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Submitted in Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for Writing a Thesis at

English Education Department





LIST OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study...............................................................................1
1.2. Research Question.........................................................................................4
1.4. Significance of the Study..............................................................................5
1.5. Scope of the Study........................................................................................5
1.6 Hypothesis......................................................................................................6
1.7. Definition of Terms.......................................................................................6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................7

2.1. Vocabulary....................................................................................................7
2.1.1. Definition of Vocabulary........................................................................7
2.1.2. Types of Vocabulary...............................................................................9
2.1.4. Teaching Vocabulary............................................................................11
2.1.5 Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary.....................................................12
2.2. Google Translate.........................................................................................15
2.2.1. Definition of Google Translate.............................................................15
2.2.2. How Does Google Translate Works?...................................................17
2.2.3. The Advantages of Google Translate...................................................18
2.3. Using Google Translate to Teach English Vocabulary...............................20
2.4. Previous Study.............................................................................................22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD............................................................26

3.1. Design of the Study.....................................................................................26
3.2. Variable of the Study...................................................................................26
3.3. Population and Sample................................................................................27
3.3.1. Population.............................................................................................27
3.3.2. Sample..................................................................................................27
3.4. Instrument....................................................................................................27
3.5. Marking Scheme..........................................................................................28
3.6. Procedure of Data collection.......................................................................29
3.6.1. Pre-test..................................................................................................29
3.6.2. Treatment..............................................................................................29
3.6.3. Post-test.................................................................................................30
3.7. Technique of Data Analysis........................................................................30

REFERENCES...……… ……………… ………………………………………31



This chapter presents the introduction, which includes: background of the

study, research question, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of

the study and definition of terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Theoretically, language is the king of all disciplines. Without language,

many people will be complicated to interact and explain anything what they are

talking about. According to Verderber (1999), language is the body of words and

the system for communicating common to the people of the same community or

nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. Tumbal et al.,

(2020) also added that language plays an important role in human life as a

communication tool between two or more people. Therefore, language conveys

ideas, opinions, and feelings among or between two participants in oral or written

form around them.

There are many languages that people have in the world includes English,

Indonesian, Arabic, Chinese, etc. These languages are used to interact with other

people around them. As a language, English is used as a tool of communication to

build interaction with other people, and it is an international language. Thus,

people should know and speak English to communicate with other people in a

different country.

According to Krstanović & Marinac (2019), English is considered by

applied linguists to be a new paradigm for research, practice and English language

teaching. English is an international language that is very important to be

mastered well. People may speak English every time and everywhere. To

communicate with a foreigner, we should use English for communication with

them. It means, learning English is needed in this era.

Learning English is very important because it has become an international

language. Even though our country is still a foreign language, it is very important

to master it because many aspects of our activity use English, such as business

activity, the technology operates, tourism, and the names of technology products.

If we are looking for a new job, we also have to know English, such as active or

passive English. English is also taught for schools in today’s Indonesian

curriculum. Therefore, the students are hoped to enhance their ability in English.

In Indonesia, English has become the first foreign language, so that many

people still cannot speak English well. They do not use English in daily life,

whereas English is an important language that must be known. English is used in

many countries to create a competitive generation. We cannot communicate or

interact with others in our daily lives and social networking without language,

especially English. Our English will be good when vocabulary is true. Therefore,

teaching vocabulary is one of the keys to increase the students' English skills, and

it is also a based element to build students' language skills.

Teaching vocabulary is crucial for learning a language (Alqahtani, 2015).

Students cannot listen, read, speak, and write well without processing sufficient

vocabulary. They cannot establish their ability to communicate and convey their

need as good as possible without having enough vocabulary. Schmitt (2000) noted

that learners carry around dictionaries and not grammar books. The mastery of

vocabulary is a difficult task to do because vocabulary is complex. This

complexity brings difficulties to the students who try to master vocabulary. The

difficulties may arise from the word itself, and hard to overcome. This is probably

caused by the word forms, various meanings, and word choices (Kustaryo &

Salombe, 1995). Therefore, teaching vocabulary helps students understand and

communicate with others in English.

Based on the researcher's observation in the second grade of students in

SMP Negeri 13 Kendari, they were lacking of vocabulary mastery. Realizing such

difficulties, it was not enough for the English teacher to prepare only word lists

and memorize the words. They are expected to provide students with riching and

giving exercise to help them to enhance their vocabulary. Teachers should find a

solution by creating efficient and effective techniques in teaching vocabulary.

