Strike When It'S: Commodities

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They build, fuel and feed the planet,

but commodities are frequently

overlooked by retail traders. By getting

acquainted with markets the global

economy depends on, investors can tap

into a new world of opportunities.



01 02 03 04
Sponsored by A world of Black MIning new Going
commodities and Gold trading soft
Pages 1 - 4 Pages 5 - 7 Pages 8 - 11 Pages 12 - 14
A world of commodities

E very day, we depend on a huge

variety of natural materials to
conduct our lives. We wake up on
6,000 years. Until relatively recently,
this trade was all physical; the buyer
would take possession of goods from
commodities offer several

cotton sheets, draw water through the seller. These days, the majority Volatility – Often described as the
copper pipes, cook on gas stoves of commodity transactions on world trader’s friend and the investor’s
with steel and aluminium utensils, markets are “paper” trades. In other enemy, volatility refers to the
drink coffee or tea with sugar, eat rice words, buyers and sellers have no degree of instability in the price of
and wheat-based foods and drive desire to exchange 5,000 bushels a particular asset. For someone
petroleum-fuelled vehicles. of wheat or 1,000 barrels of crude looking to hold an asset for long-term
oil; they are speculating on the appreciation, volatility is a source of
Collectively, these materials are prices of these commodities for the unwelcome stress (think of Bitcoin
known as commodities, and they purposes of profit or hedging (which owners, who can see thousands of
form the bedrock of the global is discussed in the next page). dollars wiped from the value of their
economy. And yet, despite our holdings in a single day). If you are
dependence on these resources, Commodities are classified into two trading derivatives such as Contracts
most of us think very little about broad types: for Difference (CFDs), volatility
them. Similarly, in the world of presents the opportunity to benefit
financial markets, many investors Hard – those that are extracted or from regular price swings by going
overlook the opportunities presented mined, such as precious metals, long or short on the same assets.
by commodity trading in favour base metals and oil. Commodities are historically much
of other, more headline-grabbing more volatile than stocks, bonds
assets. Soft – those that are grown or farmed, and currencies – for reasons we’ll
such as coffee, livestock or rice. examine shortly.
In fact, with the exception perhaps
of gold, the mechanics of many There are hundreds of commodity Quarterly historical
commodity markets are simpler exchanges around the world. volatility range
to follow than their equity, bond or There are general exchanges, (past decade)
foreign exchange counterparts. such as those in Tokyo and Dalian, Crude oil 13-90%
They are also typically more volatile, and exchanges that specialise
making them ideal opportunity in commodity types, such as the Soybeans 10-75%
generators for well-prepared traders London Metal Exchange or Chicago
Coffee 11-90%
who take the time to understand the Board of Trade. Most of the trading
benefits and risks involved. on these exchanges is in the Dollar Index 4-15%
form of derivatives (a tradable
US Treasury (30yr) 6-17%
Once the preserve of institutional contract whose value is based on
traders with deep wells of capital, an underlying asset) speculating S&P500 5-27%
nowadays retail investors are able on future prices – such as futures, Source: The Balance
to trade oil, gold, cotton, copper or forwards and options – or spot
coffee with relatively modest sums. contracts based on current prices. Diversification – Along with higher
volatility, commodities have a
Commodity market basics Advantages historically low correlation to more
popular asset classes like stocks
The commodity trade is the world’s For investors looking to expand and bonds – in other words, prices
oldest market, dating back at least their portfolio of traded assets, don’t tend to move in tandem with

