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Colour Grading

Be able to colour grade your video

What is colour grading?

Colour grading refers to the stylised colour scheme of your

Why colour grade

Stylises the colour scheme of your footage.
Evokes specific emotions from your viewer.
Transforms footage for the final look.
How to Colour Grade
1. Select the video clip you want
to grade
2. Select the 'Color' tab in top
3. Select 'Creative'
4. Here you can select a pre-
made 'Look' from the drop
down menu
5. You can then adjust the
settings of your chosen 'Look'
6. You want to use colour grading
to help communicate feelings
and emotions
A LUT is: A preset colour look for your video footage. LUTs can be
directly applied to your footage. This makes the grading process go
by much faster, and specific LUTs can transform footage to look like
your favourite films and shows.

Why use LUTs on footage?

Set a predetermined look for a specific visual feeling
Increase the speed at which you can color grade
Use as a reference point to develop your unique style
Make sure you annotate your screenshots
explaining the process you have undertaken to
colour grade your clips

The blue is much more saturated and the brightness is definitely turned down, with
the highlights lowered as well. This is a great look for sci-fi footage, or even a nice
David Fincher noir vibe.
The sky in this clip has completely lost its blue, and become brown,
bringing out those reds and oranges. You’d almost think the lack of colour
contrast would hurt, but it doesn’t.
your Task
In your Happy PowerPoint
1. Insert screenshots of your colour grading techniques
2. Annotate the screenshots explaining what you have adjusted
and why
3. Email this work to Sophie to check once you have completed

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