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Education 3
1st Semester - Module 1
DANCE: Move Through the Rhythm

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippine

Health Optimizing Physical Education 3 (Dance in Optimizing One’s Health as a Habit)
DANCE: Move Through the Rhythm
Date & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of delivery
Area (Digitized and Printed Module)
7:00 AM - Getting ready for an awesome day!
7:30 AM
7:30 AM – Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
8:30 AM
8:30 AM 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family. Homeroom
AM Guidance Program (Every Monday only)
9:30 AM -
Take the 15 items Pre-test
Monday - PE4 Learning Competency:  Hand-in of Printed Modules
Friday Self-assesses health-related Lesson 1 Managing Stress Through and Digitized Modules to
fitness (HRF). status, barriers Dance the Parents at school or at
10:00 AM – to physical activity the Office of the Barangay.
assessment participation What’s In: Exercise
12:00 AM and one’s diet (read the passage)
What’s New: Dance as Stress Reliever  Reinforcement of
(read the passage) material delivery using
At the end of this module,
What Is It: Introduction to Dance Facebook page and
you should be able to:
(read the passage) messenger and other
What I Know: Dance Genre means of
.a. Understand dancing is
(answer by identifying the genre) communication.
stress reliever; What’s More: Physical Fitness Test
b. Appreciate the different (perform the physical fitness test)
dance genre. What Can I Do: PAR-Q and You?
c. Performed Physical fitness (answer the health questionnaire and
test. perform the physical fitness test as
performance task 1)
What I Have Learned
(answer this as summative 1 for 25

Learning Competency:
Self-assesses health-related Lesson 2: Optimize Energy System  The materials are also
fitness (HRF). status, barriers Through Dance available at the school’s
to physical activity What I Know
learning management
assessment participation (read the passage)
system, in your section’s
and one’s diet What I Need to Know
(read the passage) group chats and other
What’s New: Food Fuels learning platforms
At the end of this module,
you should be able to: (read the passage)
What’s More: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
a. Comprehend the energy
(read the passage)
through dance
What Is It: Muscle Relaxation?
b. Appreciate the benefits
(Perform the task)
of dance What I Can Do: Reflection
c. Make an essay/ (Part-I as Summative 2 for 15 points)
VLOG/ BLOG on the (Part-II as performance task 2 for 20
benefits of dance points)

Learning Competency:  Hand-in of Printed Modules
Self-assesses health-related Lesson 3: and Digitized Modules to
fitness (HRF). status, barriers Barriers to Physical Fitness Activity the Parents at school or at
to physical activity What’s In: (answer the self-assessment the Office of the Barangay.
assessment participation questionnaire
and one’s diet What’s New: Self-Assessment
(Compute your score on self-  Reinforcement of
At the end of this module, assessment questionnaire) material delivery using
you should be able to: What Is It: Reflection? Facebook page and
(Consider this as summative 3) messenger and other
What’s More: Overcoming the Barriers
a. a. Understand the barriers means of communication.
What’s Can I Do: Poster Making
to physical fitness activity
(Answer this as performance task 3; it
b. b. Appreciate the self- will be grade in two stages, first by 100
assessment tool. percent of making the poster; second
c. C. Make and post a poster is by posting the poster made for 20

Lesson 4:
Learning Competency: Sets FITT Goals  The materials are also
What’s In: FITT (read the passage) available at the school’s
Sets FITT goals based on What’s More: Principles of FITT
learning management
training principles to achieve (read the passage)
system, in your section’s
and/or What’s Can I Do: Let’s FITT and
Dance group chats and other
maintain HRF learning platforms
(You are challenged to learn the
different genre of dance)
At the end of this module, (Consider this activity as performance
task 4 for 20 points)
you should be able to:
a. Know the FITT on
What I Have Learned: (25 points)
(Part-I as summative 4 for 10 points)
b. Appreciate the different
( Part-II as summative for 15 points)
genre of dance
c. Performed the 10 Assessment: (Post-Test) first quarter
weeks challenge. exam
Key to Answers
Self-Assessment Tool (Respond to the
tool and let your parent affix their

In this module, you are expected to use variety of dances to achieve the
following learning competencies:
 Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance (PE12FH-Ib-c-2)
 Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress
 Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
 Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation (PEH12FH-Ig-i-6)


Direction: Circle the letter of the best answer to the following questions.

1. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not require energy?
A. ATP B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic

2. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is used in a
longer period of time?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
4. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except:
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C

5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the benefits of it. Which of
the following is the least beneficial factor of aerobic exercise?
A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke
B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood pressure

6. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her exercise routine,
which of the following is the best thing that she should do?
A. Set SMART goals B. Walk before you run C. Meditate D. Observe others

7. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe environment.
The statement means:
A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic fitness
B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management

8. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were observed: bilao,
hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance genre?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance

9. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some b-boying,
breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competion he is joining?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance

10. Liam and Denise are the loveliest couple I love to see performing the Cha cha cha, Rumba
and Jive. They won as the best couple for the Latin Discipline. What type of genre these
dances belong?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance

11. hich of the following dance genre often considered to have emerged as a rejection of or
rebellion against classical ballet?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
12. Which component of physical fitness refers to the physical attributes such as the cardio-
respiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility?
A. Fitness B. Health-related C. Skills-related D. Talent-related

13. The hexagonal test is performed by jumping to specific direction inside the hexagon in two
revolutions in the shortest period of time. Which component is being assessed?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Speed

14. Which of the following FITT principle refers to the amount of energy the exercise requires?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type

15. Sunshine gain her weights and eventually turned obese over the years. Her reason is, “it’s
easier for me to find excuses not to exercise than to go out to do something”. This barrier in
participating physical activities refers to:
A. Lack of time B. Lack of energy C. Lack of will power D. Lack of energy

Lesson 1: Managing Stress Through

Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more
pep in your step every day. Exercise has some direct stress-busting benefits.
 It pumps your endorphins
 It’s meditation in motion
 It improves your mood
How to make your exercise successful:
 Consult with your doctor
 Walk before you run
 Do what you love
 Schedule your work out
Steps for sticking exercise routine
 Set SMART goals
 Find a friend
 Change up your routine
 Exercise in increments

DANCE as Stress Reliever

People from different places enjoy dancing such as in schools, social venues,
community halls, our own home and even in social media through vlogs and tiktok.
Dancing has become popular way to be active and a healthy exercise program. Here
are some reasons why dancing is a popular stress reliever:

1. When the body feels good, the mind does too! The scientific reason for why
dance has the ability to act a stress reliever stems from the idea that when the body
feels good, the mind does, too. Any type of physical activity releases
neurotransmitters and endorphins which serve to alleviate stress. Endorphins are
body’s natural pain killer to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of the
world. It cause the body to feel calm and optimistic. It also aids in improving the
quality of sleep, so that a few sleepless nights due to stress can be avoided after
2. Dance offers a creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe
environment. Dancing offers an outlet for people to express who they are – through
music, movements or even costumes! Dancing helps you connect to whom who you
really are.
3. Dancing improves your physical health. From weight loss, to increased flexibility,
stronger bones and building muscle tone, dancing is a total body workout.

List down at least five (5) Physical and Mental Benefits of Dancing:

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________

Introduction to Dance

The fundamental principle that dance is an art form or activity that utilizes the
body and the range of movement of which the body is capable. Unlike the
movements performed in everyday living, dance movements are not directly related
to work, travel, or survival. Dance may, of course, be made up of movements
associated with these activities, as in the work dances common to many cultures,
and it may even accompany such activities.
But even in the most practical dances, movements that make up the dance
are not reducible to those of straightforward labor; rather, they involve some extra
qualities such as self-expression, aesthetic pleasure, and entertainment.
One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and communication
of emotion. People—and even certain higher animals—often dance as a way of
releasing powerful feelings, such as sudden accesses of high spirits, joy, impatience,
or anger. These motive forces can be seen not only in the spontaneous skipping,
stamping, and jumping movements often performed in moments of intense emotion,
but also in the more formalized movements of “set” dances, such as tribal war
dances or festive folk dances.
Dance Genre:
1. Folk Dance - a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a
certain country or region. (Wikipedia)

2. Modern Dance - a broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance, primarily

arising out of Germany and the United States in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries. It is often considered to have emerged as a
rejection of or rebellion against, classical ballet. (Wikipedia).

3. Ballroom Dance – a set of partner dance enjoyed socially and competitively

around the world. With the emergence of dance competition, it is now
known as Dancesports. (Wikipedia)

4. Hip-hop Dance – also known as street dance styles primarily to hip-hop music or
that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. (Wikipedia)

Try to identify the dance genre of the following terminologies. Write Folk, Modern, Ballroom
or Hip-hop
_______________1. Abduction _______________11. Down rock
_______________2. Abracete _______________12. Flexion
_______________3. B-boy _______________13. Hayon-hayon
_______________4. Battle _______________14. Jaleo
_______________5. Bilao _______________15. Latin Discipline
_______________6. Breaking _______________16. Plantar
_______________7. Cuban Breaks _______________17. Proximal
_______________8. Cypher _______________18. Spot Turn
_______________9. Distal _______________19. Standard Discipline
_______________10. Dos-a-Dos _______________20. Whisk

Before exploring our body with dance activities, we must assess our body if we are healthy
enough to face different genre of dance as we optimize our energies.
Based on the DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2019 signed December 9, 2019 also known as
Revised Physical Fitness Test Manual, the following are objectives of the following activity:
1. To determine the level of fitness of students;
2. To identify strength and weaknesses for development and improvement;
3. To provide baseline data for selection of physical activities for enhancement of health and
skill performance;
4. To gather data for the development of norms and standards;
5. To motivate, guide and counsel pupils/students in selecting sports for recreation,
competition and lifetime participation

Physical Fitness Test is a set of measures designed to determine a student’s level of

physical fitness. It is intended to test two categories of physical fitness commonly referred to as
“health-related” and “skill-related”.

