2015 The Inside Scoop

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My House

2015 Reach Mission Trips

The Inside Scoop
For Adult Leaders
The information contained in this handout is provided to help first time adults navigate their way
through the workcamp. You’ll find an explanation of special stuff, expanded daily happenings,
program insights with additional questions and scripture, and a glossary of workcamp terms.

We are here for you. Please, allow us to help you any way we can.

Always remember, “It’s a great day for a workcamp.”

Special Stuff:
Blue Shirts: The staff in “Blue Shirts” are trained in all areas of camp. If you want the inside, inside
scoop come find us and we’ll tell you what we know.

Red Shirts: The volunteers in “Red Shirts” are vital to everything we do. They are additional adults
from youth groups attending the workcamp, local adults that want to go beyond an observer’s role, and
special friends of Reach. They may come and help for an hour or all week long. “Red Shirts” need to
be at least 18 years old.

Troubleshooters: ”Troubleshooters” are individuals who help us manage the work projects at each
worksite. They have three objectives: Encouragement, expertise, and when possible, they act as
suppliers of materials and tools. They may help from time to time but they are not there to do the
projects for you.

Break Pop:
We give each camper a can of soda or a bottle of water each day. We call that beverage, Break Pop.
We will ask your crew to complete a Break Pop order form and place it in your Crew Box on Sunday
night. We will package your crew’s Break Pop each morning and place it on your cooler in Cooler City.
You will receive an additional bottle of water for lunch each day.

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Your “Lunch Maker” will pick up your crew’s lunch each morning. Your lunch will consist of a loaf of
bread, meat & cheese or PB&J for sandwiches, fruit, cookies, chips, and/or other delectable goodies for
your consumption.

Cooler City:
Cooler City is an area where every crew places their crew’s cooler for the week. It is typically near the
ice machine. Each crew needs a cooler for your crew’s lunches. If your crew does not have a cooler,
see our Hospitality Manager. We bring extra coolers with us to every camp.

Ladder Land:
An area, usually near the Tool Room where we store ladders.

Adult Shower Time:

From 9:30 – 10:30 showers are for adults only. Adults can to shower anytime. If you’re stinky, don’t wait
until 9:30. :-)

Care Cards:
Care Cards are 2” x 4” slips of paper used to write notes of affirmation and encouragement to others
here at workcamp. The messages can be brief or lengthy, signed or anonymous, they can be anything
as long as it is positive. Care Cards will be collected and stored on a rack, until Saturday. The rack is
located in a high traffic area. On Saturday, you will be given your youth groups Care Cards for your trip
home. Care Cards can be written to fellow campers, our neighbors, school staff, the worship team,
Troubleshooters, Reach staff, and anyone else remotely associated with the camp.

Youth Group Reflections:

A special time exclusively set aside for you and your youth group. Immediately following each evening
program you will meet with just your students for at least 30 minutes to process the day. We will provide
themed questions and activities for each evening, however this is your time with your kids. Use our
materials only if they can serve you.

What’s on the Schedule?

Sunday Afternoon:
Adult Meeting:
There is an adult meeting at 4:30. If you are reading this handout for the first time, you’re probably
here. It is here that you will receive your Worksite Description and Skill Sheet Notebook. You will
also find out which vehicle you are driving/riding in to your worksite.

The Skill Sheet Notebook has instructions on how to complete most projects we do at Reach. We
will need the Skill Sheet Notebook back at the end of the week, so please use it, but don’t lose it.

Program Overview:
Opening Crew Activity:
Once your crew is formed, you need to find a place to sit together and begin playing this year’s
introduction game, “My House.”

Here are the basic instructions to the game:

Take the playing cards out of your crew box and set the cards where everyone can
draw off the deck. Beginning with the person who traveled the furthest to get here.
Introduce yourself and draw a “My House” card, answer the question, and give an
explanation of your answer, if necessary. As soon as you share, pick up one of the
playing cards and begin to build a house of cards. The first person sharing will pick
up two cards on their first turn. Continue to go around your circle adding to your
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house until your MC instructs you to begin selecting crew role jobs for the week. If
the house gets knocked down, simply start over with the next person in the circle
using two cards.

Break Pop Order Form:

We will ask your crew to complete a Break Pop order form during Sunday night program. We will
ask you to place that form in your Crew Box during the evening program.

Adult Cell Phones:

We need adult cell phone numbers to communicate with you at your worksite. THese will be
gathered at Sunday evening program.

