
- Frustration leads to criminality.
Cartographical School of Adolphe Quetelet - Crimes against person increase during summer and
Criminology crimes against property increase during winter.

General Inferiority Theory Earnest Hooton - Criminals are originally inferior and that crime is the
result of the impact of the environment.
Evolution Theory Charles Darwin - Humans, like other animals, are parasites.
- Man is an organism having an animalistic behavior
that is dependent on other animals for survival.
Thus, man kills and steals to live.

Labeling Theory Frank Tannenbaum, Edwin - Behavior becomes criminal if it is labeled as such.
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Master Status Theory Howard Becker - One’s behavior depend on how other people react to
their activities.
- Sub-theory of labeling theory.
Differential Opportunity Lloyd Ohlin - It explains that society leads the lower class to want
Theory things and society does things to people.

Social Learning Theory - Crime is learned through observation.

Social Psychological Theory - Crime is learned through imitation.
Human Ecology Theory Robert Ezra Park - It maintains that crime is a function of social change
that occurs along with environmental change.
- It maintains that isolation, segregation, competition,
conflict, social contract, interaction and social
hierarchy of people are the major influences of
criminal behavior and crimes.

Ecological Theory Crime is a product of societal changes or

Containment Theory Walter Reckless - This theory is a form of control, which suggests that
a series of both internal and external factors
contributes to criminal behavior.

Conflict Theories William Chambliss Laws are for the rich and not for the poor, thus, the
poor violate laws.
Conflicting Group Theories George Vold Conflict between the minority (poor) and the rich are
translated into criminal laws reflecting the desires of
the rich and not of the poor.
The rich and the powerful influence legislation.

Theory of Criminalization Austin Turk Criminality is essentially a status that is conferred or

ascribed by persons in authority to individuals who
engage in a particular set of behaviors. Criminality
is a definition applied by individuals with the power
to do so.
Social Class Conflict Theory Karl Marx and Frederick Character of every society is determined by its
Engel particular mode of economic production

The rich have the power to create criminal law that

only benefits them and not the poor.

The rich have the power to control the society.

Chicago School/ Henry Mckay Poverty and economic deprivation produces

Social Disorganization Clifford R. Shaw criminality.
Theory Economically stable environments have lesser crime
rates, while those economically deprived have high
crime rates.
Capitalism Theory William Bonger The ruling class creates laws that reflect and protect its
interest in capitalist societies; laws are designed to
protect the accumulation of private profit.
Gang Theory Gangs originate from childhood playgroups and they
commit crimes for recognition.

Subculture Theory Albert Cohen - He claims that the lower class cannot socialize
effectively as the middle class in what is considered
appropriate middle class behavior. Thus, the lower
class gathers together to share their common values
forming a subculture that rejects middle class values.

STATUS FRUSTRATION leads to criminality.

They commit crimes to gain higher status.
Walter Miller Theory Walter Miller lower class is a separate culture whose expectations
and values are different from those of the middle
class. (FOCAL CONCERNS – trouble, toughness,
smartness, excitement, fate, autonomy)

Delinquency and Opportunity Richard Cloward and Lloyd Delinquency is the result of great disparity between
Theory Ohlin what youths are taught to want and what is actually
available to them.
Children commit crimes because the legitimate means
are not possible thus they result to illegitimate
Neutralization Theory Gresham Sykes - It maintains that an individual will obey or disobey
societal rules depending upon his or her ability to
rationalize whether he is protected from hurt or
Genetics Theory - people who have abnormal genetic structure or
chromosomal activities commit crimes and
delinquency (SUPER MALES – XYY
Frustration Aggression - people who are frustrated become aggressive
Theory (violent) and commit crimes.
Social Control Theory Ivan Nye Delinquency is natural, conformity, on the other hand,
is not all natural, it must be explicitly taught and
encouraged, usually by parents.

Chil:dren with more freedom are prone to delinquency.

3 kinds of Control:
A. Internal – child’s conscin
B. Direct – literal control
C. Indirect – affection

Social Bond Theory Travis Hirschi Sub-theory of social control.

Ties of the society prevent crime
a. Attachment- care about others
b. Commitment – investment on activities
c. Involvement – time spent on conventional
d. Belief – acknowledgement of what is right
and wrong.

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