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Criterion B / C Summative Assessment

Unit: Forces
Statement of Inquiry: How does weight effect the extension of a spring.

“Investigation of Hookes Law.”

Background information:
In this unit, we will be working across several curriculum areas to explore the world
of forces.

Springs are used in many different areas of everyday life. A spring is an elastic object
that stores mechanical energy. Springs are typically made of spring steel. A typical
spring is a tightly wound coil or spiral of metal that stretches when you pull it (apply
a force) and goes back to its original shape when you let it go again (remove the
force). In other words, a spring is elastic.
Your investigation:
You will design an experiment to investigate Hooke's Law: that states the force
needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to
that distance it extends by.
You need to investigate what happens when weight is added to a spring.
Your equipment will be: springs, weights, retort stands, newton meters, meter
More equipment can be added if required.
The virtual lab can be found on
Task Guide:
1. You need to describe the problem to be tested using scientific reasoning
Throughout this investigation we will be investigating the Hooke’s law. We will be
investigating about what happens when weight is added to the spring and to see if there
is any difference between different weights/force on springs. We will be answering the
question “How does weight effect the extension of a spring?”.
2. Outline background research about Hookes law, how springs work the effect of forces on
The Hooke’s law states that states that the strain of the material is proportional to the applied
stress within the elastic limit of that material. The formula is expressed as F= -kx. In the equation
F is the force, x is the extension length, k is the constant of proportionality known as spring
constant in N/m.

In this photo we can interpret that if there is more force applied to the spring on the spring
extends the most so it shows more force means more extension. An example would be: A spring
is displaced by 5 cm and held in place with a force of 500 N. What is the spring constant of the
spring? We know that the spring is displaced by 5 cm which is 0.05m. Now using the formula
F = –k.x find the answer 500 N/0.05m = k
k = 10000 N/m
F= Force X= elongation of spring K=the
density of metal or spring constant.

3. You should then formulate a testable hypothesis (what you expect to happen in the
experiment) using correct scientific reasoning.
I hypothesize that when the force/weight (N) on the spring increases so will the elongation
length of the spring. I am assuming they are proportional so as one variable increases so will the
other variable. The force/weight added is independent because I’m changing it, the extension
length is the dependant variable because as the weight increases it should either increase or
decrease, I hypothesise that it will increase as the net force will be the weights force because
there is no force acting against the weight to make the net force less on the spring. Reasoning to
prove my hypothesis is because throughout the lessons I have taken in class with Mr. Alan I have
learnt that there are 3 laws of motion. The second law being related to this investigation “The
acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.”
This shows that when the spring gains weight it will accelerate/stretch to the side that the force
is being exerted in and according to the weight the extension length will be longer, this is what I
hypothesize referring to one of the laws of motion. I also think that the hooks law force will also
be accurate and directly proportional do the extension length as it is a law that is used for
elastics and springs are considered to be elastic. So, I think Hooke’s law is a valid law.

Method and materials should include:

1. Variables and controls.

Independent Variable: the force/weight: in this investigation the independent variable will be
the force or weight added. This is the independent variable because I am changing it myself
every time I add weight to the spring. The dependant variable will change by the mass of 50g
every time I add weight, no less no more. This is definitely the independent variable because
once it changes the extension length will be affected, either positively, negatively or no
Dependent Variable: the extension length: in this investigation dependant variable will be the
extension length because it will be affected when more weight is added. We will be
measuring the variable in numbers using cm to see if there is change throughout the
Controlled variables:

Controlled What will happen if not controlled? How is it going to

variables stay the same?

Density of If we do not have same material and This is going to stay the
the same density for every spring we will same by ensuring the
springs or not be able accurately measure the that every spring is
spring change in extension length when made out of stainless
constant weight is added on a spring. Because steel, as it has the
if we different densities one may be density of 29N/m.
less dense or denser than the other, however, using the
steel) =
thus making a different result in PHET simulator we can
extension even if the same weight is choose the density, so
added to both different springs. we can make it 29N/m
for every spring.

Length of The springs should all be the same length We will use the
the spring in our case it will be 48cm before same length
before extension. The spring must be this length spring for each
extension so we know that once extended we can trial.
(48cm) compare the final extended number to
another greater weighted extension trial.

2. You should think about how you will use the equipment to answer your problem.

• Ruler
• Springs (stainless steel)
• Mass blocks (50g, 100g, 150g, 200g, 250g)
• A hanger or something to hang the spring on/retort stands
• A table or surface to place everything on
3. Design a complete, logical and safe method in which you explain how you will manipulate
your variables, explain how sufficient and relevant data will be collected.

