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Part A/I.1
Az 1-25-ös számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy válaszból (A, B, C vagy D) nyelvtani illetve
nyelvhasználati szempontból HÁROM ROSSZ és CSAK EGY JÓ. Önnek ezt az EGY HELYES választ
kell megkeresnie. A következo két szöveghez kapcsolódó kérdések (1-20) megoldásánál ügyeljen arra,
hogy a szövegeket globálisan is megértse.

In questions 1-25, of the four answers (A, B, C or D), THREE are WRONG and ONLY ONE is CORRECT
with respect to grammar or usage. Your task is to find the ONE CORRECT answer. Read the following two
texts carefully before answering items 1-20, making sure that you understand the general message in both.

Jayne, a young American teacher, has written her pen-friend, Judy, about her wedding in an exotic country.

Dear Judy,
1. (A) needn't have to (B) wouldn't have to
   Better late than never! I waited until after the   (C) won't need (D) haven't got to
wedding on purpose to send you this so that you (1)          
______ feel guilty about sending me an explanation as 2. (A) down to (B) through to
to why you couldn't come. Well, I'll get (2) ______ it.   (C) away with (D) on to
It's true. I did get married two weeks ago!
    Let me (3) ______ tell you that it was on the beach,
3. (A) prompt (B) quickly
there wasn't a wedding dress and we were (4) ______ .
It was at least 35 oC so we were under sunshades or in   (C) quick (D) fast
the water. Here people wear the ring on their right          
hand during the engagement and move it over to the 4. (A) bare legs (B) bare feet
left at the wedding. After the vows we each took turns   (C) bare-legged (D) barefooted
putting our hands together, with all the finger tips (5)          
______ , and the other person slides the ring over to 5. (A) touching (B) be touched
the left hand. (6) ______ to symbolize continuity and   (C) touch (D) to touch
eternity. I was so nervous that I was crying from          
6. (A) It is told (B) It is supposed
    These past two weeks we (7) ______ the final
touches on moving into the apartment: building   (C) It is suggested (D) It is regarded
shelves, moving the same desk and couch several          
times (8) ______ totally satisfied. Eventually, we will 7. (A) did (B) had
paint and put things up on the wall.   (C) havebeen doing (D) had been doing
    For the next year I'll be teaching Kindergarten. Will          
be interesting since the kids don't speak English. Well, 8. (A) as soon as (B) while
I hope you (9) ______ mind all the details but you   (C) as long as (D) until
know it was all very emotional. Please, come for our          
house warming party any time on Tuesday next week.
9. (A) don't (B) won't
Indeed, (10) ______ makes the heart grow fonder!
Love, Jayne   (C) wouldn't (D) shouldn't
10. (A) missing (B) being missed
  (C) absent (D) absence

Brenda is returning from school. Her mother can see that something has happened to her.
Mum: Hi, Brenda. What is it, dear? You look so 11. (A) heard
upset! (B) have heard
Brenda: Oh, I'm still in shock, Mum. I wonder if you (C) can hear
(11) ______ … Peter, a friend of mine, (12) (D) has heard
______ in an accident and he's said (13)    
______ rather badly hurt. 12. (A) is involved
Mum: I'm sorry to hear that! What happened? (B) involved
Brenda: It was one of those disco accidents you (14) (C) had involved
_______ a lot about. (D) has been involved
Mum: You mean he came to blows with another guy    
over some girl? 13. (A) that he got
Brenda: A fight! Mum, do you mean (15) ______ that (B) that he has been
you don't know what I'm talking about? Well, (C) to be
young people drive to discos (16) ______ (D) to get
their parents' cars, have a few drinks, have a    
good time and then when it's over, they just 14. (A) must read
jump into their cars and (17) ______ . (B) should read
Mum: Well, I never…! Don't their parents tell them (C) read
(18) ______ drink and drive?! (D) can have read
Brenda: They probably do, Mum. But I'm sure they    
want to show off and, when you drink you 15. (A) saying
don't think straight. (B) to say
Mum: But why do their parents trust them with their (C) having said
cars? (D) to have said
Brenda: Don't they know their own kids?I think    
you've hit the nail on the head, Mum. You 16. (A) in
may find it difficult to believe but there are (B) by
only 4 or 5 kids in my class without licences - (C) with
including myself… (D) -
Mum: Brenda, I hope you realize it's not a question    
of (19) ______ we want you to have a licence 17. (A) off do they drive
or not… It's just that … we think that 17 or (B) off are they driving
18 is not the right time for every person… (C) they drive off
We'd like you to do the course and the (D) they're driving off
practice when your life is a bit less stressful.    
And yes, we do think people need far more 18. (A) to not
practice than (20) ______ they have now (B) never to
before they sit behind the wheel. (C) to never
(D) that they don't
19. (A) whether
(B) if
(C) do
(D) that
20. (A) the one which
(B) what
(C) which
(D) that

