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TEXT 1 (for number 1-5)

Dear Mr. Doe,
I am interested in applying for an elementary-level teaching position in your school district. As a
2010 graduate of New York University. I have student teaching experience on the third, fourth, and
sixth-grade level, in both suburban and urban school districts. I believe my teaching experience and
passion for community engagement make me an ideal candidate for a teaching position at your
I have experience teaching elementary-level students in a variety of settings. I am currently
teaching third-grade children at an inner-city charter school. As a former education coordinator at a
local museum. I also have experience teaching fourth-grade students in a small suburban school
system. Your school emphasizes its unique position as a school that caters to both inner-city and
suburban students, so I think my varied experiences would make me an asset to your program.
Your school also strives to engage students in the larger community. I have lots of experience
incorporating community service projects into my classroom. For example, as a student teacher, I
led a unit for thirds-graders on plant life, and we volunteered at a local community garden. I would
love to find ways to integrate service learning into my lesson plans.
It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be a compassionate,
enthusiastic, intelligent teacher who will make a positive contribution to your school district and
larger community. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at your earliest


Linda Coral
1. Why did Linda send the letter?
2. What position did Linda apply for?
3. Where did Linda graduate from?
4. What was Linda’s position at the local museum?
5. These are Linda’s experiences, except ….
a. Teaching third-grade children at an inner-city charter school
b. Teaching fourth-grade students in a small suburban school system
c. Incorporating community service projects into her classrooms
d. Observing human’s anatomy with sixth grade students
e. Leading a unit for third-graders on plant life
TEXT 2 (for number 6-10)
Japan will Lift Iran Sanctions Following Nuclear Deal
Jane Brown
January 22, 2016
The Japanese Cabinet approved Friday the lifting of sanctions on Iran, following the
recent completion of a landmark deal to try to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Advance’s Jan Brown report.
The widely expected move will allow Japanese companies to pursue investment in Iran’s
oil and gas industry.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters that the government would cancel
bans on Japanese investment in both exports to Iran and in oil and gas-related business.
Yoshihide Suga: “We will continue to support the consistent implementation of the final
agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue as we see it as a way to enforce nuclear non-
proliferation and contribute to stability in the Middle East.”
The UN certified last weekend that Iran had met all of its commitments under the
nuclear deal, leading to the lifting of long-standing Western economic sanctions on the country.
Jane Brown, Advamve
6. What is the type of text above?
7. When was the news broadcast?
8. Who read the news?
9. Why does the Japanese Cabinet approve the lifting of sanction on Iran?
10. Who is Yoshihide Suga?

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