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Organs of the Respiratory System

1. Objective

*Identify and describe the functions of the organs of the Respiratory System

*Explain how the organ of Respiratory System work together.

II. Subject Matter; Organ of the Respiratory System

A. Material: Activity cards, lung model, video clip, chart.

B. References:

*The new science links-Cris John Pelingon, pp 140-145

*The world of Science-5 pp,20-30

*Cyber Science 6-Cris John Pelingon

C. Processing Skills: Observing, describing, demonstrating, inferring, performance

D. Value Integration:

*Importance of breathing

*Appreciate proper care of lungs

III. Learning task:

A: Engagement:

1. Let the learner's perform inhale and exhale exercise.

Ask the following questions;

*What organs are involved in breathing?

*Why do you breath?

*What do you call the activity of breathing?

B: Exploration:

1.Video presentation
2.Give them an activity card to answer.

Rearrange the letter to form the correct words.






Give the description and functions of each organ.



1. Reporting of Output

A. What are the different organs of the Respiratory System?

B. How does each organ distinct from the other?

C. What is the functions of each organs in respiration?

2.Group the learner's into three. Give each groups an activity card.

Group 1. Path of air in the upper respiratory tract.

Group 2. Path of the air the lungs.

Group 3. Path of air in the blood.

3. Reporting an output

A. What are the organs upper respiratory tract.

B. Trace how the air in the upper respiratory tract travel.

C. What are the organs found in the lungs that helps in breathing.

D. Present the path of air in the lungs using picture.

E. What happens to the air in the blood?

F. What are the changes of air that take place in the blood?

D. Elaboration:

Sequence the correct order of the path of air through the respiratory system by numbering
them from 1-8.

_Air enter in the alveoli

_Carbon dioxide passes out of the blood stream.

_Cilia and muscus trap tiny particles found in the air, and warm and moisten the air.

_Air moves through smaller and smaller passageways, called bronchi.

_ The trachea or the windpipe then carries the air to the lungs.

_Air enters the nose through the nostrils.

_Oxygen passes into the bloodstream

_Air moves down the throat or pharynx.

IV. Evaluation

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Contain two opening lined with Cecilia where air passes in and out in the body?

A. Nose B.mouth C. Diaphragm. D. Lungs

2. The organ where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur.

A. Diaphragm B. Bronchial tube C.lungs D. Trachea

3. It's is also known as the voice box and is the main site for sound production.

A. Pharynx B. Larynx C. Lungs D. Trachea

4. It is located at the bottom of the lungs which expand when we exile and contact we inhale.

A. lungs B. tranchea C.diagphragm D.larynx

5. What system is responsible for the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and
between the blood and the body cells.

A.digestive system B.circulatory system C.respiratory system D.immune system

V. Assignment:

Group the learner's into two groups. Let each group make a lung model.

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