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1. How does a radar speed gun work ?

- A radar works by sending radio waves towards a car. When the waves hit the car,
-they bounce back towards the radar gun.
2. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly .
3. Radar speed guns don't need any maintenance. ( True / False )
4. What is a radar detector ?
It is a machine that is used to detect radar speed gun.
5. Can radar guns take pictures ?
Some can take pictures.
6. Radar guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them.
(true / False ).
7. A driver can’t avoid a ticket by speeding away because some radar can take
pictures of the licence plate and identify the owner of the car .


1. When was the radar invented? Why?

2. Why do police use radar speed guns?

3. How does a radar speed gun work?

4. How can drivers avoid radar speed guns?

5. What do drivers do when radar detectors detect radar speed guns?

6. How could the police avoid mistakes when using radar speed guns?

7. How should radar speed guns be maintained?

8. Radar speed guns are still one of ……….

9. When the waves of the radar speed gun hit the car, they ……….
10. A driver can’t avoid a ticket by speeding away because
11. Police Sometimes don’t have to stop the driver while they are
using radar speed gun, why?

12. What is a radar detector?

13. Radar speed guns mistakes can be avoided if ……… and ……….
14. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are ………….

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