Part A/I.2
A 21-25-ös számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy lehetőségből (A, B, C vagy D) azt az EGYET kell
kiválasztania, amelyik a négy mondat MINDEGYIKÉBE beilleszthető.
In items 21-25 of the four options (A, B, C or D) you have to choose THE ONE that fits ALL the four
sentences. See the example below.
- It was only a short trip but we ______ had a good time.
- Penicillin was one of the discoveries that ______ changed the course of modern medicine.
- I'm ______ sorry I didn't hear you come in.
- She ______ likes her job because the tips are good.

(A) indeed (B) actually (C) very much (D) really

A helyes válasz (D), mert egyedül ez illik mind a négy mondatba.

The correct answer is (D) because this is the only option that fits all the four sentences.
21. - Police hope to open one lane ______ but avoid the area at the moment.
- We received your message ______ after landing.
- She answered me rather ______ .
- We are going to examine these implications ______ .
(A) soon (B) for a short time (C) shortly (D) briefly

22. - The bankers smiled ______ , but seeing the risks, they forgot about the transaction.
- ______ , the explanation seemed clear.
- Search for the little girl was made by the neighbours ______ , in the absence of family members.
- I didn't know why I had to read through the letter ______.
(A) first (B) at first (C) firstly (D) first of all

23. - It's not his fault. He's only obeying orders ______ .
- He was not so handsome ______ , and he was quite old.
- She is ______ a very superstitious girl.
- They said they weren't going to come, but they turned up ______ .
(A) finally (B) in the end (C) after all (D) altogether

24. - I ______ dared to admit to myself what I'd thought about him.
- The railway network could ______ have been worse.
- Today it's ______ possible for anyone to remain honest.
- It's ______ surprising that he never tried to contact me.
(A) hardly (B) scarcely (C) barely (D) almost

25. - There was a ______ about the President's accepting bribes.

- It's kind of a local ______ , but not many people remember it.
- A multimillion dollar bribery ______ was exposed to the public.
- Several questions have been raised by the ______ .
(A) fuss (B) shock (C) scene (D) scandal

Part A /I.3
A 26 - 50-es számú tesztkérdésekben az adott négy válaszból (A, B, C vagy D) nyelvtani, illetve
nyelvhasználati szempontból HÁROM JÓ és CSAK EGY ROSSZ.
Figyelem, ezt az EGY HELYTELEN választ kell megkeresnie.

