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0 Introduction:
Globalization has a great impact on local and international businesses. That opens the door for a
local firm to enter the international market. Globalization assists those firms to expand their
business in the whole world and introduces new opportunities for business organisations.
Globalization also creates challenges for both international and local firms. Different local think
about moving into the global competition to diversify their risk and maximize their profits.
Organisations started their international operation as a strategic decision of their business which
helps them to reach a wide range of foreign customers. That also spread the culture of one nation
to another nation had an economic impact on both nations.

Aarong is a renowned lifestyle retail chain in Bangladesh. That organisation operates its business
in Bangladesh for 42 years ago. That organisation is operating in Bangladesh by its parent
organization named BRAC. BRAC actually works for rural development in Bangladesh. As a
part of rural development in Bangladesh, they want to empower rural women. For that purpose,
that organisation arranges training for rural women to produce crafts. After starting such types of
production BRAC faces a lot of difficulties in selling these products to the market. From that
problem, BRAC innovate an alternative to solve that issue and established Aarong in
Bangladesh. Generally, Aarong sells traditional products at its beginning and most of them are
crafts. Now Aarong started to market different fashionable products and lifestyle products to the
community of Bangladesh.

Recently, the managing director of Aarong realised that many companies similar to the nature of
Aarong started their business internationally. For that reason, she also thinks about starting her
business internationally. As a part of a move into an international business, she chose Qatar to
expand her business internationally. To evaluate the potential market of Qatar the managing
director of Aarong thinks about starting research to understand the potential markets of Qatar.
This research project will find the significance of Aarong to stats its global operation in Qatar by
analysing the history, geography, demography, cultural diversity, etc.

1.1 Rationale of the Study:

Aarong operates its business through 22 outlets. Recently, the competitors of Aarong started
their business internationally. The management and managing director of Aarong are very
conscious about their competitor analysis. To compete with their competitor and expand their
business in the global environment they think about starting their overseas operation in a Middle
East country. The managing director of Aarong realizes that the economy, demography, culture
and geography of Qatar is suitable for Aarong to expand its international business operation.

The management of Aarong wants to gather detailed information about the actual and potential
market of Qatar to develop their marketing and operational strategy to start their operation in
Qatar. For that reason, that research is essential for Aarong to evaluate the market of Qatar that
assist the organisation to attain sustainable success in the global business operations.

1.2 Problem Statement:

To identify the feasibility of Aarong to expand its business in Qatar and gain benefits from that
business expansion as a part of the move into a global business.

1.3 Purpose Statement:

 To identify the capability of Aarong to expand its business in Qatar as a part of

expanding business in the Middle East country.
 To evaluate the history, culture, demography, geography, economy, currency, people, etc
of Qatar for starting a business in Qatar.
 To identify the strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of Aarong to expand its
business in Qatar.
 To realize the cultural diversification of Qatar to meet the objectives of Aarong to operate
the business in Qatar.
 To evaluate the political affiliation among Qatar and Bangladesh to engage in
international business.
 To analyse the local competitor of Qatar to achieve competitive success in the business of

1.4 Research Methodology:

This research is made based on qualitative data to evaluate the market feasibility of Qatar to start
international. In that research, secondary data will be collected from several sources including
libraries, internet sources, books and different journals related to the potential market of Qatar.
That research will be conducted through an inductive approach. An inductive approach will
identify the qualitative data to evaluate the potentiality of Aarong in the market of Qatar.

