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Kérjük a vizsgázókat, hogy a munka megkezdése előtt gondosan olvassák el az alábbi tájékoztatót!

Rendelkezésre álló idő Elérhető pontszám

A vizsga részei

A) Feleletválasztós teszt (segédeszköz nem 120 perc 75 pont


B) Fogalmazás (szótár használható) 60 perc 25 pont

A vizsgázó a következő anyagokat kapja kézhez:

1. TESZTFÜZET (a jelen füzet) - a vizsgázó megtarthatja, dolgozhat benne.

Ez a füzet tartalmazza a 75 elemből álló feleletválasztós tesztkérdéseket a következő sorrendben:
A/I rész: Nyelvtan, nyelvhasználat-1-50-es számú kérdések. Ezen belül az 1-25-ös számú kérdésekben az egy
HELYTELEN választ kell keresni.
A/II. Rész: Olvasási-megértési készséget mérő feladatok: az 51-75 számú kérdések.

A tesztfüzetben dolgozzon, csak akkor írja be válaszait a Tesztválaszlapra, ha döntése végleges! Ha a vizsgázó
a feladatválasztós tesztet (1-75 pontig) a megadott idő előtt befejezi, hasznos lehet, ha már a fogalmazási
feladat kiosztása előtt is gondolkodik a 25 pontot érő (76-100 pontig) fogalmazási feladaton. Ezért - az előzetes
tájékozódás elősegítésére - a tesztfüzet is tartalmazza a külön kiosztásra kerülő fogalmazási feladat kiindulási

2. TESZTVÁLASZLAP (hálórács a tesztmegoldásokhoz) - Ezt kell beadni!

Csak akkor írja be válaszait a Tesztválaszlapra, ha azokat alaposan meggondolta, véglegesnek tartja. Gondosan,
figyelmesen dolgozzon, új válaszlap NEM adható. Válaszait X-szel kell jelölni. Ügyeljen arra, hogy az X jel
ne menjen túl a négyzeten.
Aki e vizsgával érettségizik is, tesztmegoldását másolja rá a másik Tesztválaszlapra, amely a
középiskolához kerül.


A kapott Piszkozat, illetve Tisztázat feliartú lapra készítse el a fogalmazást. Kérjük, hogy csak ezen az íven
Aki e vizsgával érettségizik is, használja az indigós lapokat! Ügyeljen az indigó helyes állására! Az eredetit
a felsőoktatási intézmény, a másolatot a középiskola kapja.


Read the instructions carefully before you start working.

Working time Max. Points

Parts of examination
PART A: Muliple choice test (no dictionaries 120 mins 75 points
or other materials may be used)

PART B: (you may use any printed 60 mins 25 points


Candidates are given the following:

1. TEST BOOKLET - candidates work in it, it does not have to be submitted, it is the candidate's working
copy. The 75-item multiple choice test consists of 2 basic parts in the following order:
Part A/I Grammar and Usage - Items 1-50. Within this part in items 1-25 you have to find the RIGHT answer,
in items 25-50 you have to find the wrong answer.
Part A/II Reading Comprehension - Items 51-75

Please work in the test booklet and only mark the answer Sheet when you are sure of your answers.
If the candidate has completed the multiple choice test items (1-75) earlier than the given time limit, s/he can
start thinking about the composition task, which is a separate component with a time limit of its own, but is
included in the Test Booklet for the candidate's information.


Mark the Answer Sheet only when you are sure of your answers. Work carefully and attentively as no new
Answer Sheet will be provided. Write in the boxes only, using X marks. As you enter your answers, make
sure your X marks do not go outside the boxes.

3. COMPOSITION TASK (draft and final versions of the composition included) - TO BE SUBMITTED
Draft and Final versions are to be prepared on the paper provided.




Part A/I.1
Az 1-25-ös számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy válaszból (A, B, C vagy D) nyelvtani, illetve
nyelvhasználati szempontból HÁROM ROSSZ és CSAK EGY JÓ. Önnek ezt az EGY HELYES választ
kell megkeresnie. A következő két szöveghez kapcsolódó kérdések (1-20) megoldásánál ügyeljen arra,
hogy a szövegeket globálisan is megértse.
In questions 1-25, of the four answers (A, B, C or D), THREE are WRONG and ONLY ONE is CORRECT
with respect to grammar or usage. Your task is to find the ONE CORRECT answer. Read the following two
texts carefully before answering items 1-20, making sure that you understand general message in both.

Attila Papp, a student majoring in English, has written a letter to the Editor of Budapest Sun, responding to a
letter of complaint written by a disillusioned English tourist.

