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Journal of Experimental Psychology

1972, Vol. 96, No. 1, 124-129


Stanford University

The problem is to optimize the learning of a large German-English vocabulary.

Four optimization strategies are proposed and evaluated experimentally. The
first strategy involves presenting items in a random order and serves as a bench-
mark against which the others can be evaluated. The second strategy permits
5 to determine on each trial of the experiment which item is to be presented,
thus placing instruction under "learner control." The third and fourth
strategies are based on a mathematical model of the learning process; these
strategies are computer controlled and take account of S's response history in
making decisions about which items to present next. Performance on a delayed
test administered 1 wk. after the instructional session indicated that the
learner-controlled strategy yielded a gain of 53% when compared to the random
procedure, whereas the best of the two computer-controlled strategies yielded
a gain of 108%. Implications of the work for a theory of instruction are

This article examines the problem of to cycle through the set of items in a
individualizing the instructional sequence random order; this strategy is not expected
so that the learning of a second-language to be particularly effective, but it provides
vocabulary occurs at a maximum rate. a benchmark against which to evaluate
The constraints imposed on the experi- other procedures. A second strategy (de-
mental task are those that typically apply signated SS) is to let 5 determine for
to vocabulary learning in an instructional himself how best to sequence the material.
laboratory. A large set of German-English In this mode, 51 decides on each trial which
items are to be learned during an instruc- item is to be tested and studied; the learner
tional session which involves a series of rather than an external controller deter-
discrete trials. On each trial, one of the mines the sequence of instruction.
German words is presented and S attempts The third and fourth sequencing schemes
to give the English translation; the correct are based on a decision-theoretic analysis of
translation is then presented forabrief study the instructional task (Atkinson, 1972).
period. A predetermined number of trials A mathematical model of learning that
is allocated for the instructional session, has provided an accurate account of vo-
and after some intervening period of time cabulary acquisition in other experiments
a test is administered over the entire is assumed to hold in the present situation.
vocabulary set. The problem is to specify This model is used to compute, on a trial-
a strategy for presenting items during the by-trial basis, an individual S's current
instructional session so that performance state of learning. Based on these com-
on the delayed test will be maximized. The putations, items are selected for test and
instructional strategy will be referred to as study so as to optimize the level of learning
an adaptive teaching system to the extent achieved at the termination of the instruc-
that it takes into account S's response tional session. Two optimization strategies
history in deciding which items to present derived from this type of analysis are
from trial to trial. examined in the present experiment. In
In this study four strategies for sequenc- one case, the computations for determining
ing the instructional material are con- an optimal strategy are carried out assum-
sidered. One strategy (designated RO) is ing that all vocabulary items are of equal
Requests for reprints should be sent to Richard difficulty; this strategy is designated OE
C. Atkinson, Department of Psychology, Stanford (i.e., optimal under the assumption of equal
University, Stanford, California 94305. item difficulty). In the other case, the