In items 26-50, of the four answers (A, B, C or D), THREE are CORRECT and ONLY ONE is WRONG
with respect to grammar or usage.
Be careful, your task this time is to find the ONE WRONG answer.
26. ____ was weighed before being put on the conveyor belt.
  (A) Every bag (B) Every piece of luggage
  (C) Every luggage (D) Every one of the bags
27. The police are ______ about recent bombscares.
  (A) doing inquiries (B) inquiring
  (C) making inquiries (D) enquiring
28. District heating is a far more ______ means of heating than open coal-fires.
  (A) effective (B) efficient
  (C) economical (D) economic
29. It's ______ .
  (A) all very well to say you were sorry
  (B) what you do that counts, not what you say
  (C) at the bottom of the garden that I lost my key
  (D) a lot to be said for your point of view
30. ____ her beauty, she was unhappy most of her adult life.
  (A) For all (B) Despite
  (C) In spite of (D) But for
31. This plastic is not easily ______ by heat and cannot be stained.
  (A) effected (B) affected
  (C) damaged (D) melted
32. Your friend is waiting for you to finish what you're doing and you say, "______ !"
  (A) Just a minute (B) Just a moment
  (C) Will be with you after a second (D) Will be right with you
33. Hypochondriacs imagine that they ______ serious illnesses.
  (A) receive (B) suffer from
  (C) show signs of (D) have
34. He ____ have met me outside the cinema at 6.45, but he only showed up at half past 7.
  (A) was to (B) must
  (C) should (D) ought to
35. I could see the house had been burgled, but I ______ when I went inside.
  (A) shocked (B) had a shock
  (C) was shocked (D) was given a real shock
36. Observant writers would probably ______ their observations.
  (A) note down (B) mark down
  (C) jot down (D) put down
  (A) You can argue without feeling angry.
  (B) Some families seem to spend a lot of time fighting.
  (C) The thieves disagreed how to divide the boot.
  (D) Quarrelling always implies anger.
38. A modern plane is packed with ______ equipment.
  (A) electronic (B) energetic
  (C) up-to-date (D) sophisticated
  (A) Lots of damage has been caused by the floods.
  (B) Following the explosion, some less serious injuries were treated by the local doctors.
  (C) She has been so deeply hurt; it may take forever for the wounds to heal.
  (D) All dogs are capable of causing harms to human beings, even to their own masters.
40. If someone is said to be "disinterested", it means that he or she
  (A) has no personal interest when making a decision (B) is not interested in something
  (C) is not influenced by his or her personal feelings (D) is neither for nor against something
  (A) She's been laying on the beach for hours and she's terribly sunburnt.
  (B) I don't believe you because you've lied to me before.
  (C) We were so tired after the party that we lay in bed till 9.
  (D) How come you are still in bed when the sun has already risen?
  (A) Supposing war broke out, how would you react?
  (B) If your dad could see you now, he would be furious.
  (C) She would always dress up when she was entertaining guests.
  (D) If I won a lot of money, I'd do what I would want.
43. ______ are visitors allowed to feed the animals.
  (A) On Sundays (B) Hardly ever
  (C) Under no circumstances (D) On no account
  (A) Most employees use the company phone for personal use. Even so, they've not been encouraged to do so.
  (B) I mean to find that wallet I've lost, even if it means searching the whole building.
  (C) She was at her prettiest in her late teens, but even then she always had somebody who was prettier.
  (D) The roads were covered with ice and snow. Even so, most people got to work somehow.
45. You'll never get ______.
  (A) your roof blow off in the storm (B) your watch repaired
  (C) me to agree (D) this car going
46. ______ the letters before the post office is closed.
  (A) Remind me to post (B) I reminded her to post
  (C) Remind me of posting (D) I reminded her that we'd better post
47. If only ______ !
  (A) he didn't smoke all the time (B) we can arrive on time
  (C) next week would come (D) you would listen to reason
48. It's good ______ work for the day.
  (A) to finish (B) that you finish
  (C) when you have finished (D) to have finished
49. ______ work after Christmas.
  (A) I think to start (B) I think that I'll start
  (C) I hope to start (D) I'm thinking of starting
50. He turned up wearing an old coat of ______ .
  (A) his father's (B) yours
  (C) Patrick's (D) your own



Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget (A/II.1), majd jelölje, hogy a szöveg alatti (A), (B), (C) és (D)
jelzésű válaszok közül a szöveginformáció alapján melyik fogadható el a leginkább megfelelő

On reading the following passage (A/II.1) carefully, choose ONE of the four answers (A), (B), (C) and
(D) to each of the questions or unfinished statements. Choose the answer which fits the text best.
     When I moved to an apartment in New York and discovered that my new neighbours included a colony of
pigeons, my first reaction was: exterminate the brutes! I was disturbed by their morning mating calls, and
agreed with my wife, Dana, when she cursed them as winged rodents that soil the city. I attacked them with
broom and water pistol. It was hard for me to believe that the traditional symbol of peace, a dove with an
olive branch, is actually a white pigeon.
    Then last December, after scaring away a grey pigeon sitting on the sill of our bathroom window, I found a
nest there with an egg in it. "Revenge is ours!" I shouted to Dana, triumphantly holding the egg high up in the
air. "Should I smash it right away or save it for an omelette?"
    But Dana was looking in horror at the window-sill behind me. The pigeon had swooped back to the empty
nest and was beating its wings against the window frame.
    "You put that back this second!" Dana said, with the same look on her face that I swear the parent pigeon
    "How can a rational human want to save a baby pigeon?" I asked as I returned the egg.
    And then it came to me. Here was a chance to answer the mystery that puzzled generations of city
dwellers: why doesn't anyone ever see a baby pigeon? Let others search Loch Ness for its monster or climb
the Himalayas in order to track down the Yeti. I would be the first human to see a baby pigeon in the wild.
    The bird roosted outside the bathroom for a week, and then one morning the nest was empty - no mother,
no baby, no egg. Soon another nest appeared with two eggs, but they, too, vanished.
    I reported the parenting troubles to a friend of mine in the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. "Eggs
normally hatch after 18 days," she said, "but sometimes pigeons are frightened off the nest, and sometimes
eggs never hatch because the parents aren't getting the proper diet to make sturdy eggshells." "And why," I
asked, "do we never see a baby pigeon?" "They stay in the nest for the first month," my friend told me, "and
grow so rapidly they're nearly full size when they emerge."

51. According to the text, the author's new home was

(A) on the outskirts of the city.

(B) near a big green park.
(C) in a block of flats.
(D) near a bird reservation.

