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PTS 13.01.

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ii. ATS undervoltage settings shall be such that nuisance operation is minimised for
voltage dips.

iii. The trip of an incomer (circuit breaker open) due to relay or manual operation
shall immediate initiate the ATS operation without waiting for the undervoltage
relay to operate.

iv. When either incomers or feeders experience under-voltage at the same time, the
ATS operation shall be blocked.

v. The operation of busbar protection or switchboard incomer over-current and

earth fault protection on one section of a switchboard shall block the ATS
operation. This is to prevent the healthy section of the switchboard from closing
onto the faulted section.

vi. ATS shall be modeled in system studies including motor re-acceleration to ensure
robustness of the overall system.

vii. ATS selector switch shall have auto and manual function as minimum.


3.5.1 Transient stability studies shall be carried out for plants or projects which have synchronous
machines. Attention shall be paid to the critical clearance time of faults to prevent generator
pole slipping or to ensure motor re-acceleration is successful. Reference is made to PTS
13.00.02 Section 6.2.3. The CCT shall be determined for both internal plant faults and external
grid faults.

3.5.2 In addition to fast fault clearance as determined by CCT, pole slipping protection (out-of-step
relay) may be considered for generators and interconnection with the grid. The out-of-step
relays shall be coordinated with generator loss-of-field (LOF) relays since the LOF relays may
also operate during pole slipping conditions.


3.6.1 A motor re-acceleration scheme shall be implemented to restart motors after a voltage dip.
This will require motor re-acceleration studies to be carried out. Fault clearance times shall be
determined to allow successful re-acceleration.

3.6.2 Process requirements or constraints during motor restart shall be taken into consideration.
Voltage at switchboards busbars shall be maintained at minimum 90% during motor re-
acceleration. Motors shall be equipped with restarting facility as required by the Owner. For
system studies modeling, the actual contactor drop-out voltages shall be used which must be
supported by factory tests. In the absence of such tests, a value of 65% nominal voltage may
be assumed for contactor drop-out.

3.6.3 Motor restart schemes shall be implemented as follows:

On motor drop-out, if the voltage recovers to 90% nominal in:

i. less than 0.2 seconds, immediate restart of all motors

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ii. between 0.2 – 4 seconds, sequential restart

iii. more than 4 seconds, no restart

3.6.4 Motors controlled by circuit breakers or motors controlled by external supplies from UPS shall
be equipped with under-voltage relays and restart relays to trip the motors. This is to prevent
motors from stalling which can restrain voltage recovery or subject the motor to overcurrent
during under-voltage condition. Under-voltage relays shall be inherently self resetting to allow
automatic restart.

3.6.5 For sequential restart, motors shall be restarted in batches based on criticality or process
requirements. Attention shall be given to start permissive signals originating from process
instrumented systems.


3.7.1 Plant equipment shall have voltage dip immunity characteristics in accordance with IEC 61000-
4-11, 61000-4-34 and 61000-2-4.

3.7.2 Manufacturer shall provide motor contactor voltage drop-out value which shall be verified by

3.7.3 For plants equipped with generators, dynamic response tests shall be carried out to fine-tune
the governor and excitation systems for proper dynamic behavior (refer PTS 13.00.02 Sections
7.3 and 7.4 and PTS 13.02.01 Section This should be done during FAT or

3.7.4 Emergency diesel generators are designed to start up automatically and supply power to plant
vital loads in the event of voltage loss / dips. This function shall be tested on a regular basis as
part of plant routine testing of equipment (auto start test). It shall also be part of the testing
regiment to load the machines either by synchronising them to the plant electrical system/grid
or using a load bank. For new installations, the design of the emergency switchboard shall
allow auto-start functional test (break-before-make) to be carried out without causing any
voltage dip to the essential loads.


3.8.1 Since motor contactors will inherently drop out if the voltage dip is severe enough, a
successful motor re-acceleration scheme is vital to avoid or minimize interruption to plant
operation. In general, plant equipment shall comply with the voltage dip immunity
characteristics as per IEC 61000-4-34 (Appendix 1).

