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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. dune B. bury C. continue D. use
2. A. technique B. question C. quick D. antiquary
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. authority B. certificate D. information
4. A. academic B. citizenship D. education
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
5. “The Old Man and the Sea” is a novel of just 100 pages in__________ length by
Earnest Hemingway.
A. an B. 0 C. the D. a
6. I have been working _________ a freelance software developer for the last few years.
A. alike B. like C. as D. such
7. _____ , Americans and Asians have very different ideas about love and marriage.
A. Routinely B. Naturally C. Traditionally D. Regularly
8. The yesterday’s accident is thought _______by mistake.
A. happening B. to happen
C. to be happened D. to have happened
9. Only after I’d seen her flat _____why she wanted to live there.
A. I understood B. had I understood
C. have I understood D. did I understand
10. The Americans are __ the Indians and the Chinese with physical attractiveness when
choosing a spouse.
A. much more concerned than B. far more concerned as
C. much concerned than D. far as concerned than
11. ____, more and more species have died out.
A. Since people’s destruction B. Due to people destroy them
C. Because of people’s destruction D. As people’s destruction
12. The university is proud of their students, _______ earn national recognition.
A. many of who B. many of whom C. that D. whom
13. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He_________ so fast.
A. shouldn’t have driven B. oughtn’t have driven
C. mustn’t have driven D. couldn’t have driven
14. You must read the instruction; ________, you don’t know how to use it.
A. if so B. otherwise C. besides D. therefore
15. She_______so hungry now if she had had breakfast this morning.
A. couldn’t be B. wouldn’t have been C. wouldn’t be D. won’t be
16. Some valuables has gone, but the house showed no signs of________ into.
A. breaking B. being broken C. having been broken D. broken
17. She was sad when she failed the test, but she will _________ it.
A. get off B. get through C. get away with D. get over
18. Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect_________ animals.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. dangerously D. endanger
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. The doctor said the operation had been successful arid they expected my friend’s wife
to pull through.
A. take back B. be revived C. get worse D. survive
20. Their problems might not be solved by money alone, but they will assuredly not be
solved without it.
A. apparently B. potentially C. certainly D. basically
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. After being struck on the head, Sue suffered temporary vision loss and needed
some months to get over.
A. damage B. recovery C. restoration D. gain
22. Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into
A. be on the increase B. make an increase
C. get over increasing D. promote an increase
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
23. - Christopher: “Look at this terrible scene.” - Andrew: “_________”
A. I’d rather not. B. I had better I will. C. It’s great. D. Will you?
24. - Olivia: “I have the full HD version of the film Godfather.” - Abigail: “_________”
A. What a great idea! B. No, I don’t watch it.
C. Couldn’t help waiting. D. So do I.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.
The German city plans to make walking and biking its dominant mode of transport. Within
the next two decades, Hamburg will reduce the number of cars by only (25)
_______pedestrians and bikers to enter certain areas. The project calls for a gruenes netz,
or a “green network” of connected spaces (26)________people can access without cars.
By 2035, the network will cover 40% of Hamburg and will include parks, playgrounds,
sports fields, and cemeteries. In February, Germany’s highest (27)_______court also ruled
that, in an effort to improve urban air quality, cities can ban cars (28) _____ some streets.
Stuttgart and Dusseldorf - German cities with high pollution levels - will likely enact the
first bans in the fall. Stuttgart, (29)________ to Mercedes-Benz and Porsche,has recently
favoured such bans. In 2017, Stuttgart announced that starting this year, it will keep
diesel vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards from entering the city on high-pollution
25. A. prohibiting B. allowing C. forbidding D. forcing
26. A. that B. whereas C. while D. when
27. A. appeal B. supreme C. administrative D. superior
28. A. on B. of C. in D. from
29. A. entrance B. home C. road D. barrier
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
Non-verbal communication expresses meanings or feelings without words. Universal
emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, are expressed in a similar non-verbal way
throughout the world. There are, however, non-verbal differences across cultures that may
be a source of confusion for foreigners. Let’s look at the way people express sadness. In
many cultures, such as the Arab and Iranian cultures, people express grief openly. They
mourn out aloud, while people from other cultures, such as Vietnam and Japan, are
subdued. In Asian cultures, the general belief Is that it is unacceptable to show
emotion openly whether sadness, happiness, or pain.
Let’s take another example of how cultures differ in their non-verbal expression of
emotion. Feelings of friendship exist everywhere in the world, but the expression varies. It
is acceptable in some countries for men to embrace and for women to hold hands; whereas
in other countries, these displays of affection are discouraged or prohibited.
With non-verbal communication, what is considered usual or polite behaviour in one
culture may be seen as unusual or impolite in another. One culture may determine that
snapping fingers to call a waiter is appropriate, whereas another may consider this gesture
rude. We are often not aware of how gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and the use
of conversational distance affect communication. To interpret another culture’s style of
communication, it is necessary to study the “silent language” of that culture.
30. Which of the following is true about non-verbal communication?
A. It is not for expressing feelings. B. It is very easy for a foreigner to master.
C. It is the same in all countries. D. It is different across cultures.
31. According to the passage, in which country can you openly mourn aloud if you are
A. Japan B. Any Asian country C. Vietnam D. Iran
32. What can we conclude about non-verbal communication?
A. It can make a foreigner confused.
B. It cannot be used to express emotions in some cultures.
C. It can be used in the same ways as verbal communication.
D. It can be used to express grief only.
33. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Women are encouraged to hold a male friend’s hands in some countries.