Crew Roles:
Each member of your crew will be assigned a Crew Role for the week. You will find a
description of each of the jobs on page 2 & 3 of your Program Guide. These roles include Lunch
Maker, Break Maker, Devotion Leader, Site Reporter, Supply Manager, and Medic.

You will have enough responsibility throughout the week, you should not take one of the jobs.

Each job will receive individual training during the program. The training will consist of: what is
expected of them, where they will pick up their supplies, when their supplies will be ready each
day, and how we will communicate with them throughout the week.

Name Tags: Each member of your crew should have a name tag during Sunday night program to
help everyone remember names.

You will meet your Troubleshooter Monday morning at your worksite. They will be there to answer
your questions and help you get started on the right foot!

Monday Morning:
Morning Program:
Safety Slide Show: We have some fun with presenting our safety guidelines, however the safety of
every camper is very important. Take all safety situations seriously. If it looks
unsafe, it probably is, don’t do it. Talk to your troubleshooter to make sure
safety is always observed.

Name Tags: Each member of your crew should have a name tag before they leave the gym.
The name tag is for you as much as it is for your neighbor.

Monday morning send-off is a flurry of activity as everyone learns where to go, what to grab, and
how to complete their crew role. Don’t worry, it gets easier every day. The best way to help yourself
is to determine a meeting place for your crew, and make sure that everyone on crew is aware of the
description of your vehicle and the letter that it has been assigned.

Before you leave for your worksite be sure you have the following:
Lunch Supplies (picked up by your Lunch Maker)
Break Pop (picked up by your Break Maker)
Ice (picked up by your Break Maker)
On-site Devotions (your Devotion Leader should have these)
Materials from the Tool Room (picked up by your Supply Manager): Every crew will have
something to pick up on Monday morning.
Worksite description (you got this at the Adult Meeting)
Skill Sheet Notebook (you got this at the Adult Meeting)
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Be sure and talk with your neighbor before you begin working.

Your Troubleshooter will visit your worksite as soon as possible. Begin working on the projects you
feel most comfortable with. Your Troubleshooter will be able to get you started on the more difficult
projects, when he/she arrives.

Don’t worry you are not in this alone!

Youth Group Pictures:

Immediately following the Monday evening program and before you head off to your youth group
reflections, gather your youth group together in the gym. Reach staff will take a picture of your youth
group on stage. We also need a picture of your fearless leader (the person Reach talks to the rest
of the year).

Adult Meeting:
There is an adult meeting at 4:30.

Half Day:
Return to the school by 1:00 pm. Eat lunch and complete your on-site devotions before you return.

Optional Volleyball Tournament:

Reach staff takes on all who dare to challenge us at 8:00 pm on Wednesday. Volleyball games are
scored on a rally scoring format. Campers form teams of six. All adults, students, mascots, Olympic
athletics, and the huddled masses are welcome to take on the Reach staff..

Return to the school:

Return to the school no later than 10:00 pm so that everyone has enough time to get ready for bed
before lights out at 10:45 pm. There are no formal youth group reflections tonight. See your youth
leader for a special challenge.

Workcamp Picture:
Immediately following the morning program the MC will direct everyone to our whole camp picture
location. We will also take a picture with the words “Thank You” as this is a great picture to thank
those who have helped you get to camp.

Evening Program:
Thursday night’s theme is “Cornerstone.” Our intentions for the program are to individually focus on
our relationship with the Lord. We will ask each camper to complete two sentences:

Lord, my relationship with you is. . .

Lord, I want my relationship with you to be. . .

Once, each camper completes his/her questions, they will then sign the stone in front of the church.

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Campers will be able to stay in the gym as long as they need to while they seek the Lord.

As you complete your projects, we need your help. Even if you are not the Site Reporter, we need
you as the adult leader, to evaluate each project and report to the Tool Room immediately upon
returning to the school.

We need 5 things from you:

1. Individual project status
2. Returnable materials and tools
3. Trash – how much, location
4. Location of any Reach ladders that you did not bring back with you
5. Your Skill Sheet Notebook that you got at the Adult Meeting

Ice Cream Party:

Each Friday night we host an Ice Cream Party in the cafeteria immediately following the evening

Lights Out:
Lights Out will be extended to 11:30 pm. Please keep your students quiet inside your rooms after
11:30 as we know many of you will have long drives the next day.

Youth Leader Packets:
Youth Group Picture
You will receive an 8X10 photo of your youth group.

Camp Picture DVD (if purchased)

We will take approximately 2,500 photos at each workcamp and they can all be yours to take
home for only $100. Stop by the Reach Store to purchase this for your group.