1.5 Limitations:

This research is based on qualitative data analysis. That research will be conducted with
secondary data. That research only identifies the market feasibility but never gather evidence to
prove the hypothesis. There may have differences between the actual data and theoretical data of
the market of Qatar. For that reason, this research cannot evaluate the actual potential market of
Qatar, just identify the feasibility. To remove these limitations, Aarong may conduct deductive
research to gather evidence to prove that qualitative research and identify the actual scenario of

4.0 Demography of Qatar:

4.1 Population:

Near 2,950,893 peoples live in Qatar. All of these people are not native residents of Qatar. That
creates huge cultural diversification among the population of Qatar. Most of the people gather in
Qatar from South Asia, the Middle East and Europe. That chart shows that Qatar has a huge male
surplus. 2.6 million inhabitants live in Qatar. Majorities of these inhabitants lived in Doha. 88%
population of Qatar is a foreigner who is coming to Qatar for their livelihood. Most of them
come from India. Due to the high quantity of foreigners, the living standard of Qatar has
significantly changed in recent years.

4.2 Ethnic Group:

Three ethnic group lives in Qatar. The majority of the ethnic group is Arabs and they grab 60 %
of the total ethnicity. Pakistani are in the second position in the Ethnicity by holding 26% ethnic
population. The rest of the 14 % are European. Those three ethnic groups live in Qatar through

4.3 Age:

70.66% of the population of Qatar fall in the age group of 25 to 54 years. The number of male
populations is 3x of its female population. The second-largest age group is 0-14 years and the
ratio are 12.84 %. 11078 % of the population of Qatar is in 15-24 years. And the rest of the
population is in holder than 54 years.
Age Groups of Qatar

25-54 0-14 15-24 >54

4.4 Gender:
This chart shows the gender ratio of Qatar for 35 years. From the beginning of the chart, there
has been a male surplus in the country. The ratio between males and females in 2020 is 5:1. That
chart indicates that the differences among male and female citizens are increasing day by day.

4.5 Religion:


Muslim Christan Others

The majority of the population of Qatar is Muslims. Muslims hold 77 % of the total population
of Qatar. The second largest religious groups of Qatar are Christian and hold 9% of its total
population. The rest of the 14 % is the combination of a different small religious group. That
includes Hindus, Sikhs, Baha, etc.

4.6 Income:

According to World Bank, the GNI per capita of Qatar is 88,070 PPP dollars by the year 2020. In
2020 the per capita GDP of Qatar is $62.088. That country attains 10 th in the per capita GDP
rank. The majority of its GDP comes from the industrial sector. The portion of its GDP from
industry is 50.3%. The second largest sectors of GDP are services and a portion of its GDP is
49.5 %. The rest of the GDP of Qatar is derived from agriculture.
4.7 Education:

Literacy rate of a country means the capability of its population above 15 years to read and right
and understand the statement of their meaning of life.
Qatar is e country that is basically based on three diffrent groups of people-the Bedouin, Hadar,
and Abd.The nation is located in the eastern coast of Arabian peninsula . The Arabian Gulf
country covers approximately 4,247 miles.They have different and masmarizng
architecture,festival ,food habit,dressing patternt that protects their history.Their culture exhibits
the Arabian tradition ,life style in all the aspects of life.this country gives the chance to look
through a full view of a traditonal Bedouin culture.Here the Bedouin peoples are the decendents
of the nomads of Arabian peninsula.Hadrs were the settled down dwellers and some of them are
decendents of Bedouin.On the other hand Abds are the decendents slaves that brought from the
eastern Africa region .

Talking about the population,as per the statistics of 2017 it has 2.6 million inhabitants ,88%
people of Qatar are foreign workers.There is a vast difference in men and women in the
population ,because the foreign workers come to the country without their family.They live in
the capital.Indians are the most among them.

In the religious view,Qatar is a islamic country and most of them are sunni muslim.Men and
women have seperate dress code.As the country also follow shriah law,it has a great impact on

6.1. Language
As Arabic is closely associated with the islamic faith,Arabic is widely spoken in the country.
Qatari dialect of Arabic is similar to the version spoken in the other Gulf States.

