Algebra Representation: Questions With Guided Solutions

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Algebra Representation

Questions with Guided Solutions

1. Bobby bought r cartons of granola at v dollars for 4 cartons. Each carton of

granola was then sold for b dollars. Find an expression, in terms of b, r and v,
for Bobby’s profit in dollars. [2]

2. (a) Write down an expression for the next four odd numbers after (2m + 1),
given that m is an integer. [1]
(b) Express the sum of these five odd numbers in terms of m. [1]
(c) Explain why the sum is a multiple of 5. [1]
(d) Express the sum of the squares of the first two odd numbers in terms of m. [2]

3. Given the formula E = 30v2 + 60gh,

(a) Find E when v = 2, g = 10 and h = 5.6. [2]
(b) Express h in terms of E, g and v. [2]

ah b
4. (a) It is given that  . Express h in terms of a and b. [2]
9 4
(b) In a factory, the cost of producing one canned drink, P cents, is related to
the batch size (number of cans produced in one production run), r, by the
formula P  c  , where c is a constant.
Each canned drink costs 80 cents when a batch of 400 cans is produced.
(i) Find the value of c. [1]
(ii) How much will the production of a batch of 6400 cans cost? [1]
(iii) Determine the cost of production per can if the size of the batch is
1600. [2]
(iv) If the cost of production per can is $1.05, calculate the batch size, r. [2]

5. (a) Factorise px + qx. [1]

(b) Hence, evaluate 87  0.432  13  0.432 . [1]

6. (a) (i) Factorise 3  12 x 2 completely. [2]

3  12 x 2
(ii) Simplify . [2]
36 x 2  36 x  9
2 7
(b) Express  as a single fraction in its simplest form.
x2 x9 [3]

7. ( p  3b)( 4a  q )

© ACE-Learning 1
Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

7l 2 49l
8. (a) Simplify the expression:  . [1]
6mn 216m
(b) Factorise 8 x 2  28 x  24 completely. [2]

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

Answer Key
 v
1. $r  b  
 4

2. (a) (2m + 3), (2m + 5), (2m + 7), (2m + 9)

(b) 10m + 25
(d) (8m2 + 16m + 10)

3. (a) 3480
E  30v 2
(b) h 
60 g

4. (a) h  a
(b) (i) 5
(ii) $1520
(iii) 42.5 cents
(iv) 225

5. (a) x(p + q)
(b) 43.2

6. (a) (i) 3(1  2 x)(1  2 x)

1  2x
(ii) 
3(2 x  1)
9x  4
( x  9)( x  2)

7. ( p  3b)( 4a  q )

8. (a)
(b) 4(2 x  3)( x  2)

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

1. [Thinking Process]

 Selling Price  Cost Price
 ( No. of cartons  Selling Price per carton)  ( No. of cartons  Cost Price per carton)

From the formula above the cost price per carton is still unknown. So, first find an
expression for the cost price per carton given that the cost of 4 cartons is v dollars.
Then, use the formula to find the required expression.

[Working Steps]

Since 4 cartons cost v dollars,

Cost price per carton  $ .

 ( No. of cartons  Selling Price per carton)  ( No. of cartons  Cost Price per carton)
 v
 ( r  b)   r  
 4
 v
 $r  b   (Extract the common factor, r)
 4

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

2. (a) [Thinking Process]

Given that m is an integer, then 2m is an even number.

Since (2m + 1) is 1 greater than 2m, (2m + 1), is an odd number.

The next odd number is then obtained by adding 2 to the preceding odd

Starting with (2m +1), use this rule to obtain the next four odd numbers.

[Working Steps]

Since m is an integer, then 2m + 1 is an odd number.

Rule: Next odd number = Add 2 to the preceding odd number

Next four odd number after (2m+1):

(2m  1)  2  2m  3
(2m  3)  2  2m  5
(2m  5)  2  2m  7
( 2m  7)  2  2m  9

Hence, the next four odd numbers are (2m + 3), (2m + 5), (2m + 7), (2m + 9).