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A world of commodities

other markets. This means they have leverage, which requires a much drivers that professional traders
the potential to become a valuable lower capital commitment. This can track on a daily basis. All successful
portfolio diversification tool. amplify returns from winning trades traders work to a plan, and
but can also inflate losses very regular monitoring of your market
Hedging – Investors and companies rapidly, so traders need to employ environment is an essential part of all
take positions in certain assets defensive strategies and tools to trading plans.
to protect themselves – or hedge protect their investments.
– against possible future losses. The core of commodity pricing is,
(Airlines, for example, lock in future Market drivers of course, supply and demand. The
fuel contracts to hedge against most stark recent example of these
possible oil price increases.) Anyone who has spent time trading basic market forces at work is the
stocks, bonds or currencies will be dramatic collapse of crude oil prices
Traders can use commodities as a familiar with the often confusing way in 2020, as global travel ground
hedge against inflation, since rising these markets sometimes behave. to a halt in the early months of the
commodity prices are a characteristic While all financial markets can COVID-19 pandemic.
of inflation, which erodes the behave illogically (if they didn’t, it
purchasing power of currencies and would be easy!), commodity markets Commodity prices respond in the
returns from other investments. tend to be more reliable in following short term to geopolitical or natural
the fundamentals of supply and events, but over longer periods of
Leverage – Because commodity demand. time they also tend to move in a
contracts can involve large volumes broad cyclical fashion. When prices
and high costs (one standard crude We will look at specific commodities are weak for a sustained period,
oil contract at US$70 per barrel in the following sections of this that discourages investment in
is US$70,000), investors trading guide, but first it’s worth becoming production, which reduces supply.
derivatives like CFDs can use familiar with the fundamental market When supplies fall, prices rise, which

Oil - US Crude (SD1) -107.1 -1.49% H 7212.9 L 7062.6







MA 20 50 100
-3038.1 -59.34% H 5465.8 L 725.7 Sat 8 Feb 2020 - Fri 1 May 2020

Crude oil prices collapsed in the first few months of 2020 as the global pandemic crippled travel demand.
Source: IG

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A world of commodities

encourages producers to invest in Consumer demand: Governments strong, fewer dollars are required to
more output, which increases supply, and intergovernmental bodies (like purchase commodities, and more
and causes prices to fall again. the IMF, ADB, and so on) produce expensive U.S. supplies force a
Professional traders will be aware of regular data on consumer behaviour. repricing to match global competitors,
where their traded commodities are It’s important to know how trends so prices fall.
in this cycle, but they will also keep in consumer demand for certain
a close watch on a number of other products affect specific commodities. Substitution: Some commodities
key driving forces behind shorter- What is the link, for example, such as grains and some metals can
term price movements. between car sales and platinum be substituted for one another in
futures, palm oil and fuel prices, or industrial and food production (such
Demand meat production and soybean meal as aluminium for copper, palm oil for
prices? soybean oil). When one commodity
The global economy: How healthy becomes more expensive, producers
is the world economy? Strong U.S. dollar: Commodities are might substitute it for another,
growth fuels demand, which means usually priced in U.S. dollars, so increasing demand and boosting
manufacturers and producers are there is a broad inverse relationship prices.
making more stuff. It’s important between the strength of the dollar
therefore to follow the releases of and commodity demand (see
key macroeconomic data. chart below). When the dollar is


Last Price

160 DOLLAR INDEX SPOT (R1) 89.869 120

Bloomberg Commodity Index (L1) 78.6378


120 89.869


78.6378 60


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

As the Dollar Index strengthens, the Bloomberg Commodity Index tends to drop.
Source: Bloomberg

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A world of commodities

Global Soybean Production by Year
Weather: It may seem obvious,
but weather has a major impact on
agricultural output. Which countries
World Soybean Production
or regions are key suppliers of
which soft commodities? Are those

Millions of Metric Tonnes

regions experiencing droughts, 300
flooding, natural disasters? Traders
in soft commodities will watch the
news closely for weather events and 250
forecasts that may affect production,
and therefore supply and prices. For
example, some researchers1 have
predicted that wetter weather linked
to climate change may cut U.S.
agricultural output by US$3 billion by
2030. How might a forecast like this
affect the long-term global supply of
certain commodities?
Global Crude Oil Production by Year
Geopolitical forces: Wars, trade
disputes, political standoffs…these 95000
events can affect the trade policies Crude Oil Production
Thousands of Barrels Per Day
between countries and the supply
lines between them. An attack on two 88391
Saudi Arabian oil refineries in March
2021 caused crude prices to rise to a 85000
14-month high, even though supply
was ultimately unaffected.

Political decisions: Government

policy shifts in major producing 75000
countries can have a major impact
on prices. Some commodities,

most notably oil, are overseen by

international bodies such as OPEC
that make decisions on production.
In the next sections, we will look While the production of many commodities increased over the past two
at the factors affecting specific decades, the increase was not steady due to the supply and demand
commodities, and how to set up factors mentioned above.
Source: Bloomberg
trading plans around those factors.

