Dragon #235 - Mage On Deck

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by Ted Zuvich

by David Kooharian
n the third day, the storm broke, its rage spent. The sun Description and background
peeked out from behind dark clouds, and Captain T’Do of In a seagoing campaign, the PCs usually own (or operate)
the Alca Torda pried his numb fingers from the helm. He either a merchant vessel or a military ship. A seagoing cam-
swayed on his feet as he surveyed the wreckage of his ship. The top paign will probably start with the PCs as members of the ship’s
of the foremast drooped at a drunken angle, and the sails hung in complement, under the nominal command of an NPC captain.
tatters. Broken spars snarled what was left of the rigging. Something The PCs could be marines on board a military ship, or mem-
was wrong with the rudder, too, and the ship rode far too low in the bers of a merchant ship’s crew. At this point, the Captain of the
water for his liking. Less than he’d expected though. The Alca Torda ship can send the PCs off willy-nilly on dangerous, hair-raising
was lucky to be afloat. special missions. As the PCs go up in levels, they may earn offi-
The crew began coming out, untying the safety lines and creep- cer’s rank and move up in the ship hierarchy.
ing slowly from whatever safe hideaways they’d found for them- Somewhere around 3rd to 5th level, the PCs should have the
selves, moving carefully and talking in whispers. One fellow got resources to purchase or otherwise acquire their own ship.
down on his belly and hugged the deck and sobbed. It only took a Perhaps they could capture a pirate vessel during a wild sea-bat-
few moments for Captain T’Do to account for the crew. Most were tle, and be given ownership as a reward. When the PCs acquire
present. But not all. their own ship, the fun really starts - as do the headaches for the
“Shipmage Doroth,” he croaked. “Report!” DM. Imagine a group of adventurers with a ship, not bound to
From the corner of his eye, he saw the misty outline of the phan- any one specific location, able to come and go as they please.
tom sail wink out of existence. Minutes later, Doroth staggered on Luckily, the DM can usually distract most players with an inter-
deck and stood blinking in the bright sunshine. Great dark circles sur- esting mission. The PCs will probably split up the duties on board
rounded her sea-blue eyes, circles put there by the strain of main- the new ship, taking officer positions such as captain, comman-
taining the phantom sail for the past two days, ever since they’d lost der of the marines, quartermaster, etc. Shipmages are officers in
the real one. One of her apprentices held her by the arm, offering the ship’s chain of command, usually staffing the “special
support, although he wasn’t much steadier himself. weapons and defense” position.
“One last thing, shipmage,” said T’Do, “then sleep for you. We’re Shipmages have abilities that allow them to thrive in a seago-
missing a few of the crew. Can you locate them?” ing scenario. The shipmage is at home on the sea, and very pow-
Doroth simply looked at him and nodded her head, too weary to erful there, with abilities that enhance the ship’s operational
speak unless it was necessary. She dug a silvered mirror out of a deep capability. A ship-mage has great powers over air and water, and
pocket, and croaked soft words over it. She began counting slowly. some influence over fire. Seafarers must control fire at all costs.
After a few moments she spoke, her voice broken and dry.
The shipmage is a new Wizard kit for the AD&D® game. A ship mage must meet the minimum ability requirements
Examples of shipmages in popular fiction include the mages in for a mage, and have a Dexterity of 14 or better. A shipmage
Ursula K. LeGuin’s A Wizard of Earthsea and the Seafolk with an Intelligence and Dexterity of 16 or better gains a 10%
Windfinders in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. The ship- bonus to earned XP. There are no racial restrictions on becom-
mage is a valuable component of a ship’s crew, and those ing a shipmage, other than the normal restrictions on mage eli-
ships that have one count themselves fortunate. gibility. While most shipmages are single-class humans, there
The idea for the shipmage kit was conceived and developed are a few elven and half-elven fighter-shipmages.
during a long-running seagoing campaign. While seagoing
campaigns are not as common as land-based campaigns, they !+,"- +.- )/"- 0/%1'23"
occur fairly often. TSR publishes several products useful in a Circumstances force shipmages to be largely self-sufficient,
seagoing campaign, such as Pirates of the Fallen Stars, independent-minded people. A ship usually only
the RED STEEL® setting, and the “Volkrad” adven- has one shipmage, possibly with one or two
tures published in DUNGEON® Adventures. apprentices. Sailing vessels are at sea for