Care Cards
Please double check your care card envelopes to determine that you have all your students’
envelopes and no extras. If you have envelopes that don’t belong to your church, give them to
the MC so we can get them to their rightful owner.

2016 Brochures
We will include a couple of copies of next year’s brochure, for your reading pleasure on your way
home. Don’t forget about the Early Bird Registration Rate that saves you $20 per spot if you
register before November 1st.

Updated Invoice
You will find an updated invoice for your church.

Cleaning Rooms:
Please clean your rooms by sweeping and/or vacuuming them. You will find extra brooms and
vacuum cleaners in the hall near your rooms. We will have a limited number of brooms and
vacuum so be patient and take your turn.

Extra trash bags will be delivered to each room Friday night after you go to bed. If you need
more, come to the office.

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Packing Volunteers:
Beginning immediately after youth groups depart, the Reach staff goes to work packing and
returning the school to its pre-camp shape. We welcome all the help that is available for as long
as it’s available. If you and your youth group would be willing to help us pack, we’ll buy lunch.
Please tell the Camp Director if you’re available for help. Thank you ahead of time.

Reach begins each summer with an overarching theme that is then broken down into daily themes.
Our goal is simple; we pray that everyone that attends Reach will take one step closer to Jesus. The
programs are designed first to bring glory to God and secondly to challenge everyone to grow in
their daily walk with the Lord.

My House
2015 Reach Workcamps
Below you will find a breakdown of each day’s theme. We’ve included a description, additional
scriptures and questions for you to use in your preparation and as you lead your crews and youth
groups this week.

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and MY
HOUSE we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

2015 Program Overview

Joshua 24:15 “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and MY HOUSE we will
serve the Lord.” That is a bold statement. Joshua is saying that he will stand firm in Christ, no matter what
anybody else says or does, no matter how unpopular or what it costs, or if it’s socially acceptable to follow
Jesus. Joshua is committed to serving the Lord and setting the foundation to build his house on this one
thing. What about you and your house (your heart, your life, your youth group, your church, your family,
your friends) whom will you choose this day to serve?

Our evening program follows the story of six teenagers and the challenges that they face as they seek to
follow Christ. There is a rundown, abandoned church in the middle of town, that no one really noticed.
However, everything changes when the mayor placed an ad in the paper asking for someone to step in to
fix up the old church. The teens also like to hang out on the other side of town at a local hangout, called
"The R&R Grill." It is up to a group of friends to answer the ad. What are they going to do with this

Our friends will work through their commitment to serving the Lord by taking on the renovation project.
The daily themes that we will be working through are:

Monday: IGNITE - What ignites the passion inside of you? When you recognize the passion that
God has placed in you and how it fits into His story, there is nothing better. To be
committed and dedicated daily to serving the Lord, you need passion and conviction.

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Tuesday: BATTLES - It doesn’t take long walking through life to realize that it isn’t always easy.
There will be battles to be fought and mistakes made along the way. How can we
remain focused on His promises and the victory that has already been won?
Wednesday: FILTERS - Life bombards us with information, choices, invitations, and opportunities
every day. What filters do you use to process the information and experiences that
come your way?
Thursday: CORNERSTONE – In the midst of the ups and downs of life what is the one thing the
keeps you grounded? He is What is the foundation that you stand on when you say, “As
for me and MY HOUSE we will serve the Lord.”
Friday: CELEBRATE - During the workcamp we will all need to stay focused on the completion
of the work, invest in the nurturing of new friendships, and intentionally take one step
closer to Jesus each and every day. That’s a lot of work. There’s a lot to celebrate
though too. As Christians, we need to celebrate both the small victories and huge
accomplishments in our day to day lives as we recognize that Jesus is doing good works
in each of us.

So, what are you going to do with Joshua 24:15? Are you ready to declare “. . . as for me and MY HOUSE
we will serve the Lord?”

Sunday Night Program

As for me
Joshua 24:15 “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and MY
HOUSE we will serve the Lord.”

As for me and my crew we have come to serve the Lord.

Additional Scriptures:
● Matthew 20:28 “Just as the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give His life as a ransom for many.”

Evening Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Are you ready to be faithful, available, and obedient?

● How do we treat our neighbor’s things and how do we serve them respecting
their dignity?
● What about the pictures we take and captions we post on the internet?

Youth Group Reflections – As for me and my church . . .

How can we get the most out of this camp?

