Classification of Genetic Diabetes Mellitus: Special Report

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Classification of Genetic Diabetes Mellitus

A classification of genetic diabetes mellitus based on unexplained abortions, fetal deaths, neonatal
abnormalities of carbohydrate metabolism is given be- deaths, or hydramnios.)
low. Progression or regression from one stage to the B. Obesity with abnormal glucose tolerance which-
next may never occur, may proceed slowly over many returns promptly to normal with moderate
years or may be very rapid. This classification does not weight loss.

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consider the presence or absence of vascular disease, for C. Infections, trauma, vascular accidents, burns, im-
patients with minimal glucose intolerance or even nor- paired nutrition, and severe emotional disturb-
mal tolerance may have angiopathy. ances.
D. Treatment with pharmacologic agents, such as
1. Overt Diabetes Mellitus corticosteroids or thiazides.
This is frank diabetes, either of the ketosis-prone E. Endocrinopathies such as acromegaly, Cushing's
or ketosis-resistant type. Fasting hyperglycemia is syndrome, thyrotoxicosis, and pheochromocytoma.
present. Symptoms of hyperglycemia and glucosuria
(Diabetes must also be suspected in elderly subjects
may be present. A glucose tolerance test is not re-
without symptoms and signs of the disease but with
quired for diagnosis.
a glucose tolerance test which in younger indi-
2. Chemical or Latent Diabetes viduals would be considered abnormal.)
This is asymptomatic diabetes. The fasting blood 4. Prediabetes
glucose level may be elevated but is usually normal Prediabetes is a term applied to the period of
and the postprandial level is frequently elevated. time prior to the onset of identifiable diabetes mel-
Oral or intravenous glucose tolerance tests per- litus (overt, chemical or latent). This is a con-
formed in the absence of "stress" give results in the ceptual term identifying the interval between fer-
ranges accepted for diabetes. tilization of the ovum and the demonstration of im-
3. Suspected Diabetes Mellitus {Including "Stress" paired glucose tolerance in an individual predis-
Hyperglycemia) posed to diabetes on genetic grounds but presently
Persons who have temporary carbohydrate in- exhibiting a normal glucose tolerance. It cannot be
tolerance in certain physiological or pathological diagnosed with certainty in the current state of our
situations should be suspected of having diabetes knowledge except in the nondiabetic identical twin
mellitus, particularly when there is a family his- of a diabetic patient and possibly in the offspring
tory of diabetes. Symptoms due to severe hyper- of two diabetic parents.
glycemia occurring during periods of "stress" should
be regarded as representing overt diabetes until COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
proved otherwise. Asymptomatic or symptomatic
George J. Hamwi, M.D.,* Chairman
derangement of carbohydrate tolerance should be re-
Stefan S. Fajans, M.D.,t Vice Chairman
evaluated after total recovery from the "stress." In
George F. Cahill, Jr., M.D.
particular, impaired carbohydrate tolerance in the
Wayne V. Greenberg, M.D.
following situations requires long-term evaluation:
Robert C. Hardin, M.D.
A. Pregnancy. The term "gestational diabetes" in-
Edgar A. Haunz, M.D.
dicates the presence of abnormal glucose toler-
David M. Kipnis, M.D.
ance which reverts to normal following delivery.
Roger H. Unger, M.D.
In these individuals follow-up studies have re-
Kelly M. West, M.D.
vealed a high risk of development of diabetes.
(Diabetes should also be suspected in a woman * Deceased February 1967
whose obstetrical history includes large babies, fAppointed Acting Chairman March 1967

540 DIABETES, VOL. 16, NO. 7

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