Summative Test in Personal Development 2nd Cycle

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1. It is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel threatened or
pressured.A. Stimulus B. Behavior C. Stress D. Attitude
2. The collection of physiological changes that occur when you face a perceived threat—when you face situations
where you feel the demands outweigh your resources to successfully cope.
A. Stressor B. Stress C. Stimuli D. Response
3. Which of the following is not considered a stressor? A. A break up B. Death of a loved one
C. Watching your favorite TV show D. Conflict with your best friend
4. All, EXCEPT one, are signs of stress; which one? A. Excessive sweating B. Laughing C. Nausea
D. Chest pains
5. All, but one, are other major causes of stress: a. Care of the elderly b. Drug and alcohol abuse c. Domestic violence d.
Listening to your favorite song
6.Positive emotions usually cause stress. A. TRUE B. FALSE
7. Stress response can actually cause harm if it leads to a state of chronic stress. A. TRUE B. FALSE
8. Getting ready for prom/senior’s ball is an example of a positive stress situation. A. TRUE B. FALSE
9.It is not important to prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable steps.A. TRUE B. FALSE
10.Stress response is intended to give you a burst of energy so you are able to fight off attackers or run away from
them effectively. A. TRUE B. FALSE
11. This system controls everything you do. A. Endocrine system B. Nervous system C. Olfactory system
D. Respiratory system
12.IT has three major parts- the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. A. Brain B. Heart C. Liver
D. Stomach
13. These are the basic functional units of the nervous system that are key to brain functions. A. Electrons
B. Nephrons C. Neurons D. Protons
14. The following can contribute to the brain’s damage EXCEPT_______A. Alcohol B. Balanced diet
C. Inhalants D. Lack of sleep
15. It is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour A. Anatomy B. Biology C. Psychology D. Zoology
16. Which is not part of the brain? A. Brain Stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. Foramen Magnum
17. Which part of the brain allows movement of the right side of your body?A. Left frontal lobe B. Left parietal lobe C.
Right frontal lobe D. Right parietal lobe
18. Which region of the brain controls voluntary movement?A. Brain stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum
D. Foramen magnum
19. In humans, what age does the brain slow down or stop growing? A. Eighteen years old B. Five years old
C. Three years old D. Twenty-one years old
20. Your emotions are believed to come from the___________.A. Amygdala B. Cerebellum C. Heart
D. Medulla oblongata
21. According to World Health Organization, _________is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her
own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community. A. Health B. Mental health C. Self-esteem D. Self-concept
22. The following are true about mental health, EXCEPT A. Mental health is an essential component of health. B.
Mental health is vital to each individual. C. Mental health leads to positive self-image.
D. Mental health another term for physical health
23. Which of the following has the biggest possibility of causing permanent damage to the brain?
A. Addictive drugs B. Cellular phones C. Too little sleep D. Unhealthy diet
24. The basic functional units of the nervous system.
A. Electrons B. Neurons C. Neutrons D. Protons

Write the words in your notebook that correspond with the correct answers to complete the text. Choose your
answers inside the box below.

Modern traditional academic

Quantitative review gap
Referencing question doubts
Theoretical acknowledge honesty
Articles researcher plagiarism
Software hardware prestigious
Literature ethical copied

Review of related literature happens in two ways: (1) ______ and systematic review. Systematic review is for (2) __;
traditional for qualitative research. An important area of a literature (3) _________is an understanding of a (4) ____. It
is an important research (5) ________relevant to a given domain that has not been answered adequately or at all in
existing peer-reviewed scholarship. The gap will hopefully ensure that the research will likely have valuable practical
and (6) _______implications. The ethical way of literature writing tells you to (7)__________the owners of borrowed
ideas and put quotation marks around the copied words from books or (8)__________.Intentionally or negligently
disregarding the use of quotation marks around words copied exactly is not only unethical but an indication of gross
(9)______ as well. You must be aware of the fact that with the surfacing of online sources of information (10)
_______to detect piracy from online sources has likewise become so available in (11) ________institutions. Proper
citation and (12)_______ is you way of freeing yourself from plagiarism and of avoiding people from casting (13)____
on your (14)_______ and integrity as a (15)______.