Therefore, the researcher will use one of the applications as a method to help the

students in the English learning process easier, particularly in mastering the

English vocabulary.

There are, of course, many methods or techniques that can help the

students enlarge and master the English vocabulary. One of them can be applied

to help the students in mastering vocabulary by Google translation. This idea

comes from the researcher’s experience to enhance her vocabulary. According to

Herlina et al., (2019), Google Translate is a free machine translation service made

available by the Google Company for translating texts and messages from one

language into another. A study by Brahmana et al., (2020) also mentioned that

Google Translate is a free translation service that provides instant translations in

hundreds of different languages. It can translate words, sentences, and web pages

among the combinations of our supported languages. The features in Google

Translate include some interesting features, such as instant translation,

highlighting words and phrases, diction selection, pronunciation preview, and

others. These features are combined in one user interface.

Google Translate is unique and has sufficient to comprehend the meaning

of the words, verbalize the word, and the example of using the words. It also can

be used when the students find unfamiliar words. They should see words

surrounding the unfamiliar words. Google Translate is useful in guiding the

students to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words or difficult words they find

on their text. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled

"The Effect of Using Google Translation on English Vocabulary in SMP Negeri

13 Kendari". The researcher chooses Google translation because it helps and

encourages many students to sustain their interest and work. With Google

Translate, the students have a lot of fun and get rid of their tiresome during the


1.2. Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, the research question of this

study is “Does using Google Translation affect the students’ English vocabulary

in SMP Negeri 13 Kendari?”

1.3. Objective of the Study

Related to the research question, the objective of this study is to find out

whether the use of Google Translation affects the students’ English vocabulary in

SMP Negeri 13 Kendari.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected:

a.) Theoretically

1. To become a new perspective in teaching vocabulary.

2. To become a model in the research of teaching vocabulary.

b.) Practically

1. For students are expected to improve student's vocabulary. The findings of

this study are expected to be useful for learning English as a foreign

language, especially in teaching writing and giving useful information to

the teacher so that they will be more creative in implementing the

translation ability, especially in writing vocabulary.

2. The teachers/lecturers are expected to get new information for teaching


3. For other researchers are expected to do further research about the effect of

Google Translate.

1.5. Scope of the Study

In conducting this study, the researcher is under the discipline of applied

linguistics. This is restricted to teaching vocabulary by using Google Translation

in the second grade of students of SMP Negeri 13 Kendari. The researcher will

only focus on finding the effect of using Google Translate on students'

vocabulary mastery. The students will operate Google Translation to find out

the underlined words on their text and write the words in their paper with the


1.6 Hypothesis

The study's hypothesis proposes in terms of the null hypothesis (Ha) and

the alternative hypothesis (Ho).

Ha: Google Translate can significantly affect the students’ vocabulary in the

second grade of students of SMP Negeri 13 Kendari.

Ho: Google Translate does not significantly affect the students’ vocabulary in the

second grade of students of SMP Negeri 13 Kendari.

1.7. Definition of Terms

Several terms will explain the variables of this study, namely:

1. Vocabulary is the core component of all aspects of language competencies.

Someone's vocabulary greatly affects the ability in learning a language

primarily (Nurdini, 2017)

2. Google Translate is a free translation service that provides instant translations

between dozens of different languages. It can translate words, sentences and

web pages between any combinations of our supported languages (Chandra &

Yuyun, 2018).



2.1. Vocabulary

2.1.1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the essential components when studying a language.

Students should learn these components if they want to learn a target language.

Willis (1996) mentioned that students grow in verbal fluency, writing, and

comprehension with enhanced vocabulary. When students build vocabulary

mastery, they can more effectively communicate their ideas, knowledge, and

opinion. Nurdini & Marlina (2017) also defined vocabulary as the core component

of all aspects of language competencies. Someone's vocabulary greatly affects the

ability in learning a language primarily. It is supported by Ur (1996), who defined

vocabulary as several English words taught in the foreign language learning

process. Therefore, vocabulary must be appropriate with the curriculum for a

school in the foreign language teaching and learning process.

Schmitt in Nation (2000) stated that vocabulary knowledge is only one of

the language skills components such as reading and speaking. By seeing the

vocabulary used, it can define the knowledge about the language learned.