(b) [Thinking Process]

To add the five numbers, add the terms with variables and the constant terms

[Working Steps]

Sum  (2m  1)  (2m  3)  (2m  5)  (2m  7)  (2m  9)

 10m  25

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

(c) [Thinking Process]

Recall: If p and q are whole numbers and q is a factor of p, then p is a multiple

of q.

For the expression in (b) to be a multiple of 5, factorise it to show that 5 is

factor. Thus, the expression is a multiple of 5.

[Working Steps]

10m + 25 = 5(2m +5) (Extract the common factor)

By factorisation, it is shown that 5 is a factor of 10m + 25.

Hence, 10m + 25 is a multiple of 5. (Explained)

(d) [Thinking Process]

Recall: (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

Square the first two numbers using the above formula. Then, add the obtained
expressions and simplify.

[Working Steps]

Sum  (2m  1) 2  (2m  3) 2

 (4m 2  4m  1)  (4m 2  12m  9)
 8m 2  16m  10

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

3. (a) [Thinking Process]

Substitute v = 2, g = 10 and h = 5.6 into the given equation E = 30v2 + 60gh.

[Working Steps]

E  30v 2  60 gh
 30(2 2 )  60(10)(5.6) (Substitute v = 2, g = 10 and h = 5.6)
 120  3360
 3480

(b) [Thinking Process]

Make h the subject of the formula E = 30v2 + 60gh.

[Working Steps]

E  30v 2  60 gh
E  30v 2  60 gh (Subtract 30v2 from both sides)
E  30v 2
h (Divide both sides by 60g)
60 g
E  30v 2
 h
60 g

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

4. (a) [Thinking Process]

ah b
Make h the subject of the formula,  .
9 4

[Working Steps]

ah b

9 4
ah (Multiply both sides by 9)
h  a (Subtract a from both sides)

(b) (i) [Thinking Process]

Substitute a set of known values of P and r into P  c  and solve
for c.

[Working Steps]

80  c  (Substitute P = 80 and r = 400)
80  c 
80  c  75 (Subtract 75 from both sides)
 c5

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

(ii) [Thinking Process]

Total cost  Cost per can  Number of cans

 Pr

P can be found using the given formula for P. r is 6400.

[Working Steps]

Total cost = Pr
 1500   1500 
 c  ( r )  Substitute P  c  
 r   r 
 1500 
 5  (6400) (Substitute c = 5 and r = 6400)
 6400 
 1500 
 5  (6400)
 80 
 152000 cents
 $1520 $1 = 100 cents

(iii) [Thinking Process]

Substitute the value of c, obtained value in (i), and r = 1600 into

P c .

[Working Steps]

5 (Substitute c = 5 and r = 1600)
 5  37.5
 42.5

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

(iv) [Thinking Process]

Substitute the values of P (expressed in cents) and c, obtained value in (i),

into P  c  and then solve for r.

[Working Steps]

Cost per can  $1.05

 1.05  100 cents
 105 cents

105  5  (Substitute P  105 and c  5)
100  (Subtract 5 from both sides)
100 r  1500 Multiply both sides by r 
r  15 (Divide both sides by 100)
r  225 (Square both sides)

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Algebra Representation
Questions with Guided Solutions

5. (a) [Thinking Process]

Observe that the expression is linear and the terms have a common factor. So,
factorise it by extracting the common factor.

[Working Steps]

px + qx = x(p + q) (Extract the common factor, x)

(b) [Thinking Process]

Compare the expression with px + qx to identify the values corresponding to p,

q and x. Then use the result in (a) to evaluate it.

[Working Steps]

Comparing 87  0.432  13  0.432 with px + qx: p = 87, q = 13 and x = 0.432.

Since px + qx = x(p + q),

87  0.432  13  0.432
 0.432(87  13) (Substitute p = 87, q = 13 and x = 0.432)
 43.2

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6. (a) (i) [Thinking Process]

Recall: a 2  b 2  (a  b)(a  b)

Observe that the terms in the expression have a common factor. So,
extract the common factor first. Then, use the algebraic identity above to
complete factorisation.