Source: Oxfam

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Black and Gold

A sk anyone to identify two

globally traded commodity
markets, and they are likely to name
that can affect prices and volatility,
from stockpile data and the U.S.
dollar, to OPEC decisions and
recommended that beginner traders
familiarise themselves with these and
practice using them before starting
oil and gold. refinery shutdowns, to electric (IG’s primers on technical analysis
vehicle subsidies and regional armed are a good starting point).
On one hand, this is easy to conflicts.
understand. Oil underpins much of Crude markets have historically
the world economy and has shaped Traders also keep a close eye on been very trend- and momentum-
global geopolitics for a century. Gold whether oil futures are in contango driven. Oil (along with gold) is the
has fascinated humanity since the (when futures are higher than spot only commodity that regularly attracts
beginning of civilisation. And yet, for prices, indicating that the market the attention of mainstream news.
traders, oil and gold are the least expects oil to rise over time) or When a sharp uptrend or downtrend
transparent and most difficult to backwardation (when futures is established by the institutional
understand of all the commodities. are cheaper, indicating bearish traders who dominate the market, the
sentiment). resulting dramatic price movement
They are still highly popular markets, generates headlines, which draws
however, and the emergence of Because of its high level of in a flood of smaller players, which
retail-friendly financial products complexity and volatility, most oil accelerates the trend to sometimes
such as Contracts for Difference traders will also use technical extreme levels (such as the rise to
that offer trading in these assets signals to some extent alongside US$148 a barrel and subsequent
without a huge financial commitment fundamental analysis to guide their collapse in 2008, or the plunge to
have made them more and more investment decisions, and it’s highly near-zero in 2020).
accessible to non-professionals.


Oil is a specialist field with an 140

Crude oil
arcane vocabulary and investing in it
requires an understanding of many 120
key factors. Like other commodities,
oil prices are on one level a basic 100
function of supply and demand (or,
just as importantly, the market’s 80
perception of future supply and 69.27

demand). Anyone remotely familiar 60

with world news, however, will know

that it’s much more complex than

In fact, because oil is so central

to the global economy, oil traders 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2024
need to keep up with a bewildering Source: Bloomberg
range of geopolitical developments

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Black and Gold

Ways of trading crude: Investors so the investor can maintain the you count jewellery as a practical
wanting to explore crude markets position without having to manage use), and since the end of the Gold
have the choice of futures, options, rollovers (though there are overnight Standard in the 1970s the metal
investing directly in oil company funding charges). As a leveraged hasn’t underpinned the global
stocks, buying into exchange-traded product, CFDs enable investors to monetary system. So why have gold
funds (ETFs), or trading derivatives have the potential to increase the prices continued to appreciate since
like CFDs. The first two channels power of their investment capital. then, and why is its investment status
require deep reserves of capital undiminished despite countless
because of the crude’s large contract This also leaves you open to predictions of its demise?
sizes, while the next two channels greater losses if markets go against
are ideal for investors seeking long- you. Employing risk-management The answer is that gold is still
term capital appreciation. strategies such as Stops, associated with both wealth and
Guaranteed Stops and Limits not
The last channel on CFDs only reduces the chance of heavy
enable retail traders to tap into losses, it also cuts your margin Technical analysis is used to
the opportunities inherent in oil’s payment. identify market trends to help
volatility, and trade either spot traders forecast and capture
prices or futures. They also enable Gold opportunities within the
investors to take positions in more market. Learn more in our free
flexible sizes, from a standard future Gold is the most confounding e-book: Getting Technical –
size to a mini and even a micro-sized commodity. It has limited practical A Guide to Trend Trading
contract. There are no expiry dates2, uses in the modern economy (unless

Spot Gold (SGD1 Contract) -0.84 -0.05% H 1786.17 L 1770.49




MA 20 50 100 1400.00
207.09 13.16% H 2075.32 L 1451.28 Thu 9 Jan 2020 - Tue 17 Aug 2021

Safety first: During the COVID-19 pandemic, gold confirmed its status as a “safe-haven” asset.
Source: IG

Unless expressly agreed otherwise with IG, positions on futures CFDs will be rolled over to a later date by default, details of which can
be found in the product details. Where a client has agreed with IG to expire index futures CFDs, IG will do so on specific future dates,
with cash-settlement as shown in the product details.