computations take into account variations list for approximately 10 sec. In the RO, OE, and
in difficulty level among items; this strategy OU conditions this inspection period was followed
by the computer typing a number from 1 to 12
is called OU (i.e., optimal under the as- on each 5's teletypewriter indicating the item to be
sumption of unequal item difficulty). The tested on that trial; the number typed on a given
details of these two strategies are com- teletypewriter depended on that 5's particular
plicated and can be discussed more control program. In the SS condition, 5 typed 1
meaningfully after the experimental pro- of 12 numbered keys during the inspection period
to indicate to the computer which item he wanted
cedure and results have been presented. to be tested on. At the end of the inspection period,
Both represent adaptive teaching strategies 5 was required to type out the English translation
in the sense defined above, because the item for the designated German word and then strike
presented to'S on each trial is determined the "slash" key, or if unable to provide a transla-
tion to simply hit the "slash" key. After the "slash"
by his history of responses up to that trial. key had been activated the computer typed out the
The concern of the experiment is to correct translation and spaced down two lines in
evaluate the relative effectiveness of the preparation for the next trial. The trial terminated
four instructional strategies. Of particular with the offset of the display list and the next trial
interest is whether strategies derived from began immediately with the onset of the next dis-
play list in the round robin of lists. A complete
a theoretical analysis of the learning process trial took approximately 20 sec. and the timing of
can be as effective as a procedure where 5 events (within and between trials) was synchronous
makes his own decisions. for the eight 5s run together. The instructional
session involved 336 trials (with a S-min. break in
METHOD the middle), which meant that each display list
was presented 48 times. In the RO condition, this
Subjects.—The 5s were 120 undergraduates en- number of trials permitted each of the items on a
rolled at Stanford University; 30 5s were randomly list to be tested and studied an average of 4 times.
assigned to each of the four experimental groups. The delayed-test session, conducted 7 to 8 days
None of the students had prior course work in later, was precisely the same for all 5s. All testing
German and none professed familiarity with the was done on the teletypewriters. A trial began
language. The 5s were run in groups of 8, with 2 5s with the computer typing a German word, and 5
in each group assigned to one of the four experi- was then required to type the English translation; 5
mental conditions. received no feedback on the correctness of the re-
Materials,—The instructional material involved sponse. The 84 German items were presented in a
84 German-English items; all words were concrete different random order for each 5. During the
nouns typically taught during the first course in delayed-test session the trial sequence was self-paced.
German. Seven display lists of 12 German words All 5s were told at the beginning of the experiment
each were formed that were judged to be of roughly that there would be a delayed-test session and that
equal difficulty. A display list involved a vertical their principal goal was to achieve as high a score as
array of German words numbered from 1 to 12; possible on that test. They were told, however,
the seven lists were arranged in a round robin and not to think about the experiment or rehearse any
were always cycled through in the same order. of the material during the intervening week; these
Procedure.—The 5s were required to participate instructions were emphasized at the beginning and
in two sessions: an instructional session that lasted end of the instructional session and later reports from
approximately 2 hr. and a much shorter test session 5s confirmed that they made no special effort to
administered 1 wk. later. The test session was the rehearse the material during the week between
same for all 5s and involved a test over the entire instruction and the delayed test. The instructions
set of items. The four experimental groups were emphasized that 5 should try to provide a transla-
distinguished by the sequencing strategy (RO, SS, tion for every item tested during the instructional
OE, OU) employed during the instructional session. session; if 5 was uncertain but could offer a guess
The experiment was conducted in the Computer- he was encouraged to enter it. In the RO, OE, and
Based Learning Laboratory at Stanford University. OU conditions, no additional instructions were
The control functions were performed by programs given. In the SS condition, 5s were told that their
run on a modified PDP-1 computer (Digital Equip- trial-to-trial selection of items should be done with
ment Corp.) operating under a time-sharing system. the aim of mastering the total set of vocabulary
Eight teletypewriters were housed in a soundproof items. They were instructed that it was best to
room and faced a projection screen mounted on the test and study on words they did not know rather
front wall. than on ones already mastered.
The instructional session involved a series of
discrete trials. Each trial was initiated by project- RESULTS
ing one of the display lists on the front wall of the
room; the list remained on the screen throughout The results of the experiment are sum-
the trial. The 5s were permitted to inspect the marized in Fig. 1. On the left side of the

(Unequal Parameter Case)

( Equal Parameter Case)


FIG. 1. Proportion of correct responses in successive trial blocks during the

instructional session and on the delayed test administered 1 wk. later.

figure, data are presented for performance items they do not know; consequently, dur-
during the instructional session; on the ing the instructional session, they should
right side are results from the delayed have a lower proportion of correct responses
test. The data from the instructional than 5s run on the RO procedure where
session are presented in four successive items are tested at random. Similarly, the
blocks of 84 trials each; for the RO condi- OE and OU conditions involve a procedure
tion this means that on the average each that attempts to identify and test those
item was presented once in each of these items that have not yet been mastered
blocks. Note that performance during the and also should produce high error rates
instructional session is best for the RO during the instructional session. The order-
condition, next best for the OE condition ing of groups on the delayed test is reversed
which is slightly better than the SS condi- since now all words are tested in a non-
tion, and poorest for the OU condition; selective fashion; under these conditions
these differences are highly significant, the proportion of correct responses provides
F (3, 116) = 21.3, p < .001. The order a measure of S's mastery of the total set
of the experimental groups on the delayed of vocabulary items.
test is completely reversed. The OU The magnitude of the effects observed on
condition is by far best with a correct the delayed test are large and of practical
significance. The SS condition (when com-
response probability of .79; the SS condi- pared to the RO condition) leads to a
tion is next with .58; the OE condition relative gain of 53%, whereas the OU con-
follows closely at .54; and the RO condition dition yields a relative gain of 108%. It
is poorest at .38, F (3, 116) = 18.4, p < is interesting that 5 can be very effective
.001. The observed pattern of results is in determining an optimal study sequence,
what one would expect. In the SS condi- but not so effective as the best of the two
tion, 5s are trying to test themselves on adaptive teaching systems.