According to Richards (2002), vocabulary is the core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read, and write. Jackson and Amvela (2000) say that the terms of vocabulary,

lexis, and lexicon are synonymous. To sum up, vocabulary is a list of words for a

specific language, including the meaning taught by the teacher to teach students a

specific language.

The vocabulary of language always changes and grows. As life becomes

more complex, people devise or borrow new words to describe people’s activities.

No one knows the exact numbers of words in the English vocabulary today. In

language learning, vocabulary takes place in building language proficiency. The

objective of vocabulary mastery is to make the students have good language

proficiency in the language skills. It depends on the quality and quantity of the

vocabulary that they have mastered. The more vocabulary that students can

master, the better the skills that can be achieved in using language.

Harmer in Fitriana (2018) summarizes that knowing a word (vocabulary)

means knowing about meaning, word use, word formation, and word grammar.

Metaphors and idioms also govern word meaning, e.g., the word hiss refers to the

noise of a snake and someone’s threat to others. In collocation, a word goes with

each other, such as headache, earache, and so on. In addition, style and register

are applied by differentiating the language used by someone either in a formal or

informal context, for example, hello (formal) and hi (informal).

Furthermore, Hammer (1991) said that teaching vocabulary is clearly more

than just presenting new words. This may, of course, have its place, but there are

other issues too. However, not all vocabulary can be learned through interaction

and discovery techniques. This statement implies that learning vocabulary cannot

always be done through interaction and discovery techniques for beginners. The

reason is that, in doing such as technique, the learners are demanded to have an

adequate vocabulary. It means that the students need to memorize and recall many

vocabularies that have been mastered before.

Meanwhile, according to Cameron (2001), vocabulary is not simply about

learning words, but it is actually much more than that. It is also about learning

chunks and finding words inside them.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the

knowledge of words and word meanings. It is about the words in language used to

express meaning. Therefore, learning vocabulary is a crucial matter in developing

their English.

2.1.2. Types of Vocabulary

According to the basis of frequency, Nation in Schmitt (2000) mentioned

that vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, namely high-frequency vocabulary

and low-frequency vocabulary.

a. High-frequency vocabulary consists of words used very often in normal

language, used in all four skills and across various situations. High-frequency

vocabulary consists of 2000 words families, about 87% of running words in

formal written text and more than 95% of the words in informal spoken texts.

b. On the other hand, low-frequency vocabulary covers only a small

proportion of the running words of a continuous text, which means that

low-frequency vocabulary is rarely used in the common activity of the

English language. This group includes well over 100.000-word families.

Additionally, vocabulary is classified into the active and passive

vocabulary. A detailed explanation can be seen in the following below.

a. Active Vocabulary or Productive Vocabulary is the words the students can

understand, pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and

writing. It is also called a productive vocabulary, although it is more difficult

to put into practice. It means that in order to use productive vocabulary, the

students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well. They must be able to

use the grammar of the language target. They are also hoped to be familiar

with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words. This

type is often used in speaking and writing skills.

b. Passive Vocabulary or Receptive Vocabulary refers to language items that can

be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening and are

also called receptive vocabulary.

Moreover, Burton (1992) stated that people use two kinds of vocabulary

for their communication: general vocabulary and special vocabulary. The general

vocabulary is the words used in general; there is no limit of fields or users, general

in meaning and use. The special vocabulary is used in a certain field, job,

profession, or special science, for example, politicians, journalists and lawyers.

All these have specialized vocabulary arising from particular circumstances of

their lives and works.

In line with this, Nation (2000) also distinguished vocabulary into

increasing vocabulary and establishing vocabulary. Increasing vocabulary means

introducing learners to new words and thus starting their learning. Establishing

vocabulary means strengthening this initial knowledge, encouraging the

knowledge of particular words to develop and expand.

From the explanation above, we understand that every expert in every

book is different in classifying vocabulary because every person has different

perspectives in showing and telling their opinions and ideas.

2.1.3 Principles of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important, so it needs serious attention in learning

vocabulary from both learners and teachers. It becomes a challenging activity for

the teacher to teach vocabulary, what kinds of methods they use, what kind of

vocabulary they give, or how many vocabularies they should teach. Schmitt

(1997) mentioned some key principles in teaching vocabulary, including:

a. Building a large sight of vocabulary.

b. Integrating new words with previous words.

c. Providing a number of encounters with a word.

d. Promoting a deep level of processing.

e. Facilitating imaging.

f. Making new words "real" by connecting them to the student's word in some


g. Using various techniques.

h. Encouraging independent learning strategies.