Health-related components refer to those physical attributes which enable a person to cope with
the requirements of daily living such as:
 cardio-vascular endurance or stamina
 muscular strength and endurance
 flexibility
 appropriate body mass index (BMI)

Skill-related components are physical abilities that show potential for good performance in
certain skills (usually in sports) like:
 speed
 agility
 reaction time or quickness
 balance
 coordination

Physical Fitness Test
1. BMI (Body Mass Index) – is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass
BMI = W where W is the weight in KILOGRAMS
H 2
where H is the height in METERS
BMI = 30kg = 30 = 20.83 (Normal)
BMI Classification
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 – Above Obese

2. Zipper Test – to test the flexibility of the shoulder girdle

Scoring – record zipper test to the nearest 0.1 centimeter
5 Fingers overlapped by 6cm and above Excellent
4 Fingers overlapped by 4cm to 5.9 cm Very good
3 Fingers overlapped by 2cm to 3.9 cm Good
2 Fingers overlapped by 0.1 cm to 1.9cm Fair
1 Just touched the fingers Needs Improvement
0 Gap of 0.1 or wider Poor

3. Sit-and-Reach – to test the flexibility of the lower extremities (particularly the trunk)
Scoring – record the farthest distance between the two trials to the nearest 0.1 centimeters
5 61 cm and above Excellent
4 46 cm – 60.9 cm Very good
3 31 cm – 45.9 cm Good
2 16 cm – 45.9 cm Fair
1 0 – 30.9 cm Needs Improvement

4. Three-Minute Step Test – for cardiovascular endurance. It is the ability of the heart,
lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well
as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize the oxygen. Endurance may
also refer to the ability of the muscle to do repeated work fatigue.
Scoring – record the 60-second heart rate before and after the activity

5. Push-up – measures the strength of upper extremities. Strength – is the ability of

the muscle to generate force against physical objects.
Scoring – record the number of push-ups made


Boys Girls
5 33 and above 33 and above Excellent
4 25 to 32 25 to 32 Very good
3 17 to 24 17 to 24 Good
2 9 to 16 9 to 16 Fair
1 1 to 8 1 to 8 Needs Improvement
0 Cannot execute Cannot execute Poor

6. Basic Plank – to measure strength/stability of the core muscles

Scoring – record the time in the nearest seconds/minute. Maximum of 90 seconds
for boys and girls


5 51 seconds and above Excellent
4 46 seconds to 50 seconds Very good
3 31 seconds to 45 seconds Good
2 16 seconds to 30 seconds Fair
1 1 second to 15 seconds Needs Improvement

7. 40-Meter Sprint – to measure the running speed

Scoring – record the time in nearest minutes and seconds

17 y/o and above 17 y/o and above
5 <4.0 minutes <4.5 minutes Excellent
4 4.1 to 5.4 minutes 4.6 to 5.9 minutes Very good
3 5.5 to 6.5 minutes 6.0 to 7.0 minutes Good
2 6.6 to 7.5 minutes 7.1 to 8.1 minutes Fair
1 >7.6 minutes >8.2 minutes Needs Improvement

8. Standing Long Jump – to measure the explosive strength and power of the leg
muscles. Power – is the ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release
maximum force at a fast rate.
Scoring – record the best distance in meters to the nearest 0.1 centimeters.


5 201 cm and above Excellent
4 151 cm to 200 cm Very good
3 126 cm to 150 cm Good
2 101 cm to 125 cm Fair
1 55 cm to 100 am Needs Improvement

9. Hexagon Agility Test – to measure the ability to move in different directions
quickly. Agility – is the ability to move in different directions quickly using a
combination of balance, coordination, speed, strength, and endurance.
Scoring – add the time of the two revolutions and divide by 2 to get the average.
Record the time in the nearest minutes and seconds.
5 5 seconds and below Excellent
4 6 seconds to 10 seconds Very good
3 11 seconds to 15 seconds Good
2 16 seconds to 20 seconds Fair
1 21 second to 55 seconds Needs Improvement
0 Over 25 seconds Poor