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long periods of time, so shipmages detailed information in memory, without DMs have used the “damaged ship”
rarely meet and converse with their own need to commit it to paper. plot device to introduce new adventures
kind. They take every opportunity to do One of the shipmage’s prime respon- so often that it has become a cliche. The
so, however, when the chance arises. sibilities is to keep the ship in good wily player will work out many different
When two or more ships carrying ship- working order. The shipmage uses a ways to circumvent or minimize the
mages meet, the sea-mages go to great combination of spells and NWPs such as effects of this plot device. Typical
lengths to visit and compare notes, engineering, seamanship, navigation, sources of ship damage in a fantasy
spells, and stories. If the ships meet and ship repair (new NWP) to help main- campaign include monster attacks (sea
while in harbor, the mages shuttle back tain the ship. Practically the first spells dragons, sea serpents, sahuagin), storms
and forth between each other’s ships an apprentice seamage learns is mend- (hurricanes, gales), pirates, and reefs.
constantly. ing. And the apprentice uses it every What good does a hurricane anchor (see
If five or more shipmages meet and day, without fail. Similar spells include below) do in a normal campaign situa-
at least one of them is a master ship- defect structural flaw (see below), renewal tion? Very little. But at sea during a hur-
mage, they may declare a shipmeet by (DUNGEON Adventures #58, “Caveat ricane with the reefs looming ever clos-
unanimous consent. Shipmages declare Emptor”), robust construction (see below), er and a sea-serpent growling at you
truce during a shipmeet, and none of minor creation, and major creation. from the deep water, a spell like this
them raise a hand against any of the A journeyman or better shipmage is could save the ship. Look for mundane
others. They also do everything they expected to be able to navigate compe- ways to improve the ship’s odds as well.
can to prevent their ships from coming tently. The shipmage also has several Imagine everything that could go
into conflict. The seamages use the ship- spells that help with navigation and wrong, and make a plan for it. Develop
meet to discuss spells, swap stories, and piloting, including absolute location (see a “broken mast” contingency plan
make decisions about apprentices and below), depthsounder (see below) and before the ship breaks a mast.
shipmage candidates. fisheye (see below). Other spells of this A shipmage also provides the means
New apprentices are sometimes liter- type include: locate object, clairvoyance, to enhance temporarily the ship’s speed
ally bullied into the job. A shipmage in and infravision. and maneuverability. Players should
need of an apprentice oftens grab a A sailing ship suitable for a seagoing imagine everything that they would like
promising member of the crew and campaign can have a crew of anywhere the ship to be able to do, then design
makes him an offer he cannot refuse. from five to fifty sailors. Members of the spells that make it so the ship can do it.
Shipmages typically serve as apprentices crew are usually 0-level or 1st-level More speed, tighter turns, and the ability
under the tutelage of an older and more fighters. Some of these may be hench- to withstand more damage: these are all
experienced shipmage until 3rd level. It is men or followers, in which case they things that can make the difference
here that the shipmage learns the duties might be slightly higher level. The mem- between life and death on the high sea.
and responsibilities of a proper ship- bers of the crew do the tedious but nec-
mage. Shipmages usually find their own essary grunt work required to operate 451"&%"(6"- .+&- *1",,62*)%(3
ships when they reach 4th level. At this the ship: swabbing decks, hauling sails, Played properly, the shipmage casts
point, they are known as journeymen. making sail repairs, handling cargo, etc. many spells practically every day, and not
Shipmages of 9th level or higher are They also usually perform such duties as necessarily during encounters. The DM
known as master shipmages. standing watch, carrying the heavy stuff, should award XP only when those spells
Shipmages are busy and detail- digging holes, chopping trees, etc. When make a difference. If the shipmage casts
oriented. No shipmage can afford the a sea-serpent attacks, or a fierce storm shield vessel (see below) when the crows
luxury of being distracted or absent- hits, or the sahuagin stage a raid, or any nest spots an approaching ship, and the
minded. Consequently, the shipmage is of the other numerous things that can ship turns out to be friendly, the PC should
an ideal role for a conscientious player go wrong on an adventuring ship, the receive no XP. On the other hand, if the
who likes to keep track of numerous members of the crew are usually the precautionary shield vessel keeps the PCs’
details. The shipmage needs to know most vulnerable and must be protected. ship from being captured by pirates, the
exactly what is aboard the ship at any The shipmage should have a differ- shipmage should receive full XP.
time, from lanterns to navigation tools ent philosophy about spellcasting than
to the nature of the cargo the ship is cur- the normal mage. Instead of using spells 0/%1'23"- .2'%,%2&*
rently carrying. that affect only a few people, the ship- All seamage familiars must either live
The player of a shipmage should be mage should concentrate on spells that on the ship or be able to keep up with
prepared to make lists of crew-member improve the survivability of the ship and the ship. Typical familiars include: rat
information (level, skills, rank, etc.), food- its crew. A shipmage rarely casts a com- (night vision), cat (excellent night vision
stuffs, supplies, equipment, weapons, bat-oriented, single-target spell such as and superior hearing), parrot (superior
and anything else onboard the ship. That magic missile. Instead, the shipmage uses sense of taste), ship-snake (extremely
way, if the DM says you need a shovel, spells such as affect normal fires, wail of sensitive sense of smell), and seabirds
you have probably got one, and you fog, fog cloud, levitate, rope trick, shield ves- such as seagulls, albatrosses, and terns
have the list to prove it. “Polka-dot paint? sel (see below), and wind wail. Shipmages (usually offer superior sight).
Sure. Third sea-chest on the left hand also make an effort to select long-dura-
side of the secondary hold, underneath tion spells with wide areas of effect. In 7"21+(- 1&+.%6%"(6%"*
the flea-infested camel-hair rugs.” addition, please refer to the excellent The shipmage uses the normal mage
Although the player will probably have discussion in “Arcane Lore: Sea Magic” in proficiencies, with the exception that the
to make lists, it is entirely possible that DRAGON Magazine #220 regarding stan- shipmage can become proficient with
the shipmage would carry all of this dard spells usable at sea. the net.