2.1.4. Teaching Vocabulary

Alqahtani (2015) mentioned that teaching vocabulary is crucial for

learning a language as languages are based on words. It is almost impossible to

learn a language without words; even communication between human beings is

based on words. Recent research indicates that teaching vocabulary may be

problematic because many teachers are not confident about the best practice in

vocabulary teaching and do not know where to begin an instructional emphasis on

word learning (Berne & Blachowicz, 2008). Either teachers or students agree that

vocabulary acquisition is a central factor in teaching a language (Walters, 2004).

Teaching vocabulary is considered as one of the most discussed parts of

teaching English as a foreign language. When the teaching and learning process

takes place, problems would appear to the teachers. They have problems with how

to teach students in order to gain satisfying results. The teachers should be

concerned that teaching vocabulary is something new and different from student’s

native language. They also have to take into account that teaching English for

young learners is different from adults. The teacher should prepare and find out

the appropriate techniques, which will be implemented to the students.

2.1.5 Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary

Teachers play an important role in developing students' vocabulary

knowledge. Teachers may apply some strategies to assist their students in

enriching their vocabulary knowledge by using some techniques in teaching

vocabulary. Techniques and strategies teachers will determine how students learn

words. In teaching vocabulary, there are some techniques that teachers can use.

Other researchers also mention other vocabulary teaching techniques such as

context technique (Carl, 2003b), essential word technique (Foil & Alber, 2002),

words link (Yopp, 2007), and semantic mapping technique (Foil & Alber, 2002).

Palmberg (1990) proposes that "two main types of teaching methods improve

vocabulary learning. The first focuses on the sense of L2 based exercises and

activities, which stand as a main target of CLT, and has received much attention

in recent vocabulary teaching practices and materials. The second, however,

focuses on the development of learners' own L2 association."

According to Suyatno in Rohmatillah (2004), there are several techniques

concerning the teaching of vocabulary.

1. Teaching vocabulary using Objects

This technique helps students remember vocabulary easier because

memory for objects and pictures is very reliable, and visual techniques can act as

cues for remembering words. Using this technique includes the use of visual aids

and demonstrations.

2. Teaching vocabulary by drilling, spelling, and active involvement

Drilling is employed to make learners get accustomed to the word form,

especially to how it sounds. In order to make learners more familiar with the

word, drilling should be clear and natural. Drilling is very necessary since learners

need to say the word to them as they learn it to recall the words from memory.

Word spelling needs to be considered since spelling forms of English words is not

always inferred by the pronunciation. Employing this technique, the teacher

encourages the students to find out words meaning by elicitation.

3. Teaching vocabulary using drawing and picture

Objects can either be drawn on the blackboard or drawn on flashcards. The

latter can be used again and again in different contexts if they are made with cards

and covered in plastic. They can help young learners easily understand and realize

the main points that they have learned in the classroom. Teaching vocabulary

using pictures connect students" prior knowledge to a news story, and in the

process, help them learn new words. There are plenty of vocabularies that can be

introduced by using illustrations or pictures. They are excellent means of making

the meaning of unknown words clear. They should be used as often as possible.

4. Teaching vocabulary using mime, expressions and gestures.

The term mime or gesture is useful if it emphasizes the importance of

gestures and facial expressions on communication. At the essence, it can be used

to indicate the meaning of a word found in a reading passage and speaking

activity as it stresses mostly communication. Many words can be introduced

through mime, expressions, and gestures, for example, adjectives: "sad"," happy";

mime and taking a hat off your head to teach hat and so on.

5. Teaching vocabulary using enumeration and contrast

An enumeration is a collection of items that is a complete, ordered listing of

all of the items in that collection. It can be used to present meaning. In other

words, this technique helps when any word is difficult to explain visually. We can

say "clothes" and explain this by enumerating or listing various items. The teacher

may list several clothes, e.g. address, a skirt, trousers etc., and then the meaning of

the word "clothes" will become clear.

6. Teaching vocabulary through guessing from context

Guessing from context as a way of dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary in

unedited selections has been suggested widely by L1 and L2 reading specialists.