Dear Editor, 1.
I read with interest Mr. Robson's letter in (1)___A. the last week B. last week's
Budapest Sun. (2)___ I am sorry that he did not C. last week D. the last week's
enjoy his visit to Hungary, I can't help (3)___ 2.
that his disappointment was as much due to his A. However B. Even
own failure to adapt to the local culture, as it C. Altough D. Much
was to the attitude of the Hungarian officials. 3.
His complaint that the police in Hungary (4)___ A. but suspect B. suspect
speak English is a little hard to accept. Is it C. to suspect D. in suspecting
always easy to find a bilingual policeman on 4.
duty in other countries? Obviously, Mr. Robson A. is not able to B. are not able
is not aware that some Hungarians (5)___ the C. cannot know D. do not
opportunity to learn English when they were at 5.
school. A. hadn't given B. weren't given
While I agree that pickpockets on the trams are C. hadn't been given D. wouldn't given
a problem, (6)___ realize that this is not limited 6.
to our country. Thieves operate in all major A. I think he should
cities in the world. What's more, the B. I know he would
Government has taken steps to reduce such C. I'm thinking he should
activities on the Metro, (7)___ the platforms. D. I know he ought to
Mr. Robson is right to say that if Hungary 7.
wants to attract more visitors, then visitors A. with employing guards
(8)___ welcome. However, by the same token, to portect
visitors are guests in Hungary, and they (9)___ B. by employing guards to
local customs. protect
What is sad is that people like him (10)___ that C. By employing guards to
Hungary has a great deal to offer, even if it can't monitor
provide all the comforts available in more D. with employing guards
developed countries. to monitor
Yours sincerely, A. need to be made feel
Attila Papp B. must be made feel
C. need be felt
D. must be made to feel
A. should be sympathetic
B. must have sympathized
C. must be understanding
D. should be sympathetic
A. missed seeing
B. miss to see
C. fail to see
D. failed seeing

A young secretary named Miss Ryan (R) is looking for a new job. She is being interviewed by the personnel
manager (PM) of a big company.

PM: Good morning, Miss Ryan. You'd like to A. Yes, but it depends on.
join our team, I gather. B. Well, I don't think I
R: Good morning, sir. (11)___. would.
PM: Your CV seems pretty detailed. Um... C. That's right. I would.
Perhaps you could tell me... Where do you see D. As a matter of fact, I'll
yourself in, let's say, five years? do my best.
12. B. I'd better
A. I'd instead
R: Well, I must admit (12)___ like to open up C. I'd more than D. I'd very much
my own consulancy in my home town. 13.
PM: And, what is it specifically about our firm A. much of which I did
that first attracted you? B. a lots what I was doing
R: Well, first of all, I wanted to leave my C. much of what I was
present employers because (13)___ was quite doing
boring. D. lot of that I did
PM: And now you'd like to move on? 14.
R: Yes, hopefully to a job that gives me more A. there anything
opportunities to use my initiative.
PM: I see. Is (14)___ you'd like to ask me? B. anything there
R: Well, if I got this hob, (15)___ to work C. it something
abroad in one of your overseas branches? D. it anything
PM: Oh yes, certanly. Our staff regularly do 15.
(16)___ placements in other branches. A. should I have
R: That's good. (17)___ I'm really interested in. B. had I
PM: What do you consider to be your major C. am I to be able
strengths and weaknesses? D. would I be able B. six months
R: Well, I think I'm able to work with all types 16. D. six-months'
of people. But I'm (18)___ dissatisfied with A. a six month's
what I've done. And, I get easily bored with C. six-month B. This is that
repetition. 17. D. That is what
PM: You don't have a lack of commitment, A This is which
(19)___? C. That is that B. quite often
R: No, not at all. 18. D. quiet often
PM: Thank you very much for (20)___ me. A. often enough
We'll be in touch with you before the end of the C. enough often B. don't you
month. 19. D. haven't you
R: Well, thank you very much. Goodbye. A do you
PM: Goodbye. C. have you
A. going to
B. willing to see
C. coming to see
D. having come to see

Part A/I.2
A 21-25-ös számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy lehetőségből (A, B, C vagy D) még mindig azt az
EGYET kell kiválasztania, amelyik a négy mondat MINDEGYIKÉBE beilleszthető.
In items 21-25 of the four options (A, B, C or D) you still have to choose the ONE that fits ALL the four
sentences. See the example below.


