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53. The clothing that people wear affects the way they behave.


Many people think that they are different in behaving when they wear different
kinds of clothes. However, I completely disagree with this idea, I believe that it is
only their incorrect feeling about themselves because we change our clothes very
frequently ,for example, our jobs or weather can also decide our clothes and affects
the way we wear.

First of all, everyone usually has many kinds of clothes to wear. A person tend to
change their clothes maybe in just two or three day, and apparently their behaviors
cannot change so quickly. For example, a person can wear a red sweater and a jean
to go to classes but then when he are at home, he wear a T-shirt and a short. He
feel that he do not change anything and he still is himself.

Secondly, I believe that our jobs affect the way we dress. It is true that many
companies or schools require their staffs to wear uniforms. In addition, probably
because of the characteristics of their jobs, they wear specific kinds of clothes. For
example, a teacher usually does not wear too gaudy clothes or too sexy ones when
this teacher goes to schools. But, I believe that they are not different when they are
in other places wearing different clothes.

Finally, it is undoubtable that the weather determines our clothes because people
wear clothes to protect their body from different weather conditions. For example,
when the weather is hot, people usually wear thin clothes. In contrast, when the
weather is cold, they basically will put on warm clothes. But, I am sure that they
are not different when the weather changes.

In conclusion, there are many factors that decide the way we dress. However, when
we dress differently, we will not change. This is due to the fact that we cannot
change so quickly as we change our clothes. Therefore, our clothes have nothing
related to our behaviors.

54. We shouldn’t follow fashion trends and we should dress in what we like
and fell comfortable in. (FOR)

Nowadays, we live in society in which whether following fashion trends or not has
become a debatable issue, especially, among the young generation. Some people
believe that instead of pursuing this trend, people should dress something more
comfortable. From my perspective, I completely agree with this notion.

First and foremost, it is obvious that fashion is a changeable trend by its nature so
people who follow fashion trends will waste both their money and time. For
example, purchasing every latest season’s fashion item will make people spend a
large of budget. Moreover, such designs take away individuality, I mean that there
is nothing unique about wearing when everybody has appearance the same as
others. Therefore, we should pay more attention to individuality and comfort in the
way we dress.

Second, it should be mentioned that the main purpose of wearing clothes is to

protect humans’ body from different weather conditions rather than showing off. It
is possible that fashion trends can look extremely stylish to the general public.
However, people should wear clothes which basically keep them warm in winter
and dry in summer.

Finally, people’s clothes should express their own personality and uniqueness
instead of imitating someone else who works for the film or fashion industry.
There are many features of fashion which against the traditions and cultures of
many societies. People should wear the clothes which gives us a sense of
confidence and pride in our appearance.

In conclusion, in recent times, people are now changing their minds in regards to
wearing clothes for comfort and as a personal choice because there are various
reasons for rejecting to follow fashion trends, consisting of not conforming,
comfort and price, which I strongly agree with.

55. Foreign visitors should not be charged more than local visitors for cultural
and historical attractions. (FOR)

It is sometimes seen that tourist attractions, including important cultural and

historical sites, impose a higher fee for the overseas travelers than the local people.
From my observation, I do not agree with this idea, I reckon that local people and
tourists should pay the same fee to visit cultural and historical places.
First and foremost, if the government increases ticket price for tourists, the number
of tourists who visit the country can decrease which leads to affect the country's
economy badly. Moreover, this makes the authority find difficult to maintain those
important places and the opportunities for adverts cultural and historical places
symbolize a country's characteristics will also get reduced.

Second, if the international tourists are charged more than the local visitors, the
foreigners would feel discriminated. As a result, the tourists may misunderstand
that the system is abusing them which makes them get bad impression to the local.
They would psychologically feel unhappy and would share their dissatisfaction
with others which would mean less foreign tourists.

Finally, to separate visitors in terms of their nationality is not a good sense and in
my opinion unfair. Therefore, ticket price should be equal both for the local people
and tourists because both of them have a right to visit cultural and historical places
equally. By this way, these tourists will encourage their friends and family
members to visit a country and some tourist attractions.

In conclusion, in my view, tourist’s visitors should pay the same money for the
entrance to any nationally and historically important place that is more beneficial
because both local visitors and tourists. It is also contributing to promote
understanding between people from different cultures.

56. International tourism creates tension rather than understanding between

people from different cultures. (partly)

At present, global tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries

worldwide. Some people consider that tourism just contributes to tension among
existing nations. From my perspective, I completely protest this statement.