● What would we like our youth group to be known for at this camp?
● What do we want to be known for when we go home?
● As a youth group what are our goals for this week?

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● What are some examples that you know of genuine service?

Monday Program
1st Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as
faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

God has empowered us to take action for His purpose.

Additional Scriptures:
● Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will
go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”
● Romans 12:11 “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the
● 2nd Timothy 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power,
love, and self-discipline.”

Morning Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Scripture Direction:
Nehemiah 1:11 “. . . I was a cupbearer to the king.” A comfortable, safe, and
privileged job. A position that he could have enjoyed for the rest of his life. But,
when he heard that the wall in Jerusalem was “broken down, and its gates are
destroyed by fire.” He could no longer sit, he stepped up, and said to God here I

● Take two minutes to list anything and everything you like to do.
● Underline the things that you believe God has gifted.
● Circle the top three areas that you are ready to take action on.
● Why do you think the Lord brought you here this week?
● What are some things you’re okay at but would really like to improve?

Onsite Devotions – As for me and my crew . . .

God can use the passions in our hearts to make a difference.

● What makes a good team?
● 1 Peter 4:10 is our verse for today. How do you think God can use our gifts to
serve our neighbor?
● Can we use them to serve one another?
● Are some gifts more valuable than others?
● If something isn’t your gift does it mean that you don’t have to do it?

Evening Program – As for me and my life . . .

God uses our passions / talents as a part of His master plan. We have to align our
hearts to His.

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● Do you feel that God has a purpose for you?
● Ty said, “Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you’re supposed
to do it.” What do you think about that?
● How do you know what God is calling you to do?
● What sacrifices will you make to follow Jesus in your school? Youth group?

Youth Group Reflections – As for me and my youth group . . .

The youth group needs to embrace its significance in the church and begin to be
obedient to the mission God has / is calling them too.

● How can does our dream statement reflect God’s heart?
● What action steps can we take to living out the dream statement that we have

Tuesday Program
James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many

As children of God we are soldiers faithfully fighting against the enemy for God’s glory.

Additional Scriptures:
● Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.
● 1st John 4:4 “. . . the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
● Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against
the devil’s schemes.”
● John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they
may have life, and have it to the full.”
● 1st John 5:4 “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.”
● 1st Peter 2:11 “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain
from sinful desires, which war against your soul.”

Morning Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Scripture Direction:
Nehemiah set out to do great things for the Lord. He had the king’s blessing for
safe passage and resources. The Jews came together and said “Let us start
rebuilding.” They were willing and able to do the work. Then outsiders that had “no
share” or any claim or historic right to Jerusalem began to make threats of war,
started spreading damaging rumors, they even made plans to kill Nehemiah. There
was dissention within the walls of Jerusalem. The workers became discouraged
and afraid. But Nehemiah had a plan, the workers rallied, took up arms, and
recommitted themselves to building the wall around Jerusalem.

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● If I really believed that the Lord was on my side how would my life be different?
● What are some of the obstacles you are facing?
● What lies are you believing about yourself that paralyze you into no action?
● How do you approach hard things?
● How do you know what things are worth fighting for?

Onsite Devotions – As for me and my crew . . .

It is better to endure the battle trying to do something valuable than to settle for the
easy way.

● What do you think of this statement, “When God’s people attempt to do God’s
work in God’s way, and there will always be opposition”?
● What are some of the battles that are common to all of us?
● Do you think business is a weapon of mass destruction?
● What kind of battles are waged against you?
● Who or what causes you the greatest disappointment or discouragement?
● Who or what causes you the greatest encouragement?

Evening Program – As for me and my life . . .

We are in a battle, we know our enemy, but we also know our God and we will not
be defeated.

● What do you think of this statement: “No matter how noble and right you are, no
matter how humanitarian your effort, there will be those who try to discount your
mission, spread slander, and question your motives.
● Why is life so hard, sometimes?
● How do I know when a battle is worth fighting?
● What does victory mean?
● What does victory look like?

Youth Group Reflections – As for me and my youth group . . .

There are battles that rage against you every day.

● How can we help each other stay focused on serving back home?
● What battles are we fighting? As individuals? As a youth group?
● What do we hold onto when we are fighting?
● What stands between us and God’s will for our youth group?
● Can we name some battles that come from outside our youth group? How
about battles that come from within?

Wednesday Program
1 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are
from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

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FILTERS - Life bombards with choices, invitations, and good opportunities every day. What
filters (people, resources, experience) do you use to process the information and
experiences that come your way?