English,Urdu,Farsi are also widely spoken.As there is various foreign workers,the people use
diversified language . Farsi is also widely spoken by families that trace their descent from Iran.
Many Qataries speak in more than one language and they interact in English with the workers.
6.2. Food Culture and Cuisine
The persence of foreign worker in Qatar introduced different foods from all over the
world.Qatari cuisine is closely related to Iran and india.And the recent addition of arabs from
north africa and levante added more diversity.Qatari cuisine include the many native varieties of
dates and seafood.Moreover coffee is a central feature of the cuisine.

The main meal of the day is eaten at midday, with lighter meals in the morning and late evening.
Friday, after prayers, is the main gathering of the week for many families. During the month of
Ramadan, festive meals are served at night.In recent years,several restaurants and fast-food
franchises have opened.In Qatar people like to conduct their business in restaurants and
As a muslim country pork and alcohol is prohibited.

6.3. Group Orientation

As we can see Qatar is similar to Arong’s home country Bangladesh in various social
aspects.Qatar is very much family oriented,friendly to foreign people,muslim
population.Bangladesh is also a country which is based on great social interaction and bonding
.People are so friendly and food enthusiastic.As a religious view both of them follow islam and
its rules .

Though the countries have difference in dress code and legal sides.

Evaluating the impact of Qatar's culture on Aarong:

Qatar has different types of people ,because of the influx of foreign workers.They have a large
amount of south asian population.Here Arong can focus on the customers of
Bangladesh,India,Pakistan.Arong can also focus on the treditional dress of Arab’s.Supplying
Bangladeshi food,ready made cloths,traditional products to that country can open the door of
new exporting opportunity.
9.Business Communication
Business communication is the process for communicating with the people to establish the
business plan,collecting data,understanding the customer’s perception.To communicate
properly,understanding the social factors is much important.It fosters the process.

To conduct a successfull business communication,a practitioner have to follow the code of

conduct,view od time,social gesture,historical background of that country.

Views on punctuality:

Qataries are not that strict for maintaining time; they are likely to be late for meetings, so
including extra meeting time in schedule is benificial.This is not meant to be offensive; it’s just
that cultural norms are a tad different here.

Other essential business practices:

Aarong has to follow other important practices/culture of business in Qatar, which are –

 Salam alaykum (literally, peace be upon you) – is often also used by non-Muslims for
greetings.Also used in official meetings, and the correct reply for it is wa alaykum as-
salam (literally, and upon you be peace).
 Qataris have distinct ways of greeting each other. Men tend to shake hands (always the
right one) as a formal greeting.Meeting with a relative or a close friend, touching noses
twice of one another.
 Here,greeting rules are different between men and women.Men and women do not
normally touch.But some Qatari women feel comfortable shaking hands with a man,
others refrain from doing so. Similarly, men may refrain from extending their hand to
women or even sitting beside them.
 Every opinion should be listened to attentively in order to build a good relation with
those present.Reasons for gnoring few suggestions should be elaborated.
 In Qatar work week starts on Sunday and ends on Thursday.The reason behind this is
cultural ,Because friday is considered a holy day.Both governent and private, open at 6
am and close at 2 pm. Some government offices work on weekends
 Qatari dress code heavily influenced by Islamic customs. Qatari men wear a flowing
white full-length robe (thawb) , over trousers and an undershirt ,with smart sandals and a
keffiyeh (a white headscarf draped over the head) held on with a black rope. Meanwhile,
Qatari women wear a full-length black dress (abaya),generally over Western clothing,but
others wear the veil (hijab).
 Gift sharing is a good practice in Qatar.In religious festivals and in general sharing gift is
seen as a form o good relationship.
 when officially starting to talk about business, you may have several interruptions such as
prayer times, phone calls, and colleagues queries.That time patience is required.

Evaluation of Kenya's business culture:

Assessing the aspects,the cultural factors and business procedure of Qatar,expanding business in
Qatar can be benificial.Because the culture and business ethics is much more close to
Bangladesh.Arong can cope up with ta system of Qatar.The working time should be maintained
properly.The laws of social norms shoild be followed accordingly.

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