Sub Manifolds

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Theorem 0.1.

Consider the subvariety V (F ) ⊂ Pn , where F is ah homogenous

i polynomial
−1 n ∂F
in C[x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ]. Then F (0) is a submanifold of P iff M = ∂xi |w has rank 1 for all
w ∈ F −1 (0)

Assume the rank of the jacobian is 1. The idea of the proof will be as follows. Considering
that F defines a polynomial on Cn+1 and not on Pn , one cannot directly apply the regular
value theorem on F . Instead we consider for each open patch Ui = {xi = 1}, V (F ) ∩ Ui and
claim that this has to be a submanifold.
Consider the open patch U0 = {x0 = 1}. Without loss of generality the proof will be the
same for other open patches as well. Since this is an affine patch, it is well defined to consider
F as a function on it.
Then on V (F )∩U0 , the polynomial which is vanishing is of the form F̃ = F (1, x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ).
Now consider the jacobian of F̃ at w ∈ V (F ) ∩ U0 , it is of the form,
h i
∂ F̃ ∂ F̃ ∂ F̃
M̃ = ∂x 1 ∂x2
· · · ∂xn

This matrix is the same as the Jacobian M with the zero column omitted and evaluated at
x0 = 1. To apply the regular value theorem here, one will have to show that M̃ has rank 1.
For that note the following result by Euler about F homogenous of degree d
X ∂F
xi = df

Evaluating this sum at a point of the form (1, x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) ∈ V (F ) ∩ U0 , one gets

∂F X ∂F
+ xi =0
∂x0 i=1 ∂xi

Hence ∂x 0
can be written as a linear combination of the other partials. Now since we started
off with the assumption that M is of rank 1, and one of the entries of the matrix is a linear
combination of the others (in this case the 0th entry), M̃ as defined has to have rank 1,
implying that V (F ) ∩ U0 is a submanifold.
Doing this for all the open patches and as the open patches cover Pn , this shows that V (F )
is a submanifold.

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