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Dear Parent/Guardian,

It can be very difficult to keep up with the ever evolving COVID-19 guidelines for
schools. We will endeavour to keep you updated as best we can of any new
recommendations from the HSE.
Please note the current guidelines we have at present below.
A written explanation of any school absence must be supplied to the school by
either a note in child’s school journal (1st - 6th class) or an email to class teacher or
the school office ( in advance of their return to school.

Going to school is important for your child's wellbeing. It's important that they enjoy a
normal and active childhood.
All children should go to school unless they:

 have symptoms of COVID-19 

 are under the age of 13 and a household close contact of someone who has
 are age 13 or older and any kind of close contact of someone who has COVID-
 live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive antigen test

Positive Covid 19 Case confirmed:

Your child needs to isolate for 10 full days from the date of first symptoms.
If your child has no symptoms but has a positive PCR test result then he/she should
self-isolate for 10 days from the date of the test.
Household Contact of a Positive Case :
Child (if vaccinated or has had COVID-19 in the previous 9 months) should restrict
movements for 5 days if he/she has no symptoms.                                                     
If he/she has symptoms then book a PCR test through your GP.
Household Contact of Someone who is not Vaccinated:
Children who are close contacts of a household Positive Case of COVID-19 - need
to restrict movements for 14 days - if they get negative result on day 10 test, they
can stop restricting movements.  A screenshot of the PCR result should be emailed
to the school.
Parents and guardians are requested to inform their child’s school immediately if
their child has a positive (detected) COVID-19 PCR test result/antigen test. The
school will then contact the parents/guardians of the other children in the relevant
pod (e.g. table) within that class and advise them how to request antigen tests.
All children in the pod can continue to attend school as long as they
remain asymptomatic and they do not have a positive COVID-19 antigen or PCR test
Antigen Tests: Is an indication of COVID-19 and is not fool-proof, if your child has
symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive antigen test result please book a PCR test.
PCR Tests should be taken if you are a close household contact of a positive case .
It is really important to remind everyone that if you have any respiratory symptoms
you should self-isolate at home and get a COVID-19 PCR test. Even if a child’s
COVID19 test is negative, if they continue to have respiratory symptoms they should
not go to school as they may spread other viral infections.

Children can return to school when both of these apply:

 they have not had a high temperature (38 degrees Celsius or over) for 5 days

 it has been 10 days since they first developed symptoms.

Please contact the school by email if you are in doubt and need advice and we will
do our best to get back to you the same day if at all possible.
Thanks for your continued attention to this issue.
Aodh & all the St Damian’s Team

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