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Implementation Plan 1

I feel that the physical environment will be impacted by having more artwork to display

around the classroom showing different techniques that the children are being exposed to. The

physical environment will also have a wider variety of toys for the children to explore and learn

about creativity by using them in whatever way they choose to express themselves.

The social environment will be impacted through more peer interaction as the children

learn to express themselves and through teacher modeled behavior. They will continue to

learn and explore their environment together through play and guidance from their teachers.

There is needed Professional Development for the portfolios to be implemented

correctly. All teachers will need to complete a course in WMELS to understand the five learning

domains to be able to understand how to fill out the observation forms in a meaningful way.

We want the teachers to understand what they are observing and how to write a true

observation and make an intentional plan from those observations.

I feel that there will be tremendous outcomes for the children through our

implementation of the portfolio system. The main outcome will be that their learning plan will

be more individualized if the system is working properly. E.C. professionals will have better

outcomes because they will be equipped with the knowledge of how to intentionally plan for

the children that they are working with. Intentional planning will lead to a smoother running

classroom with children who are more engaged and compliant. Families will benefit from this

system because their child will hopefully be more a more well-rounded, happy, and well-

adjusted child due to the teachers intentional planning.

Implementation Plan 2

I would like to implement a staff and family survey to see what everyone’s opinions of

our program are. I would like to know if parents are noticing a difference in their child’s

behavior and skill level, what their thoughts are when they read the observation notes, and if

they feel that their child is receiving a more individualized approach to learning.

I think the best way to gauge the effectiveness of the program for the children is to

observe them in their classroom settings. You can tell a lot about what a child is feeling and

thinking by watching and listening to them as they play, explore, and create. Of course we can

compare their assessments as the year goes on, but I feel the best indicator is by interacting

with the children and listening to what they are saying and watching their behavior.

As for the teachers, I would like to know if they feel that the extra work is beneficial.

How do they feel about intentional planning and how they feel about their classroom

environment after implementing the intentional planning compared to before? Do they feel

that the children are more receptive? I want them to give the facts of how they feel their jobs

have been affected and what they do and do not like about the new system. Without input

from both parents and teachers, there is no way that we can determine if our system is helping

our program.

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