It was only a short trip but we ___ had a good time. A. indeed
Penicillin was one of the discoveries that ___ changed the course of B. actually
modern medicine. C. very much
I'm ___ sorry I didn't hear you come in. D. really
She___ likes her job because the tips are good.
A helyes válsaz (D), mert egyedül ez illik mind a négy mondatba.
The correct answer is (D) because this is the only option that fits all the
four sentences.
The guests were dressed ___ in black. A. quite
A mechanic's hands are ___ tarred most of the time. B. entirely
A lot of people lost their ___ in the heavy floods last year. C. all
We must ___ try to find a solution to the problem. D. completely
After 8:00 the guests started to arrive one after ___. A. another
The group went climbing ___ day, though the weather was awful. B. the other
Why not wait for ___ people to catch up with us? C. the others
The band can be found on ___ side of the street. D. other
In most British homes the bedrooms are ___ the kitchen. A. above
I don't really like it when the temperature gets ___ thirty degrees. B. over
Details are given in the paragraph ___. C. across
Applicants must be ___ the age of 21. D. beyond
His complete ignorance of the topic really put me ___. A. out
I think I'd better take the afternoon ___. B. on
It's silly to put ___ going to the dentist. C. aside
The plane took ___ despit the fog. D. off
Both parties were positive that negotiations would make the ___ release A. total
of the hostages easier. B. latest
His ___ decision not to continue as originally planned was unexpected. C. eventual
No one was sure about the ___ outcome of the conflict. D. possible
Not only the players but also their coach worked really hard for their
___ victory.

Part A/I.3
A 26-50-es számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy válaszból (A, B, C vagy D) nyelvtani, illetve
nyelvhasználati szempontból HÁROM JÓ és CSAK EGY ROSSZ.
Figyelem, ezt az egy HELYTELEN választ kell megkeresnie.
In items 26-50, of the four answers (A, B, C or D), THREE are correct and ONLY ONEis WRONG with
respect to grammar or usage.
Be careful, your task this time is to find the ONE WRONG answer.

26. You ___ have done your homework on time since there was so much help available.

A. would B. should
C. could D. might

27. The only thing they ___ was how make money.

A. cared about B. were concerned about

C. were interested in D. cared of

28. Switzerland has very little unemployment and ___ the Swiss are very lucky.

A. in this respect B. with respect to this

C. in this case D. in this regard
A. We've been through a bad economic period, but recovery is now on the way.
B. We're on our way of reorganizing our office.
C. On the way to the airport we got caugth in a traffic jam.
D. Where there's a will, there's a way.

30. After arguing for a long time, I ___ my point of view.

A. I managed to make him see B. I brought him round to

C. I succeeded in seeing him D. I convinced him of

A. Fewer and fewer people can afford to go abroad for their holidays.
B. Less oil was produced this year than last.
C. We have fewer dollars than we need.
D. There have been less bicycle accidents in the county this year.

32. ___ finding life increasingly difficult.

A. The small shopkeepers are B. The small shopkeeper is

C. Small shopkeepers are D. A small shopkeeper is

Ne feldje, hogy még mindig az EGY HELYTELEN választ kell keresnie!

Don't forget you stil have to find the ONE WRONG answer!

33. Factory workers ar insured against ___.

A. physical harm B. injury

C. insult D. disaster

34. Don't interrupt me. I want to ___ my essay.

A. finish B. complete work on

C. end D. work on

35. It was so dark that ___ where we were going.

A. we could hardly see B. hardly we could see

C. we hardly saw D. it was hard to see

36. While a child is young, one of the parents should stay at home ___ possible.

A. if it is B. whenever
C. provided it is D. in case

37. Be careful when you're ___ because there are so many careless drivers on the road.

A. driving B. taking over

C. overtaking D. in heavy traffic

A. There's a very great need for money to help the war victims.
B. Unpacking her suitcase, she realized that her clothes needed ironing.
C. There's a big want for umbrellas in wet weather.
D. After we've met the wants and needs of our children, there will be practically no money left.

A. The heavens opened and the landscape vanished behind a curtain of rain.
B. You'll get your reward in heaven, I suppose.
C. The fighter plane left a great trail of smoke across the heaven.
D. Good Heavens! My son has failed yet another exam of his.

40. He expects me to be ready ___, but I very rarely am.

A. by the time he calls B. before he arrives

C. when he comes D. in time he rings

41. Which team do you think has won the World Cup ___?

A. the most times B. the most

C. Most often D. most of times

Ne feledje, hogy még mindig az EGY HELYTELEN választ kell keresnie!

Don't froget you still have to find the ONE WRONG answer!