3.8.2 Motors with control circuit power supply from UPS will not drop out during voltage dips.
However, to prevent these motors from stalling, under-voltage protection shall be provided.
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3.8.3 To eliminate the risk of critical motors not restarting successfully, the following methods
should be implemented to improve the immunity of these motors during voltage dips. The
behavior of such voltage dip mitigation devices need to be modeled and included in the
transient stability and motor re-acceleration studies.

i. Coil hold-in device

a) The hold-in device is connected between the power source and the
contactor coil (Appendix 2. During voltage dips, sufficient current flow
is maintained through the contactor coil to hold the main contacts in
place. The circuit shall be designed to provide hold-in current for dips
down to about 25% remaining voltage.

ii. Dip-proof inverter

a) The dip-proof inverter consists of a static switch in series with, and an

inverter in parallel to, the load. Energy is stored in a capacitor bank
(Appendix 3). During standby operation, the static switch supplies
power directly to the load, the inverter is switched off and the
capacitors are charged to the full operating voltage. Should there be
a deviation which is greater than a preset value, the static switch is
switched off and the inverter is activated. Switchover is typically less
than 0.2 ms.

b) If the voltage recovers within a preset time, the inverter supply is

synchronized to the mains and the load is switched back to the
supply, the capacitors are recharged in less than one second and the
inverter is ready to compensate for the next voltage dip. If the input
voltage does not recover within the preset time, the load is switched
back to the supply regardless of the voltage level.


3.9.1 VSD shall be able to ride-through voltage dips in accordance with IEC 61000-4-34 (APPENDIX


3.10.1 If specified, an overvoltage study shall be carried out to determine the requirement for surge
arrestors. Surge arrestors shall be install as close as possible to the equipment to be protected.

3.10.2 Calculation of separation distances shall be in accordance with IEEE Standard C62.22-19
whereas calculation of arrestor protective zones shall comply with IEC 60071-2.
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4.1.1 Power factor at the point of common coupling (PCC) should be maintained at the required
value. For the control of power factor, reference is made to PTS 13.00.01 Section 4.4.

4.1.2 Where capacitors are used, measurements and / or studies shall be carried out to verify that
they do not cause any resonance or overvoltage effects in the system. If necessary, the
capacitors shall be de-tuned accordingly by adding a reactor in series.
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5.1.1 Harmonics levels shall comply with PTS 13.00.01. However, if the Utility imposes more
stringent requirements, then those limits shall apply as shown in the table below.

5.1.2 Reference is to be made to IEEE 519 for allowable harmonic current levels. Harmonics
generated in static UPS, VSD and power electronics devices shall comply with the EMC
requirements as specified in:

i. PTS 13.12.02 Static DC UPS units

ii. PTS 13.12.01 Static AC UPS units

iii. PTS 13.22.01 A.C Electrical Variable Speed Drive Systems

iv. PTS 13.13.03 Electrical Process Heaters

5.1.3 Required FAT tests shall be carried out to ensure compliance with above limits. Where FATs
are not possible for distribution systems, equipment shall be specified to IEC61000-3-2,
software simulations performed to gauge IEEE519 compliance, and results verified at site.


5.2.1 A harmonics study shall be carried out for plants or projects which have sizeable power
capacitors or power electronics equipment. In addition, power quality measurements shall be
carried out in existing plants to ascertain the level of harmonics in a facility.

5.2.2 To mitigate excessive harmonics, harmonic filters shall be installed. The type of filter to be
installed should be decided based on effectiveness, reliability and economic considerations.
There are generally two types of filters; passive and active filters. Where passive filters
consisting of LC elements are installed, they should be of the acceptor circuit type (L and C in
series). The filters shall be connected in parallel with the supply.

5.2.3 Active harmonic filters shall be connected in parallel with the supply. In general, they shall be
connected as close as possible to the harmonic source.

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