Dbms End Sem Exam

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Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Subject: Database Management System Subject Code: CSL362
Spring semester, 2021 End Semester Exam
Full Marks: 40 Time Limit: 2 Hours

[Note: Answer all the Questions. Numbers at the end of each Question denotes their respective
marks. Please be brief and to the point. No clarification during the exam.]

Question 1

A. Consider the nested loop join operation for performing the join operation between the relations
R1 and R2 . They are stored across 5600 blocks, and 120 blocks, respectively. Suppose a buffer
space of 52 blocks is allocated. How many disk accesses will happen when R1 and R2 will be
outer loop? Considering each disk block access requires 10 ms what will be the difference in
execution time. [2+2=4 marks]

B. Consider the partition hash join operation for performing the join operation between the
relations R1 and R2 . They are stored across 5600 blocks, and 120 blocks. Consider the result
can be stored in 12000 blocks. How many disk block access will be there? Explain your
answer properly. [4 marks]

Question 2 Consider the Primary Index construction of a data file withe the following details:
No. of blocks = 8200, Block size B = 4 KB, Key length = 15 bytes, Block pointer length = 6 bytes.
Now, answer the following questions:

A. How many records will be there in the index file?

B. What will be the size of each entry?

C. What will be the blocking factor for the index file?

D. How many blocks are required to store the index file?

E. How many maximum disk access is required for searching process with primary index?

F. How many maximum disk access is required for searching process without primary index?

G. If we make the index multi-level, how many disk block access we can save? [1+1+1+1+1+1+2=8

Question 3

A. Consider a set of transactions T = {T1 , T2 , · · · , Tn } are executed concurrently in a system.

When we can say the system is deadlocked? What is the input to the system for detecting
the deadlock? How it is detected? [2 + 1+ 1=4 marks]

B. What is the difference between conflict equivalent and conflict serializable schedules? Explain
with an example. [2 + 2= 4 marks]

Question 4
Database Management System End Semester Exam - Page 2 of 2 13/05/2021

A. Why do you think normalization is important in the design of relational database? Explain
with an example. [4 marks]

B. Prove that Armstrong’s Axioms are sound and complete. [4 marks]

Question 5

A. How do we define the legal instance of a relational database?

B. Define and explain multi-valued dependency.

C. Consider the relation R(A, B, C, D, E, F ) with the FD set {A −→ BC, AB −→ E, E −→ F }.

Construct the key of the relation.

D. Consider the following relation: Employee(E ID, Name, Dept., Salary). Write down the
relational algebra query for displaying the second highest salary. You are allowed to use the
extended relational algebra operators. [4 × 2 = 8 marks]

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