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8+(9"21+(- 1&+.%6%"(6%"* !"#$%& '(& )*"+,%& -.& /0%$$& ."1$23%& 415*& /2#/51525%& ,-60-+%+5/
Shipmages receive seamanship as a How close is the substituted Spell failure
bonus NWP. Shipmages must obtain component to the original? modifier Example
Very Close 0% Sleep: sawdust for sand
Navigation by 4th level, but they must Similar -10% Rope trick: long hair for string
spend proficiency slots to do so. Barely related -25% Water breathing: a bottle instead of a reed or straw
Unrelated Automatic failure NA
Recommended NWPs include: car-
pentry, direction sense, fishing, lan-
guages, rope-use, seamstress/tailor, ship 01"6%2,- :"(".%)* Shipmages are prone to conduct spell
repair (see sidebar) swimming, weather Because of his close ties to the sea, the research to come up with specialty
sense, engineering, and navigation. shipmage has a +1 bonus to all saving spells. The AD&D spell system is tremen-
In general, most strictly land-based throws while at sea or aboard ship (even dously flexible, if the players take
NWPs are forbidden or modified to when docked). Conversely, the shipmage advantage of it by having their PCs con-
reflect the seagoing setting. A shipmage has a -1 penalty applied to all saving duct spell research.
would not learn how to ride a horse, for throws while on land. A shipmage who Sailors have a long tradition of mak-
example, but might learn how to ride a never sets foot on land (after becoming a ing do in a pinch. To reflect this, the ship-
dolphin or whale. Likewise, a shipmage shipmage) receives a +2 bonus to all sav- mage can substitute material compo-
would not learn mining, but might learn ing throws while at sea. This bonus goes nents when casting spells. In order to use
about pearl-farming. away once the shipmage touches land, a non-standard component, the player
reverting to the normal +1/-1 forever must first propose a reasonable substi-
New nonweapon proficiency: ship
after. The DM should strictly enforce the tute, along with the rationale for why the
repair (1 slot, Int +1)
restriction on the +2 bonus. substitution should work. The substituted
This NWP allows the mage to assess the state
of the ship and direct the crew to make any nec- A shipmage counts as one level higher component must be at least somewhat
essary repairs. Because of the higher level of for purposes of determining range, area related; attempting to use totally incom-
maintenance, a ship under the constant care of a
mage with this proficiency gains a +1 bonus vs. of effect, and other level-dependent para- patible items causes spell failure. When a
any damaging attacks. The bonus is +1 for every meters when casting an air or water- seamage uses a non-standard material
three levels of the mage. A 1st level mage pro-
vides a +1 bonus, a 4th-level mage provides a +2 based spell such as wall of fog, stinking component to cast a spell, there is a min-
bonus, etc. The bonus increases by a further +1 if cloud, or whispering wind. The shipmage imum 10% chance of spell failure. The
the mage also has the engineering NWP. The pro-
ficiency assumes that the mage uses magic such receives a +15% bonus to learn such DM then modifies the base chance of
as mending, unseen servant, levitate, and similar spells. A shipmage counts as one level spell failure according to Table 1. For
spells to help make necessary repairs. example, a shipmage who attempts to
lower when casting fire-based spells and
receives a -15% penalty to learn such cast a water breathing spell using a bottle
spells. A shipmage can never cast earth- has a 35% chance of spell failure.
The shipmage receives the normal based spells (such as stoneskin, stoneshape,
mage starting allowance for money and and transmute rock to mud). For example, a 01"6%2,- /%(;&2(6"*
equipment. 5th-level shipmage casting a gust of wind The shipmage must be a “seafarer” at
Shipmages have the option of using counts as a 6th-level caster. The same all times. To meet this criteria, he must
their ship as their spellbook. Such “spell- shipmage attempting to cast a fi r eball either be an active member of a ship’s
ships” are covered with intricate carv- counts as a 4th-level caster for purposes crew or be shipwrecked and actively
ings, lacquers, paintings, murals, strange of determining damage dice, range, etc. seeking to return to the sea. Those who
arrangements of ropes, etc. The carvings The shipmage also has the ability to do not meet these criteria are allowed a
and decorations make up the spell infor- conduct spell research aboard ship, one-month grace period to find a new
mation that a mage would normally which would normally be nearly impossi- ship. If this time expires, the shipmage
record in a spellbook. A normal mage ble. The shipmage’s lab is not the tradi- permanently loses all special abilities
cannot read spells recorded in this man- tional stark and isolated wizard’s tower. It connected with the kit. A former ship-
ner, nor can a shipmage who uses a is apt to be a corner of the cargo hold, a mage is referred to as “beached,” and he
spellship read spells recorded in spell- cabin, or perhaps even the deck of the is looked upon with pity and derision by
books. The cost of recording the spell is ship. In a sense, the entire ship is part of active shipmages.
the same as if the shipmage had the mage’s lab. To reflect this, 10% of the
recorded it in a spellbook. The spellship value of the ship counts toward the value 7"2,)/- +1)%+(*
is a very visible sign of shipmage’s pres- of the shipmage’s lab. The shipmage The starting resources for the ship-
ence and provides the shipmage with should also be something of a scavenger. mage are the same as for a normal mage.
extreme motivation to protect the ship. A shipmage should attempt to find at However, no other type of mage can
The advantage of this form of spell least half a dozen strange items at every bring along what is essentially a mobile
recording is that the spellship is more new port. The DM should assign a mone- laboratory. This can quickly become a
robust than a normal spellbook. The tary value to these items. The shipmage significant advantage for the PC.
spells are damaged only if the ship is, and counts 30% of the value of the items In a seagoing campaign, the resources
they can be “repaired” just as the ship toward the value of his lab. Typical exam- available to the PCs are usually greater
can. The disadvantage is that it is difficult ples of strange items include: a spear than those in a normal campaign. The
(but not impossible) for the shipmage to from a cannibal tribe, white sand from a PCs have a ship to carry their equipment,
transfer to a new ship. Shipmages who virgin beach, black sand taken from the even if actual paying cargo takes up part
do so lose 5-25% of their spells in the slopes of an erupting volcano, and the of the ship’s space. At the same time, it’s
process. In addition, the transfer takes vinegar-preserved hand of a sahuagin easy to hare off to exotic locales. The PCs
one week per level of the shipmage. raider. are free to “run away” from problems or

*3 &%-./0."' ,112
seek out their own adventures. The DM This spell takes 8 cubic feet of green This means that if the water depth var-
should go with this. If the PCs want to sail lumber per caster level and cures it, ren- ied from 30’ to 60’ within a very small
through remote archipelagos in search of dering the green lumber ready for use. distance, the spell would report an aver-
lost tribes, let them. You can bring them Sea-mages rarely use this spell, although age depth of 45’.
back around sooner or later. it is in their repertoire. There is nothing This spell is most commonly used to
better for quick repairs when a damaged navigate through shallow water. The
<%&*)=,">",- *1",,* ship barely manages to limp into some caster takes a position in the prow of
?:*+,$)"- @+62)%+( remote deserted tropical island harbor the ship, casts the spell, and then gives
(Divination) or bay. steering directions.
Range: 0 The material components are a small The material component is a small
Duration: Instant clay model of a lumber-drying kiln (not black stone, which the mage tosses into
Area of Effect: Caster consumed), a sliver of cured wood (con- the water while casting the spell.
Components: V,S,M sumed).
Casting Time: 1 C")"6)- 0)&$6)$&2,- <,29
Save: None C"1)/*+$(;"& (Divination)
Tired of being blown off-course and (Divination) Range: 10’ per level
having no idea where you are? This spell Range: 60’/level Duration: 1 turn per level
provides the mage with a navigational Duration: 5 rounds/level Area of Effect: 10’ x 10’ area per level
fix (the distance and direction) to a Area of Effect: 10’ radius cylinder, 60’ Components: V,S,M
known landmark. The mage must be long per level Casting Time: 1 turn
very familiar with the site. Suitable land- Components: V,S,M Save: None
marks include the home port, an often- Casting Time: 1 This spell allows the caster to detect
visited island, or a distinctive mountain. Save: None hidden structural flaws in items such as
The navigational fix is accurate to within This spell provides the caster with an ceilings, floors, armor, weapons, ships,
200 yards. This is not accurate enough estimate of the water depth below the piers, buildings, etc. The spell is used pri-
to navigate through shoals or reefs, but it caster and within the range of the spell. marily to assess the structural soundness
is good enough to determine which way The estimate is accurate to within 10% of seagoing vessels. A shipmage who
is “home.” The spell works over world- of the real value. It is important to note regularly uses this spell (and acts upon
wide distances but only on the “home that the spell reports the average local the information gathered) grants a +1
planet” of the mage casting the spell. water depth within the area of effect. bonus to the ship’s saving throws vs. any
The material component of the spell
(not consumed) is a map of the world
worth at least 50 gp. The map does not
have to be accurate.

