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Makro ekonomi Indonesia bulan Juli Indonesia macro economy continued to show a
menunjukkan gambaran yang beragam. mixed picture. In August the economy posted a
Terjadi deflasi di bulan Agustus tercatat deflation, the consumer prices were again down
sebesar -0.05% setelah bulan sebelumnya by -0.05% after deflated by -0.10% in the
juga mengalami deflasi -0.10%. Konsumsi previous month. Consumption was still weak
masih lemah, namun ada perbaikan aktivitas but there were improvements in economic
ekonomi. Indeks PMI manufaktur meningkat activities. PMI manufacturing was up
signifikan ke level 50.8 dari sebelumnya 46.9, significantly, to 50.8, indicating an expansion,
mengindikasikan ekspansi. Indikator- from 46.9 in the previous month. Some
indikator stabilitas terus menunjukkan indicators for stability continue showing
perbaikan. Cadangan devisa tercatat di level improvement. Foreign reserve again broke
tertinggi mencapai USD137 miliar dari rekor record high, reaching USD137.0b from previous
sebelumnya USD135.1 miliar di bulan Juli. record high of USD135.1b in July. The increase
is mainly generated by issuance of global bond.
Dari sisi perdagangan, secara tahunan baik The reserve is equivalent to 9.0 months of
impor maupun ekspor mengalami imports and payment of government debts. .
penurunan. Impor bulan Juli turun -33% YoY CAD was down to -1.2% of GDP in 2Q20, the
seiring turunnya impor bahan mentah -35% lowest since 2013. Rupiah recovered, up by
YoY, dan barang modal juga turun -29% YoY. +0.25% MoM.
Di lain pihak, ada perbaikan di sisi ekspor,
dimana penurunannya hanya di kisaran 1 On trade, both imports and exports were still
digit. Pemicunya adalah tingginya harga lower YoY. July imports declined -33% YoY as
komoditas dan mulai membaiknya imports of raw material was down -35% YoY
permintaan dari berbagai negara yang sukses while that of capital goods came in lower by -
menangani pandemi. Ekspor minyak sawit 29% YoY. Exports, however, showed
mentah naik +22% YoY, sementara ekspor improvements with a decline of single digit.
besi baja juga naik +36%. Dari sisi tujuan, Higher commodity prices and improved demand
ekspor ke China naik 11% seiring aktivitas from countries succeeded in limiting Covid-19
manufaktur China yang tiga bulan terakhir cases have been the major drivers. CPO exports
telah kembali ke level ekspansi. were up by +22% YoY while exports of iron and
steel increased by +36%. On destination,
exports to China were up +11% as China
manufacturing has recovered to expansion area
in the past three months.

IHSG menguat +1.7% MoM, kalah unggul dari The Jakarta Composite Index was up +1.7%
MSCI World (+6.5%), MSCI Asia Pacific ex Japan MoM, but still underperforming MSCI World
(+3.6%) dan MSCI Emerging Market (+2.1%). (+6.5%), MSCI Asia Pacific ex Japan (+3.6%) and
Sektor finansial (+4.25%) memimpin penguatan MSCI Emerging Market (+2.1%). Financial sector
seiring data-data restrukrusisasi pinjaman mulai (+4.25%) led the gain as market players cheered
turun, membawa harapan perbaikan kualitas good monthly data which showed number of
asset dan marjin keuntungan. Sektor agrikultur restructuring cases has flattened, resulting in a
(+2.49%) masih terus meningkat ditopang brighter outlook for better asset quality and
kenaikan harga minyak sawit mentah. Di lain higher profit margin. Agriculture (+2.49%)
pihak, sektor infrastruktur (-6.7%) kinerjanya continued to go up, supported by higher CPO
paling buruk. prices. On the other hand, Infrastructure sector
(-6.7%) was the top loser.
Kami memperkirakan perbaikan gradual di
semester kedua 2020 ini, terutama di kuartal For semester II-2020 we expect a gradual
keempat, seiring harapan redanya wabah recovery, mostly in the fourth quarter, as the
dan membaiknya rantai pasokan global. virus outbreak stabilizes and global supply chain
Kebijakan fiskal dan moneter global yang improves. Accommodative fiscal and monetary
akomodatif juga dapat memitigasi dampak policies globally will help mitigate the negative
buruk pada perekonomian dan pasar saham. impacts on the economy and the stock market.
Ke depannya, mitigasi pandemi yang efektif Effective mitigation of the pandemic is a crucial
sangat krusial untuk menumbuhkan factor to improve investor confidence and the
kepercayaan investor dan perekonomian. economy going forward. The government has
Pemerintah telah mempercepat distribusi started to expedite spending distribution and
belanja dan kami percaya belanja negara di we believe spending in the second half will be
paruh kedua akan jauh lebih besar much greater compared to that in the first half.
dibandingkan paruh pertama. Kami tetap We continue to believe that exposure to
percaya bahwa eksposur investasi di Indonesia economies will likely remain positive
ekonomi Indonesia akan tetap positif dan and we stay optimistic on the enduring appeal
optimis terhadap daya tarik potensi of long-term investment in Indonesia.
pertumbuhan jangka panjang Indonesia.

Pasar obligasi bulan Agustus tetap melaju 4 The bond market rally sustained in August
bulan berturut-turut, dengan indeks BINDO hence buoyed its proxy, Bloomberg
sebagai acuan menguat 1.35% MoM Indonesia Local Sovereign Index, to preserve
sehingga kinerja tahun berjalan naik menjadi its positive performance in the last four
7.78%. Likuiditas berlimpah di perbankan months at 1.35% MoM which translated to
menjadi pemicu utama pergerakan kuat 7.78% YTD. The flush liquidity in the banking
system was the main driver of the market
pasar. Dengan pertumbuhan kredit yang
bullish movement. Given the slower growth
lambat, perbankan berupaya
in loan portfolio, the banks have been trying
mendistribusikan kelebihan likuiditas pada
to distribute their excess liquidity by chasing
obligasi tenor pendek. Skema burden
the short-end tenors in the market. The
sharing antara pemerintah dan Bank
burden-sharing agreement as part of the
Indonesia juga menjadi pemicu lain second joint regulation between the
positifnya pasar obligasi. Skema untuk Government and Bank Indonesia (BI) was
menopang pertumbuhan ekonomi ini sudah another driver of the rally. The agreement
berjalan mulai bulan Agustus. which would provide support to cope with
the subdued economic growth was
DI sisi lain terdapat beberapa faktor yang eventually took place in August.
membayangi sentiment pasar seprti
ketidakpastian mengenai pembiayaan defisit There some factors that overshadowed the
fiskal. Kondisi ini membuat Rupiah melemah market such as uncertainty over the fiscal
4.58% YTD terhadap USD. Selain itu, kasus deficit financing. These brought the IDR to
COVID-19 terus naik memecahkan rekor depreciate 4.58% YTD against the USD.
dengan 3308 kasus harian baru di akhir Moreover, the COVID-19 cases kept breaking
bulan Agustus. Peningkatan kasus ini tetap the all-time-high record with 3,308 new daily
menjadi salah satu katalis negatif di pasar, cases at the end of August. The elevating
walaupun dampaknya tidak terlalu besar. cases were still considered as one of the
Pemulihan ekonomi yang tersendat di negative catalysts though it has a slight
beberapa negara dan ketegangan Amerika impact to weigh down the market. The
Serikat – China juga membawa sentimen stalled recovery in several countries and the
US-China retaliation might as well be the
negative sentiments in the market.

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