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Black and Gold

safety; an asset that can be stored Nevertheless, gold has cemented theoretical buy or sell order for the
away and hold or increase its value its place as a safe-haven asset and spot or futures contract on a set
in times of trouble. Sceptics need a hedge against market uncertainty amount of metal. There is no physical
look no further than the performance and volatility. A 2016 study by ownership, and the cost of trading
of gold during the COVID-19 ETF Securities concluded that re- is much lower than buying physical
pandemic, when the price surged allocating just 10% of a standard gold, but they are leveraged products
from around US$1,400 an ounce in stocks-and-bonds portfolio from so traders can face substantial
February 2020 to almost US$2,100 equities to precious metals improves margin calls if bets go wrong.
by August – even after stock markets annual return by 13% and reduces
had recovered from their slump volatility by 8%. A portfolio including Traders and investors have
early in the crisis. Nervous investors gold outperforms a simple 60/40 traditionally used gold as a hedge:
instinctively reach for security – and stock-bond portfolio mix — calculated against inflation (retaining its value
that means stable government using the S&P 500 total return index as the purchasing power of a
bonds, strong currencies, and gold. and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. currency declines), a weakening
Treasury Total Return Index — by economy, and against a falling stock
Gold also defies correlation, making about 55 basis points per year, market. It’s worth noting, however,
it a valuable tool of diversification. though at the cost of higher volatility. that the effectiveness of gold as
Over time, it has moved against a hedge waxes and wanes at
the dollar, in tandem with crude Ways of trading gold: There are different times. During the COVID-19
oil, inversely to interest rates, and multiple ways of investing in gold: pandemic, for example, gold began
opposite to stock markets. But buying physical bars or coins and moving in tandem with stocks, so it’s
it has never reliably maintained storing them in a vault, buying important for traders to monitor gold
these trends. In the absence of any shares of gold mining companies, analyst coverage to see what trends
concrete fundamental drivers, traders investing in a gold ETF or Gold Trust, are currently strong.
use technical indicators to bolster speculating on gold futures, or using
their market analysis and underpin CFDs to trade on these indices or
trading decisions. physical gold. A gold CFD places a

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Mining new trading opportunities

U nlike gold, the other major

metals traded on world markets
have almost exclusively practical
supply-demand balance provides a
valuable overview of market health.
Following are some key facts about
some of the major traded metals:

uses. The modern world is built It’s important to remember that prices Copper
and run on metals, and because are affected as much by perceptions Considered a bellwether for the
of this they are often regarded as of supply as by actual supply, so global economy, copper is used
the “cleanest” indicators of global an event such as a labour strike for electrical wiring and piping;
economic health. As a result, they even in a smaller mine presents electronics and construction account
are also much less prone than gold an opportunity to a CFD trader to for almost 70% of demand, so
to confusing price behaviour, while anticipate market reaction. traders need to keep an eye on data
remaining volatile enough to make from those particular industries,
them an attractive addition to a retail Inventory: The London Metal as well as the growth of electric
trader’s armoury. Exchange releases data on metal vehicles.
inventories on a daily basis. As with
The IG platform enables the trade crude oil, the trends in this data offer The world’s largest producer
of CFDs in copper, iron ore, nickel, traders’ important clues. If inventories by far is Chile (note that supply
zinc, aluminium and lead. If you are are increasing, supply is outpacing concentration increases the risk of
not already familiar with the market, demand, which is likely to depress market volatility), followed by the
pick one or two metals and focus prices, and vice versa. U.S. and Indonesia. The leading
on learning about them. The more consumers are China, the U.S.,
you read and follow the market, the Mines and smelters: The mining Japan and Germany. Global supply
more comfortable you will become industry is prone to disruption: doubled between 1994 and 20143
with trading it. It’s always advisable natural disasters, accidents, labour as China boomed, and copper price
to spend some time trading a new disputes, regulatory uncertainty. performance is heavily linked to the
asset on a demo platform first, even These can all have significant health of China’s economy.
if you’re already familiar with trading short-term impacts on prices, so it’s
other asset classes, because each advisable to follow industry news. Iron ore
market has its own idiosyncrasies. Mining is also not a very agile The key ingredient in steel
business. Unlike farmers, companies production, iron ore plays a vital
Nevertheless, there are common can’t just plant a copper mine when and sometimes politically sensitive
important factors that drive metals demand is high. The process of role in global trade. Brazil, Australia
prices, and traders need to monitor locating ore bodies and developing and China produce about half of the
these on a regular basis. a mine requires huge investments world’s output. Unsurprisingly, the
and many years, and so producers world’s biggest economies are also
Production and consumption: are exposed to high risks when they the largest consumers: China, the
Data for each major metal is decide to develop or close mines. U.S. and Japan.
released on a monthly basis by
industry bodies (each metal has
a “study group,” such as the “It’s important to remember that prices
International Copper Study Group)
or media, and monitoring the trends
are affected as much by perceptions of
in this data as well as the global supply as by actual supply.”