The specific context as the other words and sentences surrounding that word

follows that other words in the context of the unfamiliar word often "throw light

on" its meaning. These other words can be found in the sentence containing the

unknown word or other sentences beyond the sentence of the unknown item.

Learning from context includes learning from extensive reading and learning from

taking part in a conversation and learning from listening to stories, films,

television, or the radio.

2.2. Google Translate

Talking about Google Translate tells about media social networking,

which almost every person uses to translate or understand the meaning of words

and sentences online. Many people in the round of the world know it. This is a

social media used by people who want to understand the meaning of words and

sentences from one language to another. One of them is Indonesian to English or

from English to Indonesian. In order to clear the concept of Google Translate,

firstly, we have better know what is Google translate or translation is.

2.2.1. Definition of Google Translate

Google Translate is a free translation service that provides instant

translations between dozens of different languages. Chandra and Yuyun (2018)

mentioned that Google Translate (GT), as one of Google's products, has become a

popular translation tool for language students. It can translate words, sentences

and web pages between any combinations of our supported languages. With

Google Translate, we hope to make information universally accessible and useful,

regardless of the language in which it’s. Google Translate is a free multilingual

statistical machine – translation service provided by Google.Inc. to translate

written text from one language into another language.

According to Bahri (2016), Google Translate is a free machine translation

service made available by the Google Company for translating texts and messages

from one language into another. Currently, it is accessible through a web interface

along with smartphone apps/interfaces and application programming interfaces

(APIs) that can fit into the new software. According to Boitet in Li (2014), Google

translate is an automatic machine-translation service provided by Google Inc.

People just type a word, and automatically, the meaning of every word comes out

from various languages. Maulida (2016) also stated Google Translate is a free

multilingual machine translation service developed by Google to translate text,

speech, images, sites, or real-time video from one language into another.

Nonetheless, Google Translator is the most popular machine translation viewed

by 200 million users on average. In other words, Google Translate is a machine

translation developed by Google to translate the word, text, sentence and others.

According to Jaganathan, Hamzah & Subramaniam (2014), one of the

important tools in language learning in English Foreign Language (EFL) students

is Google Translate. It provides fast access to translation and meaning in

analyzing the semanticist in language learning by instant tapping the mobile

phone. Further, in their research, they state that peers influence the popularity of

Google Translate in the group of students.

They found that Google Translate has a significant role in helping students

analyze semanticists and understand the meaning of words in their classroom

activity. However, they still need to point out that fast and quick response does

not equate to words' exact and relevant meaning. Therefore, the teachers of

English foreign language students have to give instruction and simplify Google

Translate in their classroom activity. According to this research, the group of

students still relies on their teachers despite the existence of modern language

learning equipment.

From these statements above, it can be concluded that Google Translate is

one of the popular machine translators. Also, Google Translate indeed has a

significant role in helping students in their classroom activities. Even though the

accuracy still becomes the problem, the students prefer to use it more frequently

since Google Translate is easy to operate by instant tapping the mobile phone.

However, what needs to point out is that the teachers should take a role to help

and lead by hand their students to maximize the use of Google Translate in the

classroom activity, especially in translation needs. For example, one subject that

needs help from Google Translate is writing skills.

2.2.2. How Does Google Translate Works?

When Google Translate generates a translation, it looks for patterns in

hundreds of millions of documents to help you decide on the best translation for

you. Detecting patterns in documents that translators have already translated,

Google Translate can make intelligent guesses about the appropriate translation.

This process of seeking patterns in large amounts of text is called "statistical

machine translation". Since machines generate the translations, not all translations

will be perfect. The more human translated documents that Google Translate can

analyze in a specific language, the better the translation quality will be.

Robert Quigley (2010) stated that Google Translation is by no means a

perfect translation service, you are still going to have to invest in those language

classes if you want to be able to communicate with speakers of foreign tongues

fluently – but if you remember the online wasteland that preceded it, you will

know it’s pretty darn good at conveying the gist of what you are trying to express.

2.2.3. The Advantages of Google Translate

Google Translate can be used to translate text faster, even in seconds. If

you find a website in a foreign language, Google can automatically translate one

page of the website. This service is also integrated with Google Chrome


1. Google Translate provides translation services for many languages. This

translator database engine is indeed very complete. You can translate

documents from the source language to the target language you want. Even

this software is also equipped with an automatic detection language. When

you type with certain words, the software is able to provide insight. If you

mistype a certain word, Google can display auto-suggestions.

