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Today you will read and analyse 2 texts

Text 1 Text 1
Long time ago a remote village in central China, was inhabited mainly by farmers and
hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a flood. He prayed hard to
God for help or his family would die of starvation.
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, passing by his house, took a pity on
the farmer. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and
hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to his surprise the farmer
found an egg in his yard. It was not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly filled
with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier
hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden
egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there
were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
He found nothing! Poor him! Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already
too late.
Text 2
A poor boy sold goods from door to door to pay his school fee in the city of England. One
day, he had only a little money left and he was very hungry. He decided to ask for some food at
the next door he visited. However, he was so nervous when a lovely young woman opened the
door. He only asked a glass of water. The woman thought that the boy was hungry so she gave
him a large glass of milk. He drank it and then he asked the woman. “ How much did I owe you
for the drink? “ you don’t owe me anything ? she said. Mother has taught us to never accept pay
for kindness’ he said. Then I thank you from my heart” .
As the poor kid left the house, he felt stronger. His faith in God was getting stronger too. He
had been ready to stop his study but now he got spirit to continue it until became a doctor.
Some year later that young woman became critically ill. She was sent to the big city to cure
her disease. She didn’t have much money to pay the bill. She was worried and hopeless for her
The doctor who treated her was the poor boy whom she gave milk when he was a kid. When
he knew the name of the town she came from. He went to meet her. He recognized her at once.
He tried hard to save the old woman . After a long struggle, the woman could be cured. The poor
boy paid all the bills. He wrote “ paid in full with a glass of milk’ under the bill. Tears of joy
flooded her eyes as happy heart prayed. “ Thank you God that your love has spread abroad
through human hearts and hands.

pg. 1

Please choose “true” or “false” for the following statements.

A. Comparing text 1 and 2( Write “True or “False ” ) tulis benar atau salah

No Statement Text 1 Text


1. The story is from foreign country TRUE TRUE

2. The character was in a hard life at the beginning of the story TRUE TRUE
3. The main characters in the story are helpful TRUE TRUE
4. The setting of place in the village TRUE FALSE
5. The character was happy at the end of the story FALSE TRUE
6. The main character regretted at the end of the story TRUE FALSE
7 The stories are a kind of legend TRUE FALSE
8 The text is written using simple past tense TRUE TRUE
9 The purpose of the text is to entertain the readers FALSE TRUE
10 The moral value is we must help each other FALSE TRUE
B. Please answer the following question based on the text?
1. Why did the old man help the farmer( text 1)
Because the farmers prayer hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
2. Why did the doctor help the woman (text 2)
Because the doctor wants to repay the woman for giving milk when the doctor was a child.
3. Which story do you like? Why
Text 2, because in the story there is a moral message that can be applied in everyday life.
C. Below are some adjective that is usually used to state moral lesson. Please match and write
again in your table. Untuk pesan moral biasanya diperlukan kata-kata sifat berikut.
Hafalkan dan cocokkan Gunakan warna marker yang berbeda!

Durhaka Wise
Bijaksana Courageous
Jujur Greedy
Dermawan Lazy
Rakus Industrious
Berani Rebelious
Setia Fair
Jahat Generous
Ramah Hospitable
Adil Clumsy
Rajin Upset
Malas Stingy
Ceroboh Arrogant
Sedih Cunning
Sombong Honest
Licik Faithful

pg. 2

Pelit Mean

pg. 3

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