Source: CME Group

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Mining new trading opportunities

Aluminium demand for a metal that’s in short Africa) dominates about 40% of
Aluminium is produced from supply. Despite the steady rise of world supply, and also because it’s
bauxite and is heavily used in the clean-energy vehicles, demand a secondary product of nickel and
transportation and food & beverage for catalytic converters will remain platinum extraction, which means
industries. Australia accounts for strong for some time to come. Even it’s difficult for miners to adjust
more than a third of world bauxite so, palladium is prone to volatility, production in response to changing
mining4, followed by China and partly because one country (South demand.
Brazil, but China is overwhelmingly
the largest primary producer and
consumer. Aluminium smelting 4500
requires a huge amount of energy, London Metal Exchange LMFX Metals Index 4261.5

and so energy prices affect the 4000

Nickel is a key ingredient in stainless
steel, and the top producers are
Russia, Australia, and Canada –
though there are also significant 2500
mines in Indonesia and New
Caledonia. Historically, nickel has
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
been one of the most volatile metals.
In 2007, it hit a peak of US$50,000
The London Metal Exchange Index, a gauge of global base metal prices,
per tonne before plunging to about
has surged since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Bloomberg
US$8,200 in 2009. Nickel is now
an important part of electric vehicle
Palladium has been the standout 4000
commodity performer of the last
half-decade, booming from less 3000
than US$700 an ounce in 2017 to
a peak of almost US$3,000 in April 19368.00
2021. Rarer than gold, palladium
is a critical component in catalytic 1000
converters, which transform the
poisonous gases produced by
vehicles into safer emissions.

Stricter emissions regulations and

the growing popularity of hybrid
Over the past 20 years, nickel has been one of the most volatile metal
vehicles is driving auto industry markets. Source: Bloomberg

Source: CME Group

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Mining new trading opportunities

Trading metals example, a single US$5 Copper Mini Once you’ve studied your chosen
Contract CFD (returning US$5 per metals, monitored the market and
Which metals you choose to trade point of movement) still requires a practised on a demo platform, you
may depend on factors such as margin payment of about US$12,600. should be ready for live trading. To
familiarity, and trading budget. The margin on 10 iron ore contracts learn more about trading CFDs,
Commodity contracts involve large returning S$10 per point, meanwhile, download our free e-book. Here’s an
volumes, so using derivatives such is about S$2,200. For this reason, example of how you might use your
as CFDs or Knock-outs is a way to many traders choose to use Knock- knowledge of the market to inform
limit your capital outlay on trades. Outs instead, which are a limited-risk your trades.
It is important to know how margin trade that gives the trader full control
levels are calculated. With copper over margin and risk. You can learn
trading at US$9,387 per ton, for more about Knock-Outs trading here.

Trading example:

Eunice has been tracking the copper market, and Copper ($5 Mini Contract) -113.5 -1.2% H 9506.1 L 9327.3
prices have largely been flat for a few days. Then, on
June 14, the government of China, the world’s largest
copper consumer, announces that it will be releasing
copper from its strategic reserves in order to boost
supply and damp the recent surge in prices. She
decides to sell copper CFDs at the closing price of
US$9,968.8 per ton.