10. Stick Drop Test – to measure the time to respond to a stimulus. Reaction Time – is
the amount of time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
Scoring – record the middle 3 scores (for example: id the scores are 21, 18 and 19,
the middle score is 19). In case there are two (2) scores are the same ( for example
18, 18, 25) the repeated score shall be recorded.
5 0 – 2.4 cm Excellent
4 5.08 cm to 10.16 cm Very good
3 12.70 cm to 17.78 cm Good
2 20.32 cm to 25.40 cm Fair
1 27.94 cm to 30.48 cm Needs Improvement
11. Juggling – to measure the coordination of the eye and hand. Coordination – is the
ability to use the senses with the body parts to performs motor tasks smoothly and
Scoring – record the highest number of hits the performer has done
5 41 hits and above Excellent
4 31 hits to 40 hits Very good
3 21 hits to 30 hits Good
2 11 hits to 20 hits Fair
1 1 to 10 hits Needs Improvement
12. Stork Balance Stand Test – to assess one’s ability to maintain equilibrium.
Balance – is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or while moving.
Scoring – record the time taken on both feet in nearest seconds and divide the
scores to get the average percentage score.
5 161 sec to 180 sec Excellent
4 121 sec to 160 sec Very good
3 81 sec to 120 sec Good
2 16 seconds to 30 seconds Fair
1 1 second to 15 seconds Needs Improvement

Note to Learners: Perform some of the task at home with the help of your family member/s.
These activities were performed by the learners since Grade 4 as stated in the DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2019.

This form will be used for the pre-test (start of semester) and post-test (end of semester). Please
refer to the scoring guide. You may also answer using the link that will be posted by your instructor.

If you are done assessing yourself, then let’s begin performing our Physical Fitness Test.
Record your scores in this score sheet. You’ve been doing these test since your Junior High
School years. Be honest to yourself!

Lesson 3: Set FITT

Lesson 4: Self-assessment to Health

Discuss briefly the following Physical Fitness components: (answer this as
summative 1; 10 points for discussion of HRC and SRC) and 15 points for the

Part 1 (10 points)

Health-Related Component (HRC) Skills-Related Component (SKC)

Ex. BMI - is the body’s relative amount of fat to Stick Drop Test
fat-free mass
Zipper Test Juggling
Sit and Reach Standing Long Jump
3 minutes Step Test Hexagon Agility Test
Push Up Stork Balance Stand Test
Basic Plank 40 minute dash

Part-II (15 points)

1.What are your challenges in performing the activity on physical fitness test?
2.What is your realization in making this?
3.How would you recommend this activity to your family and student and other students

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Lesson 2: Optimize Energy Through

Direction: Identify the words or terminology of the

following statements from topic Optimizing Energy
using the word cloud.

____________________ 1. The ability to do work.

____________________ 2. The unit use to measure energy.
Also known as Calories.
____________________ 3. An energy movement lasting about 5
to 15 seconds and does not require energy
____________________ 4. An energy system that breakdowns
carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy
____________________ 5. An energy system that requires
carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is
used in longer period of time
____________________ 6. The term for energy system that
does not require oxygen
____________________ 7. The term for energy that requires
____________________ 8. In the glycolytic system,
carbohydrates are breakdown into…
____________________ 9. In the glycolytic system, glucose is
breakdown into…
____________________10. In the glycolytic system, the ATP is
then known as…
____________________11. This energy system is also known
as “Kerbs Cycle” – electron transport chain ATP

Define the following abbreviations:

12. ATP - _________________________________

13. PCr - __________________________________

Give the two classification of energy system


15. _________________________

 Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
 Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress
 Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
 Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation

Food Fuels for Energy

1. Carbohydrates (CHO) – preferred source of fuel during exercise (glycogen)
2. Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub0maximal exercise
3. Protein – used for growth and repair (negligible use during exercise)

Energy is the ability or capacity to do work and is measured in calories or joules.

There are three energy systems:

1. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate – an organic compound that provides
energy to drive many processes in living cells such as muscle contraction,
nerve impulse propagation.
2. Glycolytic System – the breakdown (lysis) of glucose and consists of a
series of chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes
3. Oxidative System – also known as Krebs Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In
this system, carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources converted
into ATP and this process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell.
If we have enough oxygen present in the blood, then pyruvate, the end
product of glycolysis, is shuttled to the mitochondria and we enter the
oxidative energy system.

Training long, slow distance can help

us build an aerobic base and help
strengthen this oxidative system by
increasing your VO2 max, which is our
ability to utilize the oxygen we take in.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic
Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio”. During the
cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained
period of time. Oxygen is your main energy source during aerobic workouts,
therefore Oxidative System energy is used.
Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:
 Reduce risk of heart attack
 Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
 Recue risk of stroke
 Help lose weight and keep it off
 Help lower and control blood pressure
 Increase stamina and reduce fatigue during exercise
 Activates immune systems, making you less likely to get colds or flu
 Strengthens the heart
 Boosts mood
 Help you live longer than those who doesn’t exercise

Anaerobic exercises involve quick burst of energy and are performed at maximum
effort for a short time. The energy system used are the ATP and Glycolytic System.
Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises:
 Build muscles
 Lose weight
 Maintain muscle mass as you age
 Strengthens bones
 Burns fat
 Increase stamina for daily activities like hiking, dancing or playing

7 reasons why I think dance is the ultimate spiritual

1. Dance is prayer - when you don't have the words to say simply dance and your
heart will express the things that words can not.
Prayer is simply a conversation with God and dance allows you to have a direct line
of communication to God. Dance provides an internal dialogue that is sacred within
your heart, soul and spirit—giving you a direct line to the source.