• Gather all the equipment listed before starting

• Make sure the springs are the same density and length
• Place your retort stands on the table
• Hang the spring using a retort stand
• Grab a mass block and attach it to the bottom of the spring
• Wait for the spring to stop moving, as the added mass will make it move up and down
• Measure (using a ruler vertically) the extension length of the spring once it stops
• Write findings on the table
• Repeat the steps for each mass block, 50g, 100g, 150g, 200g, 250g

4. You then should virtually collect your data.


1. Organise, transform and present your data (graph),
G=gravity 9.8

Mass Weight=(MxG) Spring stretch (X) Hooks Law F=-KX

measured in (g) measured in (N) measured in (cm) measured in (N)
50 490 56 1624
100 980 65 1885
150 1470 73 2117
200 1960 81 2349
250 2450 88 2552
300 2940 97 2813

Weight can be replaced with Hooke’s law force and still the same (N)
just different numbers on the bottom. (To verify Hooke’s law).

Also works for Hooke’s law force, substitute numbers (N)

for weight with the Hooke’s law numbers.
interpret this data (what it means) explain it using scientific reasoning.
In this graph it clearly portrays that when the force/weight increases so does the extension
length. This means that the force/weight (N) and the extension length (X) are directly
proportional because as one increases so does the other. When the weight was at its highest
point so was the extension length. On contrary, when the weight was at its lowest point so was
the extension length. This proves and justifies that these variables are proportional. The same
thing applies for Hooke’s law, if you swap the force of weight for the Hooke’s law force you can
see that the same direct proportion is applied because when the Hooke’s law force increases so
does the extension length. This shows that there is a difference or change when weight is added
to a spring. This answers the statement of inquiry “How does weight effect the extension of a
spring.”. We found out how weight affects the extension of a spring. We can interpret that the
net force acting on the spring increases every time weight is added (no opposing force). This
means as more weight is added, more force is applied to the spring. This results into a longer
spring stretch.


1. You should evaluate how valid your hypothesis is.

In summation I can evaluate that my hypothesis was accurate and definitely valid as I outlined
and described that the increase in weight would lead to the increase in extension length making
them directly proportional. I also stated that I think Hooke’s law is valid because it is a law that
was created for elastic force. Both these statements were correct as the graph showcases that
the extension length did in fact increase once the weight increased, it also showed that Hooke’s
law force could have replaced the weight on the graph because I found that as the it increased
so did the extension length. This proves that my hypothesis was valid as it answered the
statement of inquiry and it was ultimately correct.
2. Evaluate how valid the method was.
The method I formulated was valid as it is accurate and easy for someone to read and follow, in
fact I am confident that if I give the method to 6th grader they will know how to do this
investigation step by step without fail because each step is described one by one to guide the
reader. To summarize, I think my method is valid because it gives all the necessary steps to
complete the investigation.
3. Explain any improvements / extensions that would benefit the investigation.
I am proud of my findings in this investigation, all my results were reliable because I measured
my measurements with precision. I feel like my experiment was successful because I had many
resources like the internet, previous class work and great knowledge about what happens to an
object when there is a force acting upon it. Conversely, I think my investigation had faults. I could
have made the investigation more accurate by repeating the process 3 times, I would end up
with three graphs and I will be able to tell if there were any faults or errors throughout my
investigation. I think this investigation could also have been improved by the addition of different
material of springs to see if this rule applies to each spring. However, this would double the
workload for each material of spring added. On the whole, I think the investigation was strong
but it could have had a few changes for minor improvement to find more answers and verify the
rule and the Hooke’s law.
Please pay close attention to the grading rubric.

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing

Maximum: 8
Achievement Level descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors below.

1–2 The student is able to:

I. state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation, with limited success

II. state a testable hypothesis
III. state the variables
IV. design a method, with limited success.
3–4 The student is able to:

I. state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation

II. outline a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
III. outline how to manipulate the variables, and state how relevant data will be collected
IV. design a safe method in which he or she selects materials and equipment.

5–6 The student is able to:

I. outline a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation

II. outline and explain a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
III. outline how to manipulate the variables, and outline how sufficient, relevant data will be collected
IV. design a complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment.

7–8 The student is able to:

I. describe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation

II. outline and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning
III. describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how sufficient, relevant data will be collected
IV. design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment.

Criterion C: Processing and evaluating

Achieveme Level descriptor

nt level

0 The student does not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors below.
1–2 The student is able to:

I. collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms

II. interpret data
III. state the validity of a hypothesis with limited reference to a scientific investigation
IV. state the validity of the method with limited reference to a scientific investigation
V. state limited improvements or extensions to the method.

3–4 The student is able to:

I. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms

II. accurately interpret data and describe results
III. state the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
IV. state the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
V. state improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific

5–6 The student is able to:

I. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
II. accurately interpret data and describe results using scientific reasoning
III. outline the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
IV. outline the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
V. outline improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific

7–8 The student is able to:

I. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
II. accurately interpret data and describe results using correct scientific reasoning
III. discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
IV. discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
V. describe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific

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