16.This characteristic is prevalent in qualitative research because it allows the observer to become immersed in a group.
A. naturalistic inquiry B. inductive analysis C. Holistic perspective

17. Almost every action or communication must be taken as a part of the whole phenomenon of a certain community or
culture. A. naturalistic inquiry B. inductive analysis C. Holistic perspective
18. Patton explained that “Naturalistic inquiry is thus contrasted to experimental research where the investigator
attempts to completely control the condition of the study” A. naturalistic inquiry B. inductive analysis C. Holistic
19. The researcher is responsible for becoming a part of a group to get a more in-depth study. A. Personal contact and
sight B. Dynamic systems C. Unique case orientation
20. Researchers must remember that every study is special and deserves in-depth attention. A. Personal contact and
sight B. Dynamic system C. Unique case orientation
21. Researchers must realize the different variables, such as values and beliefs, that influence cultural behaviors. A.
Context sensitivity B. Emphatic neutrality C. Design flexibility
22. Researchers should be non-judgmental when compiling findings. A. context sensitivity B. Emphatic neutrality C.
Design flexibility
23. Researchers can continue to do research on other topics or questions that emerge from the initial research. A.
Design flexibility B. Qualitative data C. Emphatic neutrality
24. This is a detailed description of why a culture is the way it is. A. Qualitative data B. Design flexibility C. Emphatic

1. This type of speech is delivered without prior planning. a. Impromptu b. Memorized c. Manuscript d.
2. What type of speech influences the thoughts, feelings, and actions of your audience? a. Informative b.
Persuasive c. Manuscript d. Entertainment
3. It requires the speaker to commit the speech to memory because it is delivered without bringing notes
a. Manuscript b. Impromptu c. Persuasive d. Memorized
4. A type of speech that follows the word-for-word method. a. Manuscript b. Memorized c. Impromptu d.
5. The speaker is aided with short notes and clear outline during delivery.a. Memorized b. Manuscript
c.Impromptu d. Extemporaneous
6. Speaking without advanced preparation. a. Extemporaneous b. Manuscript c. Memorized d. Impromptu
7. The speech which requires the speaker to tell jokes and talks with funny accents. a. Informative b.
Manuscript c. Entertainment d. Persuasive
8. This type of speech expects the speaker to be friendly and relaxed, but still courteous during the speech
delivery. a. Informative b. Manuscript c. Entertainment d. Persuasive
9. The type of speech involves the use of demonstrations, descriptions,definitions, and details to explain a
topic, person, or place. a. Informative b. Memorized c. Entertainment d. Impromptu
10. This speech style is private and occurs between or among close family members. a. Casual b. Consultative
c. Frozen d. Intimate
11. It is also known as fixed speech because it is the highest form of communicative style. a. Frozen b. Formal
c. Casual d. Consultative
12. This style remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies. a. Intimate b. Consultative c. Formal d.
13. This is the standard style which uses professional or mutually acceptable language. a. Casual b. Frozen
c. Intimate d. Formal
14. It is described by using economy of words with a high change of nonverbal communication. a. Intimate
b. Formal c. Consultative d. Frozen
15. The type of speech context which refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message
before or in front of a group. a. Interpersonal communication b. Intrapersonal communication c. Mass
communication d. Public communication
16. It refers to a communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as sender and
receiver of the message. a. Interpersonal communication b. Intrapersonal communication c. Mass
communication d. Public communication
17. This is communication that occurs between two people. a. Intrapersonal communication b. Mass
Communication c. Dyad d. Public Communication
18. An intrapersonal communication involves...a. A small group b. A speaker and an audience c. One speaker d.
Two speakers
19. The actual act of uttering is known as ____________________.
20. ____________ is the social function of what is said.
21. An utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.____________
22. It is the ability to use linguistic knowledge to effectively communicate with others.___________
23. A type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition._______
24. Refers to the intent of a speaker when he or she says something to a listener.___________

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