2.Dance is meditation
According to Marieke van Vugt, writer of the article "The Mediation of Dance, or the
Dance of Meditation" “meditation is the highest form of control over your mind." Also
meditation is about stillness, listening and having awareness. When you dance you
have to have total control over your mind to execute the steps and you have to truly
listen to what your body tells you which leads to number 3:

3. Being in the moment

Dance allows you to be in the moment. In ballet class your mind can not wander. You
have to be in the moment and fully present when you're at the barre and when you
progress to center. During adagio and petite allegro you are always in the moment.
Living in the moment with each step you take, fully present and intensely focused on
perfecting your craft.

4. Dance provides an escape
Momentarily you can escape from the harsh realities of whatever it is that you're
going through. When you dance you can cast all of your cares on the dance floor.
The dance floor is your sanctuary. Whatever troubles you becomes a distant memory
from the moment you step foot on stage or in the dance studio.
5. Dance provides a connection with others
The best spiritual connection is the connection we have with others. When our spirits
align and we experience movement together it provides the bliss we seek in the spirit
of fellowship. The magical feeling of connecting to others in a higher dimension
through the art of dance is what heightens the spiritual experience. It's metaphysical.
Through dance you develop an "unconditional bond" with other dancers, with the
audience—and when you touch the heart of others through the art of dance an
emotional bond occurs.
6. Dance promotes a healthy and active lifestyle
One of the major components of dance is healthy living. A healthy body enhances a
healthy mind. Health and spirituality go hand and hand. In the article "Spirituality and
Health" it is mentioned that the mind, body and soul are connected and the health of
the body affects the health of the mind.
7. Dance is the ultimate therapy
Dance and movement help to provide emotional support and there are even dance
therapy programs like the Hancock Center for Dance/Movement Therapy that offer
dance therapy as a vehicle for self-growth and actualization.
Credit to

Credits to:

Part-I ( consider this as summative 2 for 15 points)

1. After reading this lesson, what have you realized about optimizing energy?
2. How would you promote others to express “shout out” to encourage others optimize
their energy for a better health? (3points)

3. Give at least 5 benefits of aerobic exercise and 5 anaerobic exercises. ( 10 points)

Part- II ( consider this as performance task 2 for 20 points)
4. How would you plan your meal considering the three major food groups if you
increase your physical activity; when you plan to lose weight; and increase your
muscle mass. ( 10 points)
You may answer number 3 thru VLOG/ BLOG/ ESSAY and submit to your instructor. Please
be guided with the rubrics below.

5. How would you consider dance would benefit your physical, spiritual, mental
emotional and social aspect? (10points)
You may answer number 4 thru VLOG/ BLOG/ ESSAY and submit to your instructor. Please
be guided with the rubrics below.

Rubrics for VLOG/ BLOG/ ESSAY

Criteria 4 3 2 1 %
Excellent Very good Satisfactory Needs
originality of the Shows originality of Some Some ideas/phrases are Ideas/phrase are 2
idea the idea and ideas/phrases copied with improper copied without
wordings. are copied with citation citation
proper citation
Organization (flow Well organized Shows very good Shows satisfactorily Shows
of the idea flow of the idea organization on organization on the inorganized flow 2
the flow of idea flow of idea of idea
Understanding shows strong shows a clear shows adequate shows little 2
understanding of understanding of understanding of the understanding of
the topic the topic topic the topic
creativity or style of Well created or style With good creativity With fair creativity of Simple creativity
the writing /video of the writing of style in writing style in writing of style in writing 2
questions /topic Question/ topic Question / topic Question/ topic Question/ topic
asked asked were asked were 95 % asked were 90 % asked wee 2
presented. answered answered 89 %and below
Total 10

Lesson 3: Barriers to Physical Activity

We just have learned the importance of exercise and its benefits to our
lifestyle, let us now evaluate yourself what are the barriers for you to do physical
activities. Circle the number that best describes

