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\olanda K. dk: Efek Pengunyahan Permen Karet ISSN: 1978-0208 EFEK PENGUNYAHAN PERMEN KARET GULA DAN XYLITOL TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS PADA PLAK GIGI Yolanda Kusumaningsar", Juni Handajeni"* “Program Stusi Kedokteran Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran dan imu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta “agian Golog' Mut, Fakultas Kedokteran Gig, Universtas Gagan Mada ABSTRAK |Latar Bolakang. Manusia merit lra normal yang hidup oi dalam tubuhnya. Salah satu fora normal di rongga mut ‘adalah bakter Streptococcus mutans yang meri katan eat dengan insidens karies. Sekarang banyak beredar produk permen aret oi masyarakat yang mengandung guia dan xt. “Tujuan. Peneltian ini Dertyjuan untuk mengetahu’ efok mengunyah permen karetgula dan nyo! terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri mutans pada plak 99. Metode penelitian. S.bjex penettan berumiah 15 orang sibagi menisdi 3 kelompok masing-masing 5 orang, yaitu me- ‘nguryah permen karet guia, xylitol dan buah apel sebagal konvol. Pengambilan pak diakukan pada har pertama seboium diber Derlakuan (pre-test) dan hari keempat seelan deri periakuan (posttest Subjek dminta untuk melakukan scaling sebelum engamban data pre-test agar skorplak aval semua Subjek nol. Subjek mengunyah 1 but permen kart setelah makan atau 3 al seri selama 10 meni. Subjek tak diperbolehkan makan dan minum selama 1 jam sebelum pengambllan dala post-fst Pak citanam dalam media agar TYCSB Iryptone-yeast.cysteine-sucrase-bactracin lu cinkubas selama 72 am pada kondisi fanaerob dengan sub 37°C, Penghitungan jumiah bakten S. mulans dlakukan secara manual menggunakan counter. Analisis data dengan ut statistic Manr- Winey. Hasil pneltian menunjukkan adanya peringkatan jumlah bakteri S. mutans pada plak oii pada pengunyahan permen karetkandungan gula,sedangkan pengunyahan permen kare! kandungan xyitol dapat menururkan bermakna juiah bakteriS. Kesimpulan. Pengunyahan permen karet xylitol dapat menurunkanjumiah S. mutans pada plak gil telapi permen karet (ula meningkatkan jumiah S. mutans. Maj Ked Gini 20°8;18(1) 30-38, ‘Kata kunci: Permen kaet gula, xyito, lak Qh. Streptococeus mutans. AssTRacT ‘Background. Humans have normal ora which ile inside their body One o the fora normal in mouth eaity is Sraptococ: ‘cus mutans bacteria hich have direct relation with caries incidency Nowadays, there are variety ofproduets m market hat contain ‘sugar and xy, ‘Aim. The objectives of his study was fo determine the elects of chewing gum containing sugar and xyio onthe growth ‘0f'S mutans bacteria ram dental plaque Method. The subjects of his study were 15 peoples who divided into 3 groups (each group was 5 subjects). Group! were ‘subjects wi consumed sugar-conaining chewing gum, group I! were chewing xia, and group Ill were peoples who consumed ‘ope as a contol group. The plaque were taken a ret ay ofthe study pretax!) and a the fourth day ofthe tc (post test) ax ‘oro study all subjects were instructed to have scaling with aimed o standarized the plaque score to be zero (0). Each subjects ‘were instructed o chewing one pace of gum, chewing gum afer meal timo every dy (10 minutes each). Subjects wore suggestod otto eat and drink 1 Nour belore post-test collection, Plaque were plated in uyplone-yeast-cystaine-sucrose-bacivach (TYCSB) ‘agar and then incubated fr 72 hours nan anaerob conditon at °C. The bacteres were counted with manual way using counter The data wre analyzed using Mann Witney ost The result showed thatthe numberof S. mutans bacteres ingroup who chewed sugarchewing gum were signifeat i creasing. ethonvise the number of 5. mutans bactorias have been significant decreasing at group who consumed xyol chewing gun. ‘Conclusion. Chewing ayltokchewing gun could decrease the number of S. mutans from dental plaque but sugar-chow- ing gum increase the numberof S. mutans. Maj Ked Gi uni 2011; 18(1) 30-38 ‘Key words: Sugar and xyitokchewing gum, dental plague, Streptococcus mutans. PENDAHULUAN Plak gigi adalah biofilm yang terdapat pada rongga_mulut. Biofilm ini dapat menempel dan berkembang biak pada permukaan jaringan keras dan lunak. Biofim dapat terdiri satu atau beberapa ‘spesies mikroorganisme yang melekat satu sama lain (24 Marat 2010) 2. Rydengard V, Shannan ©, Lundavet K, Kecpreyk Chalupka A & Olsson AK: Histidine-Fich Gikoprocin Molingungi deri Infeksi Candida sistemsk. Masala ‘Agustus 2008 PLoS Patogon, 2008: 1-3. <> (28 Febru 112010), 3. Ghvisminna 8, Tahaan A & Brotosoetarna S: Pam= Dentukan Mikrobial Bioim dalam Rengga Mult 1/0. 2006; 13(1) 55-60. 4. FutigerA Dental Plaque Blefims. BIOL 298 Micrabiol- ‘0: Kenyon College. 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