Partea 1 Engleza

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Anaemia is one of the commonest diseases of the blood. It may be due to: bleeding(loss of blood), excessive
destruction of red cells, low production for example because of the diet is lackinf of deficient in iron.

15.1 Find word in the box with the opposite menings. Look at B and C to help you.
adequate - inadequate
unlikely- likely
mild- severe
common- rare
insidious- sudden

15.2 Make word combinations using a word from each box

bone marrow
differential diagnosis
insidious onset
iron deficiency
pernicious aneaemia
progressively increasing
vibration sense

15.3 Complete the sentences.

1. A 39 year old man presented with a history of progressive abdominal distension over a period of six
2. Blindness may be caused by vitamin A deficiency
3. The bleeding and purpura are caused by abnormal platelet function.
4. The white cell count is normal so we can exclude acute leukaemia.
5. The yellow collor of her skin and conjunctivae is probably due to jaundice
6. There was a palpable mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.
7. Treatment is aimed at restoring fluid balance with adequate intraveous fluid.
8. The anemia may be due to increased red cell .......... .

15.4 Complete the conversation.

Professor: What is against the diagnosis of pernicious anemia on physical examination?
Student: The problem started quite suddenly. So it didn t have the typical insidious onset He doesn t have any
skin pallor and he doesn t havesymmetrical paraesthesiae, or absent vibration sense, and I couldn t feel his
Professor: What about his tongue?
Student : His tongue was normal and not inflamed or sore .
Skull- cranium
jaw bone –mandible
spine- vertebral column
shoulder blade-scapula
thigh bone-femur

16.1 Label the diagram using words fro the box.

2.jaw bone
3. spine
4breast bone
7shoulder blade
8thigh bone

16.2 Match the tpes of fracture (1-5) with the description (a-e).

1. open – There is a break in the skin

2. comminuted-The bone is broken into several pieces
3. displaced-the broken pieces are separated
4. greenstick-the bone is bent. it occurs mainly in children
5. impacted- the broken pieces are pushed together

16.3 Complete the textbook extract.

Reducing a fracture involves trying to return the bones to as near to their original position as possible. If a
fracture is allowed to heal in a displaced position the fracture will unite but it may go on to malunion .

Childhood is the period during which a person is a child. It end with puberty – the onset os sexual maturity.
Infant is another word for a young child. Infancy is the period from birth until about five years of age.
The milestones in a child s development and the ages at which the usually occur are:
sitting – by 9 months
crawling by 12 months
first words by 18 months
walking by 18 months
talking by 3 years

Common infectious diseases:

-morbili/rubeola =measles
-rubella = german measles
-varicella =chickenpox
-infectious parotitis = mumps
-pertussis=whooping cough
-acute laryngotracheitis = croup (amigdalita)
-scarlatina=scarlet fever
-rheumatic fever= rheumatic fever
-poliomyelitis= polio

COELIAC disease
sensitivity to = having a negative reaction to
weaning=changiing the diet from milk to solid foods
clinical features= the symptoms and signs of disease
malabsorption= poor absoption
malnutrition= poor diet (nutrition) adjective= malnourished
thrive = grow strongly
distension = swelling
delayed= later than expected
failure = when something that is expected does not happen
stature= size, especially height.

Coeliac dissease is a disease of the small intestine caused by sensitivity to gluten. It can present at any age but
in infacy it appears after wening on to cereals containing gluten. The clinical features include diarrhoea,
malabsoption and failure to thrive. There may be signs os malnutrition and there may be some abdominal
distension. there is delayed growth and delayed puberty, leading to short stature in adulthood.

Verb Noun(s) Adjective(s)
delay delay delayed
develop development developed, developing
distend distension distended
fail failure failing
nourish nourishment nourished

1. Babies with fetal alcohol syndrome may present with failure to thrive.
2. Abdominal distension may be due to an enlarged liver.
3. Small amounts of alcohol in pregnancy can affect fetal development.
4. Mortality from measles can be reduced by better nutrition .
5. Delay in one or more of the more of the milestones may be the first sign of the disease.

1. After sitting, babies learn to crawl and then to walk.
2. A child who has started to eat solid food has been weaned .
3. Someone who is not very tall is said to be of short stature .
4. The stages in a child s development are known as the milestones .
5. A child who is beginning to develop sexually has reached puberty/maturity

17. 3
1. enlarged parotid glands – mumps
2. difficulty opening the mouth – lockjaw
3. rash and enlarged posterior occipital nodes- german measles
4. paroxysmal cough with vomiting – whooping cough
5. papules and vesicles, first on trunk –chickenpox
6. cough and cold followed by rash- measles
7. sore throat and rash-scarlet fever
8. swollen joints and heart murmur- rheumatic fever
9. fever followed by muscle weakness-polio
10. cough with stridor-croup



An excess- too much or a defiency- too little, of circulating hormones causes a wide range of medical
conditions for example hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Where there is an excess of hormone, one form
of treatment consists of giving the patient something which inhibts the production of thay hormone as in the
use of carbimazole to treat the hyperthyroidism. When a hormone is deficient, treatment may be replacement
therapy, for example injection os insulin in the treatment oh type1 diabetes.

An enlarged thyroid gland is called a goitre. The enlargement may be diffuse – involving most os the gland, or
localized –limited to a particular area, as in a solitary (single) nodule. The increased blood flow in diffuse
enlargement, for example in Grave’s disease, may give rise to a palpable thrill- vibration felt with the hand and
audible bruit – noise heard through a stethoscope over the gland.
heat intorlerance = inability to cope with high temperatures
overreactive= more active than usual
palpitation=awareness os tapid of irregular heartbeat
fine tremor=very slight involntary movements

Verb Nouns
in’hibit inhi’bition
produce production
release release
replace replacement
secrete secretion
stimulate stimulation

1. A difuse change affects many parts of an organ or gland.
2. A localized change affects only one part.
3. Hies diet is deficient in iron: he doesn’t get enough iron.
4. Excess T3 and T4 increase the basal metabolic rate.


a) Do you prefer hot weather or cold? heat intolerance

b) Is your weight steady? weight loss
c) What is your appetie like? eating more
d) Are your bowels normal? diarrhoea
e) Are you able to sit and relax? overactivity
f) Do your hands shake? tremor
g) Have you ever felt your heart beating rapidly or irregulary? palpitations


accommodate accommodation -
constrict constriction constricted
converge convergence -
dilate dilation, dilatation
droop - drooping
oscillate oscillation -
react reaction -
19. 2

1. squint
2. irregular pupil
3. dilated pupil
4.constricted pupils
5. cataract
6. dropping of lids

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