Very Somewhat Somewhat

Likely likely unlikely
1. My day is so busy answering the Modules for the
3 2 1
“new normal”
2. Social distancing with friends, makes me
3 2 1
uncomfortable to perform exercises
3. I’m just too tired and bored with the “stay at home”
3 2 1
4. I’ve been thinking about getting more exercise, but I
3 2 1
just can’t seem to get started
5. I think I’m healthy enough to exercise 3 2 1
6. I don’t get enough exercise because I don’t have the
3 2 1
skills for any sport
7. I don’t have access to jogging, trails, pools, bike
3 2 1
8. Physical activity takes too much time away from
other commitments – time, study, research, co- 3 2 1
9. I am embarrassed about how I look when I exercise
3 2 1
with others
10. I do not get enough sleep as it is. I just couldn’t get
3 2 1
up or stay up late to get some exercise
11. It’s easier for me to fine excuses not to exercise than
3 2 1
to go out to do something
12. I know too many people who have hurt themselves
3 2 1
by over doing it with exercise
13. I am not interested with any sports 3 2 1
14. It is too expensive. You have to take class or join
club or buy the right equipment
3 2 1
15. My free times during the day are too short to include
3 2 1
16. My usual social activities do not include physical
3 2 1
17. I’m too tired during the week and I need the weekend
to catch up on my rest
3 2 1
18. I want to get more exercises, but I just can’t seem to
make myself stick to anything
3 2 1
19. I’m afraid I might injure myself or have a heart attack 3 2 1
20. I’m not good enough at any physical activity to make
it fun
3 2 1
21. If we had exercise facilities and showers at work,
then I would be more likely to exercise
3 2 1

How to score yourself:
Enter the circled number in the spaces provided, putting together the number
for statement 1 on line 1, statement 2 on line 2, and so on.
Add the scores on each line. Your barriers to physical activity fall into one or
more of seven categories.
A score of 5 or above in any category shows that this is an important barrier
for you to overcome
_____ +_____+_____ = ________________
1 8 15 Lack of Time
_____+_____+_____= ________________
Credits to:
2 9 16 Social Influence
_____+_____+_____= ________________
3 10 17 Lack of energy
_____+_____+_____= ________________
4 11 18 Lack of willpower
_____+_____+_____= ________________
5 12 19 Fear of injury
_____+_____+_____= ________________
6 13 20 Lack of skill
_____+_____+_____= ________________
7 14 21 Lack of resources

Reflection: ( Consider this as summative 3 for 15 points)

1.What are your top two barriers in participating physical activity? (2 points)

2.What is your plan of action to overcome these barriers? (5 points)

3.What are your realizations as you answer the assessment tool? (3 points)
4.What motivational quote should you input to yourself to get involved with
Physical Fitness Activities? (5points)

Discuss briefly how you are going to OVERCOME the barriers to physical activity
participation. (20)

1. Lack of time - ________________________________________________

2. Social Influence - _____________________________________________

3. Lack of energy - ______________________________________________

4. Lack of will power - ____________________________________________

5. Fear of injury - ________________________________________________

6. Lack of knowledge- ____________________________________________

7. Incorrect knowledge- ___________________________________________

8. Lack of skills - ________________________________________________

9. Lack of resources - _________________________________________________

10. Unsafe Venue- __________________________________________

You have done this lesson, it’s time for you to express artistically through a
poster to promote DANCE as an exercise and stress reliever.

Poster Making Criteria:

_____ - 30% Relevance to the Theme

_____ - 25% Originality
_____ - 20% Creativity
_____ - 15% Color Harmony
_____ - 10% Visual Impact

_____ TOTAL

NOTE to the Learner’s

In this activity as “Performance task” you are grade in two stages:

- first task, you must make a poster following the Poster making Criteria;
- second task, you must post your output after informing your parents regarding
this activity for educational purpose.

For Digitized and Online

1. Post your output in your FB account with the purpose of letting other learners
from the school, in other places here in the Philippines and even in other
country. Take a screen shot of your conversation regarding
2. Students output for the computer-mediated communication (CMC) activity is
rated using the following rubric
1. Screenshot of your post VLOG? BLOG (Essay) in FB -4
2. Screenshot of conversation/comments from viewer.
a. Friends from other country (3-8, 2-7, 1-6) -8
b. Friends here in the Philippines (3-5,2-4,1-3)
3. Screenshot of viewer’s profile indicating his / her location
a. Friend’s profile indicating from other countries (3-8,2-7,1-6) -8
b. Friends profile with location here in the Philippines (3-5,2-4,1-3) ___
Total -20
Source: Adapted from Dela Cruz, MG, 2021

4. For Printed Modality that which the circumstances does not warrant in
participating the CMC activity thru posting of output you may post your
work at the Barangay Hall Bulletin Boards and ask at least five people to
write a comment then submit to your Instructor.
No comment & no output -0 point.
With output but no comment - 10 points
With output and with 1 -4 comment - 15 points.
With output and with 5 and more comments -16 points

Lesson 4: Sets FITT Goals

Now that you have record the result of your physical fitness test, you have then
determined your strengths and weaknesses. With that fact, you are now ready to create your
fitness plan. Let us try to use FITT Principle to achieve this health goals.