Additional Scriptures:
● Luke 6:31 “Do for others just what you want them to do for you.”
● 2nd Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of
teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
● Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the
thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
● Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
● John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”
● Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become tired of doing good. As often as we have the chance
we should do good to others.”
● Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of
you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”
● Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to
those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
● Ephesians 2:8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For
we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Morning Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Scripture Direction:
How do you filter information, behaviors, and foundational beliefs?

● We judge ourselves based on intentions, we judge others based on results. Is
that true? Is that a double standard?
● What is your go to source for truth?
● If your pastor says something from the pulpit, is it automatically true?
● When was the last time you had a “meaningful” conversation with someone
without texting?
● How do you know if someone is telling the truth or embellishing a story?

Onsite Devotions – As for me and my crew . . .

Our decisions reveal our true filters.

● Do your decisions reflect what you would say your filters are?
● How does it make you feel when another person’s actions are inconsistent with
who they say they are?

Thursday Program
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Ephesians 2:20-21 “20built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with
Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In Him the whole building is
joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”.”

We need to establish Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. Jesus is the same
yesterday today and forever.

Additional Scriptures:
● 1st Corinthians 15:13-14 “13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ
has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is
your faith.”
● John 1:1-3 “1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him
nothing was made that has been made.
● Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
● Psalm 118:22 “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
● Ephesians 2:20 “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus
Himself as the chief cornerstone.”

Morning Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Scripture Direction:
The wall around Jerusalem was built in 52 days. When all the surrounding nations
realized that “this work had been done with the help of our God.”

● Do those who observe our work, see that God is working with and through you?
● How much time do you spend reading and studying your Bible daily? Weekly?
● Describe what a cornerstone in your life looks like? How does it affect your
● We live in a time when change is a constant in our lives, advancements in
technology and medicine are announced daily. How do we avoid being swept
away in ways of the world?
● What does it mean that we must anchor ourselves in the Lord?

Onsite Devotions – As for me and my crew . . .

There is freedom to be the real you in the security of who He is.

● What’s the difference between a humanitarian approach to service and a
Christian approach?
● Why have you come to this workcamp?
● Long after we leave, our neighbor’s home will need more physical repairs, have
we been used by God to make eternal repairs?

Evening Program – As for me and my life . . .

The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our faith.

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● How would you define your relationship with the Lord?
● What are some absolutes in your life?
● If Jesus is not the “cornerstone” of your life: why or why not?

Youth Group Reflections – As for me and my youth group . . .

Jesus is the cornerstone of our youth group.

● What does it mean to say “Jesus is our cornerstone?”
● How does following Jesus affect the way we conduct ourselves back home?
● What promises are you going to hold onto as you finish out this week and go
● What would your life look like if you truly believed that His promises are true?

Friday Program
Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Heaven is going to be more like a huge party than a library.

Additional Scriptures:
● Psalms 95:2-3 “2Let us come before Him with thanksgiving. Let us sing Him psalms of
praise. 3 For the LORD is a great God, the great King above all gods.

Morning Program – As for me and my heart . . .
Scripture Direction:
The security and relief that came with finishing the wall was meaningful and
significant because it came at a price both from God and the believers. When the
enemy of Nehemiah and his friends witnessed the completion they were afraid
because they knew “that this work had been accomplished with the help of our

● How do you like to celebrate?
● Thinking about your neighbor, list some things you want to celebrate with them.
● What have you accomplished this week?
● Write down the names of some of the new friends you’ve made this week?
● What is the top three things you will remember from this week?

Onsite Devotions – As for me and my crew . . .

When beauty comes from ashes there are reasons to celebrate!

● What did you accomplish this week?

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● How do we celebrate with our neighbors?
● We need to celebrate:
Each other – the new friends we’ve made
Progress – homes are warmer, drier, & safer
Kindness – you spent a week helping someone you didn’t know
Effort – you were doing a whole lot of sweating this week
Being used by God – God chose you to reach out to your neighbor

Evening Program – As for me and my life . . .

Completion of the Lord’s work isn’t like receiving a participation ribbon, it’s a like a
state championship trophy.

Questions (Individual):
● How do you think this camp has impacted you this week? Is the impact worth
● When we celebrate we pause time. Do you think that’s true?
● What do you think about the idea: “Heaven is going to more like a football game
than a library?”
● What’s the first thing you are going to celebrate when you get home?

Saturday Program
Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.”

May the Lord find me faithful, available, and obedient!

11/21/2013 10:44 AM 2015 The Inside Scoop Page 14 of 14

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