A2*)=B&+(- 0)+'26/
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: one target creature/level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1
Save: None
This spell allows the recipient to eat
basically any food without fear of upset
stomach or other violent gastric protest.
This spell was developed by mages who
were attempting to establish trade con-
tacts among the many small islands of
the Archipelagos. The spell provides no
protection against the effects of alcohol
or toxins. It simply prevents unfortunate
involuntary reactions to unusual or
spicy food.

A$&"- @$':"&
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 8 cubic feet/level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Save: None

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kind of damage. Storms, weapons, worth not less than 10 gp. On a world Area of Effect: 100 square feet/level
impact, swamping, etc. with more than one moon, the spell Components: V,S,M
The caster may move slowly (one- requires one silver disk for each moon. Casting Time: 1 turn
quarter normal speed) while maintain- Being able to magically predict the Save: None
ing the spell, but may not cast other tide is not terribly important in an area Mages use this spell to strip paint,
spells. The caster may detect flaws up to where the tides follow regular patterns. barnacles, ice, etc., off surfaces. The spell
1’ deep in wood and stone, and up to 1” However, on a world with two or more can strip 100 square feet of surface of
deep in metal. Scanning an “item” such moons, this spell can be very handy rough work, or 10 square feet per level
as a shield, helmet, sword, or specific indeed. of fine work such as a piece of delicate
support beam, etc., requires 1 round. furniture.
Scanning an “area” such as a deck or D&"*"&>" A cog with a deck length of 85’, mod-
ceiling requires 1 turn per 10’ x 10’ area (Alteration) eled as a half-cylinder with radius 10’
inspected. Range: Touch has approximately 2,700 square feet of
The material component (consumed) Duration: 1 year hull exposed to barnacles. Assume that
is a 1” diameter unflawed steel disk with Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level the exposed area is 80% covered, 2150
ridges (easily made with a file) on the Components: V,S,M square feet. A 3rd-level mage could strip
outer rim, worth 1 sp. Casting Time: 1 turn 300 square feet, or about one-seventh
Save: None of the total surface area per application.
C"*2,%(2)" This spell preserves food (or other It is difficult to see how this spell could
(Alteration) organic material, such as ropes, leather, be turned to offensive or defensive use. It
Range: Touch fat) for a period of one year. The spell might (with the appropriate tool) be able
Duration: Permanent protects against normal rot or decay, to de-scale a large fish such as a pike.
Area of Effect: 8 gallons/level insect infestations, damp rot, etc. It pro- The material component (consumed)
Components: V,S,M vides no protection against extraordi- is a scraping tool appropriate to the sub-
Casting Time: 1 round nary environmental stress (magic, fire, stance being scraped, i.e., a barnacle
Save: None item left out in the sun, dumped directly scraper to strip barnacles off a ship’s
Desalinate removes dissolved salts in anthill, etc.) hull, or an ice scraper for scraping ice off
and other contaminants from seawater. The material component (consumed) a sidewalk.
The filtered water is potable. This spell is is a small amount of fine beeswax. The reverse form of the spell, apply,
not like create water, which creates applies a layer of liquid such as paint,
something from nothing, and desalinate D&+)"6)%+(- .&+'- !$*) pitch, caulk, etc. to a surface such as a
is much less effective than the priest (Abjuration) ship’s hull or deck. The apply spell can-
spell purify food and drink. However, it Range: Touch not be used to coat mobile creatures.
will work, in a pinch. Desalinate simply Duration: 1 year per caster level
separates the desirable portion of the Area of Effect: Target object, F"&'%(=92&;
seawater (water) from the undesirable Components: V,S,M (Abjuration)
materials (dissolved salts and minerals). Casting Time: 1 round Range: 0
Desalinate has no effect on living Save: None Duration: 1 week/level
creatures. Using this spell, the mage can protect Area of Effect: 100 square feet/level,
The material component (consumed) an item from mundane rust (oxidation) Components: V,S,M
is a small piece of fine paper or cloth for one year per caster level. The spell Casting Time: 1 turn
(worth 1 gp) which is used as a filter. also provides a one-time bonus of +1 Save: None
per three caster levels on saving throws The vermin-ward prevents vermin
D&";%6)- E%;" versus rust monster effects. The spell is such as spiders, wasps, mosquitoes, flies,
(Divination) intended for use on small to medium mice, rats, small snakes, and other small
Range: 0 metal items (daggers, swords, pieces of pests from entering the warded area.
Duration: Instant armor), not large metal structures. Mages often use this spell to protect
Area of Effect: Caster The material component (consumed) grain silos and cargo holds. The mage
Components: S,M is a specially formulated lacquer, which must trace the perimeter of the warded
Casting Time: 1 turn the mage applies to the item to be pro- area with a slurry of noxious chemicals
Save: None tected. This lacquer costs not less than 5 that costs 1 gp per 10 linear feet. The
Predict tide provides the caster with a gp per application. spell consumes the material component.
general indication of the tides (time, A shipmage who regularly uses this
water level at high and low tides) in the spell on the ship’s equipment reduces Second-level spells
local area for the next 24 hours. The the yearly maintenance cost of the ship ?(6/+&
base accuracy is 75%, plus 2% per level by 10%. (Alteration)
of the caster. Even if the accuracy roll Reversible
fails, the most that will happen is that 0)&%1 Range: Touch
there will be a slight error in the esti- (Alteration) Duration: Instant
mated time or water level. Reversible Area of Effect: Target
The material component (not con- Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
sumed) is a silver disk engraved with an Range: 10’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 1 round
image of the moon. The disk must be Duration: lnstant Save: Negates

