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Animal cell culture book freshney pdf

Since the publication of the sixth edition of this benchmark text, numerous advances in the field have been made – particularly in stem cells, 3D culture, scale-up, STR profiling, and culture of specialized cells. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications, Seventh
Edition is the updated version of this benchmark text, addressing these recent developments in the field as well as the basic skills and protocols. This eagerly awaited edition reviews the increasing diversity of the applications of cell culture and the proliferation of specialized techniques, and provides an
introduction to new subtopics in mini-reviews. New features also include a new chapter on cell line authentication with a review of the major issues and appropriate protocols including DNA profiling and barcoding, as well as some new specialized protocols. Because of the continuing expansion of cell
culture, and to keep the bulk of the book to a reasonable size, some specialized protocols are presented as supplementary material online. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications, Seventh Edition provides the most accessible and comprehensive introduction
available to the culture and experimental manipulation of animal cells. This text is an indispensable resource for those in or entering the field, including academic research scientists, clinical and biopharmaceutical researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, cell and molecular biology and genetics
lab managers, trainees and technicians. 882 Accesses 7 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics Your password has been changed Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, and you may need to
create a new Wiley Online Library account. Can't sign in? Forgot your username? Enter your email address below and we will send you your username If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Since the publication of the sixth edition
of this benchmark text, numerous advances in the field have been made – particularly in stem cells, 3D culture, scale-up, STR profiling, and culture of specialized cells. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications, Seventh Edition is the updated version of this
benchmark text, addressing these recent developments in the field as well as the basic skills and protocols. This eagerly awaited edition reviews the increasing diversity of the applications of cell culture and the proliferation of specialized techniques, and provides an introduction to new subtopics in mini-
reviews. New features also include a new chapter on cell line authentication with a review of the major issues and appropriate protocols including DNA profiling and barcoding, as well as some new specialized protocols. Because of the continuing expansion of cell culture, and to keep the bulk of the book
to a reasonable size, some specialized protocols are presented as supplementary material online. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications, Seventh Edition provides the most accessible and comprehensive introduction available to the culture and experimental
manipulation of animal cells. This text is an indispensable resource for those in or entering the field, including academic research scientists, clinical and biopharmaceutical researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, cell and molecular biology and genetics lab managers, trainees and technicians.
List of Figures, xix List of Color Plates, xxiii List of Tables, xxv List of Protocols, xxvii List of Minireviews, xxix Preface and Acknlowledgments, xxxi Abbreviations, xxxiii About the Companion Website xxxviii 1. Introduction, 1 2. Biology of Cultured Cells, 19 3. Laboratory Design and Layout, 37 4. Equipment
and Materials, 51 5. Aseptic Technique, 73 6. Safety, Bioethics, and Validation, 89 7. Culture Vessels and Substrates, 111 8. Defined Media and Supplements, 125 9. Serum-Free Media, 149 10. Preparation and Sterilization, 173 10. Supplementary Material* 11. Primary Culture, 207 11. Supplementary
Material* 12. Subculture and Cell Lines, 235 13. Authentication and Validation, 259 14. Microbial Contamination, 289 15. Cryopreservation and Banking, 307 16. Cloning and Selection, 327 16. Supplementary Material* 17. Cell Sorting, 347 18. Cell Line Characterization, 359 19. Differentiation, 383 20.
Three​]Dimensional Culture 401 21. Scale​]up and Automation, 427 22. Senescence, Immortalization, and Transformation, 455 23. Quantitation, 483 23 Supplementary Material* 24. Cytotoxicity, 513 24. Supplementary Material* 25. Culture of Specific Cell Types, 531 25. Supplementary Material* 26. Stem
Cells, 571 26. Supplementary Material* 27. Training Programs, 591 28. Problem Solving 627 29. In Conclusion, 651 Supplementary Material* Appendix III: Sources of Equipment and Material Appendix IV: Suppliers and Other Resource

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