42. Tom never climbed trees ___ because he was afraid of falling.

A. as a monkey B. like his friends

C. as a child D. in his childhood

43. They'll have to wait till the sun ___ so as to be able to continue the search.

A. has risen B. rises

C. comes up D. will have risen

44. The lorry crashed into a queue of people, ___ of whom had to have hospital treatment.

A. much B. some
C. one D. several

45. 1: "How many people were present at the funeral of the famous singer?"
2: "___"

A. Hundreds. B. About two hundred.

C. About one hundred. D. About hundred.

46. It was proposed that all members of tha staff ___ work an hour earlier.
A. start B. to start
C. should start D. begin

47. If you ask me, this is ___ that I have ever seen.

A. the worst film around B. the most exciting video available

C. the most amazing animal in the D. the least attractive of the two houses

48. I think I have to ___ for my silly behaviour last night.

A. make exuses B. excuse myself

C. forgive D. apologize

49. ___, I'd like to thank you for coming here today.

A. Last but not least B. After all

C. Lastly D. Finally

50. I have no idea what happened to him, and ___.

A. I don't care, either B. neither do I care

C. I don't think I care D. neither I care.


Part A/II.1
Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget, majd jelölje, hogy a szöveg alatti (A), (B), (C) és (D) jelzésű
válaszok közül a szöveginformáció alapján melyik fogadható el a leginkább megfelelő változatnak!
On reading the following passage carefully, choose ONE of the four answers (A), (B), (C) and (D) to each of
the questions or unfinished statements. Choose the answer which fits the text best.

Some fifteen years ago I had been offered the job of selling off an estate of paintings. One of my friends in the
art business had recommended me. Why me? My friend was a busy dealer who had neither the time, space, nor
inclination to sell off a large but undistinguished lot of paintings. I was hired to rent a gallery for one year,
advertise the works of art, sell as many as possible for their appraised value and at the end of the year hand over
tha remainder to public auction. One of my first customers was an elderly lady who bought a bowl of flowers
by Luis Valtat. While I was wrapping her purchase she asked if I knew a portrait painter who could work from
a photograph.
As I was about to reply, an old man, who had been inspecting the collection, stepped forward and assured my
customer he was the best portrait painter around. He was one of those people who was never made to wear
human clothing. His long hairy arms extended some two feet below his side pockets. He introduced himself as
Novak Ratkovitch. His eyes popped from furlined sockets as he awaited our approval. From head to ankles he
was a fashion disaster but he was wearing the finest grade Johnson and Murphy shoes.
Taken aback by this apparition in hand-crafted footwear, the woman gave Ratkovitch a wrinkled photograph of
her late husband. "Paint a good likeness and I'll pay you five hundred dollars," she said.
About a week later the artist returned with the painting and I called the lady. At her request I agreed to delover
both artist and portrait to her Park Avenue Residence the next evening. To our surprise, upon arrival we found
three other artists with similar portraits awaiting the patroness. The lady appeared with a very old spaniel.
"Laddie was my husband's dog. I will buy the painting he likes best. He loved my Edgar so," she said.
Upon seeing a commission turn into a competition Ratkovitch picked up his painting and asked for directions to
the washroom, leaving me to control my irritation at being so neatly swindled. He returned, just as the angry
artists were propping up their paintings for Laddie's inspection. Ratkovitch placed his portrait with the others.
The dog immediately limped over to Ratkovitch's painting and began licking the face of his departed master,
totally ignoring the other works. Ratkovitch accepted the five hundred dollars. He winked knowingly at me, and
we made our way outside. Trying to contain myself after the miracle I'd just witnessed, I waited for Ratkovitch
to speak, He finally admitted that he'd gone to the kitchen, were he'd smeared bacon grease on his portrait:
hence the dog's reaction.

51. The narrator of the story got the job of selling off paintings because his friend

A. was not interested in selling estates.

B. was not interested in selling worthless paintings.
C. had a gallery which was not big enough.
D. was only interested in selling classical works of art.

52. In order to do his job properly, the narrator of the story

A. was told to attract potential customers' attention.

B. had a desire to auction off the remainder of the paintings.
C. decided on his own to rent a gallery for a year.
D. had to sell all the paintings at whatsoever price.

53. One of the first clients in the narrator's gallery

A. was an ardent collector of valuable paintings.

B. was looking for someone who did portraits from photographs.
C. was a poor, old lady
D. wanted to have her husband painted live

54. Novak Ratkovitch

A. was going to buy one of the paintings in the gallery.

B. was the best portrait painter around.
C. had an ordinary figure.
D. had a rather bizarre style of dressing.

55. When Novak Ratkovitch got the job of painting the portrait, the lady

A. handed him a photograph immediately.

B. felt sorry for him seeing him in his outfit.
C. knew he would be the perfect man forthe job.
D. was impressed by his expensive shoes.

56. The fee for the portrait

A. depended on how similar it looked to the man in the photo.

B. was somewhat small given the poor quality of the photograph.
C. seemed sufficient for Ratkovitch to undertake the task.
D. was set on the day delivering it.

