Eumind Comparison and Reflection Gender Related Roles

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Report -1
Report -2 Serena
Comparison Aaditya
Report -3 Neil
Summary Shiven

After analysing the gender status in both Holland and
India, we were shocked to see how saddening the
situation for women at that time was. The mere fact
that every grandmother said that she didn’t have a job
and was considered lesser than the brothers tells us
how far gender equality has come. Back then in
Holland, there was a specific school made to teach
women qualities such as nursing and housekeeping
while men took on more technical jobs. India was no
better than this, here females had to go to a ‘girls only
school’ and rarely were any women seen with a job.
Females weren’t able to go out later at night, couldn’t
travel by themselves, and had to do all chores of the
house. None of us can imagine how difficult it must
have been and so we must work towards achieving
gender equality because no gender is superior and
never should be considered so.
The Dutch students have had gender equality
since their parents' generation. During their
parents' generation, for the dutch students, there
was no difference between the school girls and
boys went to but on the other hand, during the
same time in India, there were many families who
preferred to send their daughter to a girls school
and their son to a boys school only. There were
very few families who were fine to send if their
child was going to a mixed (coed)school, and these
groups of families were representing the change in
India. There was a difference in salaries in India
during this time while in dutch everyone was
given fair and equal pay. Even though the
differences are evident between both the
countries, we realise that in both countries girls
and boys were brought up without any
discrimination and were both treated equally in
the family.
When we analysed the difference between us
and our partners in Holland, it was quite
pleasing to see that the situation has become
much better than before, in both India and
Holland! In Holland, the education system
seems moderately equal between both
genders. When we engaged with our partners
we were incredibly surprised to find out that
even though we all were brought up in
different countries, our lives are similar. We
all wear our pants one leg at a time. Even
though gender equality is not at its peak now,
it is pleasing to know that it has progressed a
lot from before in both India and Holland.
Gender inequality has held women back for far too long.
From the way our grandmothers were oppressed and unable
to study or be educated the same way as men to our current
situation where we can luckily say that we live in a world
where there are no gender barriers in school. Sadly the fact
remains that our grandparents had to suffer at the hand of
gender inequality. Holland was no better at that time in
terms of gender superiority. Females were also ignored and
their opinions considered unnecessary. However, we realise
that by our parents generation the conditions have
somewhat improved with female education and job
opportunities. In Holland women received equal wages and
same amount of recognition. On the other hand women
were still given lower salaries in India. Though India was
lagging behind, our generation is the peak of gender
equality. In our society, females are more accepted and
respected. Chores at home are equally divided between
siblings compared to our grandparents' generation. Today
we live in a world where both genders are equally treated.
We are the blessed generation where women can stand up
for themselves and where girls are educated because after all
Women's Rights are Human Rights.
When we analysed the difference between us
and our partners in Holland, it was quite
pleasing to see that the situation has become
much better than before, in both India and
Holland! In Holland, the education system
seems moderately equal between both
genders. When we engaged with our partners
we were incredibly surprised to find out that
even though we all were brought up in
different countries, our lives are similar. We
all wear our pants one leg at a time. Even
though gender equality is not at its peak now,
it is pleasing to know that it has progressed a
lot from before in both India and Holland.
Eumind is an excellent chance at understanding the
difference between our lives and those in Holland.
Through the exchange, I learnt all about the Dutch
students and how their life differs from ours. They
explained to us the gender status over there and how
it has developed over the last few years. When I
compared that to the situation in india, I realized that
we are quite similar. Yes, we have never been this
close to achieving gender equality but we are still
lagging behind. Women still have lower wages, lesser
education rights and are considered inferior to men.
We have a long way to go before we can change this
mindset. I may be one of the lucky females who can
say that I was treated no different from my male
classmates or my brother. Eumind introduced me to
such issues, helped me understand the gravity and
extent of them and along with that I learnt more
about life in Holland.
The journey till here has been quite
interesting. Our group has put in lots of effort
to make our reports and videos we were
assigned. We commenced by interviewing all
three generations from our family. After
comparing we found huge differences of the
way women were treated in their houses and
society between the generations. While we
had an official zoom meeting with the Dutch
students we had a quick discussion over
Gender Related Roles over there. I am
honoured to be a part of EUMIND and I'm
grateful to have a great group with which I
EUMIND is an extraordinary program that allows
Jamnabai Narsee International School students to
explore student life in another part of the world. This
year due to the unprecedented pandemic
circumstances I missed the golden opportunity of
actually travelling to Holland and interacting with my
Dutch counterparts. My elder sister had managed that
during her years at School. However we did manage to
meet our fellow - students online and exchange views
and information with each other. We discussed our
respective country weather, politics, schools, further
educational opportunities and many more topics in
various online meetings. A significant realisation that
dawned upon me was that no matter which part of the
world we are in, students were sailing in the same boat,
from the same apprehensions and shared the same
excitement of the unknown future! We exchanged
photographs of our families, homes and schools. All
that has certainly made me eager for the world to
become a safer place to travel once again! I thank
EUMIND for planting the seed of curiosity and
enthusiasm in my mind to seek adventure and set forth
to travel.
Eumind has been a great experience for me from
meeting my group and to working together for all the
projects to getting to know the Dutch students and
learn about their culture and life style. It’s been an
interesting, and unique journey and I have learnt so
many new things about holland. This programme has
taught me team work, and has helped me gain the
courage and confidence to put myself out there and
speak to people, I thoroughly enjoyed each and every
part of the programme, like interviewing my
grandparents and parents I realised how bad the
situation was and realised the drastic difference
between my grandparents generation and mine.
Getting to know how girls were treated just 60 years
back surprised me. Furthermore while conversing
with the holland students I realised there was a
difference in gender equality in two parts of the
world and also realised that the world is changing for
the better.
Eumind has been a great journey for me
personally. I have learnt a lot of useful skills in
this journey of mine. A very good example of
something I learnt is teamwork. I was fortunate
enough to have excellent teammates who I
worked with. I got to know the difference
between gender equality in India and in
Holland, to my surprise they were not as
different as I thought. For the most part it was
the same. My partner and I discussed the gender
equality of three eras and it was not very good
to hear how women were treated back in the
olden days. Thankfully it has gotten much
better since then but we still haven’t reached a
stage that we can call gender equality. Overall I
have loved being in EUMIND. To me it was a
once in a life time opportunity and I was glad I
could make the most out of it.

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