Each contract is equivalent to 25 metric tonnes of

Copper. On IG, the standard contract size is US$25 June 14: Chinese government
announces release of strategic
per point (US$1 per tonne).
copper reserves

The size of her exposure per contract is: number

of contracts (1) x value per point (US$25) x price
(US$9,968.80) = US$249,220. June 15: Market reacts to
news and price falls
If she decides to sell 5 contracts, her exposure would
be US$1,246,100 (5 x US$25 x US$9,968.80). With
a margin requirement of 20%, the margin required on MA 20 50 100
this trade would be US$249,220. However, Eunice -740.6 -7.40% H 10118.8 L 9013.0 Wed 9 June 2021 – Tue 15 June 2021
Source: IG
always uses defensive trading strategies to limit

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Mining new trading opportunities

potential losses. Hence, she enters a Guaranteed Stop 50 points away (the minimum distance), ensuring
that she will lose no more than US$6,250 (5 x US$25 x 50 points) if the market moves against her. Using a
Guaranteed Stop also reduces her margin payment to:

(Number of Contracts x Value per point x 110% x Stop distance) + Limited Risk premium

The next day, however, her market analysis proves correct and the news pushes copper prices lower. The
market closes at US$9,549.1. Eunice has made a profit of US$419.70 per contract.

Number of contracts x value per point x US$419.70

= 5 x US$25 x US$419.70
= US$52,462.50

Eunice has made a total profit of US$52,462.50.

Do keep in mind that profits and losses can be hugely magnified compared to your outlay, and that losses can
exceed deposits. Hence it is important to make sure you are trading within your means.

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Going soft

S oft commodities encompass any

resource that can be grown,
reared and harvested for use in food,
The IG platform offers trading in
17 different soft commodity CFD
contracts and 10 Knockouts CFDs.
the U.S. dollar – but also have their
own characteristics. It is particularly
important to understand seasonality
biofuel or manufacturing. There are Be certain to follow IG’s other factors for softs like cocoa and
tradeable contracts in everything guides on CFD trading and technical soybeans that are dependent on
from coffee and sugar to lumber analysis before committing capital to a small number of major growers.
and livestock. With the exception of commodity trades. These follow a broad general cycle
coffee, most “softs” markets are less throughout the year (higher prices
liquid than their hard counterparts, Like the other commodities, softs out of season, lower prices when the
but they can still reward retail traders prices are subjected to general new crop comes onto the market).
who are prepared to study them. driving forces – weather, seasonality,

The global centre for soft commodity

Agriculture options and futures - Contracts traded
trading is the Intercontinental
Exchange (ICE) in the U.S., which 2019 2020
standardises contracts. While 2,000
contract sizes for metals and energy 1,600

are fairly uniform (barrels, US$ per 1,200

ounce, US$ per ton), soft commodity
contracts are more variable, so take
some time to familiarise yourself with Americas APAC EMEA
contract and pricing standards on a
demo platform before diving in.
Precious metals options and futures - Contracts traded
Soft commodity derivatives including 2019 2020
options and futures contracts 300
are increasingly popular in Asia

Pacific (see first chart on the right). 200

In China, demand for soybeans 100
doubled over the past decade and
now account for around 87% of Americas APAC EMEA
total soybean imports across the
region. In turn, a growing number
of Asia-based market participants Energy options and futures - Contracts traded
are turning to soybean futures to
manage price risk. Meanwhile, 2019 2020
Europe accounts for the lion’s share

of precious metals derivatives, while

energy derivatives trading is on a par 400
across most regions.
Americas APAC EMEA