B. The feelings of friendship are expressed differently in different cultures.
C. It is acceptable in some countries for men to embrace.
D. It is acceptable in some countries for women to hold hands.
34. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Polite behaviours are the same in every culture.
B. We can snap fingers to call a waiter wherever and whenever we like.
C. Facial expressions and eye contact are not often used in common conversations.
D. We should study non-verbal language of a culture to communicate better.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
You probably know that colour can influence your mood and feelings, but did you know
that colours mean different things in different cultures? Take the colour white, for example.
In Western culture, white represents goodness and purity, while In Asian cultures, white is
associated with funerals and mourning.
In China, red Is the colour of good luck and prosperity. When the Chinese give gifts of
money on special occasions, they usually put the money in a red envelope. Chinese brides
aren’t dressed in white; they wear bright red wedding dresses. On the other hand, in the, red represents danger, which is why warning signs and road signs are often
In the past, the Cherokee Indians of North America used to associate colour with the
four directions; that is, blue represented north, white represented south, red represented east
and black represented west. These four colours had other meanings too; blue meant defeat,
white meant happiness, red meant success and black meant death. The Cherokees also
used coloured beads to achieve certain goals; for example, they associated red beads with
good health.
Yellow is another colour that has various meanings in different cultures. In Saudi
Arabia, it is related to strength and reliability, while In Japan, yellow means courage. In
China, the colour yellow represents royalty, but in Myanmar, yellow is associated with
Green is one of the few colours that most cultures view as being a positive colour; in
both the East and the West, green is the colour of health and life. For Saudi Arabia, green is
a special colour because it is associated with the country’s flag and is a symbol of wealth
and prestige. For the ancient Egyptians, green symbolised hope and the joy of spring. In
Ireland, it is a lucky colour and, all over the world, green is a symbol of ecological
Learning about what meanings colours have in different cultures is interesting and
satisfies our curiosity. It can also be very useful for travellers and in the world of business.
Knowing what colours represent in other countries can help to increase our understanding
of other cultures and help us avoid misunderstandings.
(Adapted from Traveller 3, H. Q. Mitchell - Marilenl Malkogianni)
35. The colour white does not mean something negative_________.
A. In Western culture B. in Asian cultures
C. in both A and B D. for the Cherokee Indians of North America
36. In China, a red envelope_________.
A. brings good luck B. is given to brides
C. might contain some money D. represents danger
37. What colour did the Cherokees think could help with health problems?
A. Red B. White C. Black D. Blue
38. According to the text, which colours mean something positive in some cultures and
something negative in others?
A. Red and green B. Yellow and white
C. Black and blue D. Blue and green
39. The writer says that if you know what colours mean in different cultures, you_______.
A. always succeed in business
B. understand better the countries you visit and their people
C . just satisfy your curiosity
D. increase your misunderstandings
40. The word “mourning” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. enjoyment B. blessing C. sadness D. satisfaction
41. The word “It” in the sixth paragraph refers to________.
A. our curiosity B. the difference of colours
C. knowing what colours represent
D. learning the meanings of colours in different cultures
42. What could be the best title of the passage?
A. Colour definition B. Psychology of colour
C. Discovery of the meaning of colours D. Colours around the world
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
43. My brother is(A) unemployed at the moment, but he(B) would like a job as (C)
computer programmer with a(D) high salary.
44.(A) Besides the brotherhood, there was(B) a lot of competition between(C) myself
and my brother when we were (D)kids. a
45. (A) I have long supported the idea (B) of education not only provides us with a tool(C)
for making money but also(D) helps us figure out how we want to live. in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
46. “How long have you lived in Canada?” said my friend.
A. My friend asked me how long I have lived in Canada.
B. My friend wanted to know when I started to live in Canada.
C. My friend asked if I had lived in Canada for long.
D. My friend asked me how long I had lived in Canada.
47. Although the homework was difficult, 1 tried my best to complete it.
A. Difficult as the homework was, I tried my best to complete it.
B. Despite the homework was difficult, I completed it.
C. I have completed the difficult homework because I tried my best.
D. As though the homework was difficult, I tried my best to complete it.
48. It is apparently that Nathan was at home last night.
A. I am not sure whether Nathan was at home last night or not.
B. Nathan must have been at home last night.
C. Nathan should have been at home last night.
D. No one knows whether Nathan was at home last night.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
49. There are criticisms of the problem. It is that the campaign is too expensive to carry
A. Because there are the criticisms of the problem, it is that the campaign is too
expensive to carry out.
B. There are the criticisms of the problem, which the campaign is too expensive to
carry out.
C. The problem, according to the criticisms, is that the campaign is too expensive to
carry out.
D. Despite the criticisms of the problem, it is that the campaign is too expensive to
carry out.
50. Many middle-aged people exercise regularly. They did not exercise regularly when
they were young.
A. Many middle-aged people exercise as much regularly as they did when they were
B. Many middle-aged people exercise regularly, for they did not exercise regularly
when they were young.
C. Many middle-aged people exercise regularly because they did not exercise
regularly when they were young.
D. Many middle-aged people exercise more regularly than they used to when they
were young.

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