52. According to the author of the text, pigeons

(A) only leave dirt behind themselves.

(B) fertilise the soil of the city.
(C) can be easily identified as symbols of peace.
(D) give a sweet mating sound.

53. The author took the egg from the nest on the sill of the bathroom window because

(A) he was short of eggs to make an omelette.

(B) the nest had been abandoned and the egg was left there.
(C) his hobby was to collect different size eggs.
(D) he wanted to give a final blow to the pigeons.

54. The author's wife, Dana, asked her husband to put the egg back in the nest because

(A) she felt sorry for the future generations of pigeons.

(B) her husband was going to make a mess in the bathroom.
(C) she didn't want to have her window broken.
(D) she realised that the parent pigeon felt desperate for her "baby".

55. The author put back the egg in the nest because

(A) he felt guilty of wanting to break the egg.

(B) he was puzzled by his wife's sudden reaction.
(C) he was frightened by the parent pigeon's attack.
(D) he was relieved that he didn't have to destroy the egg.

56. Having saved the egg with the baby pigeon inside, the author

(A) suddenly realised that baby pigeons hadn't been seen for years.
(B) thought that fellow citizens were going to be proud of him.
(C) thought he had to go and discover the Loch Ness monster and the Yeti.
(D) recalled that Americans were used to seeing no baby pigeons.

57. In line 20, the phrase "in the wild" refers to

(A) the urban jungle.

(B) an uninhabited land.
(C) America.
(D) the colony of birds.

58. In line 21, "roosted" means that the pigeon

(A) made a noise.

(B) sat on its nest.
(C) built a nest.
(D) enjoyed the sunshine.

59. According to the text, on the sill of the author's bathroom window

(A) there was only one pigeon nest altogether.

(B) there were a few nests for a colony of pigeons.
(C) there were a couple of nests for pigeons.
(D) there was one pigeon nest at a time.

60. After the eggs had vanished for a second time, the author

(A) scared away all other birds except for the parent pigeons.
(B) decided to write an article about the strange event.
(C) became concerned about the disappearance of the eggs.
(D) was angry that he wasn't going to see baby pigeons.

61. Baby pigeons are rare to see because

(A) they look like adult pigeons when they leave the nest.
(B) the parents die as they can't keep up feeding themselves.
(C) the parents often decide to leave the nest sooner than 18 days.
(D) many of them die early on for lack of proper diet.

62. As the story unfolds, the author's attitude to pigeons

(A) remains rather antagonistic.

(B) is that of an animal activist's.
(C) seems to change somewhat.
(D) is mostly indifferent.

Olvassa el az alábbi szöveget (A/II.2), majd döntse el, hogy a szöveg utáni számozott mondatok (63-69) a
szöveginformáció alapján IGAZ, HAMIS vagy KIDERÍTHETETLEN állítást tartalmaznak-e! A
tesztválaszlapon az egyes mondatok számának megfelelő sorban az A, B vagy a C oszlopban
értelemszerűen X-szel jelölje válaszát!


A Tesztválaszlap D jelű oszlopába ne írjon semmit sem!

Read the text below and decide whether the statements that follow (63-69) are, according to the text, TRUE,
FALSE or NOT STATED (i.e. the text gives no information about the statement). Mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet in the following way:


For this task, please DO NOT WRITE anything in the column marked with D on the Answer Sheet.

   You're halfway through another magazine; another blizzard of words, and fake statistics confirmed by society
gurus with Hollywood names. What's truly important? What's true even?
   The main shortcoming of our information culture is not the availability of "facts", but their quality and
relevance to you. Information overload, also known as the now medically recognised "information fatigue
syndrome", is the new flu. We're bombarded by news faxes, phone-calls, emails, and the junk equivalent of all
these, until the information we need to operate evades us.
   Here's some information about information: The script for a 30-minute broadcast by CNN would barely fill
the front page of a newspaper. A weekday edition of a newspaper contains as much information as the average
person in the 17th century would be exposed to in their entire lifetime. In 1971 the average American
encountered 560 advertising messages a day; by 1997 that had grown to 3,000.
   Dr David Lewis, a psychologist who has recently published a book, Information Overload, recognises that the
"sheer volume of information we have to deal with daily means that work stress spills out into home life, and
our heads become so full of data that we find it hard to sleep". Dr Lewis says: "As deadlines get tighter due to
the speed of information, people are always inclined to feel the information they have is out of date." He refers
to one financial director who installed a new system as it gave him a 100th of a second on his competitors. So
surely there's a solution? He isn't optimistic: "There isn't one," says Lewis. The information overload isn't going
away, so it's vital that we become better at managing it.

