Etchis 1

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_______________is the latin word that means the pwer or ability to discern

Free will is present and inherent in men
Morality is observed and present ONLY in humans
What is the distinct characteristic of man compared to animals?
_______________is under the control and intellect and will is answerabvle to such
Voluntary Act
It is the disposition of a person doing the activity regardless to his liking or
not, this may be positive or negative. The former is by making him to do something
while the other is to prevent or stop him from doing things.
Simple voluntariness
Which of the following if NOT the basis of human actions?
Animals have no set of moral standards
It is the situation when the person was forced by circumstances or under duress
which he would not do under normal circumstances. Example is being extorted money
by a neighborhood toughie in exchange for his "protection".
Conditional voluntariness
When a person acts without full understanding and no freedom, we are made to
perform acts we did not like
Imperfect voluntariness
when a person acts with full knowledge and complete freedom, we are fully aware of
what we are doing
Perfect voluntariness
Human Ethics are clouded by man's self-interest that interpretation to law and
Interpretation of Ethical behavior is relative and subjective
_______________is under the control and intellect and will is answerabvle to such
Voluntary Act
Man has an insatiable greed for power and wealth
A branch of science that explains the cause of human actions, whether psychological
or physiological
_______________is the latin word that means the pwer or ability to discern
Understanding of ethics has not changed despite the evolvement of time
Which of the following statements is NOT true
Ethics is innate
Stufy of ethics is concerned about_______________
Morality of Human Acts
_______________is under the control and intellect and will is answerabvle to such
Voluntary Act

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