2. Google Translate offers a service for each of its users. You don't need to

have a Google account to access this online translator facility. You only

need to access the website and enter the source text to access it.

3. This free service is the main attraction of Google Translate. For translation

services in many languages, Google does not charge any fees. Just compare

it when you need to buy translation software.

Using GT in the learning process can be used to improve the ability to

learn English. However, the GT translation could not be used as an accurate

reference because the GT translation is machine translation that is inaccurate in

terms of its grammar and could not be equated with the results of human

translation. So, the importance of the role of teachers in understanding the use of

GT well and teaching students about what rules students should do when using

GT in terms of first grammar and a second language to improve students' skills in

their first language and foreign languages are important (Alley, 2015).

In addition, Zanettin (2009) stated that if students were aware of the

shortcomings of the results of the Google Translation, they tended to examine the

translation critically to ensure the quality of the GT output. Then the

metacognitive view strategy is important for students if they want to be successful

uses GT in the learning process with the aim of monitoring learning outcomes

using GT. Pritchard (2008) states that when students use metacognitive strategies

and critically check the results of translations, it can lead to increased language


According to Gracia (2010), the three strategies for using GT are first pre-

editing, which is to make sure the first language is effective in terms of grammar

to be translated into the target language. The second is post-editing, namely,

correcting the GT translation results by ensuring the target language context is in

accordance with the first language. The third is selectively used, namely the

choice of words that are in accordance with the context of the writing. All three of

these have improved students' understanding of reading and writing in the

learning process.

2.3. Using Google Translate to Teach English Vocabulary

Google Translate is one of the great techniques and interests in the

classroom because it is a free online translation tool available to teachers and

students in the teaching and learning process. Students can access this tool to find

out what they need. For instance, the students want to find the synonym of the

words and know the words' using. Bear states that there are several Google

Translate offer.

1. Google Translate: translation

This is the most traditional tool. Enter text or any URL, and Google

Translate will provide translation in 52 languages, so you shall probably find what

you need. Google Translate translations are not perfect, but they are getting better

all the time (more about this later).

a) Ways to use Google Translate – translation in class

- Have students write short texts in English and translate them into their

original language. Using Google Translate for translation can help students

catch grammatical errors by spotting these errors in the translation.

- Use authentic resources, but provide the URL and have students translate

the original into their target language. This will help out when it comes to

difficult vocabulary.

- Make sure that students use Google Translate only after they have first

read the article in English.

- For beginners, ask students first to write short texts in their mother tongue.

Have them translate into English and ask them to tweak the translation.

- Provide your own short text and let Google Translate into the class target

language(s). Ask students to read the translation and then try to come up

with the original English text.

- If all else fails, use Google Translate as a bilingual dictionary.

2. Google Translate: translated search

Google Translate also provides a translated search function. This tool is

extremely powerful for finding accompanying content to help students take

advantage of authentic materials in English. Google Translate provides this

translated search to find pages written in another language that focuses on the

search term you provided in English. In other words, if we're working on business

presentation styles, using Google Translate translated search, I can provide some

background materials in Spanish or any different language.

a) Ways to use Google Translate – translated search in class

- When stuck on a grammar point, search on the grammar term to explain

learners' mother tongue(s).

- Use as a means to provide the context in learners' mother tongue(s). This is

especially useful if students aren't familiar with the topic area. They can

become familiar with some of the ideas in their own language and English

to help strengthen the learning experience.

- Use translated search to find pages on a particular topic. Cut and paste a

few paragraphs out, have students then translate the text into English.

- Google Translate translated search is fantastic for group projects. Often

you'll find students don't have ideas or are not sure where to begin.

Sometimes, this is because they aren't too familiar with the subject in

English. Let them use translated search to get them started.

2.4. Previous Study

Several studies have been conducted concerning the effect of Google

Translate on English vocabulary. Each researcher identified a different problem.

Those studies can be seen in this section.