63. The most important problem with information today is the very amount one is exposed to.

64. We seem to be flooded with lots of information, but even so sometimes what we are really after fails to
reach us.

65. You can find as much information in a daily newspaper today as people were likely to get during their
whole life a few hundred years ago.

66. The overall information load the average American gets daily has increased more than five times over the
last three decades.

67. Work stress caused by the amount of information we have to cope with may prevent us from getting enough

68. People think that the speed of information today helps us to keep up-to-date and meet deadlines.

69. Dr David Lewis' book gives advice on how to manage the information load better.

   The tram started up again as the three of us made our way down the central aisle. The carriage was crowded,
making it impossible for us to sit near one another. I squeezed myself into a seat towards the back of the
carriage, between a small elderly man and a matronly mother with a toddler on her lap. The seat was
surprisingly comfortable and after a few moments I began to rather enjoy the journey. Opposite me were three
old men reading one newspaper, held open by the man in the middle. The jogging of the tram seemed to give
them difficulties and at times they argued for the command of a particular page.
   We had been travelling for a while when I became aware of activity around me and saw that a ticket inspector
was making her way down the aisle. It occurred to me then that my companions must have purchased my ticket
for me - I certainly had not acquired one on boarding. All around me, people were producing their tickets and
passes. Suppressing a sense of panic, I set about formulating something to say that would sound at once
dignified and convincing.
   When the ticket inspector was towering above us and my neighbours all offered their tickets for clipping, I
announced firmly, "I'm without a ticket, but in my case there are special circumstances which, if you'll allow
me, I'll explain to you."

(A) The author of the text found a seat next to his companions.
(B) All of them were sitting in the front of the tram.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true

(A) There were only adults sitting around the author.
(B) The whole tram journey was enjoyable for the author.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true
(A) The author was observing the passengers around him.
(B) Three elderly men were happily sharing a paper.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true

(A) The ticket inspector had to collect the tickets shown to her.
(B) The author had noticed the ticket inspector well before she got to him.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true

(A) The author believed his companions had his ticket with them.
(B) The author managed to hide his nervousness.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true

(A) The author's excuse sounded impolite.
(B) The author's explanation was incomplete.
(C) both A and B are true
(D) neither A nor B is true


(60 minutes; dictionaries may be used)

Olvassa el figyelmesen a képzeletbeli angol levelezőtársától kapott levelet, majd ÍRJON RÁ

VÁLASZLEVELET (300-350 szó).
1. A levélben szereplő nevek lehetnek fiú- és leánynevek is. Ön dönthet, hogy melyik változatot választja.
2. Az ön címe: 3176 Kámospatak, Hegyalja u. 11.
3. A levél három bekezdésében szereplő témák közül a 2. és 3. bekezdésben említett témáról
részletesebben fejtse ki véleményét mint az elsőről.

Read the letter from your imaginary English pen-friend carefully, then WRITE A REPLY TO IT (300-350
1. The names in the letter have both male and female versions, you can choose either.
2. Your address is: 3176 Kámospatak, Hegyalja u. 11.
3. The three paragraphs in the letter deal with separate topics. You are expected to write about the topics in
paragraphs 2 and 3 at greater length than about the one in paragraph 1

Elm Cottage
25, Castle Road

18 May 2001
Dear Dani,

    I was sorry to hear from Süni (I hope I've spelt it right this time) that you've just come out of hospital. What
exactly happened to you? Süni didn't seem to know the details. I remember how uncomfortable I felt when I
had to spend three days in hospital when I was having my tonsils out. I hope it was a less upsetting experience
for you!
   As you know, I write articles for the school magazine and my editor has just asked me to write one with the
title 'The New Man and the New Woman of the Third Millennium'. I am supposed to collect ideas on what
young people think male and female ideals of the future will be like and also the reasons for their preferences. I
would appreciate it if you would share your ideas with me on this subject - I need to hear views from as many
people as possible and I have very little contact with your part of the world, unfortunately.
   You won't believe it, but I've started to learn Spanish! I've been going to Spain on holiday with my parents for
the past four years and now, at last, I've decided I'm fed up with just being the 'strong silent type' when it comes
to communicating with the locals. The problem is I seem to be making slow progress, or is it that I'm just too
impatient? As you are such an experienced foreign language learner yourself, could you give me a few tips on
how I could become as proficient in Spanish as you are in English?
   I've got to finish now. We'll have a poetry-reading session at school at 5p.m. Do write soon. I'm really looking
forward to hearing from you.


Angol közös érettségi-felvételi feladatok MEGOLDÓKULCS 2001.

1. X 41. X
2. X 42. X
3. X 43. X
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