On the one hand, foreign tourists have created a variety of confrontations. For
starters, a number of globe visitors are culturally ignorant or disrespect local
customs. Many locals imitate tourists' lifestyles, resulting in the loss of native
traditions and customs. For instance, when visiting religious attractions in
Vietnam, many ill-informed Western tourists dress inappropriately, such as
wearing short skirts or swimwear. Second, a number of international tourists leads
to creating social conflicts. In the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, in which infected
passengers spread the virus from China to many other countries, resulting in the
world's current state of emergency remaining at an alarming level. Furthermore, an
increased rate of robbers, drug dealers, murders, and pickpockets has heightened
tensions between the countries involved.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that international tourism is enabled to bridge

the cultural gap through profound mutual understanding. One of these reasons is
that direct exposure to foreign cultures allows travelers to gain a better
understanding of local customs and lifestyles. This approach offers a fantastic
opportunity to eliminate cultural prejudices, understand core values, and be
tolerant of divergences between nations. Moreover, this industry contributes to a
significantly important part of the economy. It is obvious that tourism facilitates
commercial relationships and is a source of revenue generation. Besides, it
promotes the expansion of a diverse variety of businesses, such as hotels,
restaurants, and food services, resulting in the creation of numerous jobs.

In conclusion, although many people think international tourism is likely to cause

adverse impacts, my conviction is that by being exposed to people from many
cultural backgrounds, we will be facilitated to broaden our understanding.

57. Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of
advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

Nowadays, with a significant increase in various goods in market, producers find

hard to persuade consumers to buy their products. Therefore some people believe
that advertisements have positive impact on promoting consumption of products.
From my perspective, I agree with this opinion to some extent but I still reckon
that the main reason for this increase is people’s necessity, not advertisements.

On the one hand, marketing campaigns play a crucial role in stimulating people's
buying habits. First and foremost, adverts are essential to inform the quality of the
product and explain how it functions in order to attract prospective customers.
Companies use advertising techniques to enhance the company’s image in a
competitive commercial market. Second, commercials which appear widely on the
road or billboard,even on TV with high frequency, are seen regularly by people,
thus these products can become familiar with them. As a result, some individuals
tend to prefer to buy these products which they know rather than strange products.

On the one hand, there are justifiable reasons why people state that advertising is
less important. To begin with, most people know their demands when they enter
the store which can not be easily changed because of others. The growth of sales of
products is as a result of increasing their needs to them. Furthermore, advertising
can be nuisance rather than motivation for people's buying behaviours. For
example, in many supermarkets, there are many product launches with promotional
goods that can disturb customers who are not concerned and make them annoyed
as well as decline to come back again. Therefore, advertising is not likely to
manipulate  selection of consumers.

In conclusion, I reckon that nobody can deny the real needs of the society
determine the rate of sales. Although the use of adverts is one of the important
factors which decide the turnover of products, advertising only has limited effects
so we should not abuse it.

60. We are becoming so dependent on technology that it is taking over our

lives, resulting in bad leaders. (partly)

In recent years, the use and potential of technology have grown at an incredible
rate and it would be difficult to imagine life without computers. However, some
assume that people now depend on technology even abuse it which leads to
negative impact on their life. From my perspective, I agree partly with this notion.
I believe that besides many drawbacks, technology also various positives.

Thân bài và kết bài giống như đề 64.

64. The increasing use and development of new technology has more
advantages than disadvantages. (partly)

Technology play important role in modern society which significantly improved

human life, there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday life. Some
assume that the increasing use and development of new technology has more
advantaged than disadvantages. From my perspective, I agree partly.
On the one hand, there are various benefits which technology brings for human.
We can use developing machines to replace people to do the hard work and new
types of jobs which can damage their health. Thanks to technology, people can do
many things easily and save a lot of time so people can have more time to relax.
Second, some repetitive tasks that performed by machines are more efficient and
accurate than performed by human. For example, photocopiers are able to produce
hundreds of copies of document without any errors within just 10 seconds.

Despite this, technologies have some disadvantages because our daily lives tend to
be controlled by them, that without them, modern-day life as we know it would be
impossible. People both children and adults spend too much time on TV,
smartphone so that they become addicted them and lack of outside activities which
harm their health. The extensive use of machine may consume a large amount of
electricity or gas., it is undeniable that the electricity and water for running dish-
washing machines are much more than hand was. Besides, if people completely
rely on those machines, they could lose the ability of working. Furthermore,
computers store all our important data and the risk of hacking exposes us to crimes
such as fraud.