57. When Ratkovitch got ready with the portrait

A. the author of the story decided to escort him to the lady's place.
B. he went to the lady's place imediately.
C. the lady insisted that the author of the story should accompany him to her place.
D. the narrator went along with him to the lady's place as only he knew her address.

58. The portrait of the lady's husband was painted four times

A. so that she could entertain herself with the competition.

B. as she did not trust all the four artists to the same degree.
C. as she could afford to pay the fee four times.
D. to provide a good choice for Laddie.

59. When seeing the four portraits

A. Ratkovitch was not the least disturbed by the competition.

B. Ratkovitch suddenly said he needed to go to the toilet.
C. the author of the story was angry as there were better portratis than Ratkovitch's
D. the narrator was invited to help to arrange them neatly.

60. Each portrait was put on display

A. so that the dog could see them well.

B. at exacly the same time.
C. with all the artists being in an angry mood.
D. by hanging them high up on the wall.

61. Laddie

A. quickly ran up to Ratkocitch's painting.

B. chose the portrait by Ratkovitch not for its artistic value.
C. started licking his master's portrait out of affection.
D. had a look at all the paintings.

62. On leaving the lady's home,

A. the narrator immediately asked Ratkovitch why he thought he had won the competition.
B. Ratkovitch admitted that he had gone to the kitchen to help himself to some bacon as he was hungry.
C. Ratkovitch admitted winning the competition by some clever cheating.
D. the narrator said that ke had known all along that Ratkovitch would win the competition.

Part A/II.2

Olvassa el az alábbi szöveget, majd döntse el, hogy a szöveg utáni számozott mondatok (63-69) a
szöveginformáció alapján IGAZ, HAMIS vagy KIDERÍTHETETLEN állítást tartalmaznak-e! A
tesztválaszlapon az egyes mondatok számának megfelelő sorban az A,B vagy a C oszlopban értelemszerűen X-
szel jelölje válaszát!
A Tesztválaszlap D jelű oszlopába ne írjon semmit sem!
Read the text below and decide whether the statements that follow (63-69) are, according to the text, TRUE,
FALSE ro NOT STATED (i.e. the text gives no information about the statement). Mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet in the following way:
For this task, please DO NOT WRITE anything in the column marked with D on the Answer Sheet.
Yesteday's technological marvels improved life by producing quantum leaps in manufacturing efficiency,
helping to shorten the workweek in industrial societies. The marvels of today, concentrated in
telecommunications, are supposed to be having the same impact in the post-industrial world.
According to statistics, U. S. productivity has risen substantially faster in the last six years than in the preceding
20, and similar improvements have been detected elsewhere. Many workers say that modern-day, labour saving
devices are actually driving an expansion of work time and an intrusion of the office into home.
Roy McCloughry, an economist-turned-writer on social ethics in Nottingham, says: "There is great tension at
the moment between standard of living and quality of life, and technology is on the side of standard of living.
We're being sold technological devices all the time and told they're convenient. It's only when you've got them
that you realise that lives have been changed by them, and maybe for the worse."
An indicator that things might change is the degree of stress people are suffering. McCloughry says: "We are
accommodating to machines rather than machines accommodating to us. It's almost as if the convenience of
technology has led us to adapting to ways that cause human beings stress."
Terence Gourvish, a professor of business at the London School of Economics, says that a notion that "the
simplest is often the best" could take hold and "provide a check on the gadgetry revolution". "People who filter
coffee through paper are not mad, and I don't think people particularly want to watch TV on their wrist, " he
says. "If it doesn't add significantly to people's lives and enjoyment, the consumer in the end will say, 'We don't
need this'. "

63. It is believed that improvements in telecommunications have helped to reduce the workweek in the post-
industrial world.
64. The recent increase in U.S. productivity due to an intrusion of one's work into one's home life.
65. According to McCloughry, modern technology always helps to change people's lives for the better.
66. Modern technology adapts to how people live.
67. McCloughry says that people are willing to tolerate stress for the sake of the convenience technology offers
to them.
68. Gourvish's view is that modern technological devices are not the best means to help us live a better life.
69. According to Gourvish, consumers will buy new technological devices only if they are really likely to
improve the quality of people's lives.

Part A/II.3
Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget, majd döntse el a szöveginformáció alapján, hogy a szöveg
alatti (A) vagy (B) állítás igaz-e, vagy mind a két előbbi állítás egyformán igaz (C), vagy mind a kettő
egyformán hamis (D)!
On reading the following passage carefully, decide, according to the text, whether statement (A) is true, or
(B) is true, or both of them are equally true (C), or neither of them is true (D).

