Responsibility For Staffing

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Responsibility for Staffing

While responsibility for staffing should rest with every manager at every level, the

ultimate responsibility is with the CEO and the policy-making group of top executives.

They have the duty of developing policy, assigning its execution to subordinates, and

ensuring its proper application. Policy considerations include decisions about the

development of a staffing program, the desirability of promoting from within or securing

managers from the outside, the sources of candidates, and the selection procedure to

follow, the kind of appraisal program to use, the nature of manager and organization

development, and the promotion and retirement policies to follow.

Line managers should certainly make use of the services of staff members,

usually from the personnel department, in recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting,

appraising, and training people. In the final analysis, however, it is the manager’s

responsibility to fill positions with best-qualified persons.

Selection: Matching the Person with the Job

Choosing from among the candidates, from within or outside the organization,

the most suitable person for a position.

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