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FORCE DÉMOCRATIQUE HAITIEN INTÉGRÉ • Tel. : 509-4622-9863 • Tel. : 215-833-0499 •

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January 14, 2022

Pétion Ville, Haiti



The socio-political saga of a destructive directed society continues…

President of the United States of America

Mister President,

Please excuse me, Mr. President, for being continually repetitive in my correspondence with you, because it is so difficult and
heartbreaking for us to see the United States under your leadership allow HAITI to plunge deeper into a country of no-right and

“The first week of February 2021, I sent two separate correspondences to Mr. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State and Ms. Nancy
Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives. On both occasions I alerted them to a "National Tsunami, Destroyer of Human
Lives in Haiti, if the USA does not intervene diplomatically as a matter of urgency". On both occasions, I specified that "I was in no
way asking for military assistance from the United States" but, the United States being an international mediator and our neighbor, I
hoped that they would assist us with sensitivity without interference of our efforts in the autonomy of our country, for a new
Democratic Haiti despite our political diversity in the achievement of this objective”. Dr. Eddy Delaleu, February 17, 2021

Many things have happened since I wrote these letters, such as:

- The atrocious murder of a President in his residence under the indifferent gaze of the agents ensuring his

- The mass exodus of Haitian citizens fleeing their native country towards the borders of El Rio, Texas and Mexico
due to socio-political and economic instability never seen in our history as a people.

These two events are flagrant signs of a dying democracy still in its embryonic stage since the fall of the Duvalier regime. Moreover,
despite the cry of the Haitian people in disagreement with the mandate of the late President Jovenel Moïse, for unjustifiable reasons
your government continued to support a de facto President who had become Jovenel Moïse as of February 7, 2021 and the day
after the assassination of the latter your government never ceased to support a self-proclaimed de facto Prime Minister whose
name was widely cited in the murder of President Moïse. In any democratic society, Mr. Ariel Henry would be obliged to resign from
his post to answer questions from Justice or international investigators. It is clear that the situation experienced by the Haitian
nation is by far more harmful than it had been during the obscurantist dictatorial regime of Duvalier father and son. It also has the
particularity of threatening the stability of the region and encouraging a migratory rush towards the Florida coast of our compatriots
fleeing poverty and generalized insecurity. A few steps from your territory, heavily armed factions impose their law on our dying
Republic. And I admit this Mr. President: if nothing is done before February 7, 2022, the fire will be set in the powder keg and
the consequences will be beyond measure both for Haiti and for the Region.

Today, Mr. President, we have no other alternative than to resort to a solution, even if only slightly institutional, under the guidance
of the Haitian constitution, notwithstanding the characteristic weaknesses of this constitution. This is, in my humble opinion, the only
way towards a resolution of the crisis likely to achieve unanimity within Haitian society by exponentially reducing the derailment of
the already failing social, political and economic order in our society.

Yes, a Haitian solution is the only desirable one; however this approach continues to come up against petty, egocentric interests
and the proliferation of clans wanting to pull the sheet each on their own side and this against the higher interests of the nation.

Several agreements for the resolution of the crisis are on the table. However, the only viable agreement would be the one that will
include the intervention of the Court of Cassation. I persist and I sign: Any motion for a resolution that does not include the State
Supreme Court is doomed to fail and will wade us into murky waters of social, political and economic instability and we will not stop
from going to the inevitable situation that would take us back to where we started some thirty-five years ago, the day after Duvalier's

Mr. President, you have this opportunity as the first Democratic President of the United States to publicly lift this
undeclared occupation and embargo on Haiti since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who openly made no secret of
his disparagement of the first black Republic free in the world. You have the opportunity to go down in history unlike the
other Democratic presidents you have succeeded.

Just like Americans, we Haitians must strive to see democratic and constitutional values respected and accepted as the rule of law
so that we too can live in social conditions equal to those of our neighboring countries. Mr. President, as a world leader, mindful of
our historic relationship, neither territorial size nor population size should matter in making the historic decision to prevent Haiti from
plunging deeper into the abyss. You have the power and the honest obligation to move forward by delegating a diplomatic envoy
with a mandate of real mediation without exclusion in order to achieve a Transition headed by a Judge of the Court of
Cassation with a well-planned established for stability and national security and to organize general, free, fair and inclusive
elections, which alone will bring us into a democratic society that is truly necessary for the economic development of Haiti.

I sincerely hope, Mr. President, that you and your administration will find an appropriate solution, based on constitutional and
democratic values, to restore law and order in this situation of continuous deterioration, instability and insecurity.

On behalf of the Haitian people, the Haitian Diaspora and the political party Force Démocratique Haïtien Intégré-FDHI, I thank
you for your collaboration and immediate action.

Receive, Mr. President my distinguished regards.


Dr. Eddy Delaleu
General Secretary-FDHI

mb : Dr.ED
cc : Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
Mr. Antony Blinken, State Secretary
Media Directors

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