*2 &%-./0."' ,112
The anchor spell causes a ship’s over just as a normal boat can. The The material components (con-
anchor to fully deploy in one round, diskboat can also move over land, if sumed) are as a light spell (firefly or a
regardless of water depth. The anchor required. piece of phosphorescent moss) plus a
sets well and holds the ship firmly in The material components (con- small (1” x 1”) piece of glass stained a
place. The deployment is much faster sumed) are a small clear disk worth not deep, translucent yellow. The stained
than a manual deployment. The ship less than 2 gp and a drop of mercury. glass costs at least 1 gp.
must be at or near a stop in order to use
this spell. The anchor spell gives ships a <+3-@%3/) 423,"=>%*%+(
+1 on saves vs. storm damage. (Evocation) (Invocation)
If used offensively (to drop the Range: 60 yards Range: 0
anchor of a pursuing ship, for example), Duration: 1 turn/level Duration: 5 rounds +1 round/level
the target ship uses the saving throw of Area of Effect: 20’ radius globe Area of Effect: Caster
its captain. Components: V,M Components: V,S,M
The reverse of the spell, weigh anchor, Casting Time: 2 Casting Time: 2
pulls up a physical anchor in a single Save: Special Save: None
round. This is much faster than manually This spell creates a light of a particu- The eagle-vision spell has two possi-
retracting the anchor. If used offensively, lar golden-yellow hue that penetrates ble manifestations, either of which the
the target ship uses the saving throw of fog. In even the thickest, most noxious caster can use. The caster must specify
its captain. mundane fog, the softly glowing fog which version will be used when memo-
The material component of the spell light provides a 60’ radius of illumina- rizing the spell. The first version tem-
(not consumed) is the ship’s anchor. tion. In a wall of fog, the radius of illumi- porarily duplicates the effect of a 20:l
nation is 40’. In a fog cloud, the radius of telescope, under the caster’s mental
A+,,%*%+(- ?,2&' illumination drops to 20’. The fog right control. The spell manifests itself as a
(Abjuration, Evocation) illuminates as a torch in non-foggy con- slightly warped-looking piece of air in
Range: 50 yards ditions, since the color of light is very front of the caster’s dominant eye. The
Duration: 8 hours +1 hour/level strange. A permanent version of fog light second version reverses the magioptic
Area of Effect: Target vessel exists. field to produce a microscope with 20:1
Components: V,S,M This spell may be cast upon a crea- magnification.
Casting Time: 2 rounds ture’s visual organs, with the same The material component (consumed) is
Save: None restrictions and effects as the light spell. a piece of optical glass worth at least 1 gp.
This spell sounds an audible alarm if
any object larger than a small rowboat
(i.e., a reef, dock, or another ship) comes
within 50 yards of the target vessel. When
triggered, the collision alarm lets out a
piercing whistle that is clearly audible
throughout the ship, and for a half-mile
radius around the ship. Otherwise, this
spell is just like the 1st-level alarm spell.

Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 10’ long, 5’ wide oval,
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Save: None
This spell is an adapted form of
Tensor’s floating disk. The spell forms a
boat-like oval disk (with edges) that can
move out over water. The mage (and
other passengers) can ride in the
diskboat. The diskboat can vary in alti-
tude from 1’ to 10’ above sea level and
can carry 200 lbs. per level of the caster.
The diskboat is at the mercy of wind and
current, although it can be rowed, sailed,
or towed, if appropriate equipment is
available. The spell essentially forms a
small rowboat, so it does not handle
stormy weather well. The diskboat pro-
vides no special stability, and can tip

!"#$%&' ()*+ *4
<%*/"H" <,2'";+$*" I&%1;"6G
(Alteration) (Alteration) (Alteration)
Range: Touch Range: 5 yards/level Range: 0
Duration: 2 hours +1 hour/level Duration: Instant Duration: 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched Area of Effect: 100 square feet per level Area of Effect: Target vessel
Components: V,S,M Components: V,S,M Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Casting Time: 2
Save: None Save: Special Save: None
The recipient of fisheye spell can see This spell is specifically designed to A gripdeck spell improves the traction of
up to 60’ through water as if it were put out nonmagical fires. The spell the deck and actually makes it “grip” a
clear air. Fisheye is extremely useful for instantly squelches all flames within the sailor’s feet, thus reducing the chance of
spotting underwater hazards such as area of effect. The flamedouse extin- being swept overboard in high winds,
submerged reefs, logs, sandbars, and guishes torches, small campfires, a pud- storms, rough seas, extreme maneuvers, or
argumentative sahuagin with cross- dle of flaming oil, or the secondary fires combat. Anyone who might be swept over-
bows. Mages also sometimes use it for caused by a fireball detonation. It would board gains a +3 saving throw bonus. If
spotting other items underwater, such as not have any effect on the fireball itself. the event does not allow a saving throw, all
shipwrecks and schools of fish. An extremely large, hot, well-established personnel now receive an unadjusted sav-
Note that the spell functions properly fire (such as a shipboard fire that has ing throw vs. paralysis to avoid being
only if there is sufficient light by which been burning for a turn or more) might swept or knocked overboard. Anyone who
to see. The fisheye is useless at night, nor (50%) only be reduced to half effective- does somehow fall overboard falls no
is it effective if the water is deep enough ness, but the spell instantly extinguishes more than 10’ from the ship.
to block out surface light. A shipmage most (95%) nonmagical fires.
could, of course, provide a magical light The material components (con- J",'*'2(
source with which to augment the use of sumed) are a pinch of sand and a foamy (Evocation/Invocation)
the fisheye spell. concoction worth 1 gp per application. Range: 0
The material component (consumed) The material components must be Duration: 1 hour +1 turn/level
is the eye of a fish, which the caster thrown at the base of the fire. Area of Effect: Helm
must swallow whole. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3
Save: None

