Reading Comprehension Passage 1 (Main Idea) Number 1-5

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Nama : Herlin Firman Putri

NIM : 321910067

Kelas : B Sore


In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions
about it, For this section, you are choose the one best answer (A) (B) (C) (D) to each

Reading Comprehension Passage 1 (Main idea) number 1-5

What causes bulimia nervosa is not clear, but it may be due to a combination of family
history, certain personality traits (such as perfectionism) and social values (such as admiring
thinness). The risk for developing bulimia intensifies if your parent or sibling has the
condition. Stressful events such as divorce or the death of a loved one can trigger bulimia in
some people, mostly teenagers and young women.

Also, many young women have unhealthy attitudes toward eating and toward their bodies so
they may socially allow and promote destructive behaviors like extreme dieting or binging
and purging. If not properly treated, bulimia can lead to long-term health problems. Health
problems caused by bulimia include electrolyte imbalances and heart problem, tooth decay,
osteoporosis, dehydration and kidney problem, inflammation, swollen saliva glands, fainting,
abnormal heartbeat, low body temperature, suicide risk, etc.

There are also other mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, borderline
personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks and phobias. Like all
eating disorders, bulimia is a complex physical and psychological condition that requires
appropriate treatment. The treatment focuses on the change of behavior and deals with the
deeper attitudes and feeling in order to avoid the binge-purge cycles.

The treatment may be in form of psychological counseling (such as cognitive-behavioral

therapy CBT, or interpersonal therapy) or antidepressant medicine. Both are long-term
treatments that may need weeks or months to work. There are also other treatments which
may be helpful. Nutritional counseling may help avoid unhealthy diets. Group counseling
may enhance individual therapy. Family therapy may also help family member as it teaches
about the disorder and the way to help. Stress management techniques (such as exercising,
writing, relaxation) may also create better self respect.

1. The main idea of this text is that …

A. Bulimia is a complex condition
B. Bulimia has no clear cause
C. Bulimia needs proper and long-term treatment
D. The condition can create physical and mental health problem.
E. Physical counseling and antidepressant medicine can cure bulimia.
2. Which of the following best states the topic of this text?
A. The combination of causes of bulimia
B. The cause and treatment of bulimia
C. Bulimia among young women
D. Series of long-term eating disorder
E. Physical and mental health problem
3. Implied in the text is that the bulimia may cause …
A. Type 1 diabetes
B. Weight gain
C. Medicine overuse
D. vomiting
E. Toothaches
4. Which of the following treatment is not related to bulimia?
A. Group counseling
B. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
C. Sport and exercise
D. vaccine
E. Prozac
5. The following information is true about bulimia mentioned in the text, EXCEPT that
A. Mostly affects young women and teenagers.
B. Can create other health problems.
C. Cannot be treated at home.
D. Is related to socially acceptable destructive behavior.
E. Has binge-purge cycles

Reading Comprehension Passage 2 (Meaning reference) number 6-10

Robert Moog was an American inventor who developed the Moog Synthesizer. It was one of
the first synthesizers to gain widespread use as a musical instrument. Moog’s synthesizers
were an important pa Line of musical innovation in rock and jazz music in the 1960s and
1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was born in Queens, a borough of New York City 75 years ago.
He became fascinated with electronics as a teenager, particularly an early electronic music
instrument called the theremin. Moog studied physic and electrical engineering at Queens
College and Columbia University, both in New York City and later received a Ph.D. in
engineering physic Cornel University in Ithaca, New York. In 1954, while still an
undergraduate student, Moog formed his own company to sell theremins and theremin kits.

Soon after, Moog began working on a keyboard instrument that could replicate the sound of
any musical instrument electronically. Working with American composer Herbert Deutsch,
Moog introduced the prototype Moog Synthesizer at a convention in 1964. The device
represented a significant advance over previous electronic synthesizer because of its use of
new semiconductor technology, which made it smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier
machines. The Moog, as it was known, was soon in demand by musician all over the world.
In 1964, Moog began a collaboration with American composer and organist Walter Carlos
(now Wendy Carlos), who released the bestselling electronic music album Switched-On Bach
in 1968. Rock groups such as the Beatles and Yes and jazz musicians such as Herbie
Hancock and Chick Corea began incorporating Moog Synthesizer into their recordings, a
trend that increased when the company introduced the compact and portable Minimoog in
1970. A Moog Synthesizer was also prominently featured on the soundtrack to the movie A
Clockwork Orange in 1971. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2008

6. The word “prominently” in paragraph 3 can easily be replaced by …

A. Significantly
B. perfectly
C. accurately
D. excellently
7. The passage describes theremin as a/an …
A. prototype of Moog Synthesizer
B. initial electronic music instrument
C. musical instrument to replicate the sound
D. instrument of electronic tool
8. The pronoun “it” paragraph 2 refers to…
A. electronic synthesizer
B. a keyboard instrument
C. prototype of Moog Synthesizer
D. new semiconductor technology
9. According to the passage, all of the following are true about The Moog, EXCEPT…
A. it was invented by Robert Moog
B. it was first introduced in 1964
C. it initiated new technology which was smaller and cheaper than previous
D. it was the first synthesizer in the world
10. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses…
A. collaboration between The Moog and other musicians
B. the description of compact and portable Mini Moog
C. the improvement of Moog Synthesizer
D. trend in the music industry about synthesizer
Kunci jawaban 
1. The cause and treatment of bulimia
2. C.Bulimia needs proper and long-term treatment
3. E.toothaches
4. D.vaccine
5. C.Cannot be treated at home.
6. Jawab: (A) significantly
Keyword: featured on
• prominently = significantly = menonjol
• perfectly = sempurna
• accurately = akurat
• excellently = baik
7. Jawab: (B) initial electronic music instrument
Keyword: instrument called theremin
Pembahasan: Initial electronic music instrument. Dapat dilihat pada bacaan
‘particularly on early electronic music instrument called theremin.
8. Jawab: (C) prototype of Moog Synthesizer
Keyword: intoduced yhe prototype
Pembahasan: Prototype of Moog Synthesizer. Jika dilihat dari bacaan pada paragraf 3,
Moog memperkenalkan sebuah prototype Moog Synthesizer.
9. Jawab: (D) it was the first synthesizer in the world
Keyword: made it smaller and considerably than
Pembahasan: it was the first synthesizer In the world. Karena dalam bacaan ke-18-19
dituliskan bahwa sebelumnya sudah diciptakan mesin synthesizer “which made it
smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier machine”.
10. Jawab: (C) the improvement of Moog Synthesizer
Keyword : Moo Sythesizer was also prominently
Pembahasan: Yang paling mungkin dibahas dalam paragraf selanjutnya adalah the
improvement of Moog synthesizer

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