First, a study conducted by Alsalem (2019) investigated the effects of the

uncontrolled use of Google Translate on the development of students' translation

skills. This study aimed to find out if the current patterns of Google Translate use

by translation students could impact their learning outcomes, and if so, in what

ways. This study used think-aloud data from the actual translation efforts of four

students. The analysis of the four subjects' translations showed that their

overreliance on Google Translate for first drafts reduced their propensity to search

for equivalents. However, when students post-edit poorly constructed Google

Translate sentences, they carried out a process of analysis and synthesis similar to

translating from scratch. The study concludes that post-editing Google Translate

translation is beneficial for translation students' development of translation skills.

Still, it warns against introducing or allowing its use at the elementary stages of

translation training.

Second, a study by Chandra & Yuyun (2018) examined the use of Google

Translate in EFL essay writing. This study aimed to investigate further the

practice of Google Translate in EFL essay writing and its role in language

learning. The study was conducted in Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana,

involving eight Ukrida Department of English respondents. Two methods were

used, such as mediated observation and interview. A writing task was given to

each respondent, and their writing process was recorded using a screen-recording

application. The data collected from the writing tasks were analyzed by

classifying it into appropriate writing aspects while the interview data were

transcribed. The result showed that students used Google Translate in three

different aspects: vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Vocabulary became the

highest used, with word-level became the first one, followed by phrase as a

second highest, and sentence as the third. Spelling became the fourth highest used,

while grammar was the least used among students. It is also found that Google

Translate is perceived as a dictionary as students use Google Translate mostly in

understanding vocabulary items.

Third, Tsai (2019) investigated the impact on extemporaneous English-

language first drafts by using Google Translate in three different tasks assigned to

Chinese sophomore, junior, and senior students of English as a Foreign Language

majoring in English. Students wrote first in Chinese (Step 1), then drafted

corresponding texts in English (Step 2), and translated Chinese into English using

the 2016 Google Translate version (Step 3), and finally compared their self-

written English texts drafted in Step 2 and their Google Translate English texts

translated from the Chinese texts in Step 3. Both English drafts were analyzed

using two types of online computational assessments to compare and evaluate

grammatical components of writing quality and linguistic features. Results

indicate that the Google Translate English texts presented several components of

significantly higher writing quality than those of students' SW texts, by having

more words, fewer mistakes in spelling and grammar, and fewer errors per word.

In addition, there were more advanced-level words in the students' Google

Translate texts than in their SW ones. A follow-up questionnaire survey indicated

that EFL students found satisfaction with using Google Translate in their English

writing, especially in finding vocabulary items and enhancing the completion of

English writing.

Lastly, a study conducted by Bahri (2016) examined the use of Google

Translate as a supplementary tool for helping international students at Universiti

Sains Malaysia (USM) to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in learning

Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Language). The study participants were 16 international

students at the School of Languages, Literacies, and Translation, USM, who had

registered for the LKM 100 Bahasa Malaysia (I) course. Based on the literature

review, analysis of the collected data, and an assessment of the course content and

activities inside and outside the language classroom, the findings suggest that

most international students at USM recognize Google Translate as an effective

supplementary tool for learning vocabulary, writing, and reading in Bahasa

Malaysia. Some students reported that they could optimally benefit from their

self-learning if they could use Google Translate effectively. Moreover, using

Google Translate to do classroom tasks and activities can encourage students to

study independently and shape their own strategies for solving language learning


Several previous studies above describe the use of Google Translate and

its effect on several skills, such as writing skills, subject translation and others.

The researchers have not explained how the effect of using Google Translate to

improve students' vocabulary in learning English. Thus, this can be one of the

reasons the researcher conducted this study.



3.1. Design of the Study

This study will apply a quasi-experimental design, which uses two classes,

namely experimental class, and control class. Each class will be given a post-test

after treatment. The design of this study can be seen as follow:

Table 3.1. The Design of the Study

Group Independent Variable Post-test

(R) E X Y2
(R) C Y2


R = the random assignment of subjects in the experimental and treatment group.

E = the experimental class.

C = the control class.

X = the experimental treatment.

Y2 = the post-test to measure the second dependent variable (Ary et al., 2010:).

3.2. Variable of the Study

A variable is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured

or counted. A variable consists of two parts, namely independent variable and

dependent variable. The presumed cause in a cause-effect relationship is the

independent variable, and the presumed effect is the dependent variable

(Flannelly, 2014). The independent variable of this study is the use of Google

Translate (X), while the dependent variable is the students’ vocabulary.