DISCUSSION the learning process. For the task considered

in this article it is also assumed that Item i
At this point, we turn to an account of the is either in State P (with probability gj) or in
theory on which the OU and OE schemes are State U (with probability 1 — gj) at the start
based. Both schemes assume that acquisition of the instructional session ; 5 either knows the
of a second-language vocabulary can be de- correct translation without having studied the
scribed by a fairly simple learning model. It item or does not. The parameter vector
is postulated that a given item is in one of <t>i = [Xi, yi, Zi, ft, gi] characterizes the learning
three states (P, T, and U) at any moment in of a given Item i in the vocabulary set. The
time. If the item is in State P, then its first three parameters govern the acquisition
translation is known and this knowledge is process; the next parameter, forgetting; and
"relatively" permanent in the sense that the the last, S's knowledge prior to entering the
learning of other items will not interfere with experiment.
it. If the item is in State T, then it is also For a more detailed account of the model the
known but on a "temporary" basis; in State T reader is referred to Atkinson and Crothers
the learning of other items can give rise to (1964) and Calfee and Atkinson (1965). It
interference effects that cause the item to be has been shown in a series of experiments that
forgotten. In State U the item is not known, the model provides a fairly good account of
and 5 is unable to give a translation. Thus vocabulary learning and for this reason it was
in States P and T a correct translation is given selected to develop an optimal procedure for
with probability one, whereas in State U the controlling instruction. We now turn to a
probability is zero. discussion of how the OE and OU procedures
When Item i is presented for test and study were derived from the model. Prior to con-
the following transition matrix describes the ducting the experiment reported in this article,
possible change in state from the onset of the a pilot study was run using the same word
trial to its termination : lists and the RO procedure described above.
Data from the pilot study were employed to
P T U . estimate the parameters of the model; the esti-
Prl 0 0 mates were obtained using the minimum chi-
W = T *,- I - xi 0 square procedures described in Atkinson and
uL-vi Crothers. Two separate estimates of param-
eters were made. In one case it was assumed
Rows of the matrix represent the state of Item i that the items were equally difficult, and data
at the start of the trial and columns the state from all 84 items were lumped together to
at the end of the trial. On a trial when some obtain a single estimate of the parameter
item other than Item i is presented for test vector $; this estimation procedure will be
and study (whether that item is a member of called the equal-parameter case (E case),
Item i's display list or some other display since all items are assumed to be of equal
list), transitions in the learning state of Item i difficulty. In the second case data were
also may take place. Such transitions can separated by items, and an estimate of 4>i was
occur only if S makes an error on the trial; made for each of the 84 items (i.e., 84 X S
in that case the transition matrix applied to = 420 parameters were estimated); this pro-
Item i is as follows: cedure will be called the unequal-parameter
case (U case). In both the U and E cases,
T U it was assumed that there were no differences
Prl 0 O-i among 5s; this homogeneity assumption
•, = T 0 1 - /, /,- . regarding learners will be commented upon
uLo o iJ later. The two sets of parameter estimates
were used to generate the optimization schemes
Basically, the idea is that when some other previously referred to as the OE and OU
item is presented to which 5 makes an error
(i.e., an item in State U), then forgetting may procedures; the former based on estimates
occur for Item i if it is in State T. from Case E and the latter from Case U.
To summarize, when Item i is presented for In order to formulate an instructional
test and study transition Matrix A* is applied; strategy, it is necessary to be precise about the
when some other item is presented that elicits quantity to be maximized. For the present
an error then Matrix P,- is applied. The above experiment the goal is to maximize the total
assumptions provide a complete account of number of items S correctly translates on the