*5 &%-./0."' ,112
This spell summons a disembodied 0)+&'*2%, combat penalties for being in the water. If
force (like an unseen servant) that main- (Alteration) cast on someone who has the swimming
tains a sailing ship on a preset course. If Range: 60’ + 10’/level NWP, it provides them with a +2 bonus
any navigation checks are required, the Components: V,S,M to any required proficiency checks.
helmsman uses the Intelligence of the Duration: 1 hour +3 turns/level The spell also allows the recipient to
summoning mage as a basis for deter- Casting Time: 2 rounds endure ten rounds of immersion in cold
mining success. If the helmsman comes Area of Effect: 1 sail per level or frigid water per caster level without
across an unexpected obstacle (a reef, Save: None the possibility of hypothermia. It does
or another ship), it immediately notifies This spell strengthens a sail tem- not allow water-breathing, nor does it
the caster. The helmsman could theoreti- porarily so that it does not tear in a provide any extra buoyancy to hold up
cally be adapted to control a number of storm. The spell also strengthens the armor or other heavy items.
different types of transport. mast to handle the increased load. A The material component (consumed)
The material component (consumed) stormsail allows the ship to handle a is a small air bladder, painted red.
is a small doll of a helmsman worth no wind 10 knots above its maximum
less than 1 gp. design speed with no possibility of struc- E$&(
tural damage. The stormsail provides no (Alteration)
B()&$;"&- ?,"&) protection above this limit. Range: Touch
(Abjuration, Evocation) The material component (consumed) Duration: Instant
Range: 0 is a small square of starched sailcloth. Area of Effect: 1 vessel
Duration: 8 hours +1 hour/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Target vessel 09%' Casting Time: 2
Components: V,S,M (Alteration) Save: None
Casting Time: 2 Range: Touch Allows a ship to turn as if it were one
Save: None Duration: 8 hours +1 hour/level maneuverability class better (see DRAGON
This variant of the alarm spell wards Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Magazine #116, “High Seas”), without
the whole ship. The principal difference Components: V,S,M possibility of heeling, sinking, or causing
is that the spell wards the whole ship, Casting Time: 2 structural damage. The caster can affect
and not just a 20’ cube. The spell also Save: None a vessel 20’ long plus 10’ per level. Note
has a longer duration. The caster has This spell allows the target creature to that the spell only allows a tight turn, it
the option of issuing any number of swim (as the NWP) at MV 12, with normal does not force a tight turn.
“passkeys” in the form small jeweled
skeleton keys. The keys must be worth a
minimum of 10 gp. Anyone carrying a
“passkey” does not trigger the alarm.
The material components are the
same as those required for the alarm

Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day per level
Area of Effect: 4 cubic feet per level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Save: None
The caster places this spell on a chest
or other container. The chest is then
absolutely sealed against the detrimental
effects of normal environmental forces.
A sealed chest would protect the con-
tents from moisture (even immersion),
gas, heat (up until the point where the
chest caught on fire), etc. In an extreme-
ly hostile environment (such as a fire),
the sealed chest must make a saving
throw each round to retain integrity and
protect its contents. Mages often use this
spell to protect spellbooks, spell compo-
nents, and other valuable items.
The material component (not con-
sumed) is a chest worth at least 25 gp.

