Escape Your Endless Decision Cycles

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Your organizational stakeholders need finan-
cial modeling insights to set strategy and
make the best decisions possible.

Sometimes this comes in the form of bulleted

ideas or strategies that need to be quickly
vetted. Other times organizational leaders
want to understand the financial and opera-
tional implications of projects and initiatives,
including what-if questions and alternative

Results of your analysis are leveraged by

the board, executives, business unit leaders,
banks, and investors to make and justify key
decisions, so the answers need to be quick,
thorough, and credible. Many of the decisions
are financial in nature, and stakeholders need
to have the financial evidence and proof to
demonstrate proper due diligence before
moving to a decision-making stage.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 2

Building a Bulleted ideas and strategies become expansive
Financial Model scenario questions for you and your team to answer.

So, like many organizations, you and your team leverage and their associated teams already have full-time jobs, and
spreadsheet models to vet scenarios, run various initiatives creating detailed financial models to answer specific sce-
and assumptions, and provide the board with the insights narios is often on top of that effort.
they need to decide on a course of action.
To make matters worse, building spreadsheet models is an
Most financial modelers use spreadsheets to model and ongoing iterative process, without a clear road-map. It is
analyze stakeholder questions. Spreadsheets start as an easy to create overly inclusive and complex spreadsheet
endless sea of empty cells, meaning you must build in logic models that collapse upon themselves: not responding, and
for the spreadsheet to become a financial model. crashing. Additionally, spreadsheets are error-prone and
the models are fragile. Changing one cell across the multi-
Modeling an income statement is relatively easy, while ple versions and iterations can introduce inconsistencies,
balance sheets are hard and cash flow is impossible. CFOs issues, and critical errors.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 3

An Inability to
Quickly Adapt
The more complex the model, Your organization is evolving, which means there are
the more versions to manage always new ideas and questions on the table. Often, your
model may not be able to answer questions fast enough
and the more likely each to keep pace with organizational goals.
version contains errors
As you model each scenario and slowly answer question
and issues. sets, new scenarios and what-if questions are posed.
To answer the new questions, you need to decide wheth-
er to modify an existing model (which can be difficult to
re-engage on with knowledge locked into one or a couple
of experts), or create a new model (often propagating the
number of spreadsheets, which adds to synchronization
and maintenance challenges).

Multiple spreadsheet versions are usually the answer, and

this results in significant spreadsheet sprawl, additional
management, and time-intensive maintenance.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 4

Presenting a Static
Financial Story
Utilizing a financial analysis tool that can
quickly adapt to new questions is not the
only challenge

Results need to be distilled down into coherent reports, charts, and dash-
boards to effectively communicate to varied audiences (who sometimes might
not be financially literate).

Visualizations are often difficult to initially generate for a wide breadth of different
scenarios. Today, you likely use PowerPoint for presenting to decision-makers, taking
the different scenario outputs from your spreadsheets and copying these into your pre-
sentations. Once generated, those reports and charts can no longer evolve to answer new
questions, and become tedious to maintain across different presentation versions.

Additionally, different audiences require a different narratives in order to convey insights around
future strategies and initiatives. Defining and producing different outputs is incredibly time consuming
when using standard spreadsheet and presentation cut and paste procedures.

These analyses are static, so you have to distribute different analysis reports to accommodate new updates,
questions, or iterations.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 5

The Decision Process so Far

90% 88% 35%

of surveyed organizations of all spreadsheets con- of spreadsheet users
still use spreadsheets as tain significant errors. admit they are fully aware
the primary tool for finan- (Forbes) that the spreadsheets
cial modeling. they manage contain
(Harvard Business Review) errors.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 6

A Need to
Elevate Credibility
Stakeholders need a single credible version of the truth,
and spreadsheets are not delivering.

As you present to the board, key deci- issues, which are difficult to detect and
sions are being made based on your fix.
modeling, analysis, and insights.
Auditing is only possible through time-in-
You don’t want to present a scenario tensive cell-by-cell examination. And a
analysis only to discover mid-presen- lack of drill-down features in your pre-
tation that numbers are incorrect or sentations means that any auditing has
inconsistent. Unfortunately, spread- to be done in advance.
sheet-based models often have critical

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 7


A Lack of
Decisions may be delayed or postponed based on the
72% of senior
think that bad strategic de-
timeliness and diligence of your analysis and presentation. cisions either were about
as frequent as good ones
or were the prevailing
Results from modeling, analyzing, and grated with every financial aspect of your norm in their organization.
presenting should lead to consensus organization. Most models are incapable
around the best organizational trajectory. of incorporating projects and initiatives
However, due to spreadsheet constraints beyond those under direct consideration.
and a general lack of data-integrity, most The lack of integration and consideration
analysis results lead stakeholders to might be resulting in “tunnel vision” with
diverge around next steps. existing spreadsheet models.

Today, it takes a significant amount of

time to create or modify a financial mod-
Without a full-field view of your organi-
zation’s financial possibilities, you may
28% of senior
said that the quality of
el. Answering key questions in order to be missing critical opportunities that are strategic decisions in their
support decisions for each project and simply outside of your current spread- companies were generally
initiative takes even more time. sheet’s scope. good.
Your current models are likely not inte-

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 8

The endless decision cycle represents the burden of continual modeling,
Your Endless the apprehension around opaque analysis, and the resulting lack of credi-
bility when answering stakeholder questions. Financial models built using
Decision Cycle spreadsheets enable and encourage the endless decision cycle, reducing
organizational adaptability and efficiency.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 9


Your Modeling Challenges

are Worth Solving
What is your time worth?
Decrease your burden through advanced modeling. ANALYSIS

What is your confidence worth?

Mitigate your apprehensions with advanced analysis.

What is your reputation worth?
Boost your credibility with advanced insights. INSIGHTS

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 10

Advanced Modeling through
Effortless Configuration
Purpose-built tools, features, and functions make
it easy to build, modify, maintain high-performance

Customized Design Business Building Blocks

Synario’s intuitive interface and dynamic outputs Object-oriented design creates a structured model-
make it easy to communicate complex scenarios. ing environment to manage relationships and miti-
gate risk.

Friendly Integration Pre-Mapped Accounting

Automated import functionality links with any ac- Built-in financial relationships simplify and speed
counting / budgeting / ERP system, allowing for sim- the development of integrated financial statements.
ple historical data integration. Unlike spreadsheets, there is no elaborate formula
writing or complex relationship management.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 11

Advanced Analysis through
Boundless Exploration
Patented Multiverse Modeling™ powers unlimited
live scenarios, enabling rapid comparative analysis.

Dynamic Comparisons Full-Field View

Live side-by-side projections removes the need for Simultaneous control of all assumptions exponential-
conditional logic or clunky manual or macro driven ly expands the sight lines of any analysis.

Advanced Version Control Bundled Assumptions

Non-destructive changes to assumptions and formu- User-friendly controls and bundled assumption sets
las facilitate comparative analysis and version drive alternative views of the future.

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 12

Advanced Insights through
Dynamic Visualizations
Cloud-enabled Analytical and Presentation modes
dynamically animate analysis to broaden projec-
tions and enhance decision-making.

Audience Specific Interfaces Differential Access

Dynamic presentations allow leaders to craft narra- Tailored user-roles ensure model integrity and em-
tives filled with customized outputs tailored for key power broad adoption.

Real-time Results Complete Transparency

Updates flow from the analytical engine to reports Unique drill-down functionality traces the assump-
and charts – across all scenarios – at the same time. tions, formulas, and relationships underpinning any

Escape your Vicious Decision Cycles 13

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