Source: World Federation of Exchanges

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Going soft

Coffee decade, trading in a band between own contracts (except for biofuel),
US$3,400 and US$1,800. each requiring a different area of
Coffee comes in two forms: Arabica specialisation. Brazil and the US
(the high-quality bean used in Contract: New York Cocoa Futures, heavily dominate world production;
coffeehouse lattes, espressos etc) priced in US$ per metric ton; 10 tons China and the US are the largest
and Robusta (the cheaper, more per contract. consumers. Corn and soybeans
bitter bean used in instant coffee and are grown in similar conditions,
the coffeeshop kopi of Singapore, Sugar so farmers will often decide at the
Malaysia etc). Brazil is by far the beginning of a growing season which
world’s largest Arabica producer, Sugar is grown in about 110 crop to favour, affecting the outlook
followed by Colombia and Ethiopia. countries, but 10 dominate global for supply and prices. Industry news
Vietnam and Brazil produce the most production (Brazil, India, China, portals such as
Robusta. The International Coffee Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, carry news that helps traders stay
Organisation ( provides data Colombia, Indonesia, the Philippines informed. You can also learn more
and market analysis on the global and the US), as well as the EU bloc. from IG’s soybean trading guide.
industry. In terms of volume, sugar is one of
the most heavily traded “softs” in Prices have traded in a band of
Arabica is traded in large contract the world, with trade forecast to be US$17.58 and US$8.09 over the
sizes and is among the most volatile worth about US$53 billion by 2022. past decade.
of soft commodity contracts. As a The International Sugar Organization
result, small price movements can ( is the official source of Contract: CME Soybean Futures,
equate to large profits and losses for industry information. As well as the traded in U.S. cents per bushel;
CFD traders. usual weather and inventory data, 5,000 bushels per contract.
prices are affected by subsidies,
Contracts health trends and ethanol demand. These are some of the major traded
Price volatility is high, swinging soft commodities, but investors can
Arabica – New York Coffee C between about US$31 and US$8.63 also access markets in Corn, Palm
Futures, priced in US cents per over the past decade. You can learn Oil, Wheat, Lumber, Cotton, Cattle,
pound; 35,000 pounds per contract. more about trading sugar from IG’s Orange Juice and Rice through the
sugar guide. IG platform.
Robusta – London Futures, priced
in US$ per metric ton; 10 tons per Contract: New York Sugar No. 11 Before trading
contract. Futures, priced in cents per pound;
112,000 pounds per contract. As always, spend time on a demo
Cocoa platform before committing your
Soybeans own capital to a particular market.
The world’s chocolate supply Study IG’s other learning materials
depends primarily on production Soybeans are not only a staple food on trading CFDs and defensive
from two countries: Ivory Coast and around the world (think tofu, miso, strategies, volatility and basic
Ghana (followed by Ecuador and milk, soy sauce), but they are also technical analysis to ensure you are
Cameroon). The International Cocoa used to produce cooking oil (soybean fully equipped to manage the risks of
Organization ( provides key oil), animal feed (soybean meal) trading leveraged financial products.
industry information. Prices have and biofuel. Each of these uses is
been relatively volatile over the past so significant that they have their

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Going soft

Trading example:

Winston has been studying the soybean market and Soybean contract seasonal cycle
knows that the US summer is a key period for the
recently planted crop. Growing conditions during Old crop

summer are crucial to how the market perceives

future supply when the crop is harvested between

September and November. In June 2021, the US

Corn Belt (we noted above that corn and soybeans
tend to be interchangeable) was suffering a period of
wet, cool weather likely to hurt growing conditions. In
China – the world’s biggest importer – the government











has been talking about reining in speculation on Source: CME
commodities, which has made the market nervous, Soybeans (SD1) -5.1 -0.37% H 1398.0 L 1375.4
while the stronger dollar and rumours of rising interest
rates are also unsettling traders. Daily

Winston has learned from industry and market

sources that June to August is usually the highest
point of the annual soybean price cycle (see chart),
but the market is fearful. Prices have been on a
downtrend since the 20-day Moving Average (MA)
crossed below the 50-day MA and he feels that trend Source: IG
is going to continue.

On June 14, he opens a Soybean Knock-out CFD Bear position at 1422 and sets the Knock-Out level (the
price his position will automatically close if the trade goes against him) at 1433. He decides to buy 100
contracts. His opening premium is:
((Knock-out level [1433] – underlying price [1422]) + Knock-out Premium (2 points)) x margin (1.1) =
US$14.30 x 100 contracts = US$1430.

A small knock-out premium is included in the spread, which means Winston will receive it back if he closes
the trade without being knocked out.

Over the next few sessions, market fears spiral out of control, culminating four days later in the biggest daily
soybean price slump in history. Winston closes his position on June 17 at 1295. His profit is:
(Underlying price [1422] – closing price [1295]) x 100 = US$12,700*

*This calculation is simplified and does not account for overnight funding and other fees/charges – please adjust if

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