The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The key
components or training guidelines for an effective exercise program is spelled out with the
acronym FITT
F –frequency – refers to the repetition of exercise undertaken or how often you exercise
I – intensity – refers to the amount of energy the exercise required or how hard you
T –time – refers to the number of minutes or hours you spend exercising or how long you
T –type – refers to the type of exercise undertaken or what kind of exercise you do

Try to identify what principle of FITT the statement refers to. Write if it is frequency, intensity
time or type.

__________1. Adjust the number of times you exercise per day/week/month to reflect:
your current fitness level; the time you realistically have available; your other
commitments like family and work; and the goals you’ve set for yourself.
__________2. It refers to the dedication to exercise usually depends on the type of exercise
__________3. The factor that refers to the monitoring of heart rate.

__________4. The kind of exercise you choose will have a big effect on the result you
achieve. That’s why it’s important to know what you want to gain form your efforts.

Principles of FITT

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Cardio and 5 to 6 times Easy to moderate 30 to 60 minutes or Running, walking,
Weight Loss per week 60-75% of maximum more cycling, swimming,
heart rate rowing
Strength 2 to 3 times Depends on amount of Depends on Weight machines,
per week, not weight lifted. intensity of workout. resistance bands, body
consecutive The heavier the weight, If intensity is high, weight like push-ups,
days the less sets and reps reduce time spent dips
Stretching 5 to 7 times Slow, easy and relaxed 15 to 60 minutes Static, Passive and
per week and hold each PNF (proprioceptive
stretch 40 to 60 neuromuscular
seconds facilitation)

1. Overload Principle – the body adapt to stimulus, once the body has
accepted then a different stimulus is required to continue the change. In order
for the muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually
stressed by working against a load greater than it is used to.

2. Progressive Principle – means the body adapts to the initial overload, the
overload must be adjusted and increase gradually.

3. Recovery Principle – adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and

naturally, but time must be allowed for the regenerate and build.

4. Reversibility Principle – all gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not
continue to exercise

5. Specificity Principle – training should be relevant and appropriate to the

individuals need in order to produce effective result

6. Variation Principle – training programs varies in intensity, duration, volume

and other important aspects of practice

Let’s FITT and Dance
You are challenged to learn the different genre of dance for this semester. Refer to YouTube
videos and apply the exercises at home.
These are just suggested dances. You may change according to how you contextualize the
dances of your own culture

My Intensity Time Type

Type of Heart (slow, (number (cardio,
Dance Activity (___x
Energy Rate medium, of strength,
(bpm) fast) minutes) stretching)
Wk 1: Fundamental
Arm and Feet Positions
Wk 2: Folk Dance:
Lapay Bantigue
Wk 3: Folk Dance:
Wk 4: Modern Dance:
Contemporary Dance
Wk 5: Modern Dance:
Lyrical Dance
Wk 6: Dancesports:
Cha cha cha
Wk 7: Dancesports:
Wk 8: Cheer Dance:
Arm Movements and
Wk 9: Cheer Dance:
Wk 10: Hip Hop Dance
(Performance task 4 for 20 points
Rubric for task
Criteria Rating
Completeness of task reflected in the form 10 8 6 4 2
The paper conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic 10 8 6 4 2

After the 10-week dance challenge and self-directed activity, I have learned
the following: (20 points)

Part-I ( 20 points)
Type of Dance Terms Body Part Improved Values and Attitude
Ex. Fundamental Oblique Arm Strength Persistence
Arm and Feet Positions Raise Abdominal Stamina Accuracy
Half-circle Discipline

Rubric for the task

Criteria Rating
Completeness of task reflected in the form 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic 5 4 3 2 1

Part -II. Make an essay/VLOG/BLOG following the guide questions below.

(15 points)
1. What are your challenges in performing the different genre on dance?
2. What is your realization in doing the different genre on dance?
3. What genre will you recommend? Explain your reason.
Rubric for Essay
Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Direction: Circle the letter of the best answer to the following questions.

1. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except:
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C
2. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not require energy?
A. ATP B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is used
in a longer period of time?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
4. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy?
A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic
5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the benefits of it.
Which of the following is the least beneficial factor of aerobic exercise?
A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke
B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood pressure
6. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some b-
boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competion he is joining?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
7. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her exercise
routine, which of the following is the best thing that she should do?
A. Set SMART goals B. Walk before you run C. Meditate D. Observe others
8. Liam and Denise are the loveliest couple I love to see performing the Cha cha cha,
Rumba and Jive. They won as the best couple for the Latin Discipline. What type of
genre these dances belong?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
9. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were observed:
bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance genre?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
10. Which of the following dance genre often considered to have emerged as a rejection of
or rebellion against classical ballet?
A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance
11. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe
environment. The statement means:
A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic fitness
B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management