delayed test.2 To do this, we need to specify sequences for the remaining trials and select
the theoretical relationship between the state the next item so as to maximize the number of
of learning at the end of the instructional items in State P at the termination of the
session and performance on the delayed test. instructional session. Unfortunately, for the
The assumption made here is that only those present case the TV-stage policy cannot be
items in State P at the end of the instructional applied because the necessary computations
session will be translated correctly on the are too time consuming even for a large-scale
delayed test; an item in State T is presumed computer. A series of Monte Carlo studies
to be forgotten during the intervening week. indicates that the one-stage policy is a good
Thus, the problem of maximizing delayed-test approximation to the optimal strategy for a
performance involves, at least in theory, variety of Markov learning models; it was for
maximizing the number of items in State P at this reason, as well as the relative ease of
the termination of the instructional session. computing, that the one-stage procedure was
Having numerical values for parameters employed. For a discussion of one-stage and
and knowing 5's response history, it is possible ./V-stage policies and Monte Carlo studies
to estimate his current state of learning.3 comparing them see Groen and Atkinson
Stated more precisely, the learning model can (1966), Calfee (1970), and Laubsch (1970).
be used to derive equations and, in turn, The optimization procedure described above
compute the probabilities of being in States P, was implemented on the computer and per-
T, and U for each item at the start of Trial mitted decisions to be made on-line for each 5
», conditionalized on 5's response history up on a trial-by-trial basis. For 5s in the OE
to and including Trial.w — 1. Given numerical group, the computations were carried out
estimates of these probabilities, a strategy for using the five parameter values estimated
optimizing performance is to select that item under the assumption of homogeneous items
for presentation (from the current display (E-case); for 5s in the OU group the computa-
list) that has the greatest probability of mov- tions were based on the 420 parameter values
ing into State P if it is tested and studied on the estimated under the assumption of hetero-
trial. This strategy has been termed the one- geneous items (U-case).
stage optimization procedure because it looks The OU procedure is sensitive to interitem
ahead only one trial in making decisions. The differences and consequently generates a more
true optimal policy (i.e., an JV-stage procedure) effective optimization strategy than the OE
would consider all possible item-response procedure. The OE procedure, however, is
almost as effective as having 5 make his own
Other measures can be used to assess the benefits instructional decisions and far superior to a
of an instructional strategy; e.g., in this case weights random presentation scheme. If individual
could be assigned to items measuring their relative differences among 5s also are taken into ac-
importance. Also costs may be associated with the count, then further improvements in delayed-
various actions taken during an instructional session.
Thus, for the general case, the optimization problem test performance should be possible; this issue
involves assessing costs and benefits and finding and methods for dealing with individual
a strategy that maximizes an appropriate function differences are discussed in Atkinson and
defined on them. For a discussion of this issue see Paulson (1972).
Atkinson and Paulson (1972), Dear, Silberman, The study reported here illustrates one
Estavan, and Atkinson (1967), and Smallwood approach that can contribute to the develop-
(1971). ment of a theory of instruction (Hilgard, 1964).
The 5's response history is a record for each trial This is not to suggest that the OU procedure
of the vocabulary item presented and the response represents a final solution to the problem
that occurred. It can be shown that there exists a
sufficient history that contains only the information
of optimal item selection. The model upon
necessary to estimate 5"s current state of learning; which this strategy is based ignores several
the sufficient history is always a function of the important factors, such as interitem relation-
complete history and the assumed learning model ships, motivation, and short-term memory
(Groen & Atkinson, 1966). For the model con- effects (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968, p. 190).
sidered in this paper the sufficient history is fairly Undoubtedly, strategies based on learning
simple. It is specified in terms of individual models that take these variables into account
vocabulary items for each S; we need to know would yield superior procedures.
the ordered sequence of correct and incorrect re-
sponses to a given item plus the number of errors Although the task considered in this article
(to other items) that intervene between each deals with a limited form of instruction, there
presentation of the item. are at least two practical reasons for studying

it. First, this type of task occurs in numerous to the psychology of instruction. Psychological
learning situations; no matter what the peda- Bulletin, 1972, 78, 49-61.
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HILGARD, E. R. (Ed.) Theories of learning and
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