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Unit 2

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant

1   ¯obš in my town.

∑hat do you ∑hat do you ∑ant ∑hat did you

already ˇnow? to know? ˘earn?

26 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1

2 Song sheet

µy town
µy town haš got roadš,
ånd buš stopš,
µy town haš got buildingš,
ånd lotš of shopš.
µy town haš got a hospital,
ånd a school,
µy town haš got a par§,
ånd a swimming pool.

© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 27

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


1  Choose the correct word.

1  årtisanš we machineš / handš and toolš.

2  årtisanš wor§ in factorieš / workshopš.

2  Circle the things an agricultural farmer grows.

3   Tick ( ) food from the sea.

salmon sausageš shrimpš bread

28 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.
Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


1  Write the correct word.

1  årtisanš use .
2  årtisanš wor§ in .

2   Circle the things an agricultural farmer grows.

3   Draw the food from the sea.

salmon sausageš shrimpš bread

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Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


1   Tick the pictures if they match the words.

Stop! ¼oo§! †hink! ¼isten! ¬o!

2   Circle the seven jobs.


3   Look at the sentences. Tick ( ) or cross ( ).

1  å street sweeper sweep∫ the street∫.

2  å policewoman look∫ after the garden∫.
3  å fireman put∫ out fire∫.
4  å rubbish collector direct∫ traffic.
5  å gardener look∫ after the garden∫.
30 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.
Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


1   Match the words to the pictures

¼oo§! Stop! ¼isten! ¬o! †hink!

2   Number the pictures.

1  gardener  2  teacher  3  cleaner  4  caretaker

5  fireman  6  streetsweeper  7  policeman

3   Look at the sentences. Tick ( ) or cross ( ).

1  å street sweeper sweep∫ the street∫.

2  å policewoman look∫ after the garden∫.
3  å fireman put∫ out fire∫.
4  å rubbish collector direct∫ traffic.
5  å gardener look∫ after the garden∫.
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Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant

  Write these words in English.





paso de peatones

La gente que trabaja a nuestro alrededor

conductor de autobús o conductora

bombero y bombera

jardinero y jardinera


barrendero y barrendera

Trabajos y comida

agricultor y agricultora

pescador y pescadora

ganadero y ganadera

Trabajos que nos ayudan

doctor y doctora

mecánico y mecánica

dependiente y dependienta

camarero y camarera

32 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant

Translation table

Streets Calles

pavements arena

streetlight farola

traffic light semáforo

pedestrian crossing paso de peatones

People working around us La gente que trabaja a nuestro alrededor

bus driver conductor de autobús o conductora

firefighter bombero y bombera

gardener jardinero y jardinera

police officer policía

street cleaner barrendero y barrendera

Jobs and food Trabajos y comida

agricultural farmer agricultor y agricultora

fishermen and fisher women pescador y pescadora

livestock farmer ganadero y ganadera

Jobs that helps us Trabajos que nos ayudan

doctor doctor y doctora

mechanic mecánico y mecánica

shop assistant dependiente y dependienta

waiter/waitresš camarero y camarera

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Social Science 1

2 Vocabulary game

Play Memory Match!

Print, cut out and shuffle the cards.

Place the cards face down on a table in equal, organized rows. Working
in pairs or groups, pupils turn over two cards at a time. The objective is
to complete the sentences. If the cards don’t match, they are turned face
down again. Pupils must try to remember where cards are. Pupils who find
complete sentences keep the cards and get a point.

åt home,
… the chore∫. µake…
everyone share∫…

… the bed. ˘ay… …the table.

∑ash… … the dishe∫. ∂ry…

… the disheš. †idy… …up.

34 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


Æe can find some animalš in the city. †hey're petš. Æe

can find other animalš on a farm or in the countryside.
1   Match the animals to where you find them.

2   Draw some of the animals in the pictures below.

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Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant

Who's this? Who's that?

†o as§ who someone iš, we can as§: "Æho'š thiš?" or

"Æho'š that?"
Æe use "Æho'š thiš?" for people close to uš.

"Æho'š thiš?" †hiš iš my teacher.

Æe use "Æho'š that?" for people far away from uš.

"Æho'š that?" †hat'š the coo§.