12. Sunshine was a great gymnast but with her busy schedule and task in expected from
her in work, she gained weights and eventually turned obese over the years. This
barrier in participating physical activities refers to:
A. Lack of time B. lack of energy C. Lack of will power D. Lack of skill

13. Wh\bhcbh of the following FITT principle refers to the amount of energy the exercise
A.lFrequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
14. Which component of physical fitness refers to the physical attributes such as the cardio-
respiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility?
A. Fitness B. Health-related C. Skills-related D. Talent-related
15. The hexagonal test is performed by jumping to specific direction inside the hexagon in
two revolutions in the shortest period of time. Which component is being assessed?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Speed

Answer Key: Pre-Test Answer Key. Page 1 What I Answer Key: Physical and Mental Benefits of
Know Dance
1. A
2. B 1. Energy  Improved condition heart and lungs
3. C 2. Joules  Increased muscular strength, endurance
4. D 3. Adenosine and motor fitness
5. A Triphosphate  Increased aerobic fitness
6. A 4. Glycolytic  Improved muscle tone and strength
7. B 5. Oxidative  Weight management
8. B 6. Anaerobic  Stronger bones and reduced
9. C 7. Aerobic  Better coordination, agility and flexibility
10. A 8. Glucose  Improved balance and spatial awareness
11. D 9. Glycogen  Increased physical confidence
12. B 10. Glycolysis  Improved mental functioning
13. A 11. Oxidative  Improved general and psychological well
14. B 12. Adenosine Tri- being
15. C phosphate  Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
13. Creatine Phosphate  Better social skills
14. Anaerobic
15. Aerobic

Answer Key: Dance Answer Key: FITT

Terminologies Principle

1. Modern 1. Frequency
2. Folk 2. Time
3. Hip-hop 3. Intensity
4. Hip-hop 4. Type
5. Folk
6. Hip-hop
7. Ballroom
8. Hip-hop
9. Modern
10. Folk
11. Hip-hop
12. Modern
13. Folk
14. Folk
15. Ballroom
16. Modern
17. Modern
18. Ballroom
19. Ballroom
20. Ballroom

Health Optimizing Physical Education 3 (Dance in Optimizing One’s Health as a Habit)

DANCE: Move Through the Rhythm

Panuto: Sulatan at lagyan ng tapat na sagot ang mga tanong ayon sa iyong naranasan. Ang iyong sagot ay walang
makakaalam liban sa iyong guro. Ang iyong sagot ay makatulong sa iyong guro at punong guro na pagbtihin ang pag gawa
ng MODYUL. Isauli ang papel na ito sa iyong guro .

Pangalan ng mag-aaral Pangalan ng magulang o Guardian ng mag-aaral

Baitang at pangkat Petsa na sakop ng form

A. Para sa mag-aral

Managing Stress Optimize Energy Barriers to Sets FITT Goals
Through Dance System Through Physical Fitness
Dance Activity

1. Anong mga asignaturea

ang na pag aralan mo
2. Kumusta ka sa mga aralin
ngayon? Alin sa mga ito ang
madali para sa 'yo/ bakit?
3. May mga gusto ka bang
itanong sa iyong guro
tungkol sa aralin? Ilista mo
dito ang iyong mga tanong

B. Para sa magulang o guardian

Managing Optimize Barriers to Sets FITT Goals
Stress Through Energy System Physical
Dance Through Fitness
Dance Activity

1. Nagawa ba ng iyong anak Nagawa ng bata mag-isa

ang kanyang mga gawain sa Nagawa ng bata na may
paaralan ngayong araw? tulong ng iba
Di nagawa
2. Kumusta ang pag-aaral ng
inyong anak ? May mga
gusto ka bang iulat o
itanong sa kanyang guro?
Isulat dito ang iyong mga
puna, suhestyon, o tanong.

Parent or Guardian Name and Signature


Health Optimizing Physical Education 3

(Dance in Optimizing One’s Health as a Habit)

DANCE: Move Through the Rhythm

End of First Quarter


You will be graded on written summative for 40 % and

Performance task for 60 %
For total of 100 %
Mod 1:
Sept. 20-24,  Summative 1: What I have learned (25points)
 Performance Task 1: what Can I do: PAR-Q and
You form and PFT Score Card. 20 points
Oct. 4-8, 2021 Mod 2:
 Summative 2: Part I: (15 points):

 Performance task 2: Part-II: (20 points)

Oct. 18-22, 2021 Mod 3:
 Summative 3: What ‘s More: Overcome the
barriers to Physical Activity

 Performance task 3 What can I do: What can I

do (Poster Making) (100 % and 20 points)
Nov. 1-5, 2021 Mod 4: what I have learned: (25 points)
 Summative 4: Part I (10 points)
 Summative 4: Part II (15 points

 Performance task 4: Let’s FITT and Dance (20


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