In conclusion, the invention of technology definitely brings convenient to our lives.

However, there are disadvantages that we cannot neglect so I would say that
people should have proper way to control their life in order not to depend on
technology which leads to bad results.

61. Technology has affected relationships in more negative ways. (partly)

In modern life, technology has transformed the ways of communication and

influenced relationships in many forms. There is an argument that besides many
benefits, technology has affected relationships in more negative ways. From my
perspective, I agree with this idea to certain extent.

On the one hand, the most important benefit of advanced communication tools is
that they have promoted relationships in business, education and social life. Thanks
to the Internet, business people around the globe are able to connect with others
effortlessly. In addition, online applications and services create a proper
connection between students and teachers. For example, students have access to a
wide range of lessons available on the Internet no matter where they are.
Furthermore, many people use social media in order to communicate with new
people and find ones who share common interests, and they interact through their
computers rather than face to face.

However, despite these advances, the quality of interaction has significantly

declined in several ways. If people are developing most of their relationships
online, this means that they may also have less fact-to-face contact. This kind of
contact on a personal level is essential for human beings to feel belonging as a
member of society. This may be a particular problem for children's social
development as they used to be seen playing out on the streets but are now too
often indoors. Technology can also mean people are detached from what is going
on around them even when they are out, as can be seen by the many people staring
into their mobile phones as they travel or walk around.

In conclusion, technology has certainly revolutionized communication between

people, but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive. Therefore
I reckon that we should not abuse it to avoid its disadvantageous impacts.

62. Modern communication systems play an indispensable role in our life.(for)

Nowadays, modern technological developments in many fields are bringing

enormous changes in our daily lives, one of them is modern communication
system. While many people compliment the benefits of modern communication
systems, there are some individuals who disagree with this notion. From my
perspective, I reckon that advantages of modern communication systems outweigh
their disadvantages.

First and foremost, to day we connect with people easily through internet
regardless of distance between places. For example, we can use chat applications
to connect person in different countries and we can talk and see him/her like we are
next to him/her. Therefore, advanced development in communication makes
distance between places more shortened.

Another great achievement of modern communication system is its relatively low

cost and time-saving aspect. For example, a half century ago, it was time
consuming, costly process to gain higher degree in foreign countries. Thanks to
today's rapid development of internet communication, people pursue an high
education online attending in universities in abroad.

At last not least, the modern network which help people to get information about
the things that are happening across the world and through email individuals can
not only work for big companies from any part of the globe but also stay in touch
with their friends and of course their business partners.

In conclusion, high developments of modern communication systems make

tremendous changes in people's living throughout world. It gives us some great
advances in our communication style by saving time, money and shortening

63. As the world becomes technologically advanced, computers are replacing

more and more jobs, but the human workforce will demonstrate that it is
more valuable than computers.(partly)

With the help of advanced technology, humans are getting huge benefits because
technology would make people's jobs easier or even take the place of many jobs.
However, some assume that human workforce are more valuable than computers
and often do adequate job performance than these automated workers . From my
perspective, I agree partly with this idea.

On the one hand, there are many intellectual and menial jobs which are now done
by computers, resulting in employers do not need to pay much money to employ
workers. For example, Ticket agents in various transportation facilities, from
subway/ underground stations to airports are virtually nonexistent these days. Bank
tellers have been greatly reduced due to automated bank machines and tellers are
no longer needed as such task is easily done by note-counting-machine efficiently.
Machines can complete their tasks which were done by human labour with less
effort and time but high accuracy.However, it was not expected that computers
would eliminate jobs and contribute to unemployment.

On the other hand, although a computer may easily achieve the main tasks of these
jobs, they do not have flexibility and get failure when customers have a unique
request or problem. For example, a pre-paid ticket booth cannot offer friendly
directions to a tourist. Similarly, an automated bank machine cannot provide
assistance and reassurance to a customer who has just had his credit card stolen or
in many libraries, elderly people who don't know how to use computers and can't
find anyone to help. Therefore, human workforce is believed to be valuable than
robots in job performance.

In conclusion, I am convinced that advanced technology can help human doing

hard or dangerous jobs in order to guarantee people’s health. However, there are
various evidences that human workforce is worth to employ than computers.

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