1  Write this o that.

1  Æho'š ?

2  Æho'š ?

3  Æho'š ?

4  Æho'š ?

36 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


Model speaking
Jobs in my town.

Page 21. Activity 4. Say what's near your home or your school.

Øn my street there ²ear the school

i∫ a par§. there i∫ a bu∫ stop.

Jobs that help us.

Page 26. Activity 1. Talk about the jobs you know.

å teacher help∫ ågricultural farmer∫

student∫. grow plant∫.

Page 27. Activity 4. Talk about jobs that help us.

∂octor∫ help u∫ †hey wor§ in

to be healthy. hospital∫.

© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 37

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


1   Match the pictures to the words.


  Tick ( ) Yes or No.

Yes No

1  ågricultural farmeš grow plantš.

2  Livestoc§ farmerš care for animalš.

3   Write factory (F) or workshop (W).

38 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant


4  Match.

5   Who looks after our streets? Circle.

© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 39

Social Science 1 Social Science 1
2 Pupil Class Date 2 Pupil Class Date
Teacher Language Assistant Teacher Language Assistant


1 Choose the correct word. 1 Write the correct word.

1 årtisanš we machineš / handš and toolš. 1 årtisanš use their hand∫ and tool∫ .
2 årtisanš wor§ in factorieš / workshopš. 2 årtisanš wor§ in workshop∫ .
2 Circle the things an agricultural farmer grows. 2 Circle the things an agricultural farmer grows.

00 029

3 Tick ( ) food from the sea. 3 Draw the food from the sea.

Pupils' own drawings.

salmon sausageš shrimpš bread salmon sausageš shrimpš bread

28 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 29

Social Science 1 Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date
2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant Teacher Language Assistant


1 Tick the pictures if they match the words. 1 Match the words to the pictures

Stop! ¼oo§! †hink! ¼isten! ¬o!

¼oo§! Stop! ¼isten! ¬o! †hink!
2 Circle the seven jobs. 2 Number the pictures.

gardenerteachercleanercaretakerfirewoman 1 gardener 2 teacher 3 cleaner 4 caretaker

streetsweeperpoliceman 5 fireman 6 streetsweeper 7 policeman

3 7 4
00 1 5 031

2 6

3 Look at the sentences. Tick ( ) or cross ( ). 3 Look at the sentences. Tick ( ) or cross ( ).

1 å street sweeper sweep∫ the street∫. 1 å street sweeper sweep∫ the street∫.
2 å policewoman look∫ after the garden∫. 2 å policewoman look∫ after the garden∫.
3 å fireman put∫ out fire∫. 3 å fireman put∫ out fire∫.
4 å rubbish collector direct∫ traffic. 4 å rubbish collector direct∫ traffic.
5 å gardener look∫ after the garden∫. 5 å gardener look∫ after the garden∫.
30 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.
© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 31

40 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1
Social Science 1
2 Pupil Class Date
Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant

Teacher Language Assistant
Who's this? Who's that?
Æe can find some animalš in the city. †hey're petš. Æe †o as§ who someone iš, we can as§: "Æho'š thiš?" or
can find other animalš on a farm or in the countryside. "Æho'š that?"
1 Match the animals to where you find them. Æe use "Æho'š thiš?" for people close to uš.

"Æho'š thiš?" †hiš iš my teacher.

Æe use "Æho'š that?" for people far away from uš.

00 "Æho'š that?" †hat'š the coo§. 036

1 Write this o that.

2 Draw some of the animals in the pictures below. 1 Æho'š this ?

2 Æho'š that ?

3 Æho'š that ?

Pupils' own drawings. 4 Æho'š this ?

© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 35
36 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

Social Science 1 Social Science 1

2 Pupil Class Date

2 Pupil Class Date

Teacher Language Assistant Teacher Language Assistant


1 Match the pictures to the words. 4 Match.


2 Tick ( ) Yes or No.

00 Yes No 039
1 ågricultural farmeš grow plantš.
5 Who looks after our streets? Circle.
2 Livestoc§ farmerš care for animalš.
3 Write factory (F) or workshop (W).

ƒ ∑

∑ ƒ

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© Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material. 41

42 © Grupo Anaya S.A. Authorised photocopiable material.

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