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Creating Your

Own Website
What is JIMDO?
Jimdo is a WYSIWYG web hosting service. It offers
free, professional, and business web hosting
services. Jimdo also has an iOS and Android app
which you can use to manage your website
whenever you do not have access to a PC.
❏ For your activity you are going to create your
own personal website that focuses on your
passion or hobby.
1. Create an account on Jimdo

Or just click this link:

❏ You can use your facebook account or
gmail account, or just click sign up to
create an account.
Once you created an account you will be
redirected on this page...
You can create a
portfolio or You can create For now we are going
online selling
with this shop with this.. to choose Blog,

Click this to
create Blog
Then choose from this option….

Or you can skip this part….

Then you can choose
whatever design you want...
Then we’ll choose the free
option, of course...
Then create a name for
your website
❏ Then you will be redirected to your
website with your chosen design...
Inserting Page
1. Hover your mouse pointer or click the Edit Navigation button.

2. Once clicked, if you want to add page, click Add New Page, don’t forget to save
the changes you made.
Editing Element

Move Element Up - used to move element up.

Move Element Down - used to move element down.
Delete Element - used to remove the element.
Copy Element - used to copy or duplicate element.
Adding Elements
You can customize your JIMDO website before you proceed to
our next lesson.

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