Bike sheds and buses were unveiled yesterday as the answer to the traffic jams caused by the school rush. A
Government panel called for cheap bus travel for all schoolchildren and better, more secure bicycle facilities at
schools. The School Travel Adisory Group (STAG) also wants local authorities to introduce school buses for
children not entitled to free fares and wants the Highway Code and driving tests to include sections on school
travel. Within ten years the committee would like to double the number of children travelling to school by
means other than individual cars. This would take school traffic back to levels recorded in the mid-1980s.
Ultimately the panel hopes to "make it possible for every child to walk, cycle or take the bus or train to school".
It claims that this will bring long-term health benefits to the children and clear up congested roads.
The plans were criticised for not going far enough and for failing to tackle the issue of safety. Many parents
fear their children will be run over or attacked by perverts if left to make their own way to school. Carey
Newson of Transport 2000, wich wants 20mph limits around schools, said: "The report fails to show how roads
will be made safer. It puts too much responsibility on schools to solve the traffic problems."
In the past ten years the proportion of journeys to school by car has nearly doubled, from 16 to 29 percent. At
8.50 in the morning during the school year, one in five cars on urban roads is taking children to school.

A. Traffic jams around schools are partly due to the fact that few children choose to cycle to school.
B. The problem could be solved by introducing special bus services for all schoolchildren.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


A. The School Travel Advisory Group (STAG) intends to change the Highway Code.
B. Learner drivers might be instructed on how to drive near schools.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


A. Fifteen years ago twice as many children went to school by bus, by bike or on foot.
B. Over the last ten years almost twice as many children have come to school by car.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


A. According to the panel, schoolchildren's health will be unaffected by the proposal if it is accepted.
B. If children walk or cycle to school, road accidents or crime against them may increase.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


A. Road safety will be improved according to the proposal of the STAG.

B. The STAG wants to put 20 mph limits around schools to prevent road accidents.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


A. If the proposal is accepted, schools won't have to worry about traffic jams.
B. At the moment, one fifth of parents in urban areas prefer to drive their children to school.
C. both A and B are true
D. neither A nor B is true


(60 minutes; dictionaries may be used)

Olvassa el figyelmesen a képzeletbeli angol levelezőtárstától kapott levelet, majd ÍRJON RÁ

VÁLASZLEVELET (300-350 szó).
A feladat sikeres megoldásához a következőket vegye figyelembe:
1. A levélben szereplő nevek lehetnek fiú- és leánynevek is. Ön dönthet, hogy melyik változatot választja.
2. Az ön címe: 3152 Darvasújhely, Domb u. 30.
3. A levél három bekezdésében szereplő témák közül a 2. és 3. bekezdésben említett témáról
részletesebben fejtse ki véleményét, mint az elsőről.
Read the letter from your imaginary English pen-friend carefully, then WRITE A REPLY TO IT (300-
350 words).
What you need to know for a successful completion of the task:
1. The names in the letter have both male and female versions, you can choose either.
2. Your address is: Darvasújhely, Domb u. 30.
3. The three paragraphs in the letter deal with separate topics. You are expected to write about the topics
in paragraphs 2 and 3 in greater length than about the one in paragraph 1.

Pine Cottage
30, Hedge Street
Westlake England
21 May 2000

Dear Reni,
Thanks for your letter. It was so nice of you to write with all the studying you have to do. My situation is pretty
much the same: studying day in, day out. I'm taking a short break at the moment, so I've decided to drop you a
few lines. Now that I'm in the middle of the exam period I can hardly afford any time off with a clear
conscience. It's rather hard to cope with the strains of having to learn this great amount of material within such
tight time limits. All this trees has even affected my sleep. How can you manage the pressures of studying? I
would really appreciate some good advice!
Sitting by my desk over my books is really getting me down. Imagine, in the past three weeks I have only been
to the cinema once. In a sense, even that had to do with my studies. You know, I've got an exam on
Renaissance literature, so I went to see this modern adaptation of a A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's always
interesting to see to what extent the film version of a play /novel is different from the original book version. I
found this new interpretation of Shakespeare rather intriguing. I do suggest you go and see it. We could then
compare our views. Anyway, what do you think of modern film adptations of such literary classics in general?
My friend and I went to the Odeon, which is a very comfortable cinema, also superbly equipped technically, but
I was annoyed by the amount of rubbish scattered on the floor. I just don't see why can't be a bit more conscious
of their environment. After all, it is the world we all live in. In this respect, though, the good news is that the
local authorities have recently launched an experimental project of recycling domestic waste. It's good to know
that they are trying to do something at least. Is there greater enviromental awareness in your country or are
people just the same there too? In what ways are Hungarian people encouraged to pay more attention to their
environment? It would be interesting to know if the situation is any different in your part of the world.
I think I'd better get back to studying now. I hope you're OK. Do find some time to write.






