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- Added Quick Loot Mode toggle to Chest-related Screens and Redstone Screens
(Hopper, Dispenser, Dropper)
- Added Hover Text Info for Drop and Destroy buttons
- Added text shadow for HUD Item Name Text and Actionbar Title
- HUD Scoreboard Sidebar Background now have a darker background under Objective
Name, match Java!
- Added variables to _global_variables.json for pack customizations:
+ "$screen_background_alpha" for ingame (Inventory Screen, Pause Screen...)
background alpha (default to 0.4)
+ "$item_name_text_background_alpha" for HUD Item Name Text Background alpha
(Change this to 0 for Java style!)
+ "$actionbar_background_alpha" for Actionbar Title alpha
+ "$item_text_one_line_layout" for using one line layout mode for Item Text (Use
for hiding enchantment name text!)
+ "$use_quick_craft_button" for hiding or showing Quick Craft button
- Fixed Chat Autocomplete buttons focuses not working correctly
- Fixed Pause Info Panel doesn't have right padding
- Fixed Header Label in How to Play Screen sometimes get very long and cut off
- Fixed Play screen Keyboard Helper description offset is too high
- Fixed buttons pressing sounds in some screens not played correctly
- Fixed custom panorama not showing in Pack Info Screen (only when pregame)
- Changed Screenshot disclaimer info visibility, now more devices can see it
- Other small background fixes

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