November 16th

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Center stage= to be the focus of attention

Long-overdue= long-awaited, necessary/expected or needed for a long time
Think thank= a group of experts, problem-solving group
Labor shortages= carenza di manodopera, a lack
Who sought = who searched for
Bridge the gap = colmare il divario, to reduce the differences, to fill the gap
Inflows = influxes, waves
Backed up by= sostenuto da, supported by
Newcomers= immigrants, recently arrived
Patchwork quilt= mosaic, mosaic
Tough = hard, difficult
Economically challenged = poor, to have economic difficulties
To pick up = to learn (in the context)
On average = normally, in general, typically
Asylum seeker = richiedente asilo
Do away with = abolish, got rid of, farla finita con / abolire
Boasts = claims to have, shows off, talks proudly about vantare
Geared toward = in favor of, open to, aimed at, orientated towards
The foreign-born = non-nationals
Drop out of = quit, leave

1. The fact that there is a need for better/improved integration policies and that immigrant
integration should be given higher priority.
2. Because he says that there are fewer births in the EU, and so the population is in decline,
whereas the economy is becoming more and more dynamic. therefore, more people are
needed to satisfy the requirement for human resources / workers.
3. This sentence means that it is difficult for people with foreign qualifications to get their
qualifications recognised in Germany.
4. In the US there’s only one main language that everybody speaks, while in Europe each
country has a different language and that is a major problem for immigrants.
5. They have abolished the period of time asylum seekers has to wait before they’re allowed to
work legally.
1. Will there always be poverty in the world?
2. Why does each country in the world have poor people?
3. Why, in your opinion, do people end up homeless?
4. Do you believe the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer and poorer?
5. Does poverty bring about/cause crime?
Desperate for survival

Ending / eradicating poverty in each and every shape there is in the world – we don’t
translate the title unless asked.
Although (despite the fact that/in spite of the fact that) the situation has improved in many
countries, there are still many people in the world who go hungry/starve or suffer from
Poor people/the poor are hit (the) hardest by economic (economical=cheap) and political crises, by
the loss of biodiversity, by natural disasters and violence.

Malnutrition affects almost 800 million people worldwide/on a global level/scale, especially women
and children. Due to the rapid increase in demand for food, it is estimated that its production will
have to be more than doubled by 2050. About 70 percent/per cent of undernourished/malnourished
people depends on/relies, directly or indirectly, on agriculture for their survival.
To date/up until today/up until now (at present=now) the resources consumed by the world’s/global
population are more than those that ecosystems are able to provide (us with). In order that/so that
social and economic development can take place/happen in a sustainability framework/framework
of sustainability, our society will have to radically modify its way of producing and consuming of

The UN aim/goal/object is to adopt an environmentally friendly approach to chemicals and waste.

The volume of garbage will have to be remarkably/significantly reduced and the waste of food will
have to be halved/should be reduced by half.

1. I’m very satisfied with/pleased with your progress.

2. Tom suffers from vertigo/a fear of height/dizziness/dizzy spells.
3. A Swedish company provides/supplies us with raw materials.
4. This evening we could arrive late. It depends on traffic.
5. When I was young, I dreamt of being a pilot.
6. Could you explain this word to me?
 discuss something
 talk about something
Listening comprehension – Art appreciation pg.35
(1) Reflect reality
(2) 1800
(3) Past traditions
(4) Arrive early
(5) Comfortable shoes
(6) Spotlight/s
(7) The protection of the art / security
(8) Touch
(9) Standing back
(10) Unusual
To rebel against = to break away from
Interfere with
To look at
1. This programme is compatible with
Microsoft Word.
2. I’m optimistic about the future.
3. I object to people who push on the
4. They insist on punctuality.
5. They accused him of stealing
6. I am amazed by/at their progress.
7. He has a reputation for arriving
8. Sometimes there are no advantages
in/to being young.
9. He was charged with multiple
10. They were prevented from seeing her.

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