!"#$%&' ()*+ *1
E/%&;=,">",- *1",,* Area of Effect: 1 vessel modifiers are cumulative.
A&"9- +.- D/2()+'* Components: V,S,M The caster can automatically locate
Casting Time: 3 anyone who is wearing any item wizard
Save: None marked with the caster’s personal rune.
Range: 0
Duration: 3 rounds/level This spell is usually used on seagoing In addition, the range of the spell dou-
vessels, although it would work on a bles. All wizard-marked items within
Area of Effect: 6’ radius around targets
Components: V,S,M riverboat or skyship as well. The spell range show as small red lights in the
Casting Time: 3 works by magically reducing hull friction mirror used for the spell.
Save: None and augmenting sail efficiency. Typical Locate person can be blocked by 10’
uses of the spell include: fleeing combat, of earth, 2’ of stone, or 1” of lead. A
Related to mirror image, this spell pro-
vides 2d4 exact duplicates of every mem- chasing a faster ship, running before a number of spells (such as non-detection,
ber of the crew of a vessel (up to a maxi- storm, and making a quick passage. aura alteration, sunctuary the interior of a
The first form of the spell fast travel rope-trick spell effect, etc.) also block the
mum of 30 people). Each real member of
causes the vessel to proceed at a speed locate person.
the crew must carry a small “badge”
5% greater than its normal maximum The material component of the spell
worth 10 gp, identifying them as mem-
speed, per level of the caster. There is a (not consumed) is a fine silver mirror
bers of the crew. The badges are not con-
maximum speed increase of 50%. The worth at least 100 gp.
sumed by the spell. Otherwise, the spell
acts as if every member of the crew had vessel must save vs. crushing blow once
a mirror image spell placed upon them.
per hour. If the save fails, the vessel D/2()+'- 02%,
immediately drops to its maximum rated (Evocation/Invocation)
speed and must receive major repairs at Range: 60’
the earliest opportunity. The repairs cost Duration: Special
not less than 10% of the original cost of Area of Effect: 1 vessel
Range: 0
the vessel. The caster can cancel the spell Components: V,S,M
Duration: 24 hours +1 hour/level
at any time. The caster does not need to Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Cube 5’ on a side/level
concentrate on this spell once it is cast. Save: None
Components: V,S,M
The second form of the spell allows a This spell summons up a ghostly sail
Casting Time: 1 turn
ship to proceed at 100% of its base that attaches itself to the ship (no mast
Save: None
movement speed for the duration of the is required). The phantom sail acts just
The doublespace spell allows a vol-
spell, even if there is no wind. as a normal sail, and is great for those
ume of space to “be” two times larger
The material component of the spell times when a ship loses a sail or a mast.
than it actually “is.” In addition, objects
(not consumed) is an elaborately deco- The spell is adaptable to form a phan-
in the doubled space have an effective
rated hand-fan, which must be waved tom rudder, phantom keel, phantom
weight of half their “real” weight. For
for the duration of the spell (although steering wheel, etc. It cannot form a
example, if a 7th-level mage casts dou-
not necessarily by the caster). The fan phantom hull, however. The phantom
blespace on a cargo hold with a volume
must be worth at least 30 gp. sail lasts for as long as the caster can
of 875 cubic feet, the cargo hold would
The shipmage may reverse the first maintain concentration.
then have an effective volume of 1,750
form of this spell and use it against an The material component (consumed)
cubic feet. The spell is great for packing
enemy ship. The reverse of the first form, is a small model of the equipment to be
extra cargo onto a ship and can vastly
slow travel, reduces speed by 5% per level replaced.
increase the profit margins of merchant
of the caster. In this case, the enemy ship
vessels. The spell can only be used on
inanimate objects.
gains a saving throw (as the captain of the !+:$*)- A+(*)&$6)%+(
vessel) to avoid the effect of the spell. (Alteration)
If the spell expires while material
remains within the folded space, or if a Reversible
successful dispel magic is cast upon the
@+62)"- D"&*+( Range: Touch
area, disaster can occur as the material (Divination) Duration: Special
Range: 1 mile/level Area of Effect: one target up to 1,000
suddenly occupies its original volume.
Duration: 1 round/level cubic feet/level
The doublespace immediately ceases to
function if any dimension-altering spells Area of Effect: Caster Components: V,S,M
or magical items (such as rope-trick, dimen- Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 turn
Casting Time: 3 Save: None
sion-door, teleport, portable hole, or a bug of
Save: None This spell makes a construction
holding) are used within the area of effect.
The material component (consumed) This spell provides the caster with a tougher and more robust for one
is a 1” wide strip of paper (worth not less target person’s current range and direc- encounter with a damaging event such
than 1 gp) twisted and joined so as to tion, relative to the caster. The caster as a storm, collision with a ship or reef,
must have an accurate description of damaging spell such as a fireball, ram-
only have one side.
the target to use this spell. The base ming, etc. The spell lasts for one
chance of success is 5% per level of the encounter, but lasts for the duration of
<2*)- E&2>", caster. If the caster is familiar with the that encounter. While the encounter
target, apply a +10% bonus to the base lasts, the construction gains a +1 bonus
chance. If the caster has a piece of cloth- on saves vs. any type of damage per
Range: Touch
ing or other personal item belonging to two levels of the caster. A ship with
Duration: 1 hour +1 hour/level
the target, add a +20% bonus. These robust construction placed on it receives

36 &%-./0."' ,112
a saving throw (as the captain of the ture, protecting everyone within the Area of Effect: Target vessel, 20’ long +
vessel) to resist warp wood. area of effect. The target is usually a 10’/caster level
As an example, Doroth (M5) the ship- ship, but a mage could conceivably Components: V,S,M
mage sees a storm on the horizon. She adapt the spell to protect a small keep Casting Time: 4
immediately casts a robust construction or tower. The shield vessel protects the Save: None
on the ship. Several hours later, the crew of the vessel just as the shield spell The hurricane anchor holds a ship
storm hits. The DM rules that the storm protects its caster. Since the shield effect firmly in place in winds up to 150 miles
is equivalent to a large catapult hitting a totally surrounds the vessel, anyone per hour. The spell prevents damage
thick wood wall, and the ship must onboard receives a +1 bonus to saving from the wind and from the tossing sea,
make a saving throw once per hour until throws against attacks that originate but does not provide any protection
the storm has passed. See the DMG from off the ship. from flying debris. A ship with a hurri-
Table 52: Structural Saving Throws. The A series of finely wrought pieces of cane anchor spell placed upon it can
ship has a +3 bonus on all of its saving silver jewelry made to resemble small safely weather a hurricane.
throws because of Doroth’s spell. shields make up the material compo- The material components are the
The caster must provide a few chips of nent of the spell. The silver shields must ship’s anchor (not consumed) and a
material of the same type as the construc- be placed around the perimeter of the strong piece of steel wire worth at least
tion to be reinforced, (i.e., wood chips for vessel to be protected. The total value of 5 gp (consumed).
a ship, stone chips for a stone wall). the shields must be at least 500 gp. The
The reverse of the spell, weaken con- silver shields are not consumed by the 0'++)/- 02%,%(3
struction, applies a -1 penalty to a struc- spell, allowing the spell to be used again (Alteration)
ture’s saving throws per two levels of the and again. However, if the total value of Range: Touch
caster. In this case, the structure receives the shields falls below 500 gp (through Duration: 10 hours
a saving throw vs. the spell as the com- wear, battle-damage, vandalism, theft, Area of Effect: Target vessel
mander or captain of the structure. etc.), the shield vessel spell does not work. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 4
02%,-%(-B&+(* <+$&)/=,">",-*1",,* Save: None
(Enchantment, Alteration) J$&&%62("- ?(6/+& Smooth sailing provides the target
Range: 50 yards + 10 yards/level (Alteration) vessel with a calm passage and a nor-
Duration: 1 round/level Range: 0 mal movement rate through severe
Area of Effect: Target vessel Duration: Instant storms, without possibility of damage to
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3
Save: ½
This spell can only be used when an
enemy ship attempts a turn. The spell
causes the target vessel to lose inertia
when coming about so that it stops with
its bow pointing into the wind, which
renders its sails useless. The ship
remains in irons for a minimum of one
round per caster level. The captain of
the target vessel receives a saving throw
vs. spells for one-half effect. In addition,
the captain of the enemy vessel must
make a navigation or seamanship profi-
ciency check to get the ship moving
again, once the spell expires. Putting an
enemy ship’s sail in irons is something of
a coup and will cause the enemy sailors
to curse and swear heavily.
The material component (consumed)
is a link of heavy iron chain worth not
less than 1 gp.

