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Details for RA Control Implementation

1. Background

For LTE voice call IMS will send the charging information via RO interface to OCS. SAPCC is
responsible for rating the CDRs on real time basis and SAPCI aggregates the CDR for generating
statement of account. SAPCC records/usage CDRs are used for revenue reporting and providing
usage and rating information’s to customers.

Figure 1 – Processing of CDRs for VOICE service

2. Risks covered:-

Impact Severity
Risk Root Cause Customer Revenue / Others
Experience Leakage
Voice usage by Failure of Network node
subscriber not to interrogate with
getting charged charging system or
delayed response from  High
the charging system due
to insufficient balance
Incorrect duration 1. Session
charged to disconnected by
subscriber leading charging system
to revenue loss or but session still
customer continue on
dissatisfaction network.
2. Incomplete
R2 record   High
generated by
network node.
3. Timestamp
difference in
both the
Impact Severity
Risk Root Cause Customer Revenue / Others
Experience Leakage
Usage by Node not configured in
subscriber not Active Mediation; hence
captured in IMS. the usage made in the
This can lead to node is not captured by  High
regulatory Mediation.
compliance issues

3. Control Name: Usage CDR reconciliation for Voice services (IMS vs. SAP CC) – Daily Analysis

4. Control Objective:

The objective of the control is to ensure accuracy in transfer of usage records between networks
(IMS) and charging node (SAP CC). The count and duration of IMS CDR’s should be equal to

5. Control Description:

It is very essential for a telecom organization to capture the entire network CDRs and rate/bill all
the billable CDRs to the customer to generate revenue. The total count of billable network CDRs
should be exactly equal to OCS rated CDR’s.
All the CDRs need to be rated and correctly recorded for revenue reporting and resolving
customer’s queries relating charging of CDR’s. The reconciliation is performed to ensure both
count of CDRs and usage duration is identical in both the systems for usage for Voice.

6. Frequency of the Activity:

These activities are automated on the SUBEX ROC RA tool and are performed on a daily basis. The
reconciliations are performed on data for (D-2) day on any given day.

7. Data Sources to be used:

Source Network
# Data Description Function Name SPOC



2 SAP CC IT Operations TBD

8. Activity Overview:
 Following activities are automated in RA Tool (SUBEX)
o Circle wise summary of CDRs Count and duration of IMS & OCS charged CDR
o IMS vs. SAPCC usage CDRs for Voice – Count & duration (Two way reconciliation)

9. Probable Exceptions:

 Mismatch in count of usage CDR between IMS and SAP CC for Voice
 Mismatch in duration of CDRs between IMS and SAP CC for Voice

10. Reference file and Information:

IMS(MMTEL)_Sample OCS_Sample_Recon IMS_OCS_Filters.xls

_Recon_Data.xlsx _Data.xlsx x

11. Exceptions report generated

A. Usage CDR reconciliation between IMS Vs. SAPCC for voice:

 CDRs present in IMS but missing in SAPCC

o These exceptions need to be analyzed before sending it to OCS team for further
analysis. Following preliminary analysis to be done by RAFM team:
 Any known exceptions in file level reconciliation between IMS and SAP CC.
 Known business filtration rules (if any) for not processing the respective
o After analyzing the above points the exceptions need to be sent to OCS team.

 CDRs present in SAP CC but missing in IMS

o These exceptions may be because of duplicate CDR generated in OCS or due to
incomplete upload of all IMS CDR’s.

On performing root-cause analysis, if it is established that IMS CDR’s have been

correctly uploaded than these exceptions need to be sent OCS team to check for
generation of duplicate CDR’s. Another reason may be due to incomplete fields
getting reflected in OCS CDR’s.

 Duration mismatch between IMS CDR and SAP CC CDR.

o These exceptions need to be sent to OCS team to check if SAP CC is correctly
processing the SAP CC CDR duration. Following are possible root causes for mismatch
between IMS CDR duration and SAP CC CDR duration:
 IMS and OCS system time not synchronized leading to difference CDR cutoff
during midnight leading to volume difference between recodes generated by
both systems.
 Difference of rounding logic between IMS CDRs and OCS CDRs

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