3.3. Population and Sample

3.3.1. Population

The population of this study is all the second-grade students of SMP

Negeri 13 Kendari. The total numbers of the population are 112 students and will

divide into some classes.

Table 3.2 Description of the total population at the second grade of students

Class Number of Students
1. VIII A 28
2. VIII B 27
3. VIII C 28
4. VIII D 29

3.3.2. Sample

In taking the sample, this study will employ nonprobability sampling,

which is used purposive sampling. The sample of this study is the second-year

students consisting of the experiment class is VIII A with 28 students and control

class was class VIII C with 28 students of the second grade in SMP Negeri 13

Kendari. The total numbers of students as a sample in this study are 56 students.

3.4. Instrument

In this study, the researcher will use a test as the instrument for collecting

data. This test consists of 10 items. They comprise multiple-choice, completion,

matching. Their score is 10 for each item. This instrument is used to measure the

students’ vocabulary after treatment. The researcher herself designs the test, and it

will give in post-test. Before giving the test, the researcher will check the validity

and reliability of the test.

3.5. Marking Scheme

In marking the students’ vocabulary in the post-test result, the researcher

will give 1score for correct answer and 0 score if they choose the incorrect


(Sudjina in Witra, 2015: 31).

To determine the students’ vocabulary achievement, the researcher used the

following criteria:

Table 3.5 Criteria of Students’ Score in Post-Test

Classification Value

Very High 86-100

High 70-85

Enough/Moderate 56-69

Low 36-55

Very Low 0-35

(M. Toha et al., in Udin, 2013).

The effect size testing is done to measure how big the Goggle Translate

scale has applied to the students in the experimental class. Moreover, to measure

the effect size of significance post-test result, the researcher will use the following

formula as follows: d= 2

t + df


d = Effect size

t = Obtained from t-test

df = degree of freedom

The criteria to determine the effect size based on Cohen’s criteria as


0.0 – 0.2 = Small

0.3 – 0.5 = Medium

0.6 – 0.8 = Large

Brian in Ikra (2016: 45)

3.6. Procedure of Data collection

In this study, the data will be collected by using the following procedures:

3.6.1. Pre-test

The pre-test will administrate before doing the treatment. It is to determine

the students' English skills (vocabulary mastery) to both the experimental and

control groups.

3.6.2. Treatment

In this study, the researcher will give the treatment after the pre-test. At

the first time, the researcher will decide which class of experimental group and

control group. The experimental group will be treated through the technique of

teaching vocabulary through Google Translation, and the control group will be

treated by giving the usual treatment. The procedure will apply in this study as


a) The researcher will prepare some media that support related techniques, such

as laptops, LCD (if needed), etc.

b) The researcher will prepare the text or sentences on paper or find the article in

Google search.

c) The researcher will divide the students into four groups and distribute the

paper out of students.

d) The researcher will ask the students to read the text or sentences carefully for

15 minutes with their friends in a team.

e) The researcher will ask them to find out the unfamiliar words

f) The researcher will explain to the students how to use or find out the meaning

of the unfamiliar words, the example of using the words, and the spelling of

the words by Google Translate.

g) The researcher will ask the students to write the list and the meaning of the

words in their worksheet as proof that they have done.

h) The researcher will take the students' worksheets as material for evaluation in

the post-test.

3.6.3. Post-test

After giving the treatment to the students, both groups will give the post-test.

The result of their test will be compared by using a T-test to see which of the

two ways of teaching is more effective by seeing the students’ scores.

3.7. Technique of Data Analysis

The data of this study will be analyzed quantitatively. In addition, the data

will use descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistic will

present the data using a table, chart, and explanation about the maximum and

minimum scores, mean scores, frequencies, and standard deviations. Then, the

inferential statistic will use to test the hypothesis. To know the achievement of

students' vocabulary, the researcher will use a pair sample t-test by using SPSS 20

to find out whether there is any significant effect of using Google Translate in

teaching vocabulary. The criteria for hypothesis testing are as follows:

1. If t-test ≥ t table or if Sig ≥ 0.05, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that

there is a significant effect of using Google Translate on students’ vocabulary

at the second grade of students of SMP Negeri 13 Kendari.

2. If t-test ≤ t table or if Sig ≤ 0.05, the hypothesis is rejected. It means that there

is no significant effect of using Google Translate on students’ vocabulary at

the second grade of students of SMP Negeri 13 Kendari.


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