[Working Steps]

3  12 x 2  3(1  4 x 2 ) (Extract the common factor, 3)

 3 [1  (2 x) ]
2 2
(Rewrite the expression)
 3(1  2 x)(1  2 x) a 2  b 2  (a  b)(a  b)

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(ii) [Thinking Process]

Recall: a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b) 2

The numerator and denominator need to be factorised before we can

simplify the fraction. Notice that the numerator is the same as the
expression in (i).

Observe that the terms in the denominator have a common factor. So,
extract the common factor first. Then, factorise the remaining quadratic
factor using either the Cross Method or the Multiplication Frame Method.

Lastly, simplify the fraction

[Working Steps]

Since 3  12 x 2  3(1  2 x)(1  2 x) ,

3  12 x 2
36 x 2  36 x  9
3(1  2 x)(1  2 x)

36 x 2  36 x  9
3(1  2 x)(1  2 x)
 (Extract the common factor, 9)
9(4 x 2  4 x  1)
(1  2 x)(1  2 x)

3(4 x 2  4 x  1)
(1  2 x)(1  2 x)
 (Rewrite the expression)
3 [( 2 x) 2  2(2 x)(1)  12 ]
(1  2 x)(1  2 x)
 a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b) 2
3(2 x  1) 2
(1  2 x)( 2 x  1)
 [Express (1 – 2x) as –(2x – 1)]
3(2 x  1) 2
1  2x
3(2 x  1)

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(b) [Thinking Process]

Recall: Addition/Subtraction of algebraic fractions can only be performed if

they have the same denominator.

If the denominators are different, first express the fractions in terms of the
L.C.M. of their denominators. Then, perform the addition/subtraction.

[Working Steps]

2 7

x2 x9  The L.C.M. of (x + 2) and (x – 9) 
2( x  9) 7 ( x  2)  
   is (x + 2)(x – 9). Write the fractions 
( x  2)( x  9) ( x  2)( x  9)  as their equivalents using the L.C.M. 
 as the denominator. 
2( x  9)  7 ( x  2)  

( x  9)( x  2)
2 x  18  7 x  14

( x  9)( x  2)
9x  4

( x  9)( x  2)

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7. [Thinking Process]

Observe that the given expression is linear and the terms have no common factor.
However, the terms can be grouped into 2 groups where each group has a common

Thus, factorise the given expression by grouping.

[Working Steps]

4ap  3bq  12ab  pq

 (4ap  12ab)  (3bq  pq) (Group terms with common factor)
 4a( p  3b)  q(3b  p ) (Extract the common factor from each group)
 ( p  3b)( 4a  q ) (Extract the common factor)

Alternative Solution

4ap  3bq  12ab  pq

 (4ap  pq )  (12ab  3bq ) (Group terms with common factor)
 p (4a  q )  3b(4a  q ) (Extract the common factor from each group)
 (4a  q )( p  3b) (Extract the common factor)

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8. (a) [Thinking Process]

Recall: Dividing a fraction by another fraction is equivalent to multiplying the

1st fraction by the reciprocal of the 2nd.

Perform the indicated operation and simplify.

[Working Steps]

7l 2 49l

6mn 216m
7l 2 216m
  (Rewrite the expression)
6mn 49l


(b) [Thinking Process]

Observe that the terms have a common factor. So, extract the common factor
Then, factorise the remaining quadratic factor using the Cross Method or the
Multiplication Frame Method.

[Working Steps]

8x 2  28x  24  4(2 x 2  7 x  6) (Extract the common factor, 4)

Factorising 2 x 2  7 x  6 using either Cross Method or Multiplication Frame


Cross Method Multiplication Frame Method

2x 3  3x  x 2

x 2  4x 2x 2x 2  4x
3  3x 6
2x 2 6  7x
 3x  (4 x)  7 x

 8x 2  28x  24  4(2 x  3)( x  2)

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