A vizsgát érettségiként is író tanulók a középiskola számára másolatot készítenek a tesztválaszlapból, illetve a
fogalmazást indigóval, 2 példányban írják.

Part A - Feleletválasztós teszt (75 pont)

A tesztkérdések helyes megoldását lásd a mellékelt mátrixon. A kivágott mátrixot a hallgató megoldására
(Tesztválaszlap) ráhelyezve kitűnik, hol hiányzik az X. Az ilyen üres helyekre piros jelet (de ne X-et!) tegyünk,
hogy a hibákat rögzítsük. Minden piros jel 1 pont levonást jelent a 75-ből. A mátrixot levéve hibákat
öszeszámoljuk, és az elért pontszámot a lap aljára beírjuk.
Minden kérdésnek csak egy megoldása van, ha vizsgázó egynél több X-et tett ugyanahhoz a kérdéshez, az
mindenképpen rossz megoldásnak számít. Ilyenkor az illető kérdés sorát piros vonallal húzzuk át.
Part B - Fogalmazás (25 pont)

A fogalmazásban a vizsgázónak angol levelezőtársának kell válaszlevelet írnia a megadott magyar néven. A
vizsgázónak a megadott levél három fő témájára úgy kell reagálnia, hogy a második és a harmadik bekezdés
témáját bővebben fejtse ki, mint az első bekezdését. A fogalmazás ideálisan 300-350 szavas. A lényeg nem a
terjedelem, hanem a feladat minél jobb szintű teljesítése (azaz a sikeres kommunikáció), valamint a nyelvtani,
szókincsbeli és helyesírási pontosság.

1. B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C

11.C 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C
21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.C
31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.C 40.D.
41.D 42.A 43.D 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.D
51.B 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.C 57.C 58.D 59.B 60.A
61.B 62.C 63.A 64.C 65.B 66.B 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.C
71.C 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.D . . . . .

Marking insturctions

This part of the test is marked according to the set of criteria below.
In order to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and as objectively as possible, markers are advised not to
give global marks, but to consider each criterion separately and add up the total afterwards. Please use the
marking grid printed on the reverse side of „Értékelőlap”.
Write the marks into the grid and check the appropriate boxes.

1. Puropose, Audience and Style (0-2 points)

Has the candidate used a suitable style matching the purpose and the audience of the letter?

0. Inappropriately formal style and/or a bad mixture of formal and informal elements. The conventions of letter
writing in English not observed.
1. Uneven mixture of formal and informal elements, but the informal elements mostly prevail. The conventions
of letter writing partially observed.
2. Predominantly informal style with an occasional formal element in vocabulary possible. The conventions of
letter writing fully observed.

2. Vocabulary and spelling (0-5 points)

Does the letter contain a wide range of vocabulary items? Is spelling accurate?

0. Elementary, simplistic vocabulary throughout the whole letter, sufficent to express only basic ideas, but
nothing of real interest. Most vocabulary is used erroneously. Several spelling errors indicating instability of
spelling routines.

1. Vocabulary not quite sufficient for efficient communication throughout the whole letter; variety and accuracy
limited; sometimes undue effort needed to understand it, occasionally, however, able to communicate
something of interest. The instability of vocabulary knowledge is also reflected in the occurrence of a few
spelling errors.
2. Basic vocabulary used efficiently, but not enough variety throughout the whole letter; inaccuracies, lexical
repetitions, circumlocutions or too general expressions occur; on the whole, sufficient vocabulary for
communicating something of interest and the text can be read without undue effort. There are max. 3 spelling
3. Good vocabulary, used efficiently to communicate ideas in at least two the topic areas of the whole letter and
a satisfactory vocabulary in the third; sufficient variety and accuracy, only occasional lapses, circumlocutions
and generalities; some degree of idiomaticity; the text reads well. There are max 3 spelling errors.
4. Good vocabulary, used efficiently to communicate ideas all the three topic areas of the whole letter and a
satisfactory vocabulary in the third; sufficient variety and accuracy, only occasional lapses, circumlocutions and
generalities; some degree of idiomaticity; the text reads well. There are max 2 spelling errors.
5. Excellent vocabulary throughout the letter; high degree of lexical sophistication; accurate use of a wide range
of vocabulary items; practically no inaccuracies; fully idiomatic. Spelling is accurate and error-free.

3. Structures (0-5 points)

Are the sentences in the letter structurally accurate and varied?