0/%",;- F"**",
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: one vessel
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3
Save: None
The shield vessel spell allows the mage
to place a shield spell around a struc-

!"#$%&' ()*+ 3,
the ship. It will not work entirely against description to determine when the blink Components: V,S,M
storms of gale strength or higher. Within occurs, which direction, and to determine Casting Time: 1 round
the area of effect, gales become severe the success of enemy attacks. When the Save: None
storms, hurricanes become gales, etc. ship blinks, it reappears 50’ from its pre- This spell is used to send its targets to
The ship may still be damaged by such vious position. The ship cannot blink alternate realities (or alternate crystal
storms, but at least they will be greatly onto land or into a solid object. If the ship spheres). The mage casting the spell
reduced in effect. Note that smooth sail- blinks into another ship that is smaller usually does not have the targets best
ing does nothing to affect the actual than itself, the smaller ship displaces. If interests in mind, although the spell
weather, it simply provides a smooth the ship blinks into a ship that is the same could theoretically be used for limited
path for the ship and for the ship only. size or larger, re-roll the direction. inter-planar transport. Dimensional fog
The material component (not con- The mage must make special prepa- can only be used when a dense fog
sumed) of the spell is a small model of rations to use this spell. The mage must descends upon the area of effect, typi-
the ship mounted in the middle of a distribute a number of small jeweled cally a seagoing vessel or tight grouping
gyroscope. The total assembly must tokens throughout the ship. Each token of folk. Weather magic can be used to
have a value of at least 400 gp. In cam- must be wizard marked by the caster. provide the fog, but spells such as wall of
paigns where a gyroscope would be an The total value of the tokens must be at fog are insufficient. There are several
anachronism, the material component least 1,000 gp. The tokens are not con- other restrictions. First, the caster must
(consumed) is a small keg of fine oil sumed by the blinkship spell. If the value be within sight distance of the area of
worth a minimum of 25 gp. The caster of the tokens falls below 1,000 gp, effect. Second, the caster may not go
pours the oil into the sea to complete through theft, deterioration, or battle- along with the target vessel.
the spell. damage, the blinkship spell will not work. When the spell is cast, the fog
becomes thick, misty, silvery, and
7%(;- +.- )/"- K"1/H&* 7%,;- M%:" sound-deadening. When the fog dispers-
(Evocation/Invocation) (Alteration, Evocation) es (usually several hours later), the ves-
Reversible Range: 100 yards +20 yards/level sel is on an alternate prime-material
Range: Special Duration: 1 round plane (or in a different crystal sphere).
Duration: 4 hours +1 hour/level Area of Effect: Target vessel The caster can either specify a destina-
Area of Effect: Target vessel Components: V,S,M tion or let the destination be random.
Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 5 The alternate plane must meet several
Casting Time: 2 turns Save: Special requirements. First, it must be a viable
Save: None The wild jibe spell sends a dangerous, alternate world, not a plane. The victims
This spell summons a strong, con- highly focused burst of wind at an enemy may not be sent to places like outer
stant wind which propels the ship at vessel. The wind has several detrimental Gehenna or the Elemental Plane of Fire.
150% of its base movement speed. The effects. The primary effect of the spell is to Second, the alternate world must be at
spell also supplies magical structural cause the heavy booms at the foot of the least marginally habitable. Sending the
reinforcement so that the ship can han- sails to sweep across the decks of the ves- victims to a planet with no air is not
dle the extra speed without damage to sel from one side to the other. Any per- allowed; sending them to a plane where
the sails, masts, or superstructure. sonnel on deck must save vs. paralyzation the atmosphere is so thin that it is bare-
The reverse of the spell, unfriendly or be hit by the boom as it crosses the ly breathable is allowed. Third, the alter-
zephyr, summons a strong, chaotic wind deck. Anyone who fails the saving throw nate prime material plane must have a
which reduces the target vessel’s speed takes 2d6 hp damage and is swept over- navigable sea for the ship to sail upon.
by 50%. The targeted vessel must save board. On vessels that do not have masts, Fourth, while this spell could be used to
vs. crushing blow each hour or suffer all personnel receive a +3 bonus to the send its victims to Ravenloft, it cannot be
major damage to the ship, such as a saving throw vs. paralysis. used to escape Ravenloft.
torn sail, cracked mast, broken spar, or The secondary effects are all aimed The spell does not provide any auto-
shattered boom. If the result of saving at the vessel itself. The captain of the matic way home. There must be a way
throw is a “1,” the vessel capsizes. The ship must make a saving throw vs. home, although the victims might have
targeted vessel is allowed a saving paralysis. If the saving throw fails, all the to be quite clever and industrious in
throw (as the captain of the vessel) to spars break. If the saving throw fails by order to find it.
resist the unfriendly zephyr. 3 or more, the masts also break. If the The material component (consumed)
saving throw fails by 6 or more, the tar- is a small sphere of finest crystal (worth
<%.)/=,">",- *1",,* get ship capsizes. Even if the captain’s not less than 500 gp) filled with cloudy
L,%(G*/%1 saving throw vs. paralysis succeeds, the water, which must be swirled while the
(Alteration) target vessel is still delayed for 2d4+1 spell is cast.
Range: Touch rounds while the crew re-establishes
Duration: 1 round/level control of the ship.
Area of Effect: one vessel
Components: V,S,M 0">"()/=,">",-*1",, Ted Zuvich tells us that his son Alex typed
Casting Time: 3 C%'"(*%+(2,- <+3 his first lines while Ted wrote this article. “I’m
Save: None (Conjuration/Summoning) not sure what they meant, but I’m sure he
Blinkship is much like blink, except that Range: Sight distance was trying to tell me something. Being a
the whole ship blinks, not just the caster. Duration: Instant father is definitely a stormy sea, but when
Use the rules given under the blink spell Area of Effect: one vessel or group that wee boy smiles, it’s all worth it.”

3) &%-./0."' ,112

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