0. Structural inaccuracies disrupt sense throughout the whole letter; 5 or more 'severe' errors (no plural,
nosubject-verb agreement, ill-formed past tense, undecipherable word order, etc.). No sentence structure
1. Structural inaccuracies disrupt sense in a great part of the whole letter; but at least 60 per cent of the letter is
still readable; max. 4 'severe' errors. No sentece structure variety.
2. Max. 3 'severe' errors; structural inaccuracies do not impair sense; number of less severe errors (incorrect
preposition, misuse of articles, some inaccuracies in verb tenses) not disproportionately high. Some sentence
structure variety, but not sufficient.
3. Max. 2 'severe' errors; structural inaccuacies do not impair sense; number of less severe errors limited (not
exceeding 5). Attempt at sentence structure variety partly successful.
4. No severe errors; number of less severe inaccuracies low (not exceeding 4). Sentence structure variety
5. Practically error-free; max. 3 minor inaccuracies. Consistent and appropriate variety of sentence structure;
short and long, simple and complex sentences as appropriate for the informal style of the letter.

4. Organisation, layout and punctuation (0-5 points)

Is coherence achieved by an adequate sequencing of ideas? Is there a smooth transition from one topic to the
next? Is coherence supported by the use of cohesive devices? Is the division of subject matter reflected in the
paragraph structuring of the whole letter?

0. Coherence is inadequate, it is difficult to follow the writer's train of thought. No paragraphs, no/hardly any
linking words, pronoun references unclear, text falls apart, the conventional layout of the letter format is not
observed; severe punctuation errors (punctuation disrupts sense) or lack of punctuation.
1. Some coherence and organisation present, paragraphs used, but link between the various
sentences/paragraphs often unclear, pronoun reference inadequate or inaccurate; an attempt has been made to
observe the conventional layout of the letter format, 3-4 severe punctuation errors.
2. Text is coherent enough for effortless understanding of the writer's train of thought with some occasional
inconsistencies. Paragraphs used, but link between the various sentences/paragraphs sometimes inappropiate;
pronoun references accurate; the conventional layout of the letter format is observed with a few (2-3) less
severe inaccuracies; 1-2 severe punctuation errors.
3. Fully coherent; there is a smooth flow to the text with occasional (max.2) lapses; appropriate paragraph use;
cohesive devices are mostly used appropriately with occassional minor inaccuracies, but all the pronoun
references are clear; only minor punctuation errors (punctuation does not impair sense)
4. Fully coherent; there is a smooth flow to the text with max. 1 lapse; appropriate paragraph use. Cohesive
devices are mostly used appropriately with hardly any minor inaccuracies; all the pronoun references are clear;
very few (max 2.) minor punctuation errors.
5. Fully coherent; well-organised; there is a smooth flow to the text; correct use of paragraphs, linking word and
pronouns; no inacuracies; accurate punctuation.

5. Content and task achievement - Topic 1: candidate's advice on how to cope with the pressures of
studying (0-2 points)

Does the letter include discussion of the topic raised in the first paragraph of the input letter?

0. Topic ignored or dealt with in one or two short sentences, using simple and/or inaccurate language.
1. Topic described in some detail but with not enough sophistication.
2. Topic dealt with fully.

6. Content and task achievement - Topic 2: candidate's views on film adaptations of literary clasics (0-3

Does the letter include a detailed discussion of the topic raised in the second paragraph of the input letter? The
discussion may include a description of a particular piece of adaptation, however it is more important that the
candidate should provide arguments in favour or against film adaptaitons in general.

0. Topic ignored or dealt with in one or two short sentences, using simple and/or inaccurate language.
1. Topic described in some detail but with little sophistication; one or two arguments mentioned with hardly
any support.
2. Topic described in greater detail but with some sophistication; two or more arguments mentioned with some
3. Topic dealt with fully, two or more arguments mentioned, all the arguments are supported; preferably, some
counter-arguments are also anticipated and refuted.

7. Content and task achievement - Topic 3: environmental consciousness (0-3 points)

Does the letter include discussion of the topic raised in the third paragraph of the input letter?

0. Topic ignored or dealt with in one or two short sentences, using simple and/or inaccurate language.
1. Topic described in some detail but with not enough sophistication, description mostly confined to a brief
mention of very simple phenomena, such as litter in streets, but no mention of recycling endeavours.
2. topic described in greater detail but with some sophistication; more complex issues of enviromental
awareness and recycling are discussed with some arguments in favour of particular attitudes/actions.
3. Topic dealt with fully; complex issues of environmental awareness and recycling are discussed with some
arguments in favour of particular attitudes/actions. All the arguments are supported; preferably, some counter-
arguments are also anticipated and refuted.

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